Springfield Reporter from Springfield, Vermont (2024)

PAGE FOUR THE SPRmGFllTOSSy03TI )AY, NOVEMBER 16, 1922. THE CELEBRATION- STIUNUF1EUJ was rather afraid he might put hearers so -sound- asleep- they would GFIEllALS Eat your Thanks rivine "Dinner pxirjuitr which fits arVall partners in the same enterprise. Make each nr. Vi DAY The Methqdij Church Concert and danee Woodbury's or chestra. Town halL Wednesday, Nov.

never; wake Bp again; a 'Then" he two-ceeded -prove that he was really: a. rousing" number of? the 'program; town oner a way to advance to every-j (CbBdnuedffom KEliULAK SKKYIUKS Sunday morning urarca Benefit W. C. $1.50 per couple; one. who lives in it the Adnabrown Hotel, Thursday, -Nor.

30. Dinner served from I to 2 at $L25 per plate. Make reservations early. Stnday School 12. Eowortli Lea rue fi.

Sunday sight Church Serv-' Mr. Sibley, referring to the compli Speaking ahead of his fellow journal extra lady, 50c; concert, 35c Tickets op sale at the door. 46 46-47 mentary joshing the previous ice 7, Prayer meeting Thursday 7.36. The Stone Church at the Head of Main St. ist from Boston, ie took advantage of the opportunity to have a little fun speaker, acknowledged to being a I will be in Springfield.

Friday and -Everybody come to the public sup with Mr. Sibley and incidentally to Safcmndav Nov. 17 and 18 nt Hn. newspaperman of 31 years' standing with the exception of brief periods in which he fell into the piano-toning per at the Methodist church, Wednesday, Nov. 22, at 6 o'clock.

Beans, sal mention that gentleman achievements in the newspaper field in so George Stales, 3 Lincoln block, with' a full line of ladies and gents gloves at complimentary a strain. that even a business and a real estate agency; otherwise he claimed his record had ads, rolls, pies, cake and coffee. Fancy and household articles and also homemade candy on sale in the afternoon factory Mrs. Alice Ferguson. been stainless.

He began, as all good 46 young reporters should, on the Boston and evening. Benefit of the Young hardened war correspondent was lain to hide his blushes behind his hand. His next tack was to state that the best suggestion ever handed out to Vermont was Governor Hartness' ad Don't forget the date, Tuesday, Nov. Transcript, and arrived, as also Dainty Undermuslins Appeal to every woman and make an ideal Christmas I The committee in charge of the day for the Legion should Have the thanks of the public for a fine afternoon's entertainment. They worked hard and deserve a lot of credit.

Through the C. H. Moore radio, the score of the Harvard-Princeton football game was announced on the floor at intervals during the afternoon. -Banquet and Rally At 5.30 in the afternoon1 the Chamber of Commerce and the American Legion had a 'banquet at the Adnabrown hotel, where covers' were laid for about 50. The guests of special honor were Governor Hartness and the speakers at the Patriotic rally in the Town hall Jater in the evening, ex-Lieut-Gov.

Frank E. Howe, editor of the Bennington Banner, and Frank B. Sibley, war correspondent of the Boston Globe. The nicely served feast was in 28, at 8 o'clock in the Town hall. Professor MakeneauVs Transfonn(her) and Ye Olde Tyme Synge.

First two should, on the Boston Globe. It is difficult, he continued, to speak of the American soldier to their faces. vice to promote industrial growth, by taking slips of the plants a town already has, setting them out in new gift We are displaying a fine line of petticoats, envelopes, i Women's Mission Club. Price of supper 35c 46 Mr. and Mrs.

Clayton Whalen and Mrs. Susie Thibodeau of Richmond were Sunday visitors at James E. Wright's. James E. Loudon was home from Boston for Armistice day and Sunday, rows in balcony 75c: remainder 01 house for adults, 50c; children, 35c.

46 soil- and making them grow. 'They Each of you knows some one soldier and, "if you have read war literature, you have some idea of what the American soldiers arei hut I have never A regular meeting of the Sons of are the offshoots of a parent root, if not indigenous, at any Tate thoroughly acclimated and are therefore prepared seen any real critical -valuation of the- Veterans' auxiliary will be held Thurs when he and Mrs. Loudon had for a American boy or the American army, day evening, the 23rd, and all mem guest, Betsey Scott Brown of bers are requested to attend as it will Claremont, N. H. be inspection.

The division inspector, step-ins, combinations, camisoles and night gowns in pets or separate pieces. They are reasonably priced frolii $1.00 up and are beautifully made of dainty and durable materials and trimmings. Also a new consignment of remnants, mostly the wanted Paisley and Persian patterns. THE SEWINp SHOP telephone 42-R 105 Main Strert Springfield, Vt, Dr. W.

Locke and M. L. Lawrence Mrs. Fitch of Wilmington, will be here to flourish where a foreign plant might wither and die; Boards of trade forget that it is almost impossible to transplant big industries and make them take root deeply and strongly in a. new place'.

If you set out slips of your own some of them, are went to Boston for the week-end and and the division president, Mrs; Bos- We have pretty well agreed, now that! we' have come through 'safely to drop' the fact that the boys went over unprepared and. not properly "equipped through the fault of the men we put in. charge of our military machine. I don't want you to forget that in the bitter months of 1917-18 whole com worth, is also expected. On account brought home with them Tuesday courses of grape with whipped of the extra work, the fourth game in cream, fish, mod chicken with mashed Mrs.

Locke, -who had been spending a few weeks with the family of her son, F. Locke, in Winchester, Mass. -v the whist party series will be post bound to grow and your town witn potato, peas, squash and fruit poned until the evening of Dec. 14. Miss Isabel Jenks went today to the Gen.

Lewis Morns chapter, 1). A. salad, crackers and cheese, coffee and cigars. When the inner man was in that state of amiable contentment invariably following the discussion of a Vermont sanitarium in Pittsf ord or will meet with J. E.

Stetson rest and observation. She was accom panied by her Mrs. B. good meal, ana tne outer man, Jenka and Mr. and Mrs.

Emory E. Tuesday evening, the 21st. The prize essay will be read by Miss Florence Kathan and there will be a paper on "Insignia of Vermont" by Miss Mary W. Ellis. The annual dues are payable at this meeting.

The hostesses SPRINGFIELD LOCALS wreathed in the circling smoke of a good cigar, was at his best and hap Barrett, the trip being made by auto. SPRINGFIELD LOCALS Don't forget the date, Tuesday, Nov. Benjamin Shaw went to New York piest, Frank W. Corliss, president of the Chamber, introduced Russell W. Notice We are now ready for you to Talk Turkey.

For we have bought Saturday and came back Monday night with Mrs. Shaw. The latter had been away since the first of the month, will be Mrs. StetsonMrs. Willis 28, at 8 o'clock in the Town hall.

Pro Stiles, chairman of the entertainment committee of the Chamber, as' master 'what we expect is a sufficient supply fessor Makeneaux's Transform(her) them. Take your own young men of ability, start them in pusiness and some of them will succeed with the result that the town will prosper with them. In Bennington is the largest orchard in the world 100,000 trees planted by one man in a stretch ten miles long having more cultivated apple trees in one orchard than can be found in all the other orchards of Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine combined. It is ten years since a man in advanced years by the name of Everett began that work. He was a bank clerk in Cleveland, Ohio, when he discovered a way to' blow bottles by a machine instead by the mouth but, strange to say, the mouth method was the more economical while the -machine method msfe.tiettei;uality bottle.

He nifed uiTtfeveraT htflHbh "dollars in the visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Griswold, Mrs. Walter L. Martin, Mrs. George F.

Leland, Miss Harriet Bates and Mrs. C. F. Grosvenor. V' of Ceremonies for the evening.

Mr, Stiles called upon Governor and Ye Olde Tyme Synge. First two rows in balcony 75c; remainder of house for adults, 50c; children, 35c. 46 Schnyer, in Worcester, and her sons, B. and R. H.

Shaw, in New York. Heretofore it has been customary to Hartness first and then upon Commander Leysath of the Legion. Aft reserve, until reb. the number, a The annual membership drive of the er wards ex-Lieutenant-Governor For glasses, see Dr. A.

Slader at of birds for your Thanksgiving needs. They will all be first quality Vermont birds. You know what that means. Price will probably be the same as last year. Better place your orders early, for we shall dispose of same birds at wholesale when it looks, yon are all supptted.V Lovell's Market, prospective registrant had for his Car the preceding year and wished to retain for the coming season.

Owing to reasons of economy and efficiency, Sec the Adnabrown Tuesday, Jtfov. 28. 44tf Howe and Mr. Sibley spoke. Although the after-dinner speeches were brief, they were to the point and had the ioul of brevity wit.

retary of State Black announcesthis reTW dairy farmer in this sectioa Red Cross began the 12th inst and will continue to the 25th, but no house-to-house canvass is to be made in this town. Mrs. F. M. chairman of the committee, lias established headquarters at the store of Houghton Simonds, 'wher those who wish to renew their membership- in the Red invited to attend the' Sullivan dis MrJ Stiles presided against Wx- trict--meeting of the New England practice will be discontinued for the year, 1923.

Ne numbers underj 100 will be Issued'-fhati being the I figure with which the series will begiiknd ercises the Town hair which "was Milk Producers' association to held iinftla kii'ainbaa hpf nr he retired from! kked with bunting and flags-but on- Ltoss can do so. numbers will be assigned in the order at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, the-21st, at the Farm Bureau 'office 1 in Claremont, N. H. The district presi William Cady, of U. S.

S. 1, now panies were unable to go out to drill because they didn't have boots to keep their feet from freezing. Truck drivers were wearing on their hands the socks you women of the Red Cross had knit, because army officials could not find the mittens, consigned to them. I don't want you to forget that when Secretary Baker told you every man sent overseas was properly trained, he lied and knew that he lied. One boy, just about to go over the top, was noticed his sergeant standing with his gun in one hand and his cartridges in the other, looking from one to the other in a puzzled way.

"What's the matter?" asked the sergeant. "How do you get the. boy, and when the sergeant's wrathful surprise exploded in; the question, "How1 did you" train? he! got lot an answer'- "Wfth JboUen: Kitfi'-'' When the ArmTStic'e was signed, the French took it very soberly mdeed, for they had been in the war four years, and tears ran down their facei 'Our boys grinned and. began to plan ongoing home. It was a moment of relief when the shells ceased coming at us.

We have the memory of those fellows who went forth cheerfully, stood the strain gamely, showed themselves men of initiative, -of steadiness-, men who would have gone to Berlin alone. Those fellows who stood there, we are standing here to remember. I am pondering if we are really remembering them. They are'in a desperate fight for a bonus, to which they believe they, lire We are not even, taking cre of our sick, our wounded, our gassed, and we presume to stand here and celebrate Armistice day. They came home and I began to wonder, as I assume they, began to what after all- had -been gain of the war.

We didn't make the world safeior democracy, although' we of. receipt of application, whether by mail or at the counter. The rule will dent, U. S. Tallman of North Charles- in New arrived Saturday night on a visit to his fiancee, Miss Viola Perkins, who is teaching in Spencer His stay was brief be maintained without If a low, number is desired, the applicant should register early.

There will' be no use in anyone's asking for his old number or for a special number; for number plates are for ho other pur as he was to report at his ship again Monday During the town, N. will report on the New England wide marketing plan, which" is about to take-the next step, and Richard Pattee, managing director, will explain the workings of the plan and its relation to the Milk Producers" -association. The plan recommended war the bringing together of -the ex- isting "co-operative agencies for hand it to' devote himself apple culture.1 Quality" and service are wKaT count, and quality brings results. Growth from small beginnings is best and most substantial. People make the best citizens are those who occupy small positions which any man could reach if he wished.

It 'is hot upon the money but the foundation you use and the spirit you put into what you are doing that your progress depends. To fill your town with big factories, big banks and big enterprises is not what you want, but so to fill it with opportunities that every one in the town will find that tamed a far smaller audience than, the excellence of the addresses to be heard should have brought together. The Boys' band furnished music, and prayer was offered by Rev. G. H.

Welch, pastor of the Uniyersalist church. On the platform with the band, the chaplain, the presiding officer and the speakers of the evening were Governor Hartness, Commander Leysath' and Vice Commander Thompson. Introduced first, Mr. Howe remarked that it is customary to put a good speaker first in order to wake folks up enough so they will keep awake while the others are talking; but he Ralia Harris of Leharion, N.TI,, and Mrs. Jennie V.

Longworth. of Springfield were married in Hanover, N. last Thursday by the Episcopal rector. The groom, formerly of Bellpws Falls', was a machinist in this town during the period of the war. His bride is the eldest daughter of Mrs.

James E. Stone and has had her home for several years on Union street. Many friends and acquaintances will extend their good wishes "to Mr. and Mrs. Harris, who are to live in Lebanon, where Mr.

Harris is now employed. The. First National bank' of Springfield, at a regular meeting of the directors Monday morning, elected A. M. Houghton of Houghton Simonds' time he was in town he "called on Mr.

and Mrs. W. H. Morse MUhve street, whose son, Ellis, is stationed at the pose than identification. This nonce will be included in a folder of instructions' soon to be published by the secretary of state on how to register au same place.

A union Thanksgiving service is to ling milk as the first.step in the con- tomobiles and what the fees are to be. be held in. the Universalist. church from 10,30 to 11.30 in the forenoon of Mrs. Sylvia widow of the late Levi Leach," died Sunday, the the 30th, and Rev.

Clement. G. Clarke of the Congregational church will 5th at the home of her son, Wal-'1 preach. The-Weathersfield -Center church is- to-be open for a Thanksgiv store, to fill' the vacancy tin the board created by the death of the later Hon. ter Leach, in Sherborn, after a long and painful illness.

She was born in North Springfield; May 6, 1842, and ing service Sunday afternoon; Nov. 26, Fred G. Field. E. J.

Fullam, secre at 2 o'clock, and Rev. H. O. Martin of this place has been invited to deliver sohdation of the producers', interests throughout New England. Farmers who tiow sell througli co-operative organizations with each other in the If they can be brought together they will form the largest-single dealer in milk in, New England, and the disastrous effects of competition among themselves wiU be eliminated.

AU farmer's are invited to this meeting, but the voting will.be confined. to. delegates from thejocals in the districtr-Acwbrth, Charlestown, Claremont, Cornish, Langdon, North Charlestown, N. Ascutneyville, Brownsville and Springfield. i I tary and treasurer of the Fellows Gear Shaper company, was "chosen to the sermon.

lived in town many years. From 1861 to 1865 she owned the Horace Brown place Besides her son, she is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Agnes Tibbetts, and a grandson, Walter Tibbetts, of succeed Mr. Field as president of the and P. Woolson was made Private Sale vice president the room of Mr.

Ful Rangeley, Me. She also left a broth lam. There can be no Question but The following household goods will that the directors have shown excel be disposed of at 120 Main from er, James H. Cook of Athol, and three sisters, Mrs. Elden George of Bristol, N.

Frank Abbott and lent judgment in their selection of now on, or chamber business ability for the bank. suite with spring mattress and pil Mrs. B. H. Harlow of Springfield.

The lows; 1 chiffonier, 1 marble top black funeral was Wednesday of last week in Sherborn, Congregational walnut table, 1 black walnut center table, large chair, phild's rocker, commode sets, pillows and garden 1 have storage for 100 batteries for the When you are ready to put up your car if you will notify me I will call and get, your battery and keep it in wet or dry storage and return it to you in the spring. y( Wet Storage $4.00 All kinds of batteries repaired at reasonable prices. I have warm storage room for two more cars. tools. Arabella Edwards.

46 came a good deal nearer to doing it than Massachusetts did election day. We almost, got Henry Cabot Lodge then, and we will1 get him entirely some day yet. The war is not over how. There are 84,000,000,000 in francs which France is depending upon us and England to force Germany to pay. The object for which we went into the war to lick Germany has not been achieved.

What did those fellows go over there and die for? If we don't get something out of this war, something out of the results of this war that we can hand on, the men who lie these in France Ue there in you, have given your sons and brothers in No man can stand up in his boots and say, "I Card of Thanks pastor, Rev. Mr. Holton, officiated. Among the relatives at the service were the daughter and grandson from Maine; sister, Mrs. Abbott, and a niece, Mrs.

Laroye Haselton, from this place; a cousin, Mrs. AbbTe Stone, her son' and daughter, formerly of North Springfield but now living near Boston; Mrs. Wheeler and a nephew, I wish to extendo my many friends sincere thanks' for the 'beautiful cards and flowers which did so much- to 1 brighten the hours of my. illness at Ralph Leach of at the Springfield hospital. 1 Gratefully 46 Fanny Childs.

present attending a school of pharmacy in Boston. A soloist sang two selections at the service, "Crossing the Bar" and "Beautiful Isle of some Card of Thanks A. WHITNEY 115 MAIN ST. Telephone 42-W where." won't fight for my country," When a newspaperman gets cornered on. one of his own arguments, he changes the Misn TraHaI Jenks wishes to thank 45-46 all the friends who did so much for Anew idea.

An experiment. A' chance for every man and woman who needs a pair of high shoes to save from $2.00 to $4.00 per pair. LOOK LOOK LOOK Simply pick your size and TRY yEM ON YOURSELF NO FRILLS NO FANCY FUSSING From fory to your foot subject, and it is time 1 changed. Card of Thanks I wish to express my thanks to all her during her recent illness, particularly the various organizations of the The chief cause' of our troubles is the dear people who so kindly remem Metnoaist cnurcn. bered me on my 81st birthday.

EUen M. Marcy. 46 Card of Thanks We 'wish An express our heartfelt! Mis 10.1 thanks to our frtaajls who in the fact that we have lost confidence in each other. Every mail believes in himself. I even know lawyers who thmk they are honest men.

But we know too much about each other, and what we, know Yet that one thing, confidence in each other, and self-respect are the biggest assets any assisted us in thiTsss of our deafaflBOfcjgrgr also for the kindwords of sympathy OO- PAIRS MEN'S --A r. and for the beautiful flowers received man. corporation, community or coun E. H. Nelson Mr.

and Mrs. H. J. Nelson Mr. and Mrs.

E. Parker try can My only asset is the confidence of people. If you read something over my signature in the Mr. H. S.

Lovejoy Mrs. Lamra D. Davis. 46 Boston Globe and believe it, I am a Fire and Wafer Sak rich man; if you don't believe It, I am a busted flush. I make this boast: that my signature does carry belief arid I am proud, of it We have had a good many strikes: three-iourtns 01 tnem 100 PAIRS-WOMEN'S- 'Most aU black high shoes.

Black vici kid" and a few calf akin in -the ot Yon know the quality, a few.Uts A Dunns, D. A. Walk-Overs and other I faXl wool and a yard wide" shoes. Good shoes with 16ng service. Slightly pointed toes.

All heights of heels. "A few French heels. The. wear is there if the style isn't But think of the sale prices and the $2.00 to $4.00 a pair you save. Ye Yuletide'Shop Friday, Dec.

8 Kay and a ki, Ko and a kur, Kichery, kichery, Ki-mo-na! R-A-I-N-B-O-W, Kimonah! Ah! Aht Rah! Rahl Rah! Rainbow! Rainbow! Ki-mo-nah! 1 browns than blacks. A good many Walk-Overs in thelot some Elites, Co-op- Evrite and HeguUr prices clearly marked on the boxes, $6.50, $7.00 and $8,85. Moore's quality. from soles to sjioe strings. Grade A leathers.

All sizes throughout the lot The wear is there if the style isn't Slightly pointed toes but think of. the sale price and the $2.00 to $4.00 a pair you save. absolutely unnecessary and would not have happened if the employes had believed that the employers were giv ing them a square deal, or the employ. ers could have had laitn, in tne em- cloves giving them a fair day's work. 48 In a certain rubber plant a profit- sharing proposition was made to the men and they turned it' over for A Button in the Hat Mv dere frens." said a colored weeks, hunting for the "nigg*r in the preacher in a small town in Georgia, woodpile," and, although they couldn't Mosidiay, Nciiv, 20th "we tanks you ais eoenin' lor o.o find him, they knew he was tnere ana struck rather than accept the plan.

I and one button. De man who put de button in de hat sent it away in a good was curious enough to visit that plant cause, but he loses an old fren, fur it and look over the. proposition, wmcn I.found to be very desirable from the men's point of view, as such things go am a greasy button. Now I'se not-a rich man, for I'se a poor, man, but I kin just give dat man $1 wholl come nn an' ot his button. A nause.

with although 1 have little use lor those kind of schemes. conndence lost can never oe re $2.95 silence all and no one went up to get the button.) I dur you to cum un an' aret de button. None uv yous a gained. If you fdbl me 6nce, that is comin'? Well, I'se feared you nebber see your ole fren no more. It's, a west your fault if you looi me twice, mat is my fault.

Mr. Sibley is in lavor of two more amendments to the constitution; for he button. My west's iuu uv Dunoni, an' no regular place for it. But I is no constitution-worshiper, he says, Everythinn at Cut Priceg VICTOR COLUMBIA and EDISON RECORDS TOILET GOODS. PAPERTRIE KODAKS 1923 DIARIES COMPLETE SANTOX LINE HOTWATERBOTTLES SOAP PHOTO ALBUMS, etc.

(Cigars, Tobacco and Candy, being all new stock, are not included in this sale.) tells you what I does. Ill take dat and does not. believe that' document button home an' nave my wue sew on sumwhar whar you kin all see it. should be held as divinely inviolate as th Bible, to which nothing shall be either added or taken away. One Den when you comes to church, you Try 'em on Yourself and save $2.00 to $4.00 a pair LOOKOVEROUR SELF COUNTERS and watch us cut overhead YOU SAVE FROM $2 TO $4 A PAIR always sees your ole fren again.

But now I tells, you de man as put dat button in de hat, he no gentleman. He better get converted rite away. He thort he got rid uv dat button, but he neb amendment should forever make it impossible for the supreme court to rule, as it has lately done, that a law forbidding the employment of children in shops and factories is unconstitutional. Another amendment should demand some public service as the price ber more mistaken in mi nie. uai button bound to follow him all.

though I Its- r. By trying 'em on yourself. of the right torvote part of dis world, an' when ho git down, bank of Jordan, da button, sum rti be iiiiirii im.ri r.j. hod umlti'ibn ii 1 it' hi rO iM Ani will ktii rite smart aftaciumi sn't woen hu gin anti 'Who 'cross de ribber side, look we: 'either man or Tne person wno fcai'itoJihow sonMthtagqdone for the ooA)f tbwnj-itaklior dountryi befon he'1t'spsrmittito'njastr A ballotiwiB thrtlbWorthelrtiiJCSS'and-tpriWTlM wawjsi i 4 mmmrw mtrnj via UA 1 Of Courte 'i'laM ttsM Springfield, Verment out, fur de button be dar before him." The canoe season is about over ami it is now time for careless persons to start drafting shotguns through the fence. Poug hkeepsie Eagle Newt.

E. a MOORE, Pres. yote, that license will be adwtprttrion of confidence in tntm..

Springfield Reporter from Springfield, Vermont (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.