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The Calyx

A Touch of Class
Washi1zgto1l a1zd Lee U1ziversity
204 \V. \Vashington Street
Lexington, Virginia 24450
Student Population: 1,762 Undergraduate. 407 Law
Volume 110


Table of Contents


SEP 1 2 200'f

Table of Contenb


A Touch
Washington and Lee University
Catherine Swan. Executive Editor
From Freshman Orientation week to the days leading up to graduation. Washington and
Lee University provided a college experience like none other. Combine a world class
faculty wi th a beautiful campus, an award-winning athleti c program. a thri vi ng greek
system. a challenging core curric ulum. and a group of diverse. driven students. and it is
obvio u ~

why thousands of people across the nation are proud to call themselves alumni

of Washington and Lee. W&L had much to celebrate in 2007. The ope ning of John and
Anne Wilson Hall provided a center for the arts that became a ha ven for many students on



of Class
2007 Calyx
L1ndsa) Lecky and Amanda Kane. Assi stant Executi\'e Editors
campus. The Uni ve rsity also launched a new strategic plan. Donors showed their fa ith
in the mission of the uni versity with two large donati ons: one of 33 million. and another
100 million dollar donati on. Kenneth Rusc io was inaugurated over homecoming weekend

as the Uni versi ty's 26th president. The Uni versity also saw its first open tri al in over ten
years. proving that the honor ystem is ali ve and well. As the Class of 2007 embarks on
life outside Lex ington. it is certain that they have had a college experie nce they will
forever che1;sh.

Ope nin g



Ope ning

By nomination and vote of the graduating members of
the Class of 200~ this book is hereby dedicated to:

Zachary Alan Parmenter
Class of 2007


Dedi cati on

PresidentS Message
To the Class of 2007:
It is a pleasure for me to offer this brief introduction to this
years Calyx. Congratulations to the members of the Class of
2007 on your graduation from Washington and Lee! Thi s is a
wonderful achievement and I am very happy for you and your
You arrived four years ago and spent your first few days
meeting each other in various settings: move-in day, the
freshman barbeque, the Honor System presentation, ice-breaker
events on dorm, on teams, and in the classroom. Friendships
formed in those early days are strong now and it is important
that they remain strong for many, many years to come. One of
the reasons Washington and Lee is such a special place is its
people. At the end of the day it is people and their shared
relationships that make the difference in our lives. It is through
these personal interactions that we define ourselves and our
The photos in this retrospective capture those friendships and
relationships. As you turn the pages of this book in the months
and years ahead you will see images of students, faculty, and
staff, all of whom you can call your friends. I encourage you to
make every effort to maintain these important friendships in
the years ahead.
One way you can do that is to remain active in the life of the University. You now have joined an active alumni body
of more than 23,000 men and women throughout the world. The personal quality of your W & L education is all too
uncommon these days. Please join your friends and fellow alumni in staying engaged in the affairs of the University so
that together we can continue to move W &L forward while preserving its distinctive features.
Kim joins me in wishing the best for each and every member of the Class of 2007, and we would like to extend a
standing invitation for you to come by and visit us at the Lee House whenever you are able to return to campus.

Kenneth P. Ruscio

President's l\ lessage


Campu s Life: this section is about all of the activities and
events that almost no other college could eve n comprehend of
doing. There's the infamous Orientation Week. when freshmen
learn what "the Polehouses" and "County Seat" are and that
sorority rul es put a big damper in freshme n gi rl s plans.
Homecoming and Parents' Weekend are just an exc use for alums
old and new (and parents who wish that they were alums) to come
back and party with the current undergraduates for a weekend.
Students grab a date and ride down Chri stmas trees in December,
and then come back fro m break in January ready to dance up a
stom1 in S.A. R.A.H's annual Lip Sync contest. Thi s year marked
the I OOth anni ver ary of the first Fancy Dress Ball, and after
months of pre paration by the Fancy Dress Steering Committee,
students, fac ulty. and alums do nned black and white only to
boogie in the W arner Center gyms. Spring Term is the favorite
time of year for W &L students, which also includes Alumni
Weekend and when students arrive back from their winter study
abroad programs. But thi s section really encompasses what it
means to be a W ashington and Lee student. It makes W&L a
unique un iversity, one that seniors wish they were never leaving
and one that alumni wish they had never left in the first place.
Ma ndy Burns. Loui se Denny, and Molly Smith
Secti on Editors
Abigail Gage and Caroline Habli ston

Sophomore' Alex Goldschcr. Gcoft
\!arb. and Harry St. John


Campus Life

Fre,hmen Sara Kate Moore and Nicole

Sophomore Tori Christmas. j unior Erin
Thompson, and senior Ann ie Thompson.

Left : Seniors Bl ake Anderson and Ray Sweeney hang out with stud
vo lleyball player junior Lauren Rudolph.
Below: Freshmen Pi Phi's get intense fo r a powderpuff game behind the
Polehou ses duri ng Derby Days.
Bottom Left : Sophomore Kappa Deltas Jen Flanagan. Li z Garson. and Gri er
Gardner pose in their masks before the centennial Fancy Dress.
Right Ce nter: Juni ors Anne Ru sse ll Calvert, Jeanne Smith. and Wilson
Ro binson meet up while abroad in Europe.
Bottom Right : Seniors Lindsay Lec ky and Bri an Beamer. classmates since
kindergarten. make the most of their last Chri stmas Wee kend.

Campus Life


rientation Week

Belo\\ :
Freshman Abel Delgado is so happy that he is
finally in his luxurious dorm room.

On September 2. 2006. Washington and Lee University welcomed the C lass of 2010
onto campu~. and Orientation Week offic ially began. While the fres hmen were kept busy
"ith placement tests. hall discussions. and activities involving the e ntire class. the
upperclassmen enjoyed their last few days of freedom before classes started . Sophomores
and juniors alike met up with friends they hadn't seen all summer. whi le the se ni ors
enjoyed their last Orientation Week as W &L ~tuden t s. Highli ghts of the week included
LIFE's presentation of Piece~ of the Puzzle. led by Burr Datz. the overl oad on Traveller as
students headed out to the country to experience W &L's nightlife, and former President
Huntley's return for Convocation. The Activities Fair also showed stude nts what
opportunities were available to them. from studen t publications to volunteer organi zations
to religious group~. The Academic Fair en lightened fres hmen of the di ffere nt majors and
courses available. A midst the uncertainty and excitement of Orientat ion W ee k. li fe lo ng
friendships were formed and the year got off to a fa ntasti c staJ1.

The Cia's of 2010 a"embled in Lee Chapel.
Eve!) orientation week. the fre,hmen come
to Lee Chapel 'everaltimes to learn about
school traditions and policies.

Far Right :
Senior Chri,tina Leaton and junior Sara
:\lueller hope to attract new members for
Reformed LTniversity Fello\\ ship at the
Activiue~ Fair. The Activitie~ Fair provides
all 'tudenb with way' to get more involved
at W&L.

A \"le" of the Baker-Davi,-Gtlliam
quad 'et up to hmt the mc.:ommg




Freshmen Hi llary Sebeny. Nick
Ward. Grace Wang. and Erika
Khalek pose for a picture during
dinner on the Front Lawn. m
between Convocation and the
Honor Sy,tem Orientation.

Fre,hmen Elizabeth \!ann .
Sarah Jo Tnmhle. and
Caroline Head enjoy dinner
at Kathekon"s Alumni BBQ.
Fre,hmen Jon Bro" n. Joe Roane. and Carlos
1-.lorale, antictpate their liN Convocation
wnh much enthusiasm.

Freshmen Ellie
Simmons and
Carolyn Small sho\\
off their dre"es as,
they head off to
another event in Let

A cadaver sign hanging from the Reid Hall
bakony wdcomes !>tudents bac ~ to
campu s.

Seni or' Courtney Blake. Annie Thompson.
Abby Obon. Milena Ricc i. C hrissy Hoga n.
Kiltie Tompkins. and junior Jenny
Niemann beg in the year off ri ght.

Senior Alejandro Selin and sophomore
Tara Hildenbrand maintain the Catholic
Cam pus Mini, try booth at the Activities


\ho, e:

Sophomore' Cra ig 1\lalkme,. Brett Tatman.
and George 1\lagowrn are e\pre,,ing their
exc itement to 'ee one another at Pole
Ht.'U:-.e 3.

A group oft\\ enty fre, hmen learn at an
L>rientallon event that there i' no bener " a)
to break the ice than hypnotism.

Orientation Week


'lda Tan
and JJJK Lee pt»e ior
the .:amera before
;ughtl) homc.:omi ng
fe,m ille'

Fiji's queen nominee
\\"&L reco~nizes the newe>t Five Star Generals'
:\ 2raduat~ achieves this honor when 50 vears junior Courtney Dolaway
-ha'e pa;,ed since hi> \\"&L graduatio-n.
takes a moment to smile
with escort senior :>. lax
Courtney .

Sophomores Stacy Doornbos and Anne
Lindsey r-lcColloch. se niors Maggie
Puryear and Tippin s Stone. sophomore
Helen Hill. and senior Christina Leaton
bring out their littl e black dresses.

Homecoming ~
Generals Rally to the Call of Tradition!
"Being nominated
for Homecoming
Queen was
something I never
expected to
happen to me in
college. and
shari ng that
experience~ with
one of my best
friends made it so
much more
-Jun ior Amy




On Saturday, October 2 1.
2006. alumnus Ke nneth P.
Ruscio attended the most
ultimate of homecomings.
Thi s '76 graduate. fo rmer
professor, and Dean was
inaugurated as the 26th
President of our Uni versity.
And as we celebrated a new
president , we also looked to
honor addit ional generals.
As always, all five-star
generals were honored, and
thi s year the classes of
'46,'41 and '36 enjoyed
reunions. They were joined
by the young alumni classes
of '03 through '06. Foll owing
tradition, fraternit ies hosted
cocktail and band parti es
that fi lled the eveni ngs,
givi ng both yo ung and old
ge nerals a chance to
At halftime of the
Homecoming 2006 foo tball


The W &L cheerl eaders pumped up a large
crowd at the football game, performing a threeleve l , runt. and topped wi th a liberty.

game, senior Meghan Joss was
crowned Queen and senior
Padrick Denni s crowned King.
Thi s continued the Chi Psi
tradition of presenting a
winning nominee. The football
team continued their
Homecoming win streak with a
34- 12 vic tory over Guil fo rd.
After the game. the annual
wine tasting was he ld for
seniors and alumni at the
Li berty Hall Ruins.

Freshmen A.nnaria Nardone and
Brandon Lee Bamds, sophomore
r. lelissa Ginder. and fre shmen W inston
Stagg wait anxiously for homecoming

uniors Lauren !\lore a and Brett Kearney and
sophomore Gri ffi n Bealle take a break from
dancing in the Phi Kap basement !

Freshmen Hilary
Grosser and Di xon
S nu kab enjoy their fi rst

Seniors Da\'id Olcho\1 , l,.i. aka "CHO\\' " and hi'
date A very Lm·ejoy join Thoma' Grattan and Emily
1\ k Dowe ll before headin g off to Phi Kap.

Kathekon President
Jordan Wes ley
ann ounces the 2006
Homecoming Quee n'

Submissions for the Annual Banner
Contest line the front of Dorem us
Gymn as ium.

Sophomore Kasey Bolles,
'enior Whitney King. and
junior Abigai l Gage bond at
a small homecoming

Homecoming Queen ~enior Meghan
Joss and First Run ner Up senior Katie
Kingsbury share their e lation wi th
one another.

Juni ors Anne Ru"ell Cal\'ert and
Bnana Johmon shade the1r eye' in
a\ 1aturs after a brilliant fnutball

Pre,ident Ru ~ci o "ail> to be
maugurated ;" \\'.\:L\ ~6th
llniwr,ity Pre,ident.
Picture courtc') of
maugura!lon ." lu.edu

H om~comi n g


Freshmen Lindsay Grant, Maureen Ford, and
Katie Bouret spon mile-high hair to complete
their tran sformati on.

all owe en
A little rain couldn't stop the trick-or-treating . Just as storm clouds came through
Windfall HilL so too did hordes of W &L students outfitted for th e holiday. Pledge class
armies of UPS men, firemen, construction workers, conversati on hearts. and magnetic
poetry stonned the country. The wh ite tent was packed w ith superheroes, elves, playing
cards. and ladybugs - all dancing along to the coverband.
Students spent the days before scouti ng fabrics at Walma rt and accessori zing at T otally
Party and Goodwill. Groups of friends and pledge classes worked togethe r to come up
with the most creati ve and clever costume des igns available. Hair, make up, and accessories
added the finis hing touches to the chosen cost umes. From uppercl assmen to freshmen,
guys and girls alike - all prepared for the ir nig ht in di sgui se . A day o f serious costumin g
ended with hundreds of dressed- up stude nts dancing in the ra in under a white tent.

Right :
Sigma Chi seniors David Graham. Clayton
Edwards. Ted Williams. and George Caner
cause merry mischief ou t of season as elves
at the Halloween pany.

Far Right :
Freshmen go go girls Natalie Herndon,
Caroline Echols. and Alex Eichenbaum strut
their stuff in boots and chanreuse.

Sen ior cowboy Tye Haeberle tries
to pu sh hi s own frat brother, seni or
Sutton Ansley, out of the pic to
pose with St. Pauli 's g irl Justine
Dargahi .

Kappa Delta junior' Lauren Cook and
Lind,ay Erick,on make magnetic
poetry with KD 'ophomore and
comcr,ation heart. Kelsi Robin,on.


Campu'> Life

Theta Fire Dept: Sophomores 1\lackenzie
Hutton, Kiki Moreo. 1\lelissa Dolan. and
Christina 1\lerchant with 'enior Kelly Price.

Juni or UPS girl, Li zzy Appe l, grabs on
ti ght to her trophy man, senior Bose
Bratto n.

The two silent boys at the party, j uni ors
Andrew Franklin and Mitche ll Ward. are
really ge tting into character.

Se ni ors A lex Lay mon, Kri ste n McClung,
Magg ie Megear, Casie Pedroza, and
Eli zabeth l'v lills play w ith a full J eck .


eni or T hetas hudJ le together to keep
ewryone warm anJ safe at Do\\ n'tream.

Sophomores Li zz ie !\lac Pherson and Bet>y
Ell! > >Uit up a> NickeloJeon Global Gut s

Hallowee n


.in.t Berlin.
•'-'· and .-\,hie\
tthetr K
Juni or Emily Hulen and her
parenb eating lunch at the
tailgate .

A box fu ll of\\'&L
noisemakers waiting to be used
by the football fans .

t-. lembers of the Lambda Chi fraternity
looking classy at the football game.

Parents' Weekend
"i\ ly parenh never
miss this
weekend~ i\laybe
that\ because they
live five minute s
away and don't
have to worry
about getting a
hotel room. Their
fav orite part about
my sophomore
'ister. Colleen.
transferring here is
that they get two
more years of it."
-Senior Kell y

Senior lacro~'e captam
Avery Lovejoy take> a
break from ~elling
women\ lacro"e gear to
po~c in a pkture with
her younger ,i,ter.
Elitahcth. who came to
vi>it with her parent' for
the weekend.




Fami lies came to
Lexingto n fro m fa r and wide
to partake in Washington
and Lee's 52nd an nual
Parents' Weekend.
November 3rd through 5th.
Never a di sappointment.
parents were occupied
around the clock by going to
classes and meeting thei r
child's professors and
coaches. But. as always.
these wee ke nd visitors take
the town by storm at night.
Friday. freshmen g irl s and
their fa milies had the chance
to take tours of sorority row.
And as usual. the weekend
was fi lled wi th impressive
musical performances from
the Choral Concert on
Friday to Acapella groups on
Saturday. Southern Comfort,
an all male group at the
schoo l. e ntertained the
packed Lee Chapel audience
with their hilarious rendition
of "Men in Ti ght s,"
cost umes a nd all.
Perhaps one of the most
memorable moments was
Saturday's footba ll ga me
against Emo ry & He nry.
With Wilson Field packed to
capacity. the Generals
claimed their first ODAC

Juni ors Ned Rider and Spotty
Ro bins tailgating with lacrosse
coach Gene McCabe .

football championship since
1985. defeating the Wasps
24-6. They also received the
conference's automatic bid
to the NCAA Division III
playoffs for the first time in
school hi story and played
Wilkes University in
Pe nnsy lvania a couple
weeks later. Sadly the
wee ke nd came to an e nd.
but parents and students
alike anticipate the
exc itement of Parents'
Weekend 2007 .

\V &L Cheerleaders rally the crowc

from start to finish at the football


fan is exc ited about the Generals'

Sophomore Billy Reighley and hi s
family during halftime.

Sophomore Sarah and sen ior Jenny
Ratzel spend some quality time
wi th their parents.

Referee; prepare for the excit ing
football game that awaits them.

Junior girls ce lebrating Parents'
Weeke nd before the fraternities' band

Soph omores Sarah McCarville.
Meli ssa Caron and junior Mallory
Frewer cheer W&L on!

Seniors Kell y Evans, Lindsay Lec ky,
Rebecca Hatc hett, Karina Schiess, and
Caro line Simonso n wi th their fat hers at
High Point.

Pack in tho,e noi>emakers '
Se mors Kaylee Hartung. Andre\\
Ferguson and Bry nn Chandler
congratulate 'enior Ben Long on a
job \\'ell done'

Parent s' Weekend


ristmas Weekend
Washington and Lee's Christmas Weeke nd was the students' last hurrah befo re the
terrors of Fall Tenn final exam week. Always a fun date weekend, it was ki cked off by the
Sigma Chi fraternity and their annual Christmas in the Country part y. Hot chocolate. apple
cider. and egg nag we re the drinks of choice for the ni ght and in the background. students
could hear Mariah Carey's "Alii Want fo r C hristmas is You" on repeat. As usual. stude nts
tled to \Val-Mart and Goodwi ll in order to find an appropriate outfit for the ni ght. Students
purchased reindeer headbands. Santa hats. and ug ly red-and-green Chris tmas sweaters to
wear wi th glee.
After Christmas in the Count ry. the stude nts dressed it up a little. Girls traveled into
town to purchase cocktail dresses and boys m ade sure that they had at least one Chri stmascolored ti e for the fratern ity parties. Some dates trave led to Charlottesville, some staye d in
Lexi ngton. and some rode a C hrist mas tree dow n the steps of Kappa Sig's Hobes . Santa,
his el\'es. and Mrs. Claus made appearances at multiple fraternity houses throughout the
weekend in order to de liver the muc h anticipated roas ts and poems. A t the e nd of fun-filled
the weekend. W &L stude nts buckled down to start on the ir final exams.

Senior Sig ma Chis Clayton Edwards.
:O.I att Krieg. and Stuan Hurst enjoy
their laM Christmas in the Cou ntry at
Polehou'e 3.

Semor 1\llchael Wagoner pme' with
Sigma Nu S\\eethean' 'enior Steph
Sophomore Andre\\ Hender,on and
Wiechmann and junior :O.I ary Catheri ne
fre, hmen Cri,tin Quinn and Will
Burdine at a hou'e cocktai l pan y'
WilkeNm have fun hang ing out at Pole 3!


Ca mpu~





Sop homore David Yancey. Phi De lt\
nominee as 1\ l r~. Clau,. read' aloud hi' poem
to the fratenity and their guesh .

Juniors "Elf" Anne Russe ll Calven and "Santa" Li ly
Graz i;~ smile for the camera!

Sophomores Andrea Hidalgo, Brittany
Simpson. Lauren l\ l iller. and Kate Viluti s
enjoy the warmth of a bonfire at Sigma
Chi 's Chri stmas in the Country.


Pretty in cocktail dresses. sophomores Sarah
McCarville , Laura King, and Jennifer Janes
enjoy the Chi Omega Chri stmas tree while
waiting for their dates to get ready'

Jun ior Kelly Boss reciews a playful
peck fro m junior William Holltday at
the S.A. E. house.

J uniors Erik Gagne and Ashley Donohoe enjoy the
moment at a FIJI eve nt.

Fre shmen l\ h chelle
Htrschfeld and Carolyn
Small get excited for thei r
first Christmas \\'eeke nd'

Sophomore Kell y Bun dy indulges in a
Hobes tradnion: Biti ng a Chnstma;; light'

Christmas \V eekend




· as the
\kn in Black.

The fre,hmen Kappa De Ita ladies entice the
audience with their skill and grace.

Pi Beta Phi 's freshman
tl lary Petrulis express
her love for the '90s.

ti l embers of the Kappa Alpha Theta "Fire Freshman Hayes Ashcraft of Phi Delta !
Department," freshme n Eli zabeth
Theta livens the crowd with his stellar
Micci,Vivian Schreeder, Moll y Harrin gton,
dance moves.
Andrea Hanick, and Steph Schaefer.


Lip Sync
"The guy> !Christopher
Rucker. Joseph Roane.
Kenneth Hopkins,
Frank Lee lll J and I
worked everynight
>traight for a week.
And sometimes we
almost lost our mi nds
with stre" and
argument' but be ing
able to hear the crowd
go wild at our
performance and bei ng
able to hold that trophy
made it all <>oooo worth

Fre~h man Dalton
Harris of Phi Kappa
P,i demonstrates his
enthusiam as he
'how\ off his dance


Campus Life

Since 1987, Lip Sync
has entertained, inspired,
and embarassed members of
the Washington and Lee
community. Students
Against Rockbridge Area
Hunger (SARAH ) hosts the
event each year as a fun and
creative way to give back to
their home away from home.
On average. Lip Sync raises
enough money to suppl y
twenty tons of food. but this
year's increased fees and
attendance have significantl y
added to the revenues.
Student organizations
sponsored twenty-five acts
this year. Although the night
got off to a rough start, with
lots of acts receiving the
dreaded "gong", the talents
of W &L's youngest
members became apparent
as the night went on. In the
end, judges' panel, a mix of
students and facult y,
awarded the Multicultural
Students Association (MSA)
fi rst pl ace aft er an ex plosive

The evening's masters of ceremony,
sophomore Paul Stack and junior Will Owens,
de scribe to the audience the funti on of SARAH
in the community.

and memorable performance.
Freshmen members of Kappa
Alpha Theta pl aced second,
and a Chi Omega fre shmen
group captured third place.
While there was certainly
a selection of contemporary
music, man y contestants chose
to return to their nineties roots
and received a warm response
for the audience . Spandex and
neon workout clothes filled the
stage of many female acts,
while th e males tended to dress
in drag, providing an
entertaining atmosphere.
Typically most fraternties and
sororities let their freshmen
pledges represent their
respective houses every year.
givi ng the newest members of
Washington and Lee a chance
to stru t their stuff. And they do
it well every year!

reshman Stephanie l\ lansey wows the crowd
in Theta's song and dance to the popular
YouTube song, "Tea Partay."

Senior Alex Wh ite take s
th e stage to announce
the next act.

Pi Beta Phi 's "Spice Girh." freshmen l\l eghan
Keane. Gozi Egbuonu. Sacha Raab. Claud ia
Vincenti, and G~ace Wang enchant the crowd
with "Wannabe ."

Freshmen FIJ J"s Strock
The freshmen Chi 0 "Coyotes,"
l\loore and Adam Lew is Aleisha Butler. Catherine Carlock.
try to seduce the crowd. Natalie Bunnell. Kelsey Wright. and
Shannon Brunner are ready to go.

Senior Frank Lee and freshmen
Joseph Roane. Kenneth Hopkin s.
and Rasaq Lawai show off their
first place trophy.

MSA's sophomore Christop her Rucker
steals the show with hi s dancing and
lip- syncing skill s!

Fresh men Doug Friedman and Phil
Graham of Sig~a Chi proved that it
\\as indeed "All For You " wnh
their tantalizmg perfom1ance.
Fre,hmen Kappa Kappa Gamma's
:-.l a!J Franci' Weatherly tears up
the stage.

Lip Sync


Sophomores t.leli ssa Dolan. Emily Deddens,
and Christina t.lerchant pose at the Theta
house in their black-and-white attire.

Thb year W &L celebrated many anniversaries, but the Centennial Fancy Dress held
on March I 0. 2007 was certainly the favorite. Co-Chairs Niki Tsiknakis and Lily de Grazia
did a fantastic job coordinating "The Party of the Century," a black-and-white masquerade
ball. Alumni. both young and old. came back to W&L for the weekend to boogie with The
Pat Patrick Band. a 1-+ piece show band from Nashville, Tennessee that wowed the crowd
with M otown and Classic Rock oldies. It even changed up "Sweet Home Alabama" to
"Sweet Home Virginia " to please the W&L crowd.
Students looked forward to two surprises : fireworks from the Law School field and a
confetti drop at midnight. Even though there was a rumor that Tom Petty (sounds like
confetti ) was playing at midnight, the guests were thrilled with both displays. And after the
dance was over. Evans Dining Hall hosted a midnight breakfast for all of the hungry
dancers. Mary Stuart Couch. the Decorations Co-Chairman, was really impressed with how
well the dance went. "The chairs were all creative and we were all willing to work hard
enough to put a good party together on a pretty tight budget. Being a part of such a great
tradition will always be one of my best memories of W &L."
Junior Lily de Grazia is finally relaxing with
seniors ~larv Stuan Couch. Laura
Hornbuckle: and l\iki Tsiknakis.

Far Right:
FD committee member freshman Franny
Couch helps hang the balloons in the Warner
Center hallway.

Juniors Rebecca Timmi s. Megan
Slosson, and Danielle Cardone pose
in their masks before the dance .

Senior' Katie Long and Rob Rain
smile at their Ja,t Fancy Dress.
Freshmen teammates Katie
Ba iles and Sarah Simpson
take a break from 'wimming
to hang out at FD.
Sophomores Ali Hillyard and Chris Sherwin
take a break from dancing.


Campus Life

Senior Cynthia
Cheatham jazzes u~ .
her black dress wit!
a flower in her hair

L~ft :

The red carpet was placed in front of the
entrance to provide the gue,ts with a sense
of being YIP's.

Left :
Even thou gh there was a black and white
theme , both gyms were lit up by the
various lights.

Below :
The surpri se confetti drop at midnight
ensured a fabulous end to the night.


The Fancy Dress banner hangs from
Wa,hin2ton Hall surrounded bv the black
and white bows, which were piaced all
aroun d campu'.

Freshmen Hill ary Einfeldt and Suzanne
Hange 'mile in black and white with senior
Jack Jeong.

Fancy Dress








J:.mior Ale'- c,ordas. sophomore We, Haydon. and Sophomore Greg Brill Juniors Sanjay Palakshappa. Lauren Gunn.
juniors :-.;ebon Bunn. ~like Fahey. and Parker
takes a picture with hi s and Kyle Luby really must love that song.
date. Katherine Bastian.
Sheppard make Fancy Ore" a weekend-long
on the footbridge.

Right and Bottom Right:
The Fancy Ores> comml!lee spent
hour' making these black and
white mash to hang behind each

··one of my faYorite
memories of Fancy
Dress this year was
the sight of everyone
in their colorful
ma>k> and black &
white regalia on the
footbridge waiting to
see the fireworks
-Senior CoChairman Niki

Sen ior> 1\:atalie Day
and Anne Taylor
Tipton \how off
:\atalie\ height. or
AITs lack thereof.


Campu'> Life

The mirror bars and the painted-white
trees were a big hit.

tior Stu art Sanford. senior Kri sten McClung. enior Decorations Co>phomore G rier Gardner, and sen ior Danie l
Chairman Sarah He lms
puts up some balloons
Hacke tt pre party at the SAE house.
as last minute touches.

J umors Courtney
Juniors Abri Nebon. Kathry n George. Jenn y Sproul,
Dolaway and Mary
and Al ice Shih take a moment to ' to p dancing and
Catherine Burdine hang
pose for a picture .
out at FD.

Senior Phi Delts ge t together for their
last Fancy Dre ss.

Fre shmen Paul Schaufele.
Elizabeth Mann. Cristin Quinn.
and John Coleman relax before
puttin g on their dancing shoes.

Sophomore Chri stopher Rucker
pau ses dancing to take a picture with
juniors Marian Botchway and Quiana

Black and white fish were
immersed among black and white
pebbles and put ';n the tables in the
small gym.

Freshmen Ju lia Gotwald. Caroline
Haeberle. and Sarah Kell ey pose in
Graham-Lees before heading to the

Fancy Dress


Fres hmen Kelsey \\'right. Jessica Vercellino,
Ellie Simmons. Natalie Bunnell , Megan
Steinhardt and Jordan l\lcConnel get down
diny at FIJI Islands.

\\'hen someone mentions Spring Tem1 around a W &L student. the first thin g that
comes to mind is. "A hhhh ... those are the days." Students take advantage of the last six
weeks of school to do th ings they'll never be able to get away with once they graduate. And
since students on ly have to take two classes (well , for seniors. probably just one). they've
got time on their hands. Day- lo ng tubing trips down the Maury Ri ver, hanging out at the
Buffalo Creek .Music Festi val fo r 4 8 straight hours. and competing in Sigma Chi 's Derby
Days are j ust a few of the incredible things that Spring Term has to offer. W &L also kicked
off the :2008 Democratic Moc k Convention by inviting General Wes ley Clark to speak at
Lee Chapel. foll owed by a cooko ut and band parties in the Red Square fraternitie s. But
eYen with all of these fu n-fi lled events, the students still found time to support their
successful sports teams thi s spring, including the women's tennis team, who won their first
nati onal champions hip ever.
Spring Tem1 is always a good way to end the year, especially for the seniors. They
reminisce about their fo ur years here and finally reali ze how hard it is to say good-bye to
W& L At leas t A lumni Weekend takes place during Spring Term!
Right :
Senior Kappas prepare for the firs t annual
Senior Theta v. Kappa Powderpuff game.
Theta won . 28-7.

Far Ri ght :
Junior Taylor Rains poses with junior Carrie
Beth Swinford in front of Roben E. Lee's
poruait at the KA house during Old South

Sophomore All ison Gionta is so happy
to be in thi s picture with j unior Greg "I
missed my mouth " Bienemann and
freshman John You missed yours?
T hen hit mine" T womey.

Sophomore Geoff Marks
hangs out during one of the
Riverhouse day panies.


Campus Life

Fre shman Jess Lund . sophomore Eri ka Rost,
and freshm an Mary Petru lis Jay out at the
Pole houses during Derby Days.

antebellum dress
matching hat.

Pi Beta Phi 's banner hanp from Pole J's
porch. Each sorority creates a banner as
pat1 of the Derby Days conte st.

Juniors Ange la Young and Amy Karwan
celebrate the first wee kend of Spring Term
at the Foxfields Races in Charlottesvi lle.

Sophomores Kate Smi th and Andrew Carr
hang out with junior Steve Raymond at the
Buffalo Creek Music Fe sti val.

Se nior' Bat1 Layton. Corey Gaber. and Ted
Clark are ready to fO\\ do\\'n the !\Iaury

AboH :
Sen iors Nil,., T,ik nakls. Karina Sch le;s.
Lane Eame't. Lind,ay Lecky. and 1\ lile na
Ricci laughing after a fun night with the
Kappa and Theta 'en iors.

Spring Term



Joe Gras'o present' the Campus \ta,ter Plan
1 pnde. a' it 0\ en·iew: A 25- Year Vision to a capti\'e audience
\\ .I.:L .:<>ll.tr.
in the Stackhou>e Theater.

Fraternity brothers Pierce
Owing' '06 and junior Jim
Tartag lia are so excited to
he in Lex together.

Kathekon member senior Corbin
Blackford and hi s mother glance
Senior Laura HombudJe meets up
through their copy ofMemo J-iali'~ine
with sorority si ster. Chri stine Fritz '06. Roberr E. ue: The Story of u e

Alumni Weekend
"Old friends are best." - John Selden
"Al umni
weekend is a
chance for all u;
graduate' to
come dow n to
W&L and act
like a college kid
again--hey. we
can't do it in the
'real world'

\lc\lenamin '06

!\I ember of the
Alumni Board.
Tommy ~lcBride
1'8R) walks from




From May 3rd to May 6th.
Washington & Lee welcomed
back members of the
Undergraduate and Law classes of
52,57,62,67, 72.,
97. and 02 for a weekend they will
surely never forget . Excitement
permeated throughout the campus,
as strollers filled the Commons
and Five-Star Generals returned to
the ir alma mater. Alumni co uld be
seen pointing out their composites
in their respective hou ses and
explaining to their fami lies how
much W&L had changed and how
much it had stayed the same since
their days as students. The Alumni
Association. headed by W aller T.
Dudley 74. 79L. hosted a variety
of activitie s ranging from
receptions to department open
houses to campus tours.
Highlights included the Generals
Assembly , Annual Alumni
Association Meeting and Awards
Ceremony . A book signing and
keynote addre~s by Douglas W .
Bostick, author of Memoriali::ing
Robert E. Lee: The Story of Lee
Clrapel, proved to be a treat. as it
enriched understanding of one of
W& Ls m o~ t prec ious structures.

Sophomore s Jill Morri s and Kelly Bundy are
excited to see recent graduate, 1'\ leli ssa Clarke

University architect. Tom Contos,
and Vice President for
Administration, Joe Grasso, a! o
presented the Campu s Master Plan
Overview: A 25- Year Vision to all
interested in the future of the
university . Alumni were also
provided the chance to relive their
party years with Late Night at
Zollmans Pavilion. Overall , Alumni
Weekend ce lebrated W&L's past.
present, and future wi th interactions
between past and current student s.
master plans. and recruitment of the
university's next ge neration of

Even though the current sophomores don't
know many people coming back for the
weekend. they still have a great time!

Chair of the \Vest
Virginia Alumn i
Chapter Parker Smith
('53) arrives in sty le.

Douglas Bostick exchanges words with an alumnus
after signing his hook, Memorialdng RoberT E. Lee:
The SrorY of Lee Chapel.

Kitt Murphy and Erin
Rathbone '05 watch the
boxing match at Pole
House 1 together.

The Bazzel fami ly reunites at the Palms
with Frank ('02) and wife Rodes (Nash)
('03), Barbara, Lynn (' 10 ). Frank ('72J.
and Johnson ('06 ).

Alumni take a break in the
Elrod Common s. a luxury that
v.asn't there when these men
attended W & L.

Joe Milcoff ('92) plays wi th his
daughter in the Commons while
taking a break from the fe stivities.

:-.!embers of the Cla» of 2002
gather in \\'ibon Hall.

Sophomore Lauren Rudolph greet>
Chri>tine Gladyz '06 at Shanghat
'' ith a mnja hug .

A lumni Weekend


Juni ors Jackie Neilson and Kat Allen pose in
front of the Eiffel Tower on a pretty spring da•
in Paris.

tudy Abroad
This year. several Washington and Lee students took the opportunity to study abroad
in countries all across the globe. Students spent time in places like Italy. France. England,
Spain. Greece. Austria, the C zech Republic, Hun gary, Denmark. the Netherlands. Ireland,
India. and China just to name a few . During the ir time overseas, students embraced new
cultures. languages. rituals. and studies. Students not onl y spent time in their respec ti ve
univer~i tie s studying. but they also spent wee kend a nd vacati o ns traveling to th e far corners
of the world. thus reaping the benefits of a worldly educati on. Junior Kelly Boss stated o f
her experience in Rome. "It was the highlight of my college years. Spending time abroad
mvay fro m the small W&L community really broadened my horizons ." Juniors An ne
Russell Calvert and Jeanne Smith both remarked on the significance of their homestay with
French families. stating that it was the defining characteristic of their abroad ex peri ence .
With the aid of the International Studies Program, more and more students each year
embark o n a life changing journey.

Right :
Junior> Kelly Bo>s. :>.Iegan Hyland. Elisa
Gibbs. and Allie Kelly >pend the day at the
Roman Colo"e um .





'·- .... . .

Far right :
Junior' :>.lolly Smith. Susan Summers. and
;'o.laggie Nugent bund le up for a chilly day on
the beaches of Halk.idiki . Greece.

"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page ... - St. Augustine

Juniors Mandy Bums and
Lo ui se De nny 'ee the sights in
Sevi lla.

Juni o r' Lill a Theu,. Lauren
John,on and 'ophomore Liz
Gar,on meet up in Venice
for Spring Rrea~.

in Florence.
Juni ors Anderson Fari" and Jean ne Smith
beach it at the French Riviera.


Campu' Life

Junior' Nikhi Conkling. Emily Grimb~ll
and ~ophomore Caroline Awm take a stroll
through the Italian villas.

Junior Caroline Mann takes in the \'iew of
of the Alps- an everyday occurrence while
in Austria!

Juniors .M ary Radfo rd Wyatt. ln slee
Haynes, Heather Riba>. Po ll y Smith and
Megan Hyland hold up the leaning tower
of Piza with the ir bare hands.


Spring Tenn in China'

.\bO\ e :
The bn)' in Spam: Soph,,mnres Je" e
\\'right and Harry John ,un. junior Bob b)
Hethenngton. 'ophomnre> \\' ill \loore.
Hamen Bahm 2ton. Ja\' Lon~nv. and Bnan
Hethn ngtnn e~jo) the. >ea'c;pc .

Campus Life


.-\. group of eager grad,.

Seniors Emilv Deut,ch. Sara Behmerwo ld. and
Lauren 1-:a~pf take a picture in front of the
fre,hmen dorms.

Seniors El izabeth Cameron and Stephanie Wiechmann smi le for the

W &L celebrates its 220th Commencement
Students and fac ulty wore
their respecti\'e adornm ents
at the Baccalaureate service
the day before graduati on in
order to commence the
offic ial g raduation
festivi ti es. While some
people scorn thi s ceremony
as unnecessary and an outof-date trad iti on. it gives the
students a reali zati on about
the mo mentou s eve nt in their
life that wi ll occur in just
over 24 hours. This day is
also a great day for parents yet another time to take
pictures of their children
with the ir caps and gow ns
on. a moment they've been
waiting for for four years.
President Ru sc io
introduced the service and
told the students to refl ect
upon these past four years
today. whil e th e noise of an
unintended he licopter fl ying
above interrupted hi s speech.
"These are happy days,
though strange in some
ways. such as th e packin g of
rooms and apartme nts. one
more tubing




The Class of 2007 photo-op
provided parents with a perfec t place to snap a
photo of their graduate.

trip down Goshen. one last
Coke at Cafe 77. th e fin al
climb to the third floor of
Newcomb Hall ," he said .
Members of the Universit y
Choruses sang "Shenandoah"
for the graduates-to-be and the
a udi ence, a song th at trave led
with th e seniors since freshmen
year. Dr. A lexandra Brown , the
Jess ie Ball duPont Professor of
Reli gion, was the guest
speaker. She defended
Baccalaureate's ex iste nce by
relat ing the ceremony to
W &L's hi story and tradition.
After the ceremony e nded ,
students and their fa milies
headed to Cannan Green for a
lunc heon, sponsored by the
A lumni Association.

Senior Sam Wilmoth tries to explain
hi s award, the Algernon Sydney
Sullivan Medallion, to others.

The Front Lawn is set for Thursday's fe sti,·ities.

Seni ors Corey Gaber and Vic toria Ke >selman
celebrate their new alumni >tatu s.

President Ru scio addresses the audience at the beginning
of the ceremony.

Uni versity Marshall Brian Richardson
carries the Unversity Mace. and begins
the procession toward Lee Chapel.

The senior Sigma Chi pledge claS>
takes a photo outside of their beloved
fraternity house.

Seniors Kri,ten Chasse and Lane
t. lorgan are finally proud to be
referred to a, "grad uate s ...

The colonnade looks ,o empt;.
\\ ithout any >tudent> or faculty
walking to c]a,s



Senior Colton \Vard liked hi s gown so much
that he wore it out that night.

On June 7. the Class of 2007 wo ke up ea rlier than usual. took a shower. put on a
sundress or slacks. and then slipped into the traditional black polyester caps and gow ns.
Follo\\'ing another tradition. the st udents yet again graduated on a T hursday. a custom th at
students don't mind much but is always a nightmare for parents' scheduling plan s. But
that's what W&L is all about...trad iti on.
Students lined up on Washington Street at 9:30 (and some slipped in right before th e
procession began) and attempted to find their place in li ne. It was hot out, but anyone who
had been to the 2006 graduation could not complain. Stude nts processed th roug h th e
colonnade and down the Lee Chapel walkway to their seats and liste ned to Burr Datz.
Executive Committee President Rob Rain. and Universi ty President Ken Ru scio spea k
about the sc hool and the achievements of the grad uating class . But perhaps the most
note\\'orthy com ment was that an alumnus of W &L had donated $ 100 millio n to the
Uni vers ity to bolster existing need-based scholarship fun ds and to create a leadership
program at the sc hool. This gift to the Universi ty made stu dents rea li ze how generous
W &L alums can be. and how much this school means to so many people. G radu ati on is a
time to step away from W&L as a student. bu t W& L stays w ith grad uates foreve r.
Senior Paul- Devin Kuettner and his sister
Angelika take a photo to commemorate the

h it ju't me or 1' it hot our' Graduate' line
up in alphabetical order and wait for the
ceremony to begin.

Dargah1 arc

Profc"or Robert Straughan present s dip lomas to those
recei\'ed a degree of Bachelor of Science with Special
Attainments in Commerce.


to get out of thme
hlack rnhc''

Senior Victoria Kc,sclman
flip' her ta"el!

The William' School graduates-to-he attempt
to line up oul\ide of Early-Fielding Center.




Profe"or Claudette Artwid. lead, the
Umver,it) 's coat-of-am1s and banner,.
'oon to be followed bv the international

The Lee Chapel clock lets the students and
audience know exactly how long they've
been baski ng in the heat.

After successfully lining up. the anxious
students wait for Univer;.ity Marshall Brian
Richardson to come into sight .

Graduate' l\ larcuriu' Byrd and Frank Lee
meet up with sophomore Chri,topher
Rucker after the ceremon~.

Lian e Carl son. Emilv DeVoe. Kate
Connolly. Stephame. \\' ie.:hmann. and
Emma Burri' are excited to ca ll themselves
alumnae of \\'&L.



n,1pel >eating area fills up earl)
llng as parents are try 10 find the

Campu\ Life

Kristine Holda '06 and Catherine Swan '07 celebrate after !he

The Class of 2007 files in.

Future graduate:; walk past the R.E. Lee Episcopa l Church on
their way to th e Lee Chape l walkway.

Senior> i\ lallor) Lobi sser and Dand I\ II ller tal..e a break from the
C-Schoollineup to take nne last picture at \\'&L.

The H\: Kath ryn Heaberg. Suzanne
Hu mphries. Kaylee Hanung. Rebecca
Hatchett. and Sarah Helm' line up before
graduati on.

Far Left: Rece nt grads Jack Jeong and
Abbie Jackson ce lebrate with Steve
Tamayo. Left : Lauren Kampf. Eka
Akpakip. Michae l Wagoner, Anhur
Fang. and Bree i\lelton pose fo r a photo
after graduation .

Stephanie Wiech mann celebrate'
with family after graduation .

Lee Chapel seems :;o tranqui l
"nhout the graduate:; and farnil)
members around.

Student> ,land" hile listening to
Burr Datz\ in\'ocation.

Graduatio n


I. Freshmen ViYian
Schreeder. Eric Veres, Nick
Fuerst, and Sarah Robertson
have fun at Lambda Chi
fraternity during Chri stmas
2. Seniors Emily Applegate,
Abby Olson. Lindsay Lecky,
Laura Anne Taylor, Niki
Tsiknakis. and Annie
Thompson surround junior
Brad Stillwagon.
3. Senior Alex Orr gives the
camera a peace sign as he
prepares for the Journey
cover band at Pika.
4. Sophomores Logan
Whalen. Justin Bobko. and
Robbie Varipapa smi le for
the camera.
5. Sophomores Dave Mariani
and Allan Kisoma chat with
senior Whitney King at a Phi
Psi-Chi-0 mixer.
6. Sophomore Stephanie
Stelter strikes a pose with
junior big sorority sis
Courtney Dolaway.
7. Junior Tara Rubenstein,
seniors Maggie Megear and
Lane Earnest, and
sophomore Anne Van
Devender at Theta's "My
Tie" formal.
8. Sophomores Jamie
McCardell and Lizzie
MacPherson enjoy the
wee kend.




9. Freshmen Will
Wilkerson. Charlie Griffin,
and Colton Payne really like
giving thumbs up.

10. Juniors Yvonne Coker
and Quiana McKenzie have
fun at the Black and White
11. Juniors Mike Fahey and
Jessica Buckingham hang
out with seniors Maggie
Canby and Khaki Howe at
the Pika house.

12. Junior Marian Botchway
with seniors Shari Boyce,
Alex White, and Shelley
Orman enjoy the last days of
summer during a Dorm
Counselor orientation event.
13. Freshmen Matt Hutton,
Kevin Feeney, Alex Brooke,
Taylor Walsh, and Logan
Bartlett strut their costumes
at the Windfall Halloween
14. Junior Theresa
Dougherty and senior
Stephanie Wiechmann
spend time together at
Sigma Nu over
Homecoming weekend.
15. Seniors Lisa Zevorich,
Catherine Swan, Lauren
Kampf, and Kate Connolly
at the Homecoming Wine
Tasting event at the Liberty
Hall Ruins.

Coll age


I. Freshmen Alex Previdi,
!\!organ Jone~. Beth
Brantley, Sarah HardinWhite, Lauren Dorsey, and
Hillary Grosser pose for a
picture before Spring Fling.
2. Juniors Nelson Bunn and
Jamie Ferrell smile while in
Spain for a summer
semester together.

3. Junior Liz Williams and
sophomore Audrey Fell
dress up on Halloween as a
tourist and a fireman.
4. Seniors Catherine Swan,
Allison Stokan, Laura
Pekman, and Robin Davi s
enjoying their last tear night
as Pi Phi s.
5. Sophomore C-J JosephGuevara and senior Leah
Heron are happy to be in
Spain with each other!

6. Sophomore Homecoming
dates Hunter Branstetter and
Ali Smith stop to pose for a
7. Even though they were
playing against each other,
seniors Marjie Zethraus and
Caroline Simonson still hug
it out.
8. Members of the 2007 Chi
Psi pledge class are all
smiles at the I OOth Fancy
Dress Ball.


Campus Life

9. Junior Jack Martin, senior
Suzanne Humphries, and
junior Smith Gardner at the
Phi Delt Christmas
Weekend party.

10. Senior KeJl y Evans, in
her typical attire, gives the
night o ut a thumbs up.

II. Juniors William
Caldwell , David Dreibelbis.
and Sanjay Palakshappa
meet ove r Christmas break
in tuxes . Cl assy.

12. Senior Tripp Watson,
juniors Mary Catherine
Burdine and Meredith
Noble s. and senior Michael
13. Junior David Shubick
and fre shma n Aleisha Butler
celebrate St. Patrick's Day in

14. Sophomore Chris
Santoro gives a thumbs up
to his buddy, sophomore
John Lindsay.

15. Freshmen Gozi Egbuonu
and Sacha Raab are pretty in
pink at the Pi Beta Phi
hou se.

Coll age



Camp u~




Honor Societies
Phi Eta Sigma
Hiba l\1 . Ass i
William D. Baker
Lynn E. Bazzel
Michael J. Bender
William S. Brice
Shannon N. Brunner
Samuel B. Brusca
Natalie I. Bunnell
Whitney R. Burns
A le xandra Caritis
Lindsay E. Cassels
Tyler C. Chapin
Lam Sing Cheng
M. Ian Childers
William J. Cooper
Emily F. Coyle
D. Michael Daly, Jr.
Dinah E. Danforth
Josiah W. Davi s
Brian E. Devine
James C. Dick
Hillary A. Einfeldt
Christopher M. Farrell
Neville L. Fogarty
Dillon R. Fulcher

Joshua A. Gonzalez
Kelly J. Gotkin
Cale G . Grove
Chri stophe r H. Haake
Caroline M. Habliston
Margaret R. Harrington
David D. Hoffman
Eduard A. Hoffmann
Lucy G. Hundley
J. Kaitlyn Kamp
Reagan M. Kerr
Andrew P. Lambert
Elizabeth W . Lineback
Alison T. Love
Stephanie A. Marks
Matthew J. Mason
Clara C. McClenon
Joseph P. McDonald
Ashley N. Milligan
Benjamin W. Mooneyham
Carlos A. Morales
Annaria Nardone
Elliott W . O'Brien
Anthony J. Oley, Jr.
Rome I. Perlman

Rijuta J. Phatak
Cristin E. Quinn
Holly L. Ratliff
Samuel T. Reed
Brooke L. Reidy
Julie B. Sanders
Aparajita Singh
Rachel M. Skains
Carolyn N. Small
Victoria M. Stevens
Tara B. Stewart
Katherine C. Telfeyan
Sarah M. Thornsberry
Daniel F. Thornton
Dorothy R. Todd
Sarah Josephine Trimble
Nicholas D. Ward
J. Rus sum Weems
Emi ly J. Whipple
Emily A. Williams
James P. Wolff
John T . Wren, Jr.
Kelsey M. Wright

John W. Elrod Unsung General of the Year
Beth Lidinsky

Decade A ward
Grace Andrews
Regin a Mills

Algernon Sydney Sullivan A ward
Meghan Joss
Samuel Wilmoth


Campu s Life

Phi Beta Kappa
From the Class of 2007
Adrienne L. Adki ns
Emily A. Binns
Corbin P. Blackford
Mary R. 8 rooks
Matthew T. Burrus
Liane F. Carlson
Kari M. C hri stoffersen
David C. Colman
P. Maxwe ll Courtney
Padrick D. Denni s
Kristine M. Early
A nne E. Finley
Jason A. Fi tzsi mmons
A ndrew S. Griffin II
A ndrew R. Gulotta
Valerie 0. Hann on
Morga n K. Hill
Mariko lchihara
Julia E. Jac kson
Sang H. Jeong
Lauren E. Kampf
V ictori a A. Kesselman

C had P. Kiewiet de Jonge
Katie L. Kingsbury
Derek J. Kosciolek
Sergey S. Kvasnyuk
Steven G. Lamb
Chri stina S. Leaton
Matthew P. Loar
James S. McKay
Jared J. Meyer
Matthew G. Mi ller
Alexander R. Miltenberger
Brittany E. Moody
A my K. Nu nez
Nadia C. Prinz
Sheryl B. Sil vers
Eri k K. Sivertson
Yujia Song
Rozaliya B. Stoyanova
Michael M. Wago ner
Taylor F. Walle
Samuel A. Wilmoth
Lisa M. Zevorich

Class of 2008
Andrew P. Ackell
Thomas M. Brower
Will iam T. Campbell
Lucas L. Carma lt
Martha L. Cau lkin s
Nicole Conkling
M icah F. Fergenson
Katelyn M. Fin ley
Stacie L. Gilmore
Christi ne G. G iordano
Philip J. Graber
Diane M. Kuhn
Carly S. Levin
Chonyang L. Lu
Mic hae l J. McArdle
Deborah A. Newell
Jennifer M. Schieltz
Ti moth y P. Vacek
Randolph C. Wilson

Omicron Delta Kappa
Di vya Ajay
Eka A kpakip
Camille Allen
Dane Boston
John Bovay
Kelly Evans
Thomas Gift
Matthew Godfrey
Tye Haeberle
Heather Hart
James Heidbreder

Ken-Cheng-H siang
Jon-William Jame s
Jack Jeong
Chad Kiewiet de Jonge
Meghan Joss
Matthew Loar
James McDermott
Jame s McKay
Yo Miura
A nthony Nardi ni
Scot Pittman

Robert Rain
Alice Shih
Catherine Swan
Will Townes
Michae l Wagoner
A lex White
Walker Williams
Sam Wilmoth
Shane Wilson
Gi nny Wortham

Celebrating Student Success A wards
Publications/Media: Katherine Greene
Recreation : Erin Tainer
Performing Arts: Lauren Sapikowski
Communit y Sen ·ice : Dane Boston
General C lubs and Organization s: Matthew Loar
Greek Life: Kathryn Heaberg
Reli gi o us Life: Madeline Ge nt
Programming/Social Ac tiviti es: Kati e Lo ng
GoYernm e nt : M att Krieg

Socie ti e~


Freshmen year is always a blast. From freshmen Pre-Orientation trips. which are
designed to aid in the development of strong ties and a sense of community early on. to
Ori entation Week. which is the beginning of not only a year at Washington and Lee but
essentially the official beginning of a four-year stay. a lot happens in those hot. summer
days. Fall Term serves as one of the best teaching experiences for the freshmen. for it is
here that they first encounter the academia and rigor that is Washington and Lee. But that's
not to say that all learning happens within the classroom, because Fall Tem1 is also the
time when they learn and experience W &L's social scene. Thoughts of home are often the
last thing on their minds until Thanksgiving and Christmas roll around. and there is a
sudden dash and the campus becomes e mpty. These few short weeks are concluded with
the infamous Winter Term. In thi s term. there is more to dread than the cold because thi s is,
in th e words of an old adage, when the rubber hits the road. Freshmen, with the knowledge
of how things work at Washington and Lee. are put to the test of juggling their lives, so
Fancy Dress and February Break come at the most opportune times. With the warming of
the weather comes the one thing that upperclassmen have been promising and the freshmen
have been awaiting since 0-Week: Spring Term. With only one or two classes and possibly
a P. E., fre shmen are rewarded for their hard work as they usher in the summer. And with
the end of thi s mini -vacation comes th e variety of the summer and the end of the once in a
lifetime e xperience, which is freshmen year.
Jinger Bays. Section Editor
DeYarion Carter. Assistant Section Editor

Frc,hman Xiaox i Liang di~ pl ays her
Chinese Calligraphy. \\hich
'he demon,trated for the ~ew Year
Celebration\ aud tence.

Fre,hman Cody Beauchamp .

Frc~ hm e n

Sharon Chu and Hill ary
Ei nfddt.

Ld't: Freshmen Joel Poelhu i' and Jamie Goodin play at a Battle of the Bands
n 1ncert .

lldov. : Fre,hmen N1ch. \\'aru and Sophie Xinng take a 'tuuy hreah. to wander the
halb nf Gilliam Dormitory.
lldov. Centl'r: Fre,hman Aleisha Butler 'hov.' off a daffodil in her ha1r to
ce lebrate 'Prin g.
Bottom Right: Fre,hman Caitlyn \VIison uoe,n't let a ,prained ankle dampen
her St. Paddy's Day spirit -- ' he decorate' her crutches wi th green wire.
Bottom Left : Fre, hmen Sarah Jo Trimble. Cristin Quinn. Elitaheth 1\lann. and
Caroline Head ore"'" Fanta girb fnr a mixer.





Freshman Sarah Thornsberry shows her playful side at a >ee nic O\'erlook on the
''a) to Foxtidd-;.
William Ackell
John Ackerman
Carolyn Adamik
Nathaniel Adkins
Nicole All a band
Sallie Arm,trong

Haye, A,hcroft
Drew Assapimonwait
Dani clle Ausem'
Dan Au>tin
Ja>on Bacaj
Jame' Baird

William Bal..er
Chebea Barkman
Brandon Bamd'
Lauren Barousse
Tricia Bate'
linger Bays

Lynn Bazzel
Cody Beauchamp
Kate Becker
Rebecca Beeson
:l.lichael Bender
William Billington



David Blake
Annie Blakey
Jeffery Boateng
A le.\ Boehling
Zach Bohm
Katie Boiles

Brian Bondurant
Jane Bouch
Katie Bouret
Robert Bowler
Beth Brantl ey
Patric k Bre nnan

W illi am Brice
Les ley Brindle
Shannon Brunner
Sam Brusca
Bla ir Brzes ki
Andrew Bud Lin,ki

Jess ica Bunnell
Natalie Bunne ll
Anna Stuart Burnett
A liesha Butler
Bill Butler
Lauren Caire

Adam Cancyrn
A lexandra Caritis
Catherine Carloc k
Boyd Carnal
Lindsay Cassels
Matt Cassi lly

Ryan C astle
Gu staf Ca\·anaugh
Laura Cavanaugh
fan Chi IJers
~ I o ni c a Chinn
Sharon Chu

Diana Cianciatta
Robert Cla iborne
Zak Colangelo
Au>lln Colpini
W ill iam Cooper
Franny Couch



Emily Co}k
'' Crou~-Grubb '
Bea; Craparo
\\' ill Cra"
Drew Cr,m le}
Franl. Dale

\lichael Dal}
Dinah Danforth
Charle' D;n id,on
Abel Delgado
Brian De\·ine
Jame' Dick

John Ditore
SteYe DiYerio
Lauren Dor'e}
\ lary Dozier
Ro's Draber
Stephanie Dultz

Fletcher Dunn
Katie Dunphy
Li'a Dutton
Caroline Echo],
:\ 2ozi ka E2buonu
Alex Eich;nbaum

Frc,hmen Je"ica \lal.ona and Agata Kava tal-e a breal. at Chi p,j Late nite.



Fre>hme n Jam ie Goodin and CJ Boyd play at a Battle of the Bands competition .

Hilary Emfeldt
Sarah Engstrom
Chri~topher Farrell
Maggie Fiskow
Laura Fleming
Neville Fogarty

Maureen Ford
Caitlin Foster
Samara Francisco
l'vleredith Freeman
Doug la!> Friedman
Tho mas Frith

Nicho las Fuer>t
Dillon Fulcher
Mary Ann Gancer
Charle s Gentle>
Joesph Gibson
Jonathan Gi ese n

And rew Gillmore
Chri stian Given
Ben Goetsch
Joshua Gonzalez
Jackie Goodell
Jamie Goodin

Kelly Go tkin
Julia Gotwald
Salley Gould
Phillip Graham
Lindsay Grant
Willi am Green

Charlie Griffin
Hil ary Grosser
Cale Grm·e
Teddy Grover
Caroline Habli ston
Caroline Haeberle

Suzanne Hange
Andrea Hanick
Amy Harbil as
Stephanie Hardiman
Sarah Hard in-\\'hite



Fre,hman Natalie Bunnell 'hO\\, otT her hat and 'undres' at Fox fields.

Ku,hal Harjani
!\loll) Harrington
Oalton Harri'
Katie Harris
Kelly Harrison
Taylar Hart

Derek Hay,om
Caroli ne Head
Olivia Head
Chad Heap'
Lauren Heitshusen
Natalie Herndon

George Hilton
\lalcolm Hines
1\lary Hipp
\lichelle Hir,chfeld
David Hoffman
Eduard Hoffman

Samantha Hogan'
Kim Holland
Brett Holton
Lucy Hundk)
\ I ichael Huntrc"
Je"ica Hu's



Ross Isbell
a tha n Jensen
Saman tha Jimenez
L y nd ~ey Johan ,on
Jessica Jones

Lexi Kierst
T imothy Kirby

Eli zabeth Krau >nick
Jo>h Kuckley
Drew Lam ben

Matthew La ngan
Rachae l La ngdon
Ke lly Lartig ue
Jo hn Lauren s
Grant Lewandrowski

Willi am F. Luce Ill
Jes;.ica Lund
Katherine Lynn
Saneliso 1\ lahuza
Elizabeth 1\ lann
Ke\' in l\ lannerin g



.a m ~ \lan'e~
S kp hani ~ \l .rrks
Hntten \latthe\\'
1e \ Iauro \ lendet
\lattlle\\ :\Ia~
C lara \kCiennon

\l um \kCiintock
h>rd.an :'\kConnel
Jo,eph :'\kDonald
Grace 1\kGee
Ste\ en :'\ leadors
Jenna :'\ le riggi

Elizaheth \lied
:hhle} :'\lilligan
Hannah Kate \litchell
\leredith 1\litchell
Ryan :\toling
Sarah \ lontL

Benjamin 1\ looneyham
Caroline 1\loore
Jo,eph 1\ loore
Nat 1\ loore
Carlos 1\ Iorale'
~lichaell\ l orella

Frc,hman Brian D!!\ ine ju't can't "a it to eat on Chri,tma' Weekend.



George Morgan
D;tlena Mo>er
Tanner Mou>sa
Annaria Nardone
Nale Nickerson
Chase Noyes

Andrea N ull
Jen nifer Nunes
Elliot O'Brien
Michael O'Brien
Den is O 'Leary
Tara O'Niel

Anthony Ol ey
Michael Ooms
Connell Owings
Samantha Oyler
M atthew Pagano
Andrew Pay ne

Catherine Pearsall
Co llin Peck
Rome Perlman
Mary Petru lis
Logan Pettigrew
Rachael Phillips

Ryan Pinney
James Plantho lt
Joe l Poelhui s
Kimberly Poissa nt
Jame; Pratt
Cristin Quinn

Sacha Raab
Victoria Raabe
David Rain
Kri shn a Rao
Holly Ratliff
Samuel Reed

Brooke Reidy
Christian Remmel
A'hton Rippeon
Ricardo Roa
Sarah Rober,tson
Anna Roger'



Freshmen Steph Schaefer and 1\legan Steinhardt monkey around in the first big
snowfall of the winter.
Allen Roth
Kavla Rowe
Tripp Roy
Andrew Sackman
Robert Saliers
Julie Sanders

Stephanie Schaefer
Paul Schaufele
Vivian Schreeder
Hannah Schwanzstein
Brian Scully
Hillary Sebeny

Zachary Segall
Thomas Sellers
Hunter Serenbetz
Eleanor Simmons
Sarah Simp~on
Aparajita Singh

Katie Sinks
Rachel Skains
Carolyn Small
Erin Smith
Gordon Smith
Dixon Snukah



Freshmen Michae l Morell a and Chad Heaps take a break from the party to sit on the porch.

Maria Soria
Winston Stagg
Cameron Stee le
Megan Stei nhardt
Kri sti Steve ns
Reed Steve ns

Tori S!evens
Tara Stewart
Willi am Stewart
Hillary Strasser
Maggie Sutherl and
Parker Swe nson

Nicholas Ta lluri
Katherine Telfeyan
Robert Thorpe
Mason Till ett
Dorothy Todd
Kev in Trempe

Sarah Jo Trimble
Bena Tshi shiku
Markheavens Tshuma
John Twomey
Farrell Ulrich
Eliza Van Beuren

James Van Horn
Liz Van Leer
Brooks Vardell
Stuart Vassey
Jessica Vercellino
Eric Veres

Cl audia Vincenti
James Waddell
Grace Wang
Jessie Wang
:--Jicholas \\~ard
Bradley \Vans

t.l ary Frances Weatherl y
Ryan \\' elsh
t-iolly West
Moll y Wheaton
Emi ly W hipple
Jeffrey White



Freshmen l\legh3n Keane and Stephani e Dultz.

Fre,hman Joel Poelhui' 'ho\\' off his stuff in a gra" ,.k111 and so mbrero at a fa ll
term part).
\!Jchael White
Kimber W igg'
Will WilkeN)n
Bracey W il,on
Caitlyn Wil,on
Charle' Wilson

Larl.m \\' il,on 1\'
Jame' Wolff
Robert Womble
Queenie \\'ong
Jcnna \\'or, ham
Jack \\ ren

Jennifer \\ nght
Kehey \\'right
Colin Yantis
Ed\\ard Yielding
Anni Zha
Chri,topher Zicmbl.o

Za.: \\ hite



Freshman Zaq Lawai.

slwwu Class Not Pictured

lie Blake
mas Brandlein
xander Brooke

Eric a Edmond
Agharese Emokpae
Juli a Farnham
Chri stopher Farrell
John Fechn ay
Kevi n Fee ney
Alecia Flynn
Eleanor Fowler
Nicholas Fuerst
Clifford Gaddy
Erin Galliher
George Gelinas
Eli zabeth Gem1ack
Kri sten-Kaye Gou lbourne
Matthew Greene
Christopher Haake
Danie l Haycraft
Derek Hayso n
Ariana Henderson
Rob Hille nbrand
Kenneth Hopkins
Mi chae l Huntress
Matthew Hutton
Alex Jandri sevits
Sarah Jenks
Erica Jones
William Keigler
Richard Knack
Adam Kovars
Ashley Krol

Joshua Kuckley
Matthew Langan
Rasaq Lawai
Benjamin Lmvrence
Adam Lewis
X iaoxi Liang
Emi ly Lurie
Jessica Makona
Maxwell Mancuso
Emi ly Martin
Matthew Mason
Ke ndall Massengi ll
Matt hew May
Ril ey McAllister
Chase McBratney
Mark M eyers
Peter Mixter
Stroc k Moore
Sarah Kate Moore
Stephani e Mulherin
Galena Neclelcheva
C layton Omain sky
Colton Payne
Rijuta Phatak
A lexandra Previdi
Joseph Roane
Marquita Robin son
Allen Roth
Ann Ru sse ll
Grant Ru sse ll

Robert Saliers
Donavan Sawyer
A lexander Sherban
Katherine Simon
John Skolnik
Ethan Sm ith
James Smyth
Abraham Sohn
Claire Spadafora
Summer Sterling
Jonathan Stumpf
Gregory Sturges
Benjamin Stutts
Melissa Szum lic
Wesley Tetsworth
Sarah T ho rn sberry
Danie l Thornton
Roger Varne r
Eric Veres
Vi ktoria Vutova
James Waddell
Taylor Walsh
C hri sto pher Washington
Jordan Weber
Ru ss Weems
Zachary White
Emil y Williams
Sophie X iong

Far Left: Fre,hman
1\larkhea\ en' Tshuma
practice' in CO>tume fnr hi'
part m LipS ) nc.
\hml': Fre,hmen 1-: im
Holland and Queenie \\"ong
'ho\\ off their ma'k' at
dinner hefore FanC) Drc".

l.t•ft: Fre,lunen Strnd
1\lonre and Jenna \\.or,ham
take a hreak from danc'Jil~ at
the P1 Beta Phi Sem1'



Right : Abel Delgado makes
a fedora look good at a Chi
Psi Latenite.
f a r Right : Frehman H ill~
Stra~ser looks surprised at
being caught.

Bdo\\ : Freshmen Co"·
Dube and :'\ Iegan Stei nhardt
take a break from
Halloween decorations.
Belm• Ri ght : \\'hat can you
do'? Gozi Egbuonu trie' out
a co,tu me for a mixer.

Aho•·e : Rachael Phill ip'
and Kelly Harri,on
ce lebrate ~prin g with fre sh
picked fl ower,.

Ri ~: h t: Fre,hmen Amv
Harbilas and A' hley
:'\lilligan dance at a party.
Far Ri ght : Fre,hme n Sara
Kate ~ l oore and Nicole
All aband ' how the1r love for
each other.



Far Lt.>ft: Fre>hmen Laura
Fleming and Jes,ie Wang
enjoy a party during
Christmas Wee kend.
Left: Freshmen Eri c Veres
and Claudi a Vincenti pal
Belon Left: Freshmen
Kelly Gotkin, Sacha Raab.
and Stephanie Dultz are
ange ls.
Below: Team Aicha
Intramura l Soccer Team
shows off their spi rit .

AbO\ e: Freshmen Gozi
Egbuonu and Jinger Bays
enj oy dinner during
Chri stmas Weekend.
Fa r Left : Freshmen r.Iegan
Steinhardt and Rachael
Phillips spra) paint a banner
fo r the volleyball team.

Lt.>ft: Freshmen Abel
Delgado and Kushal Harjani
show their pledge brother
love at Fancy Ores>.



Sophomores returned to fa miliar territory and old fri ends for what
many refer to as the sophomore slump, or their second year. Despite
the name, sophomore year turned out to be quite an experience.
Sophomores no longer had to li ve in the freshmen dorms, and in stead
chose to li ve in Greek housing, Woodscree k apartments. or Gaines.
Whether playi ng a sport, parti cipating in an organi zati on on campus, or
\'Oi unteering with one of the many organi zations in the community.
sophomores continued to take advantage of all the opportunities that
W&L has to offer. For those who choose to parti cipate in Greek life,
this is the year when students finall y get to experience the other side of
rus h. Academi cally, sophomore year is a time to continue fulfillin g
requi re ments while thinking more seri ously about poss ible maj ors.
Although sophomores must declare their major at the end of the year,
many continue to switch majors while trying to find the right area of
study. Student s made the most out of their second year. having fun
while balancing academics and other obli gations before having to think
too seriously about their futures.
Kelly Bundy
Sophomore Section Editor

Sophomore Ton y Kell y.


So ph o m o re~

Sophomore Paul Stac k.

So phomore Cecilia Whitehurst.

Left: Sophomores L~uren San tabar. Ke ll y Karve li,, and Rebecca Koval
looking pretty.
lldow: Sophomore' Erica Giordano. Sara Fo,ter- Reeves, Kati e Kern. Kik i
1\l oreo Jooh pretty ftlr the camera.
Helm\ C~ ntcr: Sophomore Erika Ro,l . fre, hmen Mary Pe truli s a nd Lex i
Kier,t . and 'o phomore Jac kie DiBia,ie ready for a night nut.
llottnm Ri ght: Sophomore arson Bruno. j unior Dane Bm ton. and
' opho mnre Ril ey B~rn es before the Chamber Singers Candlelight Servi<.:e.
llottom Left: Sophomores Ed Da lton . Andrew He nder,on. Pau l Sta<.: k, a nd
Ni<.: k Fox all dre,>ed up for hri,t mas Wee ke nd.

Sop h omore~


Abu AlhaJ
Rob Adam'
A.tron Albert
Beau .-\lien
Du,tin Alonw
\!an .-\mling

\bn he" .-\nder"'"
Gra.:e Andrew'
"'ei l :\'rna
Sarah :\tl..in,on
Caroline A vent
Hansen Babing10n

Ka,.;ie Bagley
Erik Ball
Chri' Ball ant) ne
Loui,e Ban.:e
Ril ey Barne'
Olivia Claire Barren

Katherine Bastian
Amy Beamer
Caren Beck
Kate Becken
Cl)·,tal Benavides
Brad Bender

Jessica Bergqui'l
Rachelle Bemadel
Jame' Berry
Kerry B1rch
Emerson Bluhm
J u'tin Bobko

Baker Bole'
Chri,lopher Bolger
Katherine Bolle'
Stephanie Bollheimer
:l.llchelle Boniface
Alexandra Boyat

Ro,emary Boyle
Brinany Brad,haw
Hunter Bran,teller
Rebecca Bratu
Greg Brill
Chri,topher Brim,ck



Sophomores Lauren !\Iiller. Katie Kern. ami
Kalin Harvard.

1homores Briana Gapsis and Cecilia White hurst enjoy a night nut on the

Sophomore' Heather Jordan. Drew S.:arantino.
Alex Utsey, and Jacque Linton.

KD Sophomores on Halloween.

Mackenzie Brow n
Carson Bnmo
C. Hobson Bryan
Sarah Bujtas
Seth Bull ard
Kelly Bunu y

Diana Burgreen
Jackie Bums
Li ssie Cain
Teresa Carlin
Hardie Carlso n
l\leli ssa Caron

Tom Carpenter
Andrew Carr
Stephen Carr
Taehoon C hoi
Tori Christma'
John Christopher

Han nah Citron
Saya Clanc~
Brendan Clar~
Garrett CJarJ.,.
Keh\ on Clar~
Rich Clea~



Bl'lh Cloninger
:--licJda Coffe)
Enn Ct>ltrera
S.uah Connor
Chip Cope
Kate Corr

Helen Cou pe
William Cming ton
.-\nhur Crafail..
Hil arv Cr.ti!!

Roge ~ Crai~

:--Ian Cra)craft

Lif Cre"well
Paul Crook
Shannon Curran
Edward Dalton
.-\i,ha Da\'i'
Caroline Da' i'

Katon Daw,on
Emily Dedden'
Kri,tin Del Padre
Sio bhan DePietro
Ka\'ita DeVaney
Jacqueline DiBia~ie

Chrbtopher Diebold
Alice Dixon
1\leli,,a Dolan
Stacy Doombo'
Alex Duckwonh
Shreya Durvasula

Rei's Ea!!an
\lary Beth Edw;rd'
Bets\ Elli'
Tayl or E~bury
Scott Ennis
Colleen Evan'

Ju ke Farlc)
Audrey Fe ll
Jacl.. f-i , her
J e nn i t~ r Ranagan
A lexa n<.lcr Fl a,ter
Katie Flippe n



Bri gid Forre;ter
Bbke Fo, tcr
Sara Foste r- Reeves
Nick Fox
Robert Frasco
1\.e ith Friend

Eli zabeth GaNm
Jacob Geiger
Catherine Gerhardt

Leann Gerlach
Andrew Gerri 'h
Erica Giordano
Laura Godfrey
Isaiah Goodman

Lizzie Gotimer
Andrew Green

Elissa Hanson
Matthew Harkin >

Sophomore' Je" ica Ulrich. 1\.ara Nadeau . Kmta Palmgren. Chri,t ma Pratt. and 1\.ebi Rntli n,nn get
exc ited at the Bu,ta Rhymes Concert .



Ada Harri'
Kalin Harvard
We;; Haydon
W\atl Heaton
·Ben Heller


Andrew Henderson
John Henderson
William Henson
Brian Hetherin2ton
.-\ndrea Hid;lgo
Tara Hi ldenbrand

Helen Hi ll
Alexandra Hillyard
Keegan Hme~
Ben Hoagl and
Laura! Hobbe'
Andre\\ Hofh eimer

Catherine Hook
C~ i d he Horan
Tom Ho ~ford
Eugina Huang
A l~ 'on Hubbard
Sean Hurdiss

;\lac kenzie Hun on
Brett lnersagen
len Jack
Alex Jackson
Jennifer Jane'
Lauren Ja,kolski

Justi n Jerome
Harry Johnson
Dwy n Joll y
Kirk l one'
Lind sey Jones
w e,ton ) on e~

Heather Jordan
C-J Jo,cph-Guevara
Staci Karpova
Kelly Karveli'
Mi ke Ka/ ior
Katie Kern



Julie Peterson and Mall Amling at Fancy Dress.

phomores Jane Lee and Dan Mitaro at a "Morn ing After" party.

Ryan Owens, Linda Tan, and Kirk Jones out at
Windfall hill.

Kappa Sigs and KDs before Fancy Dress.
Sandile Khumalo
Sarah Kientz
Harrie t Kilgore
Laura King
Tabitha King
Ted Kingsberry

Damon Kirwin
Allan Kisoma
Rebecca Koval
Skip Krafft
Oliver Krischik
Peter Kyle

Isaac Lambert
Taylor Lawch
Jane Lee
Joseph Lee
Karen Lee
Fielding Lewis

Jacqueline Linton
Ale:-.andra Locking
Jav Lon20,l. ll

Jo~ Lup~'

LI'a Luu
Jennifer Lyo;e nko

Sophomore s


.e \Jacpherson
'"''rge \Jago,em
su,an \Jahone~
Hcn~ \lakepeace
Craig \lalkme'
Julie \lancin i

Da\Jd :\!ann
\latthe'' :\Janning
Da\ e :\Jariani
Bobby Ray 1\ I art in
Chri,topher 1\lartin
Ore\\ l\lartin

Peter \lartinez
Tomm) 1\latteo
Laura 1\Jaurer
BrJdle\ 1\kAIJi,ter
Sarah \kCanille
Anne Lind'e) 1\kCollnch

Chip 1\kCoy
Fletcher 1\kCrav.
Kara 1\lcElroy
Spencer J\JcElro)
Chri, l\kHu2h
Jaf..e J\lcK;y

Ju,tin 1\kKeen
Terrence 1\JcKelvey
Sean 1\JcKinley
James J\ kKinne\
Estefania 1\JcPha~l
Chri,tina 1\Jerchant

Andrew 1\ leriwether
D)lan 1\lerrill
Jule l\liata
Julia l\b!!lch
Hadley 1\liller
Lauren \hiler

Dan 1\litaro
Taylor :vlitchell
:\lari ya .\ liteva
Ki ki 1\loreo
Kathlee n 1\lorplu'



Jill Mo rri s
Sarah l'vlo rri'
Hagood 1\ lorrison
Liza .!\ torten
Kieran Murphy
T ay lor Murray

Lenora Nunnley
Wes ley O 'Dell

Hug h Ogburn
Ryan Owens
To m Pacicco
Mark Pahl
Krista Palmgren

Ashl ey Parker
.1\latt Parker
T y Parrino
Anna Pendley
Charle ' Persons
Julie Peterson

phomore All iso n Gionta takes a plunge.

Sophomore> girb looking prett) beiore a night out in Lexingwn.



Bvron Pevster
· Jock Pt1u!!
Brea Phillip~
John Phillips
Thomas Pi!!natelli
Elizabeth Polanco

Will Porter
Christina Pratt
Josh Prell
Hillary Prey
Matthew Price
Chris Prugar

Sarah Ratzel
l\lary-Caitlin Ray
Eric Reitz
Lisa Reppell
Elizabeth Rhea
Allison Rigsbee

Kelsi Robinson
Eduardo Rodriguez
Erika Rost
Todd Rubel
Scott Russell
l\.lallory Ruymann

Laura Sanders
Matt Sanders
Addison Sanford
Jen Sanow
Lauren Santabar
Alex Scaggs

Drew Scarantino
Logan Schonekas
Ashleigh Scinta
John Scully
Devin Seale
Jamilia Seaton

Katie Shauh
Jess Shaw
Kasey Sherrick
Christopher Sherwin
Kyle Simon
Brinany Simpson



Sophomores Tom Pacicco. Kyle Simon. and
l\-latt Craycraft.

dressed up as Power Rangers.

Sophomores Linda Tan and Spencer McElroy.

Sophomores A llie Zeger. Jennifer Janes. Sarah McCar\'ille. Laura King. and Logan Whalen get exc ited
about their off campus house for next year.
Katie Simpson
Andrew Sims
Stu art Sittcrson
Dima Slavin
Ali Smi th
Harriet Smith

Kate Smi th
Meg Spalitta
Libby Spears
Julia Spieler
Ji m Spratt
Paul Stack

David St anc yk
Brenton Staniar
Jack St anton
Dana Statton
Stephanie S te Iter
Lind sey Strachan

David Strau'
Guada Suarez
Ashton Sulli' an
Jennifer Sutton
Katie Tabh
W illi am Taing



Linda Tan
BreH Tatman
Becca Tavlor
Robert T~mn
Walker Terry
John Thacbton

Grant Thomas
\lichael Thomp>on
Aaron T oomey
Eli sa Turner
Sehn n Turner
Chri stopher Tutor

Liz T win in!!
Michael Tyle~
Jes> Ulrich
\\'ill Umlemood
Alexandra Ut>ey
\ Jari,a Van Brunt

Anne \ 'an Dcvender
Robbie Varipapa
Da\·id \ 'aught
Kate Yilutis
Kara \ 'osier
Greggory Wade

Emily \\'allace
Tanner Wallace
Jenna Wall s
Kelsey Wahh
Noah \\'alters
~ l argaret Ward

Reill y Ward
EliLabeth Webb
Alo:xander Weber
Jacob Wein,tein
Michael Webh
Mathilde Whalen

Cet:i lia \\'hitehur't
Ruth Wicker
Andrew Wilhourn
Sara Wilkin '
Shannon William s
Tay lor William'



omore Class Not Pictured
Bryce Foster
Kev in Fuge
Sagar Gandhi
Jacob Geiger
A lli son Gionta
Alex Goldscher
Phillip Golladay
Edmund G reco
George Hagerty
Jasmine Hart
Leslie Hauser
William Henson
Anthony Ives
A lexander Jackson
Anthony Kelly
Sarah Kim
Chaz Klaes
A lyse n Kuck
Nathan Lampros
R obert Larkin

A li sha Lave nture
Thao Le
Xiaoxi Liang
Jo hn Lindsay
Matthew Lyons
Geoff Marks
Stephen Mazur
James McCardell
Stacy McEver
Brynlee McGhee
Dylan Merrill
Regina Mills
Allison Moore
Elizabeth Njuguna
Pasko Paskov
Charles Perso ns
Jo hn Pflug
Matthew Preuss
Carme n Ramos

William Reighley
Bethany Ridenhour
Christine Robinson
Christopher Rucker
Chri stopher Santoro
Craig Sauers
Katharine Scott
James Shanahan
Christopher Sherwin
Timothy Skeen
John Smith
Harry St. John
Christopher Stevenson
Robert Terrin
Ekkaphap Thengtrirat
Tyler Tripp
Robert Varipapa
Lucas Wi lli ams
Mary Wi lson
Galina Yudovich
Robin Zheng

Sam Wilmoth
Abbey Wihon
Ben Wibon
As hley Wohler
Lauren Wood
Jesse Wright

Robin Wright
Yan Yan
David Ya ncey
Hil a Yashar
Gaby Zamora
Jack Zampolin



Right: Sophomores getting
out of Lex for a little fun.
Far Ri ght: Sophomore'
Carson Bruno. Jen L) >enko.
\like Kazior. and Abbe)
Wibon al FD.

Belo\\: Freshman Sharon
Chu. ~ophomore Sarah Kim.
and fre,hman Sarah Keckler
enjoy spending lime
Ri ght c~ nt er: Sophomore>
Michael Tyler and Kehvon
Clark before Fancy Ore".

A how: Sophomores Jill
\ lorri,. Alli son Gio nla.
Kelly Bundy. and Leann
Gerlack at Buffalo Creek.

Fa r Hight : Theatas during
Ru'h Week .
Right : Sophomore Beo.:ca
Taylor sho"' off her preny
ma'k at Fancy Dre,s.


Ll'ft: Sophomore Tanner
Wall ace DJ mg at Chi Psi
during Homecoming
Far Left: Sophomores
hang ing out before a night
on the tow n.

Below: Sophomores Cec ilia
Whitehurst. Elisa Turner.
Shreya Durvasu la. and
Hillary Sebeny have some
late night fu n.
Below Ce nter: '06 Alum
Pete Jones and sophomore
Eri ka Rost before Fancy

AbO\e: Sophomores Reilly
Ward. Laura Sanders.
Harriet Kilgore. and j uni or
Bryce Christy are all
dressed up for a night out.

Left: Sophomore l\lallory
Ruymann and freshman
Gozi E£buonu celebrate
being i~ the same soronty
Far Left: Sophomore
Stephame Stelter and C-J
Joseph-Guevara lookmg
prett) for the camera.


Junior year was a time for W &L students to enjoy college life to the
fullest. Havi ng completed most of their general education requ irements in
their freshmen and sophomore years, juniors found themselves well into
coursework for their major and enjoying th e opportunity to study things
that were of interest to them. Many juniors also took time to get away
from Lexi ngton and study abroad in numerous locations across the globe.
The new option to take a spri ng tenn away from Lexington made study
abroad opti ons even more e nticing. and also made internships possible.
These opportunities to study off campus provided valuable experiences
that could not be found within Lexington. Juniors enjoyed studying
subjects th ey enjoyed, yet not having to worry about the real world
pressures faced by seniors, such as the job search or graduate school
application process. Aside from academics. juniors enjoyed the
opportuni ty to live off campus for the first time in their college career.
Leases were signed. furniture was bought, and numerous trips to WalMart were made as students worked to make their off-campus houses and
apartments feel like homes . Friendships were strengthened and new
frie nds were made, and the juniors eagerly looked forward to when they
would finally be sen iors.
Catherine Swan
Section Editor


a& I



Junior' Jenny Schidtt and Kcri Klein


Juni or~

Junior' Dan Feleuola and Jack Palmer

Juniors Shaun Edward ' and Emma Axt

Left: Junior' Sal ly Bittinger. Li sa Leonard, Jessica Simmons, and Kri sten
KrCluchid. before the first footba ll game of the year.
Bdow: Junio rs Joey Converse . Drew Me Way. a nd Jo rda n Campbell hangout
in Le nfe st.
lloUom Lt'ft: Jun ior Alice Shi h vo lunteers with the Campus Ki tche n>

Right Centter: Juniors Jen ny Spro ul a nd Stacey Grijalva enjoy some
housemate bonding time.
Bottom Right: Jun iors Ange la Yo ung, Meli ssa Poorman. and Yvonne Coker
before a 76ers game in Phil adelphi a nver spring break.

I' +


-r -::::, _-~-----

_,.-. - J-_ -



.-\mlre" .-kkell
Kirk Achtm"'n
KearY Al derson

~im .-\lfen
Kat .-\lle~

W illiam .-\ndre"'

:-.lan!arita Ant1>nma
-Adolfo A ponte
LiZZ) .-\ppel
.-\manda ..\,ke\\
Em ma Axt
Tripp Bail~y

Charle' Barbour
William Bamhan
Riddick Beebe
Chri,tine Bender
Scot! Berry
Rubaab Bhangu

A>hley Billman
Sally Billinger
Anthony Boniello
Chri,tine Bonner
Kelly Bo"
Dane Boston

Junu>r\ Laura Holman . Bobby llcthcringtnn. and Ke lley Z\\art part y it up .



Junior' Brightman Thomas. Kathry n George. and Alex Gou ld enjoy the outdoo rs.

1\lari an Botchway
EJ Boyer
Lil Brandler
Co lton Braud
1\lichad Braunscheide l
John Brotherton

Thomas Brower
John Bruton
Brett Buchness
Jessica Bud.ingham
Nelson Bunn
Haley Bunting

Mary Catherine Burdine
Guinevere Burner
Mandy Burns
Alex Burpee
Thoma' Bush
William Caldwell

Anne Ru ssell Ca lvert
Jordan Campbell
Danielle Cardone
Lucas Carmalt
Kati e Carmody
Martha Caulkins

Alexandra Chaffey
William Chamberlain
Jorge Chancay
Betsy Chaplin
Kate Chiasson
Victoria Childress

Mary Childs
Bryce Chri st)
Chun Yi Sum
James Cifelli
Larrv Clark
And~cw Clarke

Jes' Cobb
Paul Cobuzzi
Bret Co2an
;\ l argare~ Cogar
Y\ onne Coker
:-ltcok Conkling



Junior> Anne Has,ell a nd Laure n Cook enjoy a night out o n the town.

Joey Converse
Lauren Cook
:'-/ina Coolidge
Katrina Cork
Alexander Csorda,
Chri s Dadak

:\latthew Danner
;\ legann Daw
Lily De GraLia
Cathy Delosreyes
Laura Denny
Loui se Denny

Andrea Deoude~
Rob De Persia
Christina Dixon
Courtney Do laway
A'>hley Do no hoe
Theresa Dougherty

1\latthcv. Dowling
Di ana Do1ier
Dave Dreibilbi ~
Whitne) Duffey
Katie Duncan
Jomm) Dunn


Juni o r~

Ashley Duquette
Kay Dyt
Shaun Edwards
Greg Elkins
Margaret Elkin s
Lindsay Erickson

Nathaniel Estes
Ian Eustis
Michael Fahey
Anderson Fariss
Bonnie Fay
Seth Feibelman

Dan Felezzola
Jamie Ferrell
Katelyn Finley
Evan Fitzge rald
Blair Fletcher
Christine Flood

Stuart Frankfort
Andrew Franklin
Marshall French
Mallory Frewer
Richard Friedman
Woodrow Friend

Andrew Friski
Colin Fuess
Bryant Fulk
Michael Fulks
Abigail Gage
Erik Gagne

Bryan Gale s
Nick Gallagher
Matthew Garcia
Phillip Gardiner
Smith Gardner
Kathy Garman

Madeline Gent
Arie George
Kathryn G~eorge
Lavin ia Ghergulescu
Elisa Gibbs
Logan Gibson



Stacie Gilmore
Georgia Gilro~
Alli>on Gt>el..le\
.-\le:-. Gould
Phil Graber

\!Jureen Grant
Briana Gregon

Emil~ Grin;hail

Lauren Gunn
Collin Gu~
Kathf} n Hager

Jan Handerhan
Peter Harhilas
Bruce Harcu'
Daniel Harri s
\\' ill Hartmann
Kelly Harvey

Kvle Hanev

A~ne Ha,,eil

Zach Haubee
Jo,eph Ha" e'
In slee Haynes
Lill) Haywood

Junior Li'a \I anine1. 'ophomorc Je"ica Bcrgq ui,t . and junior Je;, Steinmetz
'h"" otf hody an from their 'prin~ term in India.



Junior' Lauren Sapikow,ki. Rache l Hull. and Taylor McLachlan hang out.

James Heidbreder
Laura Hen,on
l'dason Herman
Robert Hetherington
Samantha Hishmeh
Adam Hockensmith

Adam Hoehn
Will Holliday
Bob Holl is
Laura Holman
Jessica Hopper
Audrey Horn

Mark Howe ll
A' hley Hubbard
Thomas Hubka
Jessica Hudock
Katelyn Huffman
Paten Hughes

Em ily Hul en
Rachel Hull
Faith Hunter
George Hunter
Megan Hyland
Jennifer Iwata

Hayley James
Nathaniel James
Britt Jami son
Julie Jeong
Briana John son
Lauren Johnson

Sarah Johm.on
Stephanie Jordon
Amanda Kane
Lana Kang
Amy Karwan
Michae l Keenan

All ie Kell y
Karen Klein
Jake Koc h
Kendall Korte
Kathryn Krall
Sean Krogh



Jun ior~

Sally Bittinger. Taylor Rain,. and Carrie Beth Swinford get ready for a
night out.
Krbten Krouchick
Diane Kuhn
Dominique Lamb
Reed Landin
Thadeou' Larkin
William Larson

Peter Lawrence
Yin Yan Lee
l\1atthew Lei sman
Rebecca Le.Moine
Lisa Leonard
James Lester

Carly Levi n
Rachae l Levine
We~ley Little
Timothy Li vi ngston
Yinghao Long
Katherine Lowe

Chonyang Lu
Kyle Luby
Will Lynn
Rpn :\1acPhee
Jame' Madden



Jamie l\ lallinson
Caroline Mann
Tim M anson
Steven Marcott
Barron M artin
Jack M artin

Lisa M artinez
Denni son Marzocco
Betsy l'>latthews
William May
Madeline !\layer
Rache l Mays

Edward McAuliffe
Blair McCartney
Andrew McEnroe
Timoth y McGiasto n
Ta l Mc iver
Qu iana McKenzk

Taylor McLachlan
Dargan McMaster
Dre~ McWay
Kat Mi chaels
Grant Milby
Cameron Miller

John Miller
Derek Moldenhauer
Blaire Monroe
Nicole Mooradian
Libby Moore
Lauren M orea

Khaki M orri s
Colette 1\loryan
Sara Mueller
M yke Mulhern
Joh n Mumper
Natalie Murphy

l\ larkus l\lu >t
Jeremiah !\all ~
A ntho ny Nardin i
Jackie Nei lson
Ahrianna Ne lson



\Iegan Nelson

Debc~rah :\ewell

Court ;\/e:~.sen
Addy Ng
Jenn~ Niemann
~ leredith 1\obles

Joyce Novera'
Laura 1\ugenl
~laggie l'\ugenl
Chri~ O'Co;nor
Shana Oltmans
Lauren Ouawa)

\\' ill Owen,
Sanjay Pal abhappa
Jacl.. Palmer
John Parker
Lauren Parks
Pre,lon Payne

Emily PeclKrislen Peifer
Katherine Perry
Jeffrey Phari >
Tren t Pickle
A'hley Pipkin-Jones

Juniors Jill Roper. Dehhic 'Jewell. and Kate Shell null on Bid Nig h!.


Juni or~

Juniors Laura Holman. Al lie Kell y, Laura Henso n. Kell y Zwart. an<.! Kristen Pei fer show off their
matching o utfits .

Veselin P1 sarev
Jenni fe r Plaster
Julia Pl easants
Melissa Poorman
Drew Pras'e
Rhodes Proctor

George Purrington
Clay Qui senbe1Ty
T ay lor Rains
Brad Renner
Heather Ribas
Ned Rider

Steve n Ri voir
Amy Roberson
Spotty Robins
Wil son Robinson
Alli son Rogers
lillian Roper

Tim Ross
Andrew Rothey
Whitney Roth ste in
Joa Roux
Tara Ruben stein
Lauren Rudolph

Marshall Rul e
Joseph Sanford
Lauren Sapikowski
Jesse Sataloff
Adam Schapiro
Jennifer Schi eltz

Laura Secrest
Brooke Segodni a
Neil Sheaffe r
Ted Sheedy
Trey Shehan
Kathryn Shellnutt

Parker Sheppard
Jame s h1elds
Alice Shih
TraY is Short
Oa\'e Shubick
Jessica Simmons

Juni ors


Senior Sw.an Rudolph and junior Paten Hughe> at Relay for Life.
Richard Simms
Alex Skotnicki
~Iegan Slos>o n
Caitlin Smith
Jeanne Smith
~larston Smith

Matt Smith
!- lolly Smith
Polly Smith
Riel Smith-Harri son
!\l ark Snoddv
Robb Soukup

Steven Spivey
Jennifer Sproul
Edward Stack
Abby Steinbock
Joe Steiner
Je,s SteinmetL

Brad Stillwagon
Bill Stoke~
Mila Sugovic
Su,an Summer~
Alex Sweet
Carrie Beth Swinford


Juni o r~

Jim Tartaglia
Patricia Taylor
Lill a Theus
Brightman Thomas
Erin Tho mpson
Sarah Tilbor

Rebecca Timmi s
Caroline To m~ny
Bal am Tomlin
Lauren Travis
Nicholas Trinh
Hugh Trout

Mary Claire Turner
Tim Vacek
Lee Van De Water
Will VanSant
Erin Vau ghn
Max Vilenchik

Ben Vin son
Annie Vliege nthart
Julie Von Sternberg
Elliott Walker
George Walker
Robert Walker

Eric Wallace
Grayson Wallace
William Waller
Mitchell Ward
Leah Weston
Patrick White

Devin Wilkin s
Dean Williams
Kristi Willi ams
Li z Willi ams
Lane \\'ibon

Robert W i l ~on
Shane \\' ilson
Tristan \\' ilson
Parker \\'ol f
Nadj a \\'o lfe
Emil) \\'olff



Taylor W OTaylor Wtl\xh
Chri' Womom
\ l:m Radford \\"van
- Angela Yo~ng
Andre" Zengi lo\\ 'l..i

Junior Class Not Pictured
Gregory Bienemann
Kyle Blackman
William Campbell
Caitlin Clark
Timothy Conway
Joshua Dodds
Kevin Donovan
William Englehart
Micah Fergenson
Aaron Fulk

Christine Giordano
Bianca Goodman
Katherine Greene
Stacey Grijalva
Daryal Gul
Matthew Harri son
Abhinav Kapur
Brett Kearney
Olufemi Kusimo
Tyler Lenczuk

J uni o r~

Lil Brand ler and A'hlc) l luhbard at the Tror ical Party.



Yinyan Li
Michael McArdle
Jessica M cCormack
Gerard McKee
Nicole Men·ullo
Robert Modlin
David Monrow
Jeffrey Mue nze r
Tanya Patel
Edward Platia

Rohan Poojara
Stephen Raymond
Ilgi z Saubanov
Ekkaphap Thengtrirat
Amanda Tholke
Jenna Thorne
Emily Ware
John Williams

Juniors Keri Klein . Courtney Dolaway, and Jenny Schieitz at Pi Beta Phi 's My Tie Event.

Lt'f't : Junior' 1\.bry ChJid,, L1 ay
Appel. and Haley Bunting po'e
before a fun night .
Ri ~ht : Junior' L1 bhy Moore. Kat
Allen, and Jackie Neibon at Kappa
Sigma and Kappa A lpha Theta's
Red neck Ball.
Ldt C~nt~r : Ju nio rs Ch ri , tine
Flood and Rache l Hull e nj oy a fall
Bt'low: Junio rs Ange la Young.
Ne il Sheaffer. and Amy Karwan at
Lambda over Parents' Weekend.

A bO\·e : Junio r Abri Ne b o n
enjoyin g ' pring term abroad
in London.
Fa r Left: Junior-; :\lex
Gould . W hi tne y Duffey. and
Brightman T homa' at the
Chi-0/Kappa Dukes of
Hazard Part:-.
Lt'fl: J uniors K) le Har\'ey.
Cou rt Nex,en. and Jad.
~ l artin enjo) ing 'ummer in
South Carolina be fore the
start of their junior year.

Jun io r~


It's the last hurrah, unfortunatel y. The class of 2007
fini shed Orientation Week and reali zed that they had less
tha n a year left at Washington and Lee, and took
adva ntage of those last days. They finished their majors
and took classes that inspired them . They perfected their
resumes and interview etiquette for future jobs and
graduate sc hool s. They smiled during fraternity and
sorority rush week just one last time. They ate pizza and
drank beer and wine at the I 00 Days party in Evans Dining
Hall. And they laughed , danced, sang, and cried with their
closest friends from these past four years. The seniors even
legitimi zed most of their actions by saying, "Whatever, it's
the last time I'll be able to do it!"
So, on a sunny day in early June, they said goodbye to
their best friends, their favorite professors, the beloved
Honor System, and beautiful Lexington. The members of
the class of 2007 are proud to say that they are alumni of
Washington and Lee University, a place of honor and
tradition. And a place where people have one helluva time.
Karina Schiess. Caroline Simonson, Catherine Swan, and
Lindsay Lecky
Section Editors

Courtney Bl ake



Brian Beamer and Phil Broderick

John A ll good and Hunter Whitfie ld

Ld 't: Caro li ne Simo n,o n. Kyle Wi sc her. and Drew Flanigan are exci ted
abou t some thing durin g Ch ris tma> W ee kend.
lldow : Corbin Blackford . Eli zabeth Eckman. C amill e All en. and Joel Katz
' mil e for the camera!
Bottom Ltoft : Ste phanie Dod ,on. We ndy Kang. and Mariko bhikawa e njoy a
po't graduation trip to Chicago.
Right Ce nt~r : Charlie Clarke g ives a smug smile with frat buddy Matt
Arca ti
Bottom Right : Corey Gabe r. Garrett Kunz. Chris Tittle. and Barrett
Salisbury represent the last o f the Betas on campus.

Senio r~


Be njamin Aaro n
Dubuque. lA

Mark Phillip Pierce
Ada ms
New Orleans, LA

Adrie nne Lea Adkins
Richwood. WV

Elizabeth Anne
Lancaster, OH

Eka nem Okon
A kpakip
Hughesville . PA

William Greer
A lbergotti. Ill
Anderson, SC

Camille JessaLynn
Jackson. MS

Katy May Allen
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Bl ake Bailey
Lync hburg, VA

Jo rdan Isaac
Kirkland, W A

Jean Pe ters A nge lico
New Orleans. LA

William Sutton
Leawood. KS

Brynn e Sarah Archer
Ri chmond , VA

Ma11ha Bradley
Birmingham. AL

Anna Juilan
Are ndshors t
Holland. Ml

Willi am Jack Arnold
Luthervill e, MD


Kimberly Quinn
Hudson, OH

Ll'l't: A ndrew Ferg u,nn and Nid, Raffe ttn-brilli ant!
Bdo\\: Seni or Pi Phi' and Chi Os e njoy a day
in the greatnutdoors.

1\liddl~ Far Ld't: Se nior David Graves DJin g
at Ch i P., i nver Homecom ing Wee kend
1\ Iiddl~ L~ft: Fraternity Hou se Base ment
Party '
Bdow: Taking in the view (and the s un) at
Foxfields in C harlottesv ill e.


11 ,.

I was thinking about what wo uld leave the greatest impact
me from my time here at W &L, so I started looking through
yearbooks to gain insight into past seniors' psyches. Or as
insight as you can gain from a two paragraph blurb (which
than you would think). Everyone talks about how nice
buildings are. R.E. Lee. the quality professors. their hil arious
{ends. their kickin' fraternity/sorority . the Honor Code. and

l(es. And I agree. these are all well and good. Especwlly the
~es. Gotta love those changing le aves.
But for me, far and away. I'll always cherish the fact that no
e stole any of my stuff. Maybe they thought they'd get
pelled. maybe I just have a lot of crap. but no one stealing any
it was pretty awesome. I don't like to carry things farther than
ave to. so if I can leave my books in the library , my backpack
the Commons. and my computer in the C-School for three
ys at a time, no less then that is a place I can be happy. So
anks to my friends for bein g friends with me, thanks to my
ofes sors for educating me, and thanks to e\'eryone else for not
aling from me. Great.
hi! Broderick
Se ni or' 1\.n ,tme Earl y and Victoria Kesse lman
e nJOY a ni ght out.

!\like G1nder. Katie Long. a nd Sean Haye' ' top
dancin g fnr a mome nt tn cool nff o utside o f P1ka.

Senior ~


Right : Lud.y Tripp~
Bdo\1 : Anne \\'ilt,hire and Sarah Helm,.

( ' unt<~l'l

l nlu•matiun

, n....,·r (tffin·r"' in t

, .. , ...



h.rl:f.' :

E4i "'· ... -.
lido" : Richard Garlanu ;md Chri ' J<" eph
hug it out. :'\ice ring. Chri''
lido" \Iiddle: FD 'miks'

When I applied to colleges, Washington and Lee was not
my first choice. It was probably not even my second
choice, but looking back on the past four years, I am glad
that I came here. When I first an·ived in Lexington, I
remember experiencing a sort of culture shock. The place
and the people seemed so different from anything I had e\o,
encountered. In the end, that has been the most valuable
part of my experience here. Students and professors have
challenged my views, supported me, and helped me grow
into the person that I am now. Over four years, there
been good times and bad times. Both have been imr•Arlt'ln•
to me. I cannot believe that I am leav ing thi s town and
beautiful campus. Wherever I go from here, I know that I
wi II take it all with me the people, the places, and the
-Emily Robideau
Kalle Green. !:nul) 1\h:f)owell. Magg ie Purye ar. and Chri,tina Leaton enjoy ing a fa ll day .

100 Se nior"

Frank Owens Barlow
Loui sville. KY

Kathryn Claire
New Orleans. LA

Polina Rac hel Berlin
Kew Gardens. NY

Brian Chri stopher
Summit. NJ

Sa n Juan Capistrano, CA

George Gabriel
Astoria, NY

Corbin Price
New York. NY

Maria Whitco mb
Richm ond. VA

Courtney Grace
Yero Beach. FL

John Charles Bovay,
Gainesvill e. FL

Shari Malaika Boyce
LaureL MD

Kri stopher Newell
Lutherville, MD

Theodore DuBose
Bratton. Jr.
Raleigh, NC

Phillip Ke nt
Baton Rou ge. LA

Mary Rac he l Brooks
Dall as. TX

Amy Palmer Brown
Potomac. MD

Ri charJ J o hn~ o n
Kn oxv ille. T N

Sara Beth
Behme rwo ld


10 1

l\largaret El izabe th
Surrey. England

Jesse Clark Brundige
Lau rel Hollow. NY

Joshua Randolph
Jacksonville, FL

M atthew Tyrrell
Beaumont. TX

David Sabi ston
Winston-Sale m. NC

Marc uriu s Julian
Columbi a, SC

Mallory Lynn
Oak HilL WV

John Mark Calve
Burke. VA

Cara Eileen Burto1j
Spring, TX

I: After a taxing Spring Term project. the >c Journalism majors finally
celebrate' 2: Lauren Kampf and Michelle Theroux have fun ce lebrating
Halloween. 3: Sigma C hi Sweet hearts. 4: Sen ior KD' sightseeing on
spring hreak in Cabo San Luca s.




J[argaret Lee Canby
Atlanta, GA

George Wiman
Carter, Jr.
Charlottesville, VA

Christopher Joel
Pooler. GA

Davis Marshall
Jacksonville, FL

Karen Anne-Marie
Beavercreek, OH

rynn Lee Chandler
Norfolk, VA

Kristen Brennan
Waterville, ME

Kari Marie
Fairfield, CT

Harold Edward
Clark, Ill
Wilton, CT

Jean Rose Clawater
Houston, TX

1: Chas Collins. Drew Gaputis, and Ryan Neff hanging out on the porch. 2:
Parent,· Weekend lunch on Cannon Green. 3: Awry Lovejoy and i\ lallory
Lobisser sa\'ing li\'es at Sigma Chi Superheroes mixer. .f: Senior Kappa'
smile for the camera.

Sen iors


I: Stuart Hur,l, Andrew Grifii n and Drew Fl anigan--nice lies. Stu and
Oren . 2: Sigma us and !heir dales. 3: Fiji pledge class ge ls ready for a
formal. 4: Phi Psi' and the ir dale~ pose for a prom-like pic lure before a


Rebecca Kimberly
Joppa. MD

E'Lon Courtney
Bronx, NY

Justin Brenner Cole
Fairfax, VA

Chastain Wil son
Fredericksburg. VA

Da\"iu Charles
Cincinnati. OH

Katie Destiny
Wa~hington. DC

Eli zabeth Marie
Paoli, PA

Katharine Anne
Bellaire, TX


Matthew James
Pheo nixvill e. PA

1: Phi Kaps watc h the ASCA R races 1n orth Caro lina. 2: It mu; t ha ve
been the punch. 3: Phi Dells at the Li very. -1: Casie PedroLa. Lane Earnest.
l\lagg ie Megear. and Alex Laymon having coc ktail s at Grnce land.

Timothy Adam
St. Loui s. MO

Phillip Francis
Cossich. III
Belle Chasse, LA

Mary Stuart Couch
Birmingham, AL

P. Maxwell Courtney
Jeffersonville. PA

Alec Carter
Charlotte. NC

Carly Eli xabeth
Cow ley
Charl eston. WV

Thomas Clay Crouch
Greensboro. NC

David Dean
Crou shore
Glen All en. VA

Blair Andrew Crunk
Dunwoody. GA

Sean Kenneth
Red Bank . NJ

Senio rs



Ju stine Fariba
Boca Rato n. FL

Raymond Pearse
Davidson. Ill
St Louis. 1\10

John Christopher
Davi s
Birmingham. AL

Robin C laire Davis
Ho uma. LA

Natalie A nne Day
To ledo. OH

<;agla Defterali
Nicosa North. Cyprus

Valerie Anne
Fort Worth , TX

Padrick Davison
Denni s
Pass Christian. MS

Emily Ann Deutsch
Eas ton. PA

Emi ly Irene DeVoe
Glenshaw. PA

Whitney Gibbs
Di ckson
Shreve port. LA

Kathryn Natalie
Louisville, KY

Edward Palmer
Atlanta. GA

Stephanie Marie
Fort Meye rs. FL

Elizabeth Shelton
Loui sville. KY

Eli zabeth Mclean
Charlotte. NC


Charl otte. NC '

Left : Peter Guod\\'in and Jeff Fu ge P'"e for a
romantic picture.
Belo\\ : !\Iegan Wall-er. Bradley Arenda ll.
i\ legan Hunt and Kathryn Heaberg ditch their
parent s to tak e a picture during Kappa's Parents'
Wee kend party.
1\ lidd le Fa r Left : Chri,tma' <:a me earl y at
Sigma Nu.
1\l id dle Left: Hunter Wh itticld and Shep
Ru sse ll are entertai ned by C ha' Collins'
tobacco farmer nut tit.
Belm' : Sen iors Anne Finley and Catheri ne
Swan at sen ior night.

One of the things I'll mi ss most are the big
nds at W &L--Homecoming, Parents' Weekend,
stmas Weekend. FD, and Alumni Weekend . No
ter how bu sy the campus was with wo rk, it wo uld
ways grind to a halt to celebrate. During those times
would refl ect on how special the W&L experi ence
;--going to sorority houses at intermi ss ion during
otball games , see ing parents celebrating more than
eir kids, watching Santa Clauses run wild, being
azed at the transformation of Doremu s at FD, and
atching the alumni return in droves. And they would
tum in droves not onl y for Alumni Weekend but for
I big weekends. And it was then espec iall y that I
auld realize that W &L is a trul y unique fo ur years of
ur li fe and think how happy I am that I ha\·en't
aduated. That's what I'll mi ss most--being able to
ink, thank God I'm still a student.
Corbin Blackfo rd

Senior Colton Ward enJO) ing drinl., he fore FD

Senior' Th oma' Granan and Kri,tcn Cha"e
't nke a P'"e at the ~ rd Annual Linder Armour
La<:ro"e Party.



Right: Senior Thetas practice their
cheerleading debut during ru'h week.
Belo": Senior' Robin Da\"i' and Justine
Dargahi enjo) a night out.

Bdo\\ 'tiddl~: 1\.D Pledge Cia".
Bdo": Semor Pearse Da' iJ,on look'
angf) \\hile 1\.ri,ten Cha"e loob \\e irded
out h) him.

Some of the first things that come to mind when I reflect on my fm
years at Washington and Lee are the beautiful campus and surroundin
areas that offer so much to do, from hiking to feeding camels to tubin
the Maury. The second realization is that in addition to all the great
times that I remember having here. there are probably just about as
many that I dont remember. That is one of the things that makes W &L
so special to me. Where else can you study in an atmosphere that is
built on so much hi story. tradition, and academic rigor while
sim ultaneously engagi ng in all manners of Pole House debauchery? I
am sincerely grateful not only to all the great friends that I have made
here. but also the many professors with whom I have forged strong
relationships with throughout my four years. The Washington and Lee
communi ty has given me so much and prepared me to make the
transition into the real world. but that is partly why it is so hard to say
good-bye. To be honest, I believe that the ancient Japanese art of haik
is the onl y true way to ex press my feelings about thi s hallowed place.


Beau ti fu l sun rise
Silent spirits point onward
Natty Light indeed.
Senior' ce lebrate Inde pendence Day at Hoghack "s fiN annual '"We Lo\"e America 4t h of July
Party .·· And ye,. thi' party took place in :\!Jy.



- Chris Tittle



Lauren Christina
Ed monson
Crystal Lake, IL

Emily Michelle
Cordova, TN

Andrew Duane Elliot
Little Rock, AR

Christina Callie Ellis
Atlanta, GA

Andrew Strubing
Elli son
Columbia, SC

Kelly Norine Evans
Lexington. VA

Arthur Ying Zhang
Hong Kong, China

Andrew Alan
North Wales, PA

Matthew Robert
Union, NJ

Andrew Gerard
Middletown. NJ

Jason Alan
Fi tzs immons
Bridgewat er, NJ

Andrew Allen
St. Louis. MO

Carl Russell
Fletcher. IV


Anne Elizabeth
Pottsboro. TX

Eli zabeth Anna
Ec kman
Chadds Ford, PA

Tucker\ Tmn1. Bermuda


Jonathan Garth
Sandusky. OH

Jesse Seaton Ford
Lexington. VA

Robert Daniel Foster,
Brentwood, TN

Catherine Anne
Alexandria, VA

Andrew Markuns
Killen, AL

Kyle M. Garcia
Atlanta, GA

John Richard
Garland, Jr.
Fort Worth, TX

Katherine Lee
Fort Worth, TX

I: EJy, e Moody. Justine Dargahi. and Caroline Schierle. 2: Seniors Mari
J,hi kawa. Wendy Kang, and Lauren Kampf stay dry at senior night. 3:
Memhcrs of Si gma Chi and Theta out, ide of ESL. 4: A Springtime tailgate.


S e ni o r~




Michae l William
Jacksonville, FL

Anne Bridget
Gl eason
Holli ston, MA

Matthew Robert
Hi ckory, NC

Lookout ivl ountain , TN

Peter Bryant
Darien. CT

Claire Graff
Pittsburg, PA

David Randolph
Graham , Jr.
Richmond, VA

Thomas Patrick
Vi enna. VA

Lorna Meredith
Hart y Golder

· 1: Nick Raffeuo. Joe l Carter. Ric·hard Yance) and Rob Rain ... oh what a

2: Senior A lli »on Stokan and Anne Gleason party it up before Fancy
Dress. 3: Stephanie Wiechmann and Emily DeVoe at Senior N1ght. 4:
1 Hugs and kis,es ... Katie Long. \\hat do you think ofthat'.11


I ll

I: Avery Lovejoy and Paul -Devin Kuettner pose for a photo at Meghan
Jos,·s weddi ng. 2: Marcurius Byrd and l\latt Godfrey at Senior Night. 3:
Da,·b Catlin. Tye Haberle. 4: Huntley Rodes. Maggie Megear. and Sarah
Helms, 'tud soccer senior,, hang ou t after a game.


David Anthony
Richmond, VA

John Merrill Gray,
Birmingham, AL

Joseph Clinto n Gree n
LaG range Park, IL

Katherine Alyssa
Talty Green
Virginia Beach. VA

Andrew Steven
Griffin. II
Win'>ton-Salem, NC

Ryan Kei th Gritter
Fort Lauderdale, FL

And rew Redmann
Metai rie, LA

Sarah Dunning Guy
Westport Point, MA

S e nior~


1: Katie Green. George Carter, and 1\laggie Puryear hang out at the
Homecoming Wine Tasting . 2: Cynthia Cheatham stays dry for senior
night. 3: Michael Viviano and Jean Rose Cia water look upset at Famous
Lovers. 4: Guys enjoyi ng their sen ior night.

erin Ellis Harri son
Grove. VA

~oc u s t

Amanda Kathryn
Eden. NC

Valerie Octavia
Lynchburg, VA

Richard John Harden
Ridgewood. NJ

Mary Margaret
Slidell. LA

Heather Lauren Hart
Blackstone. VA

Kaylee Ann Hartung
Baton Rouge. LA

Rebecca Lee
Ne wport New~. VA

Blair Russell Haws
Fort W orth. TX



Kevin Dami an Hayes
~ l ercer Island, W A

Kathryn Ann
Berwyn, PA

Sarah Frances Helm s
C harlotte, NC

M organ Kri stopher
Atl anta, GA

Christine Rebecca
Easton, PA

Laura C hri stin e
Houston, TX

M ichae l Francis
Hornin g, Jr.
Potomac , MD

Kh aki Holton Howe
Charlotte, NC

Robert Walker
Humphrey, Jr.
Tu xedo Park, NY

Suzann e Humphries
Arab. AL

Davi n Patrick Hunt
Dallas. TX

Megan Kimberly
D allas, T X

Stuart Dougla~ Hurst
Atlanta, GA

Ash ley Elizabeth

Mariko Ichihara
Chi ba-shi , Japa n

Mariko Ishikawa
Tokyo, Japan

Allamonte Spring s. FL



Kelly Marie Hi sh
Marietta, GA

A bbie Loui se
Kirkwood. PA

Left: Semor Kappa' dance at Pi ka\ l)()',
Helm\: i\l ichek Theroux and Katie ompton
are senior Pi Phi Prince"e' on Tear Night.

:\Iiddie Far Left : Abb1e Jackson and Darla
Dixon e nj oy a night out at the Palm,.
i\lidd lc Cen ter: Senior T hetas Abby Weichel.
Lind,ay Lecky. and Kell y Price enjoy the T wm
Stars pre-party.
Helem: Carter Southworth and Liz Cone wa tch
the ir fre,hmen play powder puff at Sigma Chi'>
Derby Da y,.

For the past two yea rs, our regular spot for
·ght dinners has been none other than th e
ry Don Tequil a. After an ex hausting rug by
e or ultra-intense intramural football game.
thing hits the spot like a Jumbo Te xas or chips with
te mysteriou s white sauce that Davis likes so muc h
'veird ). In fact, we enjoy our time at Donny T s so
uch that we even co ntemplated dropping the three
ndred dollars to get our names put on the cups right
xt to the add for th e masse use/ventriloquist/ public
eaking/clowning business. When J stopped to
nsider what I love so much about going to Do nn y
' , I realized that it is not the #5 Combo. What m~tkes
ing to Don Tequilas worthwhile is the chance to
tch up with friend s. Retlecting on the past fo ur
ars. I think that we should all consider o urse h ·es
rtunate to have made such o utstandim!: friends
ring our time here in Lexingto n. I \\'ant to th ank
J U alL especially th e se nior brothers of Phi Gamm a
elta. for making my cho ice to co me to \\' &L the
~ st decision I have e\'er made.
Steve Lamb


Sara Behmef\\oh ld enJn)' her ' eme,ter abroad.

Jad Je,,ng and Kati e Fulton ,pend nne la't
m~lll at the Palm,.

Se ni or~

11 5

Right : Chri' Ri uo and David Colman
look oh ,o cu te in their matching sweaters.
Below : Pearse David,on wonder' why he\
getting a picture taken.

Bellm: Ted \\"illiatm and Charlie Clarke
mal...: odd face' for the camera.
Below \ Iiddle: Abbie Sauter. \lilena
Ricci. Emil~ .-\ppkgate. Brynne Archer.
and 1\il..i T,iknal..i' look prett~ during a
night out.

Liui.: Doll. Je"ica Raa!J. Claire Graff and Amanda Haine' go out for a drink while Loya l
\\"all...:r lurk' around in the background.



In recall ing the past fo ur years I have spent here at school,
time see ms to have passed too qui ckl y. That first week of
orient ation reall y does set the pace fo r the rest of school: a
ending schedul e of work and fun. The parties and the sunny
afternoons hanging out with fri e nds are obvious things that will
be mi ssed. M ost all college students ex perience these things. BL
W & L is a uniqu e pl ace ; the bubble we are graduating fro m is a '
singular ex perience in thi s world . It 's the cl ose ness of the entire!
stude nt body. in which eve n the most competiti ve stude nts get
along wi th the nonstop parti ers. It's the Honor System , which w
saw reall y does work thi s year (for the first tim e in over a
decade). It's the overwhelming sense of hi story and tradition w
encounter on a da il y bas is. A nd heck. it's even the occasional
invi tations to dinner or dri nks at The Palms with a professor.
We will have memories that cannot even be imagined by oth
coll ege grads. I think thi s is what has gotten me over my initial
apprehension about gradu ating. Like all the alums before us, w
wi ll always be long to and have a home in the W & L communit
because we will always be tied to it through the relati onships a
tradit ions we experi enced whil e here.
- T im Conway

Charles Henry Jarrett
Athens, GA

Sang Hoon Jeong
Chicago, lL

Huan Jin
Woodside, NY

Christopher Elkins
Jose ph
Houston, TX

Paul Joseph Juster
Weymouth, MA

Lauren Elizabeth
Oakland, NJ

W endy Lingwen
North Aurora, IL

Joel Leonard Katz
Gaithersburg, MD

Letisha Marie
Knoxville, TN

Walter McNeil
Keenan, III
Columbia, SC

Samuel Philip Kello
Norfolk, VA

Aleksandr Sergeev
Sofia, Bulgaria

Chad Patton Kiewet
de Jonge
Farmville, VA

Vhitney Alexander
Bridgeton, NJ

Katie Lynn
Jenkintown, PA

Caroline Walters
Owensboro, KY

James Legget
Kitchin , III
Virgini a Beach, VA

Derek Josef
Brooklyn, NY


Adam Luke
Berl in, CT

Alex Francis Kraus
Cumberland, MD

Matthew Ryan Krieg
St. Loui s, MO

David Thomas
Greensboro, NC

Garrett George Kunz
Plymouth, MN

Sergey Sergeyevich
Kvas nyuk
Moscow, Russia

Ri chard Milling Kyle
Pittsburg, P A

Moses Tucker
Laffitte, IV
Columbia, SC

Paui-Devin Kuettnt
Buena Vista, VA

Carnbury, NJ

I: Senior Becky Aiman and junior ~ ! arc u s ~ l u st dress up 1 2: Senior Shari
Boyce and sophomore Grace Andrew,. 3: Betas and ChiOs hanging out at
the Polehouses. -1: Shawnay ~ l aze ll. Mall ory Calhoun. and ~ l agg ie Canby
look great in black!



Steven Gorbant
Middleburg. VA

Jane Magdalene
Lake Forest. IL

Marion Eli zabeth
Charleston. WV

Jillian Olwen Lang
Bothell, WA

Christina Susan
Midlothi an. VA

Lindsay Egan Lecky
Summit, NJ

Christine Eli zabeth
West Chester. PA

I : All smiles at o ne of the many fonnab. 2: Bryn ne Archer and Eli zabeth
1\lilb enjoy spring break in Caho. 3: Nad1a Prinz and Laura Pekman
engage in some healthy competi tion. -1: !\!aria Blackwel l. Beth Lidin sky.
Lane l\ lorgan. Adrienne Adkin s. 1\lary Tipton Th al heimer hang out at the
Sandbox before Halloween.

Alexandra Morgan
Mantoloking. NJ

Hyung-Jong Lee
Gyeongg-Do. SOLtlh

Seniors 11 9


Garrett Michael
Lebanon, NJ

Ellen Marie Lide
Haddonfield, NJ

Elizabeth Ann
Towson, MD

Bainbridge Island, W A

Chicago, IL

Benjamin Marcena
Frankford, WV

Katherine Hopkins
Atlanta, GA

A very Kelley
Old Greenwich, CT

Coleman Robert
Lyons, III
Atlanta, GA

Monica Barbara
Charlotte, NC

Jonath an James
Baltimore, MD

Nicholas Anthony
Mannino, III
West Chester, PA

Anita Lynn Martin
Bloomington, IN

Shawnay Nicole
Maze II
Lawrenceville, GA

Charles Anderson
Bethesda, MD

Rhett Franklin
Gree nvi ll e, SC

James David

James Billings
Maitland, FL


Colorado Springs, CO

Emily Allen
Dallas, TX

Left: Marui Gras' Seniors spend their
February BreaJ.. in Ne w Orleans.
llelnw: Sheryl Si lver' and Alejandro Selin
po.'e under the umbre ll a.

\Iiddle Far Left: Greer Albergotti and Lane
Morgan pose for a picture!
i\ liddle Left: Chi 0 'enior' are exc ited for
the tr last rush weeL
Below: Jack Jeong and Li sa Zevnrich dodge
the rain at the Senior Dmner.


tered up.

LinJ,ay LecJ..y and 0.111 1\Jd \len amin '06 mee t up
NYC for a Chri-tmas party.


Ca rter Snuthworth and Ju,tine Dargahi eat at
Canaan Green for an alumni function.

Se niors

12 1

Right : Kyk \\' il:hser doing karate on
Drt.' \\ 's hed ... enough said.
Bdm' : '\ adia Prinz and A IJi,on Stokan
hug a' Pi Phi Prince,se,.

Bdu\\ \liddl.·: Chn, Pearn:. Pearc·e
Da' td,nn. Phil Rwderic:~. Santi Suare/..
and Bn;m Reamer ta~e a minute tt> <:OJ<'~
the' It'\\ in Ireland.
Bt'lu" : En.: Riner and Katte K inphu~
!""<' .tt htnc·~ Drc:".

SA l·., cnJn}tng homecom ing at the fratcmtt y how.c .



Catherine Swan and Li 'a Zevoric h think 'omethin g's funn y while taking a pi cture at
Baccaleureate luncheon.

John Patrick
McGlone, II
Baltimore, MD

Brittany Elyse
Rome. GA

Ryan Terrence
West Simsbury, CT

James Shell ey
Mesa. AZ

Lee Massey

Margaret Randolph
Me gear

Rockbridge Baths. VA

Cold Spring Harbor. NY

Anne Hartley Meric
New Orleans. LA

Jared James Meyer
Broken An·ow. OK

David Alexander
Oak HilL VA

Eli zabeth Frances
Lafayette. LA

David Stockley
Little Rock, AR

Ryan Gary Mitteness
Benson. MN

Yokohama-S hi. Japa n

Winnifred Lane
Savannah. GA

Camill e Yvonne
Portsmouth . VA

Sarah Devon Morten
Win:-.ton-Salem. NC

Chenelle Moser
Hampton. VA

Yo Miura



Lara Jane I\luller
r\e\\ York. Y

Kah Ngangne Ndi
LowelL MA

Ryan Clark Neff
Charleston . SC

Da\' id Gregory
Ellicott City. MD

Abigail Bryant Olson
Lawrence, KS

Shelley Renee
Cordova. TN

Alexander Lee Orr
Great Falls, VA

Hannah Jeonghae
Gaither~ burg. MD

Christopher Kevin
Shoreham, NY

Casandra J anae
Las Vegas. NV

Laura Kemp Pekman
Hickory. NC

Richard Alexander

Kevin Andrew
Lee-,burg. VA

John Maxwe ll Pike.
Goldsboro. NC

Sante John Piracci
Chapel Hill, NC



William'>hurg, VA


Columbia. SC

Molly Margaret
Lynchburg. VA

Chri stophe r T alty
Tuscaloosa, AL

A udra Pratt
Scott dale, AZ

Kell y Jane Price
Hi gh Point , NC

Nadi a C harl otte
W ilton. CT

1teven Paul Przybyla
Fredonia, NY

Kathryn Mary Ag nes
Madison. VA

Ellen A nn e Quinlan
T ampa, FL

Jessica Lynn Raat z
Las Vegas, NV

N icholas Hewston
Raffe tto
Manasqu an, NJ

Jenn y Elizabeth
Elm Grove, WI

Mil ena A lexandra
Ri cci
G arden City, NY

A lexis Strain
Ric hardson
A ustin, T X

C hri stopher A nthony
Ri zzo
Bloo mfield. NJ

Eli zabeth Moore
Robinso n
A tl anta, GA

Huntley Eli zabeth
Nas hville. T N

Jo natha n A lexa nde r
C hesapeake. VA

Susan Elizabeth
Houston. TX



Emily Beth
Bellingham, M A



James Shepherd
Russell. IV
Little Rock. AR

James Patric k Rya n
Virg in ia Beac h. VA

James Bane tt
Sali sbury
Morganton, NC

Abi gail Albrecht
Dari en, CT

Caroline Jeanette
Schierl e
Barboursville. VA

Karina Ho lmes
O ld Greenwic h. CT

Alej andro Ahmed
Hi aleah, FL

Stephanie Lauren
Dallas, TX

Emil y Eli zabeth
C incinnati , OH

I: Su tton A nsley. Tye Haeberle. and Ju sti ne Dargahi meet up during
Halloween. 2: A lli son Sto kan and Bree Melto n look fabolo us in black' 3:
Carl y Cow ley gets lucky enoug h to ta,te the house special with a few Chi
p,i\. 4 : Sen ior girls meet up with se nior Sig ma Chi s for a ni ght o ut o n the




Bibeka Shrestha
Little Feny, NJ

Lee Redfearn
Marshville, NC

Sheryl Beth Si lvers
Levittown, NY

Caroline Lesley
Lake Forest, IL

Matthew James
Springdale, AR

Elizabeth Daniels
Gulfport MS

Travi s Michael
Simsbury, CT

Sarah Elizabeth C.
Montpelier. VA

Lexington, VA

;onia Tim-Chi Siu
Norwell, MA

I: Anne Wiltshire. Sarah Hehm. Hu ntley Rode' get dre s,ed up in Under
,Armor for the lacrosse fom1al. 2: Jose Perez tries to ,e)) the camera a
product while Santi Suarez and Tino ToYo look on. 3: Catie Fulton. Erin
Tainer. and Emily McDowell are all smiles . .f: Camille Allen. Callie Ellis.
Kelly Price. Blair Haw s and Kat ie Long pose for a picture before a night




Noah Ed ward
LaPlace. LA

Alli son Kelli Stokan
Ho uston. TX

Lily Tippins Stone
Nashville, T N

Rozali ya B.
Sofi a. Bulgari a

Ryan Paul Sul li van
New Providence. RI

Catherine Eileen
N iceville. FL

Douglas Robert
Woodbury. CT

Raymond Winfield
Sweeney. IV
Kennett Square. PA

Laura Anne Tay lor
Orange Park. FL

Eli zabeth Lee Terrell
Metairie. LA

Mary Tipto n
Little Rock. AR

Michele Yvonne
Tiverton . RI

John Bannon Thorpe.
Birmingham. AL

A nne Taylor Tipton
Memphis. T N

Chris topher Andrew
T ittle
Washington. DC

Roberto Tovo
Mar del Pl ata.
Arge ntina


Townes, V
Boomer. NC

Nicole Kalli e
T siknaki s
Luthe rville. MD

Vero nica VacaMoreno
Bogota, Columbi a

Michael C hri stophe r
Housto n. TX

Kenneth Scott
Voelker, Jr.
Atl a nta. GA

Amy Lauren
Norfolk. VA

Michael Martin
Greer, SC

Loyal William
Kenilworth. IL

Megan Ann Walker
Gadsden, AL

Joseph Ellis Watson.
Birmingham, AL

Karie Elizabeth
Savannah, GA

Sara Abigail Weichel
Bradenton. FL


eter Warren Wei ss
Little Rock. A R

Jordan Randolph
Winston-Salem. NC

Andrew Granville
Scott Depot. WV

Yuji a Song
Jiansu. Ch ina

Charles Adam
Statesville. C


~· . Sh.:ll~ Orman. Catie
and Emil~ \h:Do\\ell meet at

th'r' get laJ~ dunng Spring BreaJ.. in
\_' '· · Luw.: ·'

!!do\\: '

Sophomore Sarah Morri,. senior Lauren
Kampf. and 'ophomore' Cecilia
WhitehuN and Ju lia :'\ li gkb dre'' up for a
,orority mixer.

Phil Co"ich and Shep Ru"ell seem really
for the Diny Old :\len/Catholic
School Girl' mixer with Kappa.


Joel KatL and Camille All en dre" up as
·· where\ Waldo?" for a Kappa Kappa
Gamma 'pringtime pany.

130 Senior'

Phi Kap se mor' enj oy an aft ernoo n of sun
and beverage>.

Alex Ph illip>. Jn,h Flore nce. David
i\·1ellars and Liz T wining '09 at the
Hallo\\een Party up on Windfa ll Hill.

Se nior gi rh all jaaed up for \\ hat look;, to
be qu!le an evemng out'

Senior Lamba Ch i' looking dapper in their
nav) blazers. madra,. pa,tels. and bo\\ t1e'.

Seni ors

13 1


Robert Labe n
Whitener. IV
States,·ille. NC

Hunter Scott
Tuscaloosa. AL

Kyle C unningham
New York, NY

Stephanie Lynn
Tazev. 'e ll , TN

Theodore Je nnings
Vero Beach. FL

W alker Jones
Ri chmond, VA

Samuel Amasa
Wheeling. WV

Anne Griffin
Richmond. VA

Virginia Burn
Ri chmond. VA

Robert Usher
Wright. Jr.
Atl anta . GA

Stephen Ri chard
Yancey. III
Shreveport. LA

Felix Kwame
Sunyani. Ghana

William Alton
Young, Jr.
Knoxville, TN

Anthony Jacob
Huntington. \VV

Marjorie Lo uise
Ze thraus
Da lla.,, TX

Li sa M ari e Ze\'orich
Munroe Falls. OH

Alexander Bernard
Baltimore, MD

Cynthia Tyra
Washington DC


Not Pictured
Meredith Ann Abernathy
Madison, MS
Matthew Brett Arcati
Lloyd Harbor, NY
Jonathan Charles Ault
Midland, MI
Bhaskar Banerjee
London, England
Brittany Elizabeth Bansak
Redding, CT
Jeffery Allen Bonham
Shiloh, IL
Emma Lynn Burris
Winside, NE
Liane Francesca Carlson
Bloomingburg, NY
Ashley Dawn Cassels
Winston-Salem, NC
Charles Ryan Clarke
Short Hills, NJ
Jan1ie Lynn Dorsey
Cockeysville, MD
Jeffrey Douglas Fuge
Chathatn, NJ
Casey Edwin Gillan
Chatham, NJ
Christopher Edward Halkitis
New Port Richey, FL
Julie Dickson Harris
Richmond , VA
Jennifer Thien Hau
Houston , TX

Leah Osceola Heron
Spring, TX
Jessica Lee Hunsi nger
Mayer, AZ
Johnny Clinton Irvin
Tallulah Fall s, GA
Taku Jindo
Tokyo, Japan
Victoria Ann Kesselman
Red Lion, PA
John Hogan Kim
Soeul, Korea
Frank Selby Lee, III
Chicago, IL
Matthew Propp Loar
Littleton, CO
Grant Patrick Martin
Towson, MD
Michael Raytnond McErlean
Voorhees, N J
Megan Kelley Murphy
Savannah, GA
Jasmine Ann Randolph
Fredericksburg, VA
Michael Gale Rennard
Tigard, OR
Isabel Mariah Seward
New York, NY
Erik Keith Sivertson
Baltitnore, MD
Yujia Song
Ji ansu, China








Jordan An<.ler>on and Tom Hunt '06
umm ...well. <.lre's up for a night in the

Lizzy Doll. Ely~e l\Ioo<.ly. Caroline
Schierle. and Caner Southwonh have some
beers at The Palm'>.

Jacl. Jeong an<.l Sonia Siu
'ee each other.


exci ted to

Natalie Da). Morgan Hill and Anne Taylor
Tipton <.lress up as the Supreme' and do a
song anu uanco:.



"t: Jerry Myers. Sheryl Sil vers. Jack Gray. Bree
Iton. and Catharine Gay lard after a se nior
ce recital.
ow: r-. Ieghan Joss gets taken down the aisle
y two days after graduation.

Kate Connolly. Anne Finl ey. and Lauren
Kampf are exci ted to see each other but sad
to graduate.

Andrew Lloyd '06. Stuart Hurst. Kyle
Wischer. James Cifelli '08. and Drew
Flanigan get shirtless on the Pole 3 porch.



' .'~mJn.


Fmdy EJ"MJ,, Ann.:
a night out.

';t,,~,m enJ('~

Senior' enjoy a night out .

,\ l u:hac:l Wagoner and Shery l Silver' pm.e
for a photo.



Senior girl s at a fun cti on in Doremus
Gymnas ium .

A night out at the Pole houses never gets

Lau ren Kampf, An ne Finl ey. Laura Ponti er
'06 and Rachael Corritonc '06 celebrate
Laura's weddin g '

The Palms ne\·er fail s to be a good night



Ginny Wortham. Emily Applegate and
Kristen I\lcClung proud!} show off their
!'\CAA Tournament Championship Trophy.
Congratulaions 2007 Tennis Team'

Senior Pi Phi s get revved up for Fancy
Dre ss in their masks.

The Se nior Fiji pledge class di splays class
pride and penguin suits.

Lindsay Lecky. Devon !\ torten. and Laura
Hornbuckle hang out at High Point.

Hartl ey Meric and Bl air Crunk drippin g in
I\lardi Gras beads.



elow: Anne Gleason. 1\lonica 1\lagnuson. Laura
Emily Edwards eat at the Sheridan
Inn .

Jean Rose Cia water and Alexi s Richardson
are really reall y excited to be at the
Cathol ic School Girls mixer.

Senior "Ski Patrol " Thetas pre-party at
Downstream before W indfall's Halloween
party .



Seni<•r Pi Phis get a black and wbite picture taken
before Fancy Ore".

Cla\lon Ed\\Jrd». Lindsa\ Leek\. and Andre\\
Gul;,ma take a picture in the exciusi \ e beer garden
at Theta\ T\\ in Stars fomtal.

Jean Angelico. a friend. and Kah Ndi
ce lebrate Mary Catherine Burdine's ('08)
::!1 st birthday .

Elizabeth !\I ill s. Sarah He lm s. Lane
Earnest. and l\l aggie l\kgear don't know
that Dan l\lcl\lenamin '06 ruined thi s

Sen ior Kappa Sigs and KDs celebrate
!'I lardi Gra~ in New Orleans during
February Break.

1-+0 Seniors

Cas,ie Pedroza. Tyrre ll Burrus. Shep
Russe ll and Laura Ho rnbuck le at the
Kappa!Theta Ca>e Race. Shep. what's that
funne l for?

Seniors e njoy dinner at the Southern Inn . a
Lex ington favorite.

Big >mi les dunng an e\'ening out'

St2 ma Chi·, Chn,tma, in the ou ntrv i>
al; a) sa great time to get dtack) Chnstma> attire' Pi ctured: B la1r
Ha,,·,. Katherine Shell. George Carter.
\laJ! Stuart Couch. and K ati~ Long.

Se niors 141

.te rcm.umn~formerl v-l..nown-a' Beta'
'"em their t~\edos ai Polehouse I.

\lembers o f the 'enior Lamba Chi pledge
class are all dressed up and ready to go for
thi' picture.

The re>idcnts of The Porch. l\ laggie
Puryear. Katie Green. Tippins Stone, and
Chri stina Leaton stand on their namesake
porch to take a picture!

Catie Fulton and Erin Tainer are taking in
~enior year ... the days are numbered.

Andrew Griffi n. Kevin Green and Leggett
Kitchin hang out at Sig ma Chi's "Chri stmas
in the Countr) .".



Magnuson, Laura Pekman, Lauren
and Eka Akpaki p smile at a Pi Phi eve nt.
McClung, Kari na Schiess, and Maggie
look pretty all dressed in white.

Mallory Lobissor and wi nn er of the most
uncreative costume, Pearse Davidson, hug
it out on Halloween ni ght.

Senior Thetas smile in their colorful masks
at the I OOth Fancy Dress Ball '



Out of all the things that W &L is known for. having
top-notch facu lty ranks near the top of the li st. Not only
are W &L faculty known for being dedicated researchers
and leaders in their field. they are also di stinguished
teachers. From the freshman advising dinners to aftergraduation lunches. faculty members were known for
developing meaningful relation ships with students that
helped nurture both their academic and personal growth.
[tis not uncommon for cell phone numbers to appear on
syll abi, or for professors to invite students over to dinner.
These personal connections showed the commitment of
fac ulty to the success of their students. It is due to the
fac ulty's dedication that student leave W &L as critical
thinkers. prepared to enter the 21st century workforce.
Catherine Swan
Eduardo Rodriguez
Jinger Bays
Section Editors



Left: Dean of Student s Dawn Watkin s over Parent >' Weekend.
Bottom Left: Profe"or' Kathl een Ol son and LatTy Stene "i th the semor
studio art maj ors at the gall ery open ing.
Below: Profe,sor Jerry 1\l yer> with members of the University Chorus tour
choir in Germany over spring break.
Bel the Chambe r Stngcrs ready to
sing before the Chri>tmas Ca nd le li ght 'en ice.
Below Ri ght: Professo r Terry Vo.,bein and se ni or Catherine Swan after the
Fine Arts Award' Ceremony.



Board of Trustees
Philip \V. Norwood
Rector of the Board of Trustees
Charlotte. North Carolina
Kenneth P. Ruscio
President of the University
Lexington. Virginia
Ivlichael D. Am1strong
At lanta. Georgia
Robert M. Balentine, Jr.
Atlan ta. Georgia
Andrew N. Baur
St. Louis. Missouri
J. Donald Childress
Atlanta. Georgia
Joseph H. Davenport III
Lookout Mountain, Tennessee
Kimberly T. Duchossois
Barrington. Illinois
Mark R. Eaker
Herndon. Virginia
J. Hagood Ellison. Jr.
Columbia. South Carolina
Jorge E. Estrada
Buenos Aires. Argentina
J. Scott Fechnay
Potomac. Maryland



\Villiam H. Fishback Jr.
Ivy, Virginia

Thomas N. McJunkin
Charleston. West Virginia

John W . Folsom
Columbia. South Carolina

Michael H. Monier
Wilson, Wyoming

C. Douglas Fuge
Chatham. N.J.

Harry J. Phillips Jr.
Houston, Texas

Benjamin S. Gambill, Jr.
Nashvi lle, Tennessee

Hatton C. V. Smith
Birmingham, Alabama

William R. Goodell
Bronxville, New York

Burton B. Staniar
Hoboken, New Jersey

Robert J. Grey
Richmond, Virginia

Martin E. Stein Jr.
Jacksonville, Florida

Bernard C. Grigsby II
Walton-on-Thames, Surrey.

Sarah Nash Sylvester
New York. New York

Ray V. Hartwell III
McLean, Virginia
William B. Hill Jr.
Atlanta. Georgia
A.C. Hubbard Jr.
Baltimore. Maryland
Peter C. Keefe
Alexandria, Virginia
John D. Klinedinst
Rancho Sante Fe, California

Charlie Tomm
Atlantic Beach, Florida
John W. Vardaman , Jr.
Washington, D.C.
AI stan Parker Watt
Thomasville, Georgia
Dallas Hagewood Wilt
Nashville, Tennessee
John A. Wolf
Baltimore, Maryland

Deans and Administration

George Carras

Dennis Cross

Hank Dobin

Brandon Dotson

Tamara Futrell

Assoc. Provost,
Dir. Corp. & Fun .

VP for Uni ve rsity

Dean of the

Associate Dean of

Assoc iate Dean of

Joseph Grasso

James Farrar

Janet Ikeda

Elizabeth Knapp

David Leonard

VP for

Sec. of the U ni v./
Ass t. to the Pres.

Assoc iate Dean of
the College

Assoc iate Dean of
the College

Dean of Freshmen

Steven McAllister

Larry Peppers

Kenneth Ruscio

Robert Straughan

Dawn \Vatkins

VP for Finance/

Dean of the
W illiams School

Pres ident of the
Uni versity

Associate Dean of
the W illi ams School

Dean of Students

H. Thomas
Williams, Jr.



R•'" Stephan Faf.lla,. Seon Bt,ylan. J. Wi lliam
1-- .: H.t<.~ R'"' J,,hn 1-.:e,in Green. Elitabelh OJi,er.
JJ:k \\ et". L~ n \\ h.:c!t:r.

Back Row : Jacob Spencer. Cassandra Link , Connie
B,mden. \ 'icki Nicd\'. Ellen Au,lin. Rebecca
Edmond,on. and Ch;l ic Boi, l.\ . Fronl Row: Je,sica
Ta~ lor. Erica Rie,becl.. L) ndsa·y Polloway. and Erin
Hutchin,on. No! pictured: Jan Bin~ n s. William
Hanog. & Jonathan Wcb,ter.

Front Row : Ro'a Wee k,. Wanda Scon. Jane Smith.
Carolyn Lamben. Back Row: Tripp Onnen. Beau
Dudley. l\ llchelle D:td,on. Tom Lo\'e ll.

1-lX Faculty

Fro nt Row: Christa Bowde n. Joan O 'Mara. Margaret
Morse. Back Row: Lei gh Ann Beavers, Betty Hi cko~ .
Dinah Ryan. Pam S impso n. Kathl ee n Obo n. Larry
Stene. Not Pi ctured: George Bent
C le ive Adams. Norri s A ld ridge. Kelli Austin. Rachel
Barr. Austin Calhoun , Meli ssa Ca mde n, Gav in
Colli ton. Ne il C unningham. A ndrew Da vis. A ndrew
Delaney , Danie l Des Pl aines, David Detwi ler. Gary
Franke. Jamie G lucJ,. , Sean Gra nt. Francis Ha, tnn .
Janine Hathorn , John Hi nkle , Kristina Hoey , Nathan
Hoey , Boy d Horne, C lare nce Horne. Adam
Hutchinso n. Garland Irvine, Eric Ishida, Ma nd y King,
Mary Lam , Joseph Lyles, Caroly ne May o, M ichael
M ayo. Robert Mays, Euge ne McCabe. Kri >ten
McCa nd less. Frank M iricll o, Emily Nice ly. George
O'Co nnell. Bertrand O'Neal. Wendy O rriso n, Patric ia
O we n,, Matthew Phillips, Mi chael Pirani an, Rolf
Piranian, Stuart Pradi a, C inda Ranki n, M oll y Reid.
Danie l Ro land. Jan Rosman. Ch ri , to pher Schall.
Michae l Sessa. Joel Shino fi eld, Brian Smi th, Bryan
Snyder, tvlervin Stickley. Paul Thomas. Joh n T ucker,
C harles Updike. Jm•hua W ill iamson

Front row : Kell y Hemm inger, Ju dy G ibber. and
Loretta Simpson. Back row: 1\larya nne S imurda. Larry
Hurd. Paul Cabe. Jack W ielgus. Bill Hami lto n. and
John Hufnagel. Not pictu red: John Knox . Helen
I'A n.,on. Dav id Marsh.

Fac ulty

14 9

Front Rn\\: George 1\.e,tcr. Phil Gibb'. Bob Ballenger.
K1p Pirkle. Sand~ Reiter. Bad. Ro\\: Robert
Culpepper. .-\Jam Sc-h\\artZ. Scott Hoover. Roger
Dean. Dennis Garvi,. :\nt Pictured: Phil Cline. R<>bert
Straughan ..·\manda BLmer. Bruce \lacdonald.
Carolyn Simmons.

Business Office
Front nm : Mar2aret Harrbon. Sarah Snvder. Deborah
Caylor. Joan s,~bher. Sue Bryant. Back. row: Jane
Stoke,. Cathy Coleman. Heather Thompson. Les
Gearhart. Not pictured: Fa) e Silvea.

Lucy Burb. Chmtopher Carpenter. 1\l arquita Dunn.
Carolyn Hill. hca King. Ro'a Noel. Sharon Sarno.
Nadine Staton


Facu lty

Career Services
Suza nne W ade , A» istant Director for Recru itment
Programs; AJ Hunter. Career Advi sor: Beverly Lorig.
Dtrector: Ginna Cropper. Admini strative Assistant.

Lisa. Joe, He len. Tho ma,, A pril. Derrick, Eu. Jane,
Adam. Sevena. Not Pictured: C indy

M arcia B. France, Frank A. Sett le, Jr. . Lisa T. Alty .
Erich S . Uffe lman. Frederick J . LaRivie re,
Michael A. P leva. Steven G. Desjardins. Not pictured:
Andrea C. Abry . Barbara D. Htggins. Philip C.
Trimmer. 1\latthew F. Tuchler

Fac ulty


f.., ,• Cr.•U~. K.:nn



·h, .,·~

Computer Science
Torn Whak). Simon Le' y. Ranee
Lam ben


and Ken

and University
Rm~o: Jo,c l1crrn. I' om K al~1 'k ~ . Carole Baik}.
Ro" Tom Coni<". Jcnmfcr W1,c. Derek
\lei arland.




East Asian

Languages and
Front row: Jeremy Robinson, Hongc hu Fu, Yi Ma.
Back row: Adrienne Hall-Bodie, Janet Ikeda, Ayano
Yamamoto, Wallace Wil son, Xiaoqin Lin, Ken'ichi
Uj ie.

Front Row: Hojat Ghandi, Michael Anderson, James
Casey, Don Smythe. Back Row : James Kahn, Najeeb
Shafiq . Joseph Guse, Kara Leibel, Neils-Hugo Blunch.
Art Goldsmith, Carl Kaiser, Larry Peppers. Not
Pictured: Tim Diette, Cemi l Selcuk, Mike Smitka, Phil
Cline, Linda Hooks.

Front Row: Sandy O'Connell, Edwin Craun. Marc
Conner, Lesley Wheeler. Back Row: Laura Brodie, R.
T. Smith. Theresa Braunschneider. Christopher
1\ latthews. Chris Gavaler. Not pictured: Edward
Adams, Genelle Gertz, Suzanne Kee n. Deborah
Mtranda. Bill Oliver, Holl y Pickett, Kary Smout, Asali
Solomon, Mary Wall. and James Warren.



Back Ro" : Larrv Hurd. Eri.: Uffelman. Laurence
Eaton. Front R o~•·: John KnLm . Jtm Kahn t Directorl.
Jim Case). Haney ~l.lfkowttL i\ot Pictured: CharJe,
Boggs. Greg Cooper. Tyler Dickovick. Sean Donahue.
Lisa Greer. Louise Halper. Teresa Hanlon. DaviJ
Harbor. El izabe th Knapp. David ~Iarsh . Kary Smout.
~I atthe " Tuchler. Jim Warren.

Administration: Scott Beebe. Linda Agnor. Billy
Bl)·ant. Rebecca Lewis. Randolph Hare and Kelly

Financial Aid
John DeCourcy. MaryAnn Harmg. Cynthia Hintze,
James Ka,ter, Chris 1\l iller, and Martha Rowsey.

154 Faculty

General Counsel
Leanne Shank, Penny Patterson, Jenni fer Kirkland.

Chris Connors, David Harbor, Kati Szramek, Li sa
Greer, Margaret Swi sher, Elizabeth Knapp, Jeffery
Rahl, Bob Thren.

German and
Back Row: David B. Dickins, Daniel Kramer, Roger
Crockett. Front Row: Claudia Smolinski. Greta
McCaughrin, Jacque Bruce, Ann a Brodsky, and Anna



F. o1 1 Ro\\. Da' 1d Peterson. Richard Bidlack. Ted
De lan~'. \lollv \ lichelmore. Second Row : Taylor
Sander< Holt !': krchant. J. D. Futch. i\ lark Carey.
Bad, Row: Bill Patch. H.P. Porter, David Bello. Not
Pictured: Roberta Senechal.

Human Resources
Sherry \\'right, Ki m Austin. Linda Brantley. Deborah

Phillip Golladay '09, Kri sten Gould, Scott D1Hman.
Katherine ~lcGuire . Not Pictured: Ken·Chcng H'iang
Cheng '07, Mike Yan '09

156 Faculty

Amy Richwine. Li sa Marks. Latha Dawson, William
Klinge lhofer.

journalism and
Back Row: Doug Cummin g. Brian Richard>on, Ham
Smith, Melissa Cox. Ed Wasserman. Front Row: Pam
Luecke, Jennifer Powell. Dayo Abah, Claudette
Artwick. Michael Todd. Not Pictured: Robert
de Maria.

Lee Chapel and
Linda Donald. Fred Gallagher, Kitty Dunlap. Fran
Naylor. Pat Larew . Lorie Holter. Patricia Hobbs. Pam
\Vag ner. 1\]argaret Samdahl. Glori a Gorlin and Billie
Jea; Banks. Staff not pictured: Bill Da\\ son. 1\laddi
Coleman. Demse Gorsky. Eleanor Han,e n. Lavey
1\lahoney. Pam Ricks. Barbara Rollenhagen. and
Sarah Stickley. Students staff not ptctured: Am)
Kam an ·o~. 1\ latt Lyons. '09. Stephante :\lcPhaul '09.
Stephant e Hardiman. ' 10. ;\latt 1\la) '10. and Stephan ie
:\!arb ' 10



Leyburn Library
\(ar. .-\bdone'. David Badertscher. Carol Blair.
\l~Lm Bmii2an. Adrienne Crowder. K\k Felker.

R~<:hard Greie. ~kfi ,_a Gualtieri. Laura H~weu. Carol
Kars.:h. Jessamine \laver. Lisa :\kCown. Yolanda
\terrill. Cvmh1a \lorton. Anthonv \lurrav. Karin

O'CaJla2h~ . Wendv Richards. \:au2han Stanlev.
Wanda Swartz. :\k~l~ Taylor. Eliz;beth Teaf{.John
Tombarge. Laura Turner.

Front Row : Chris Vess. Charles Ware. Sandra Synder.
Ryan Lewis. Wanda i\JcDaniel, Dorothy O'Donnell
Pam Clark. Back Row: Robert 1\Jartin. AC\1 Utility
Super.·isor Tommie Roper. i\ lanager Don Ke ndall .
Robert La\\ home. Chef Anthony \\'est. Assistant
\t anager Kell) Brown. General Ser.·ice Super.·isor
\'era Merchant. Robert Dunlap. Pi\1 Utility Super.·isor
\l ark Craney.

Back Row: Gregory Dresden. Brendan Weickert .
\Iiddle row: Katherine Crowley. Wayne Dymacek
(Department Head). i\l ichael Evans, Paul Bourdon and
(far right) Tom Vinson. Front Row: Jacob Siehler.
Paulette Rmderknecht (Administrative As>i stant), Pa ul
Humke and Nathan Feldman. Not pictured: Alan

158 Faculty

Front Row: Shuko Watanabe, Dymph Alexander,
Barry Kolman. Back Row: Graham Spice. Jerry
1\lyers, Gordon Spice, Tim Guy lard, Terry Vosbein .

News Office and
First Row: Cindy Lawson, Deni se Watts. Jim
Goodwi n. Julie Cline, Mary Woodson, Juli a O'Brien
Second Row: Jessica Carter, Loui se Uffelman, Sarah
Tsc hi ggfri e. Julie Campbe ll , Lauri e Li pscomb, Jeremy
Franklin , Patrick Hinely Back Row: Tim Kolly, Kevin
Remington Not pictured: Brian Laubscher, Austin

Pau l Gregory, Melinda Bell. Lad Sessions, James
Mahon. Charles Boggs.



Physics and
Back nm: Stephen Kali>ta. Da\'id Sukow. Albert
Ein,tein. Ronald Reese. Joe l Kuehner. Front row: Irina
Bruce Bolle r. Libby Cumming. :>;ot pictured:
Ken \'an:>;es,, H. Thoma' William,.


Front Row: Eduardo Velasquez. Robi n Le Blanc ,
Rebecca Harris. Back Row : Mark Rush. Lew is John ,
Robert Strong. Luca' Morel. W illiam Connolly. Tyler
Dicko\'ick. :\'ot Pictured: Craig t-. lcCaughrin.

Front Row : Prof. Jean ine Si lvei ra Stewart: Assoc.
Prof. Wythe Whiting: Prof. Tyler Lorig: Prof. David
Elmes: Prof. :-.laney Margand Back Row: Assoc. Prof.
Bob Stewart: A'soc . Prof. Karla t-. Iurdock : Asst Prof.
~Iegan Fulcher Administrative Ass! Margaret Swisher
:\'ot Pictured: A~soc. Prof. Julie Woodzicka, Lab
Technician Bev Bowring. or Thatcher the Dog



Public Safety
Michael Young. Thom3' Sheedy, Ed Bulger. Tony
Sti nnett . Thonws B3ne, Steve Tomlin,on Not
Pictured: Agnes Gi lmore. Deni'e Neuhs. Kay Boqic.
Ann 1\lays. Larry Stuart , 1\·le ltn Davi,, Joe Oyler.
Chri' Paulk. Dan Rexrode

Win,to n Dav is, Harvey Markow itz, Tim Lu bi n. Jess
K o, ~ y. Alexandr3 Brown. Richard Marb. No t
Pi ctured: Karen Lyle.


Front Row: M onica Botta. Shirl ey Rich3rdson.
1\ lohamed Kamara. Jeff Barnett. Bac~ Row : Cri,t iane
Fran ca. Gwyn Campbell. John L3mbeth. Die~
Kuettne r. Milton Ro mero Obandn. Not Pictured:
La\\fence Boetsc h. h e ]i,e F3undez- Rci hma. Al fred
Fralin. Francoi se Fregnac-Cla\ e. lana Kon, tantinoYa.
Ellen l\layo<.:k. Sonia l\ ler le., O li\era. Dominca
Radulescu . Cecile \\'e,t-Settle .



I ~ nn


and R,xl Smith .

Shepherd Program
Caitl in Schopp (Campus Kitchens Project), Aubrey
Shinofield (Service Learning Coordinator). Sandra
Hanlene (Sen·ice 1'\etwork Coordinator). Francile
Elr~d (Coordinator of Co-curricular Education) .
Harlan Beckley tShepherd Program Director) Not
pictured: Linda Davis (Administrative Assi stant)

Society and the
Adrienne Hall- Bodie. Gregory Cooper



Sociology and
Laura Galke, Ken W hite , Le slie Cintron. David
Novack. Sascha GolubofL
Krzy,sztof Ja,iewicz. Not Pictured: Alison Bell ,
Michael Hightower

Special Programs
Tracey 1\1ason. Rob Fure. Susie Thompson.

Student Health

and Counseling
Tad Stanley. RN: Jane A'bury. RN: 1\lartha Conner,
RN: Su zanne Noonan. RN: Jane Horton. MD : Betty
John stone: Barbara Woolston. RN . :>lot Pictured:
Chn sty Barongan. Sarah Ben ne II. David Copelan d.
Janis Kaufman . Kirk Luder. There'a Luder. Jenn ifer
Sayre. Donna Smythe. Jane \Vheeli ng.



., . nJ Lenna Ojur.:.

Tl1eater and
Lenfest Center
Rob ~l i> h. Owen Collins. Jill Straub. Je>>ica !\Iiller.
Cathy ~lcEihannon. Su,an Wager. Jenny Davies.
Jo,eph ~l arlinez . Not pic!UreJ : Tom Zi.:g ler. Ki mberly
Jc". Jen nifer Anderson.

Pc:ter Gruver. Di rector. and Erin Kuykendall.
Curatorial A"i'tant.


Fac ul l)


Front row : John Bl ackhum. Flash Floyd. Ruth Fl oyd.
Anna Alford. Li sa Dunl ap. Gabriel la Somervi lle
Brown. Judi Owens. Shell y Fleming. Todd Goetz.
Second row: Ed Ki bler. Pat Harris. Julie Knudson.
Dan Newha ll. Dean Tallman. Nick Gualtieri. Ll oyd
Goad. Third row : Joh n Watkins, Jim Bollinger. Le n
Re iss. Ste phen Grettenberg. Buck Wilkerson. Tom
Tinsley. Bi ll Todd. Back row : C lay ton Padfie ld . John
Hellmuth. Morri s Trimmer. Eric O wsley . Earl
Edward>. John White.


Front Row: Jay Harder. Hank Humphrey s. Nancy
Wade. Erica Arnol d. Rac hel Barham. Second Row:
Buddy Atkins. Anne Le mon. Sandy Beverly. Ti a
Byrd. icole Hart less. Third Row: Michell e Drumbl.
He idi Jarvis. Carolyn Goolsby. Janet Irvine. Carrie
Campbell Fourth Row: Jane Stewart. Sue Woodruff.
Fifth Row: George Carras. John Thai in. Gale Nice ly.
Mike Walsh. Back Row: Tres Mulli s. George Graves.
Denni s Cross. Kte Turnbull , Kevi n Weaver.


Front Row · Jeannette Jarvi s. Barbara Rowe. Back
Row: Amy Conant ' I 0. Jes,ica Jones ' I 0. Sarah ;>. lontz
'1 0. Karen Hite. Joanna Smi th. Scott Dittman. Not
Pictu red: f\ IIchael Tyler '09



\Villian1s Scl1ool
A d111inistra tive
\k lindaC,>IemJn .
\l .ma

L~ n




Not Pictured
Chri,topher Ad~m ,. Super\l,or. L' niver,it~ \ lailroom
Fontanne Bo,tk. Au:-.iliarv Sen ice' Administrative A"i'tant
Elizabeth Boylan. lnform~tion Technology Literaf) Admin.
Dana Camper. Tele.:ommunication'
Dehmah Friedman. Lee Hlm'e Coordinator
Berkeley Hamer. Copying Sen·ice'
Katherine \Iauck Admini,tratiw As'J'tant. Uni\ ers.ity Ad\ ancement


William Patterson. Campus Rec reation Coordinator
Lance Rowsey. \ !ail Sen·ice' Clerk
Halford Ryan. Professor of Speech
!'ina Salmon. \\'riting Consultant. Williams School
Judy Strang. Writing Con sultant. Williams School
Suzannah Vess. Copying Service'

Stephanie Arhanas
Director of Budgeb

Lynn Bennett
Admin. Asst.. Dean
of the Col lege

Paul Burns
Dir.. Environ.
Health and Safety

Derek Carter
Asst. Treas.,
Investment Support

Burr Datz
Dir. Lead. Develop ..
Coor. Rei. Life

James Dick
Dir. Campu-.

:\Iimi Elrod
Dire<.:tor. Sum mer

.Jeremy Franklin
WLUR Radio

Jennifer Hennis
Admin . Asst .. Dean
of the College

Phyllis Hostetter
Morri s House

Fac ull y



Sharon Kirk

Paul KueHner

Margo McClinton

Cynthia McClure

Barbara Mollica

Admin. Asst..
Teacher Ed and
Williams School

Director, Tucker
Multimedia Cente r

Director, El rod

Ad min . Asst.,
Board of Trustees

Director of Spec ial
Eve nts

Tudy Morris

Lori Oliver

Jodi Owsley

Nellie Rice

Joan Robins

A dmin. Asst.,
President's Office

Admin. Asst. to

Exec. Asst. to the

Ad min. Asst..
Student Affairs

Director of Hillel

Finance/Admin .

Jason Rodocker

Cree Sherrill

Dana Smith

Ann Tomlinson

Janice Updike

Dir. , Student
Acti viti es and Greek

Admin. Asst.,
Willi am s School

Advi sor, Stude nt
Acti vities and
Greek Life

Ad min. Asst.,
Student Affairs

Admin. Asst. to
the Provost

April \Vashburn
Admin. Asst.,
Campus Activities

Facu lty


Organi zations provided yet another dimension to
Campus Life thi s year. Most W&L students were
involved with at least one. if not several. organizations on
campus . With over I 00 organization to choose from.
students were sure to find something that fit their
Sen·ice organi zati ons all owed students to experience
the greater Lexington community and use their skill s to
help others. Volunteers with Nabors Service League.
Habitat for Humanit y, and APO. among others,
coord inated various projects throughout the year.
Students could be found reading to children at Waddell.
serving dinner to the elderl y at the Mayflower, or building
homes for the less fort unate through Habitat for
Humanity. Cultural organizations helped promote
diversity on campus. Politi cal organ izati ons were active
as we ll. as preparations for Mock Con 2008 were well
unde rway .
Organizations all owed W&L students to meet new
people and be exposed to new viewpoi nts. They allowed
students to escape the drudgery of coursework while still
participating in something meaningful. thu s greatly
enriching the W &L experience.
Catherine Swan
Sectio n Ed itor

Scmor' Core) Gaber and Khaki Htme.



Frc,hman Doroth y Todd . junior J e~'ica
But:kin~ham. and frc,hmen Ro-;emary
Ke lky and Kat Telfcyan.

The Rall y for the Troop, .

Left: I\ Iembers of Hillel sponsor a scroll signing during Holocaust
Rememberance Week.
B~ l o w : Members of Jude 2-+ entertain the crowd during On e Acoustic Evem ng.
Below Left : Freshman Taylar Hart, junior Alice Shth . sophomore Meli ssa Caron .
sophomore Je nmfe r Janes cook up food for the Campus Kitchens Project.
Helo \\ Center: l\ le mbers of Hillel have an Apples and Honey Roshashana Party.
Belo w Ri ght: Entertaining the crowd during the Rally for the Troops.

Org ani zations


Bt Lar''' n. \\~'O'Dell. Anthnm :-.lardini. ~latth~w
Lnar. Brendan Clar~. \\' ill Ccn ·ington :\ot pictured:
BraJ Bender. \ l.ttt Harri"'" · -\dam Hoehn. Jcm
R,,ger' ..-\ ndrew Ze ngtlow,l. i

Baptist Student
Front Row (\\'&L Students); J ~nny Sproul, Kathryn
George. Keri Klein. Laura Den n). Rachel Hull. Abri

Fre,bman Grant Lcwandrow,~i
parti~ipatc' in a pre-orientation
trip by helping build a hom~ for
Hahitat for Humanit~



Mu'c 'taff memb~r' fr.:,hman
Andrea Null. junior Kcvm
Dono\"an. and 'ophomor~ Eli'a
Turner di,Cths the 'tatu' of
'uhmj,,ion . . .

Campus Kitchens
Leader~h ip Team: Maggie Puryear. A ike Shih. Dana
Statton. Kati e Garrett. Khaki Howe. Erik Ba ll Not
pic tured: Hammond I\ IeEver. Mary C lair Turner.
Jen ny N ie mann. Su zanne Humphrie., . Caroline Ma nn

Utlwlic Campus
T ara Hlide nhra nd. 1\tatthew Pagano. Artu ro Rna.
1\ttcaela Coffey. Bill Larson. A lejandro Selin Not
pictured: Reiss Eagan, Christine Flood , Made line
Ge nt . John Gray, l\l ichae l Gretche n. Matthew
1-b rri so n. Kath lee n Kern. A lexa ndra Loc ki ng. Kie ran
Murphy. John Stanton . Shanno n Wil lia ms. Shane
Wi lson. Nadja Wo lfe

Sophomores Aisha Da\'1' and
Jamlia Seaton 'ho\\' their moves
at the 1\ l ulti -Cultural Student
A"llctattllll Parent's Weel..end
Dt nne r.

Jum or Jen ny Sproul and sen ior
.-\rthur Fang hob f11r apple' at
Young Life 's Hall o\\ ee n Party .


17 1

.·r,mt R''" J ~nnv Sutton. Logan Gibson. David
1\.r• >nenfeld. H~aiher Han. R;bin \\'right Back Row:
Derek Hayo;om. Riley Barnes. Arie G~orge. Addy Ng.
!\ell Sheaffer. Katie Weber. Shane Wilson. Galina
Yudo' 1ch. Jack Stanton. :-lichael Viviano :\'ot
Pictured: Ale:( Gould. Blaire :-lonroe

Professor Ellen l\l ayock, advisor, Emily Sberna.
Shane Wil son. Cynthia Cheatham, Michael Viviano,
Elizabeth Polanco. Stephanie Dodson. Becky Bratu.
Diane Kuhn, Lauren Santabar, Jamie Ferrell

Sophomore Eric Reiu 'how' off
'ome talent at the Showcase for



Sophomore David Vaught in tied
in a human knot at Young Life's
Halloween Party.

Jo>h Pay ne, Rich Cleary , Wil son Sweitzer, Ellie
Hanson. Oleg Nudelman, Rob Rain, John T womey,
Tye Hae berle. John Bovay, Ted Williams, Jordan
Campbell , Kirk Adamson. Margaret Elkins

Fancy Dress
Co-Chai rmen: Niki Tsiknaki s, Lily de Grazi Decorati ons CoChaimlen, Sarah He lms, Mary Stuart Couch. Auditor, Laura
Hornbuckle Entertainment: Lindsay Lecky, Keary Alderson,
Sarah Jo Trimble, Caroline Head, Pu blicity: 1\llie na Ricci.
Calvin Aw kward, Laura Sanders, Reilly Ward, Jac kie Nielson.
Farrell Ulrich, Emily Applegate 1\lemorabilia: Stephanie
Jordon, Caroline Simonson, Kiltie Tompkins, Coleman
Nalley. Markheave ns Tshuma Invllations: Robin Dav is,
Caroline Ave nt, Lizzie Gotimer, Ca itlyn Smith Pl ay bill :
Caroline Davis, Abby Olson, Lizzie Appel. Emi ly Wh1pple
Website: Alexis Richardson. Jean Rose Clawater
Construction: Devin Seale, Andrew Elliott Small Gym
Decorati ons: Staci Karpova, Audrey Fell , Jessica Jones,
Reagan Kerr, Mered1th M1tchell Entrance/Hallway: Elizabeth
Eckman, Allie Zeger. Shari Boyce, ELon Cohen, Aleisha
Butler Big Gym Decorati ons I : Anne Tay lor Tipton. Dana
Statton, Eli zabeth Mann. Cristin Quinn Big Gym Decorati ons
2: Katie Garrett, Suzanne Humphries, Christma 1\le rchant,
Elizabeth Krausnick B1g Gym Decorations 3: Mac kenzie
Hutton. Claire Spadafora. Viv ian Schreeder, Harriet Kilgo re
Big Gym Decorati ons 4· Madeline Mayer, Liss1e Cain,
Connell Owi ngs, Franny Couch

Film Society
Back Row: Dick Grefe, Michael Morella. Abe Sohn,
Robert Claiborne , Daniel Kromand Front Row: Anne
Finl ey. Ann a Pendley. Marquita Robinson


17 3


Bdl:l- Row: D~rel. Ha\ 'om. Roben Salier'. Lo2an
Pel!i£rew . .\l~~:hael dBrien. Jame' Did;. Kevi~ Com.
Ro,,-bbell .\Iiddle RSingh. Lun Hundle\. Larkin \\" il'l>n. John Ditnre .
.·\le~ia Fl\ ~n. Sdra Kate .\loore Bouom Ro\\ : Ddvid
Kronenfeid. Jame' Wolff. Caroline Haeberle. Caroline

Generals Activities
Quiana :O.kKenLie. Phil Gardiner. Teresa Carlin .
.\largarel Ward. John Allgood. Hanley !\Ieric. David
Butler. Katie Carrnod). Grant Thomas. Andre\\
Gullota. Garrell Clarl. Photograph does not 'how
complete member>hip.

Gay Straight
Back Row: Keary AldeN>n. Kri,hna Rao. Stephanie
Wiechmann. Katie Huffman. Timothv Kirbv Front
Row: Erica Car"'"· Li'a Reppell. Th~re-;a Dougheny.
Laura! Hobhc,. Will Chamberlin. Danielle Au,ems

17-l OrganiLat ions

• ' l fl \\IS

Generals Christian

Back Row: Steve Tamayo. Ryan Gritter. 1\ li chael
Keenan. Nathanie l Jame s. Chri' Tudor. Andrew
Acke ll. Jack Jeong Front Row : Kati e King,hury.
M all ory Frewer. Gay le Huhhard. 1\leghan Jo,s. Ahhie

Habitat for
Back Row : Blake Anderson. John A ll good. Thoma,
Goodrich. Hunter Branstetter. Kato n Dawso n. Bann on
Thorpe Middle Ro \\ : !\I organ Hil l. Lane Morgan.
Nick Ga ll ag her. Pat 1\kG lo ne. Bob Holli > Front Row:
John Bruton Not P1 ctured: Andrew Gu lotta. Robert
Fos ter

The Ken Oa~ Band. 'pon,ored h)
PAACE. perfom1' in the
Co mmon ' Ll\ mg R<10m .

Fre,hm an \' 1ctoria Raabe help,
build a home for Hab itat for
Humani t) during a tre,hman preonentatlon tnp.

O rgan i zatio n ~


( -h.
,,·.: Pr.:,id.:n t>: Carl~ Cowl.:y &: Ju,tin.:
D.cr:...th . Co-Ex.:cutiH Vic.: Pr.:s1d\\l,;lnSeth F.:-•i:>Cha1r HoliJa'' ,\: Shabbat Julia Spieler. \'P Chair
Scx:ial: Tara Rub.:n,t.:in. \'P Chair PublicitY: \ 'ictoria
K.:--.:lman VP Chair Alumni Liason: Kvle-Harvev.
VP Chair R.:cruitm.:nt: AlChair •
Communi!\' S.:rvic.:: Emilv ~lart in & Hil a Ya,har. \'P
Chair \'I P/Sp


Joey Convers.: (Secretary). Jason Rodocker (Advi sor ).
Luke Carmalt (Junior Justice). Jon Rogers (Vice
President). Da,·id l\ litchell (Senior J ustice ). Drew
Flanigan !President). Chris Womom (J unior Justice)

in General
Back Row: Jenny Ratzel, ;\lary Catherine Burdine,
Kevi n Donovan. Palmer Dobb,, Andrew Ferguson
;\Iiddle Row: Allie Chafey. Kri sten Piefer, Jessica
HoppKoval. Elizabeth Eckman. Katherine Bastian. Nicole

176 Organizations

IRA and
Model UN
l\ lariko lchihara !Under-Sec retary for Finance).
Matthew Godfrey !Chairman!. Jennifer Sutton
iSc.:rc tary-General of !\lode I UN I. Di vya Ajay
!Chairman Emeritus) Not pictured: Allan Ki,oma
I Under-Secretary for Education)

Will Andrews. Corbin Blackford . Courtney Blake,
Phil Broderick. Jake Brown. Anne Russe ll Calvert.
Brynn Chandler, Davi d Colman , Tim onway . Robin
Da vis. Valeri e Delaune. Loui se Denny. Palmer Dobb,.
Josh Dodds. Diana Dozier. Laure n Edmonson.
Clayton Edwards, Andrew Elli son. Robert Fo,ter.
Richard Friedman. Phil Gardiner, Peter Goodwi n. Ian
Handerhan. Kelly Harvey, Sarah Helm s. Morga n Hill.
Bob Holli s. Laura Holman. Megan Hunt . Meghan
Joss. Allie Kell y. Femi Kusimo, Lindsay Leck y. Jay
Le,ter. Katie Long. Coleman Lyons. Ryan 1\lcGrath.
Dargan McMaster. David 1\litc hell. CoUll e ~ se n .
Sanjay Pa labhappa. Kri sten Peife r. Tara Ru ben,tei n.
Brooke Segodni a. Alice Shih. Erik Sivertson. Riel
Smith- Harrison. Jim Tartagl ia. Kilt ie Tompkin s. Tim
Vace k. Michael Viviano. Julie von Sternberg. Geo rge
Wal ker. Mitchell Ward . Jordan Wes ley, Hu nter
Whitfield. Ted Willi ams. Walker Willi ams. Anne
Wiltshire. l\hry Radford Wyatt, Richard Yancey

Back Row: Kri stine Early. Laura! Hohbe, ..-\icha
DaY is. Sarah l\lcCarville Middle RO\\ : Katy Allen.
Jess Hopper. Paten Hughe, , Anne Finley. Regi na
Mill s. Grace Wang. Kelly Bundy Front Row: Taylor
\Valle. Domnica Radulescu. Grace Andrews. Kari
Christoffer,on. Jennifer Janes. Angela Young

Or ga ni za t ion~


K .• Gr~,·~ \\.on~. Samar~ Frand,.:o. Je"i<:a
\1 .. ~-·n~ \lo ddk R'"': Cod~ Beau.:hamp. Chehea
B •.ck:n~n. \la ~21<' Fi>~<•w. Kati~ Sinks. Amanda
..\'~""· Bn.:e'fhri>l\. :\le~han Keane Ba.:~ Row:
Sunt•n .-\n~le~. Wilh~m Cl~>per. Ben Goet>.:h. Riel
S mith- H~rri,on. Collin Gu~

lviock Convention
Bad.. Row: Jt m Tartaglia. J immy Dunn . Trey Shehan.
Shane \\' il ,on. W ill W a ller. Anthom· :-.Jardini. Bill
Larson \hddle Row: Jenny Sutton. Sanjay
Palabhappa. \\' ill Owens. Logan Gibson. Edward
Otts. Lauren Tra"i s. Erica Carson. Caitlin Smith.
Eugina Huang. Jane Lee. W ill Chamberlin Front
Row: Carson Bruno. Sara \ luell er. Ri chard Friedman.
\\'e, Little. Sarah Johnson Not Pi ctured : Patri ck
Bittner. Ste\'~ \Jc :-Jeill. Addy !'Li. James \ladden. Jackie Niebon

}\!lock Trial
Back Row: t\ndy BudLinski. Bill Larson (captain ).
Grant Ru ssell. Da\'id :\lit.:hell (captain). Ellio tt
O'Brien. Grant ,\ J ilby. Dane Da\'is Front Rtm: Eugina
Huang. Kayla R<)\\e, Kathy Garman. Emily Lurie .
Holly Ratliff. Kdl) Bundy. Alex Carill,. Becca
Bee,on. Ali Zeger. Enn Galliher. Sarah At~inson Not
Pictured: Beth Belmont !Law Faculty. Head Coach).
Erin Coltrcra, Pear'e Da\'id,on. Emily DeVoe
lcaptainl. Jamc' Di<.:k. Da\'id Greene 1'07L A"istant
Coach I. \\'alker Humphrey f<:ap lain). Staci Karpo\'a,
Thadcou, Larkin. r\rif :\oorani ('O'IL. A"i' tant


Organi1.a1ion ~

Minority Students
Back Row: Emily M arti n, E'lon Cohen. Krishna Rao.
Rasaq Lawa i, Grace A ndrews, Yvonne E. oker.
Alccia Flynn. 1\larian Botchway Middle Row: Qu iana
Mc Kenzie. Shari Boyce, Jessica Hopper, Ashley
Parker. Alisha Laventure Front Row: Sharo n Chu.
Kristen- Kaye Gou lbourne, 1\larqu ita Robi nson

Bac k Row: Andrea Null . Tay lar Hart, Kevin Donovan.
Reg ina Mill s Fro nt Row: Nicole Moorad ian. Re becca
Le Mo ine. Erica Carson. Jessica 1\dcCo rmac k Not
Pictured: Tricia Bates , Stacy Doorn bos. Theresa
Dougherty. Briana Gapsis, Stacie Gilmore . Jacqueline
Linton. Rebecca Natelson. Dana Statto n, Eli sa Turner,
Em il y W are

Nabors Service

Front Row: Krista Palme:ren. Li nda Tan. Soni a Siu.
Bree !\ Ielton. Jenna \\' ails Back Row: 1\ ltcaela Coffey,
Je ss Huminger. Katie Carm ody. Andrew Elliot. S teph
lcPhaul. \ kNeel Keenan. 1\ leli>sa Poorman .
Sha\\ nay !\ laze II. l\lad.e nzie Br011 n

O rga ni zatio ns



S.ora Top.o,na. Gr~g Topa,na 1\' \II Profes, orl. .-\na
T.>pa,na. \k\ Carith. S1a.:~~ \" Jrga'
, .\J, '"'r \'\II Prnk"nrl ..\ndr~a D~ouJ~, t \ ·;,·~­
Pr~'''knt 1..\on~ Harl:>ola,. P~t~r HJrl:>iJa, ( Pr~,id~nt I.
Jc:an .\n!!do.:o. John :--:okil<>raki' ( \ '\11 .:adw. Jnhn
-\ppcll:>a~m. Fr. D~an :"';"t'"

Outing Club
Bad. Rem: .\u,tm \lake. E'Lon Co h~n. Fra nkL~~­
\l att \lo ll~r. \\' ill Patter,on. Rebecca Clinton Front
Rll\\: Katdvn Zawvrucha. Jame' Di ck. Pam .\lalc:c·Landrum. a~d \l ati L::ondru m

Association for

Cultural Exchange
Bad Ro\\: Ken H'iant!. Taku J indo. Anni Zha.
SJung l.im. Danocll: Au,cm,. Sharon Chu. l.i'a
Luu \toddle: Rm': Rot>m Zhcng. Kim Holland. W ~ nd y
Kang. \lariko hho~a\\a. I bnnah Pa~. Ra.:hdk
Bc:rnadcl Front Ro\\: Huan Jon. Sophie X11mg. Yujoa



Fro nt Row: Dana Smith tadvi,of). LiL Co ne
(Secretary). Ginny Wortham !PR/Prog rammin g
Chair). Lauren Travis tRi'k
1\lanage ment/Hou>ing/Exten>i on Chair). Kath ry n
Heaberg ! Recruitment Chair) Back Row: Hartle y
tile ric (Head Rho Gamma) . Ju, tine Dargahi (Pi Phi
Delegate). Li z Wi lliam' (Theta Delegate). tllary
tllargaret Harri s !President). Caro line Kirk
(VP/Judicial). Caroline t\ lann 1Kappa Delegate ), Kati e
Carmody !Chi Omega Delegate )

Top row: Paul-Devin Kue ttner, MSIY ; Benjamm
Accine lli .111SlY . Robe rt Modlin , MS III Bottom row
(left to right): Erin Galliher. 111SL Jock Ptlug. 1\ISI;
Dwyn Jolly , ti iS I; Jame> Baird. 1\ISI Not pictured:
Abig ail Gage . ti iS III ; Da\id Knight, MS III( Law) :
Scott Surnmerset, MS III (Law); Ri chard Knack, 1\IS I

Association for

Front Row : Li za :'-Jjuguna. Cn'y Duhe. Chmtin e
Rohm>on. Jes,Jca Ramo' Second ro\\ : t\1 an o n
Botc h\\ a\. Edd ie Rodn !!Ue7. RozaiJ\ a Sto\ ano\ a.
Aparajit,; S mgh. Chn,tJ~e DelPadre: Grac~ .-\ ndre w'
T op Rn\\: .-\i ,ha Da\ ''· :\laggie .-\ ntonm a. Kn,hna
Ran. Galena :\edekhe\CL Jamila Seaton. \' ictoria
\ 'uto\ a. Bry n Lee. Cra1g Sauer'

Organi z ation~

I8 I

t-ddent Activities
Eri<:a Carson ..\dam S.:hapiro. :O.Ia., \'ilenchi ". Derin
Harri"'n. :O.Iar.:urius B~ rd. :O.Iike 1\.eenan. Nick Trinh

Top Ro\\ : Catheri ne Fulton. Victoria Kessel man.
An2ela Young, Lorna Golder, Brvn l\kGhee. Rachelle
Be;Tiadel. Je,~ Ramo, Bottom Ro"w: Ellen Gu stafson.
Cll allo~ Ruymann. Rebecca Koval Not Pictured:
Justine Dargahi. Taylor Hart. Kell) Harwy. Paten
Hughes. Camille l\lorri,on. Lara Cll uller. Lauren
Sapiko'"ki. Ali son Smith. Taylor \\'aile

Juni or Jenny Sproul with a high
'chool 'tudenl at Young Life


Organizati ons

Student' 'ell raffle tickets during
the Paren t' Weekend football
game to rai'e money for the 200S
:'-.l ock Convention.


Action League
Back Row: Bi ll Barnhardt. Charles Persons, l\11 chae l
White. Will Townes. Katie Huffman. Alden W icker.
A nna Arendshorst. Kelly Hishta. Jessica Huss.
Claudia Vi ncenti. Sarah Engstrom Front Row: Silvi a
Cheng. M1chelle Hirschfeld. Whitney King, Ell ie
Hanson Not Pi ctured : Jenny Hau. Yan Yan. Meghan
l\l urphy. Stacie G ilmore,
i\ larc uriu s Byrd. Cathy Delosreyes. A li Smith.
Michae l Thompso n. Robert Wilson. Bonnie Fay. John

Back Row: Kyle Luby, Ri chard Yancey. Matt Krieg.
Colin Ram. Shane W ilson. James Wolff, Riley Barnes.
Front Row: Katy Hall , Jeanine Telfer

Junior Di ane Kuh n and senior
Stephani e W iechmann recruit
new member' for the G ay
Stra1ght Alli ance at the Acti vit ies
Fair during Orie ntation Wee k.

Semor Sarah Helms hang s
decorati ons in the gvm in
preparati on for the'ioOth Fancy

Organi zations


Kell~ ban,, \\'ill Chamberlin !\ Iiddle
, d\ ">r \\ nod,, Sarah Helnb. Robb Soukup .
. 'unnley Ba.:k Row: -\le' c,ordas. Rhett

Tra veller
Kay lee Hartung. Scot Pittman. Yin) an Li

Scmnr Shari Ro) ce and
'ophomore Grace Andrew' at the
1\ lulti·Cultural Student
:\ "ociatiun Parent\ Weekend

I R-t

Orga ni za t ion~

\ k rnhcr' of i\ !indhend ing
Production' aft er a performance of
Survivor and other ,eJection-:
Sophomore Tahi King. 'eniSheryl Silver' and Frank Lee.
junior Lauren Sapikmv,ki. 'enior
\!Jc:hacl \\'agoncr. and junior Lihhy
\ loore.

Sen iors: Di vya Ajay. Li ane Carl son. Heat her Hart ,
Valerie Hannon, Chad Kiewiet De Jo nge, Derek
Kosc iolek, Di ane Kuhn, C hri , ti na Leaton, Rhett
McCraw, A lexander Milte nberger, Michae l Rennard,
Taylor W all e, Patrici a Willi ams Juniors: Andrew
Ackell , Dane Boston, Thomas Brower, Nicole
Conkling, Micah Fergenson, Stacie Gilmore. Georgia
Gi lroy. A lex Gould, Willi am Hartmann. James
Heidbreder, Audrey Horn, Ashley Hubhard , Karen
Kl ein , Sean Krogh. Rebecca Le Mo ine. Carly Lev in .
James Madden, Li sa l'vlartinez, Sara 1\lue ller, Debbie
Newel l. Laure n Sapi kowski , Alice S hih . Trav is Short.
C hun Yi Sum. Rebecca Ti mmis Sophomores: Brian
A ntosyzk. Kevhon Clark. Ric hard Cleary, Kristin Del
Padre, Kavi ta DeVaney , Shreya Durvasul a. Ro hert
Frasco, Ellie Hanson. Casidhe Horan, Yuji Huang,
Sarah Kim. Issac Lambert. Allie Locking, Jennifer
Lysenko, Bobby Ray Martin . Matthew Price. Lesley
Smi th. Harry St. John , Christopher Tutor, Robin

Up Til Dawn
Back Row: Ju stin Cole, Grant Tho ma>, Britt Jami son,
Mallory Calhou n, Robert Walker Front Ro w: Erin
Vaug hn , A manda Askew, Jill Morri s, Mall ory
Ru ymann Not pictured : Kell y Harvey

Front Row: Nik:i Tsiknak:is, Adrienne Adki ns. 1\:elley
Zwart and Allie Kelly Back Row : Sergey Kvasnyuk.
M allory Calhoun, Alice Shih, Becca T immis. Joe
Gree n. George Hunter

Organi zations


From Row: Rebec.:a Clinton. Camille Morrison. Catie
Fulton Back R,m: ;\lichael Keenan. Paui-Devin
Kuettner. Chri' Tutor

Week in General
Front: Lorna Golder Sining at Desk: Sarah Bloom.
Shellev Orman Sides: Professors Michael Todd and
Bob De ;\!aria Back Row: Alisha Laventure. l\ lari
Ishikawa. ;\like Fahey. Farre ll Ulrich. Kiltie
Tompkins. Jessica Brenner. Betsy Chaplin. Jessica
Hopper. Aaron Judell (Law Student), Stacie Grij alva.
\\' ill Porter, Jess Ramos ~ot Pictured: Kristi Williams.
Laura Sanders. !\ina Cool idge, Ell ion Walker.
;\larkheavens Tshuma. Lizzie Gonimer. l\lary Beth
Edwards. Lizzie MacPherson. Logan Schonekas.
Michelle Boniface. Robb Soukupp. Kat Greene.
Christina Merchant

Back Row: Joel Carter. Marj ie Zethraus. Steve Lamb
Front Row: Lauren Morea. Peter Lawrence

186 Organization..,

Fro nt Row : Sharon Chu, St,phic Xiong, Jack Fi,hcr.
Toby Voght. Charles W ilson Second Row: Edward
Yeild ing. Cami lle A llen. Jeremy Frankl in. Andre w
C larke Back Row: Corbin Bl ackford. Kimber Wiggs.
Ashley Hubbard. Stephanie Wiechmann . Charl otte
Moore, Ted C lark Staff No t Pi ctured: Jordan
Anderson. John Bovay. Shrcya Durvasula. Kay lee
Hartung. A ndy McEnroe, Neil Sheaffer

Young Life
Arthur Fang, David Vaught. Mike Leno ir. Jenny
Sprou l and Kelly Wickline

Not Pictured
Phi Omega
sty International
terbury Club
Check Committee

Matte rs Mentorship Program
shman Orientati on Committee
'''"''U"'·'" "'" Club

Good Shepherd Lutheran Co llege Group
Inte rnational House
Journal of Sci e nce
Liberty Hall Volunteers
March of Dimes
Media Board
Mock Trial
Project Nicaragua
Order of Omega
Peer Counselors
Reformed Uni ve rsity Fellow ship
Rin g-Tum Phi
Rockbrid ge Area Me ntori ng Prog ra m

Spanish House
Student Recruitme nt Committee
Spirit Committee
Students for Choice
Ttinity UMC College Group
W &L Americans for Informed
W &L Knitting Society
W&L Po litical Rev iew
W &L Spec tator
W &L Stud ents for Life
W & L Turkish General s
Young Democrats
Organi zati ons


2006-2007 marked a landmark year for the arts on
campus: th e opening of John and Anne Wil son Hall. The
new facili ty was built to house all music and art classes
and e vents. The building connects to the existing Lenfest
Center. thus providing a place for music, theater, and the
arts to flourish on campus. A large upgrade from the
pre\·ious facil ity in duPont Wil son Hall provides students
and fac ulty with a new concert hall. art gallery.
classrooms. art studios. offices, and practice rooms all in
one convenient location . Artists reveled in their new
studios with beautiful views of Woods Creek, while
musician s enj oyed the acoustics of the new concert hall as
well as the numerous soundproof practice rooms.
Musical groups on campus continued to tour as
ambassadors of the university. All three a cappella groups
toured across the United States, providing entertainment
to alumni chapters everywhere. The University Chorus
used their tour year to bring a program of Gennan and
Ame rican music to German y. The theater and music
departments joined together to produce the second annual
Robert 0. a nd Elizabeth M. Bentl ey musical, Kiss M e Kat
e. which provided an exciting end to an exciting year for
th e arts on campus.
Jessica Simmons and Kimber Wiggs
Section Editors


I R8

A rt ~

of General Admt"ion on tour.

Member' of Jubilee on tour.

The Company of l11e Long Christmas
Ride Home.

Left : :\!ember' of the \\'&L Reparatory Dance Compnay




Below : Members of the Unt ve r,ity Chorus practice for an upcoming concert.
Bl'lo11· Cente r: Conductor Barry Ko lman lead' the University \\'ind Ensem ble in
Bottom Right: A pai nting by senior Kate Connolly.
Bottom Lert: The exterior of the new John and A nne \Vil son Hall.



Before the theater department's season started in the fall of 2006, a group of 17 W &L
students who called themselves "The General's Players" premiered Neil Labute's Tits and
Blood at the world-famous Edinburgh Festival Fringe during the summer. They performed the
play to \V &L audiences in Johnson Theater in the Lenfest Center upon their return. In
October, the theater department held the third annual Student Showcase where students
selected their own performance of choreographed dance and various songs and scenes from
musicals and plays. Then in November, W &L held the Flournoy Playwright Festival 2006,
which featured two plays performed by students: Paula Vogel's How I Learned to Drive and The
Long Christmas Ride Home. Next, a new look at The Odd Couple, Oscar and Felix came to the
Keller Theater stage in Lenfest. The end of winter term produced the annual and popular One
Acts, a result of the theater department's directing class. This year the four acts that were
performed were The G Word, Heights, After You, and Mafia On Prozac. To wrap up spring
term, students performed Cole Porter's Kiss Me Kate in Keller Theater in late May.

:Jfo~ 3

/:earned to 'Drfve


Freshman Kevin Mannering, sen ior Sheryl Silvers, and
sophomore Tabitha King show off their voices to the audience in
the Lenfest Center.

Sophomore Li sa Reppell . Rob Mish '76, sophomore Tabitha
King. senior Shery l Silvers, and fre shman Kevin Mannering
enjoy each other's company on stage.

'!De J:ong Christmas ~e :Jfome

Juniors Libby ;\1oore and Paten Hu gh e~ . freshman Meli ssa
Szumlic, \enior Sam Kello. and junior Lauren Sapikow\ki bring
the puppet\ to life on the \tage.




(9scar 6rJ:Felix
u1 ~ aeoo{ at the et1t1 Couple


Top Left: Senior Lauren Kampf
and sophomore Tabitha King's
characters enjoy the ir time with
Feli x pl ayed by j unior Will
Ho ll iday.
Top Center: Sophomore T abitha
Kin g gets ready fo r the big show.
Above : Oscar, pl ayed by junior
Charles Barbour harasses junior
Will Ho lliday.
Far Left: The entire cast and crew
get some last minute po inters.
Left: Junior Charles Barbour
entertains the audience but the other
characters don't ac t impressed.

(9ne cuf"cts

Far Left: Sophomore Matt Harkin s
and fres hman John Stumpf hover
over fre shman Kevin Mannering.
Left: Sophomore Helen Coupe and
junior Will Holliday.
Above: Freshman Brian Devine and
sophomore Steven Maz ur as the
General and Lemki n in The G Word,
d irec ted by adja Wo lfe.


19 1


Sophomores ~latt Am li ng and Julie Pe terson
show off their musical talents.


Freshman Sophie Xiong dances for the

\I ORG.-\1'0 HARR IS

~Freshman ~ l a rkH ea \'en s T shuma does do uble
dut y a~ a performer and as the Master of
Ceme monies for the 2006 Showcase.

Frc~hm an

laq Lawai e ntertain ~ the c rowd.





Sophomore Matt Amling shows off hi s
performance skill s.

Juniors Julia Pl easan t~ and Alice Shih . freshmen Stephanie Marks
and Molly Harrin gton. and senior Christie Lee let their toes do all the

W&!J£ 'Rlf!aratory 'Dance Company

Top Left: Juniors KJtberine Pen y :.1 nd Bl:.Jire Monroe pose before the show: Top
Juni or Alice Shih : Top Right: Juni or Joey Con\'e rse gr:.1cefully lifts sophomore
Ell ie Hanson: ;\Iiddle Upper Left: Girl s in their dresses and pigt:.Jils: Ce nter: Junior
JuliJ Ple:.Js:.Jnts looks poised in her tutu : l\liddlr Right: D:.1ncers w:.Jiting their tum on
st:.Jge: Lower Left: Senior C hri~ti e Lee. sophomore Elli e HJJbon. j uni or Juli J Ple:.Js:.Jnts .
freshm:.1n NJtJiie Bunn ell. Jnd juni ors Bl:.1ire i\l onroe and Jen ny Sproul b:.Jckst:.Jge before
the show: Abow and Lo\\er Right: Girb sho\\' off their ~tretche~ to the J udi ence.
~ Iiddl e:



'Uni'Per.rity CDamOercJinger.r
Conductor: Dr. Gordon Spice. Sopranos:
Ni cole Conkling, CJ Jose ph-Guevara,
Laure n Kampf. Kelly Karveli s. Bree
Melton. Julie Peterse n. Catherine Swan.
Lisa Zevorich. Altos: Emma A xt. Sally
Bi llinger, Theresa Do ughert y. Sarah
Kim, Stephani e Shafer. Tay lor W alle
Te nors: Matthew A mling. Riley Barnes,
Dane Boston. Ma nhew Godfrey.
Ste phen Kali sta, Loui s Steiner. Bass:
Carson Bruno. Ja meson G raber. Jack
Gray , James Heidbreder. Shane Wilson,
Yan Yan.


'Uni'Per.rity Cbof'IJS

. t..



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Fre ~hm en Sam Reed. German professor Dr.
Crockeu. ju nior Rac he l Hull . fre shman
K ri~te n - K aye Goulhoume, ju nior Maggie
Antonova. and ... e nior Val erie Hanno n
hefore a co ncert in Germany .

Conducto r: Prof. JeiTY Mye rs. Sopranos: Katherine Bastia n. Shari Boyce, Yvonne Coker.
Co urtney Dolaway. Li sa Dutton. Erica Edmond. A nne Finley, Mallory Frewer, Leann Gerlach,
Sarah Kec kler. T abitha King, Hannah M itchell. Rebecca Nate lson. Abri Nelso n. Tori Stevens,
Sarah Trimb le, Emily Wi lli; ms. A lt o: Eka A kpaki p, Maggie Antonova. Rebecca Beeson. Marian
Botchway. Si lvi a C heng. E'Lon Cohe n. Katrina Cork. Robin Davis, As hley Duquene. A licia
Flynn, Kri~t e n - K aye Goulboume. Valerie Hannon. A udrey Horn . Rac hel Hull. Jessica Makona,
Sarah McCarville. Jorda n McConne l, Jessie McCormac k. Ryan Pinney . Jess Ra mos. Anna
Rogers. Erika Rost. Shery l Sil ve rs. Kimber Wi ggs . Tenor: Neville Fogarty, T ony Kelly. Frank
Lee. Ben Mooneyham. Markheavens T shuma. Sam Wilmoth. Ed Yeilding . Bass: Bradley
Crandall , Roger Crocke tt. J ame ~ Di ck, Jack Fi sher, Dani el Haycraft. Alex Kim , Joseph Lee,
A ndrew Meriwether. Ryan Moling. Logan Pe n igre w. Krishna Rao, Samu el Reed. Daniel
Thornto n, Will Townes. Tanner Wallace.

This spri ng break the Uni versity chorus toured Germany, visiting churches and
other ve nues in Fussen, Frankfurt, and Leipzig. Their repertoire included
class ical Germ an pieces by Bach and Handel as well as American gospel songs
and modern American pieces.
1-rc,hman Jes~ica ;\ lakona and junior
1\laggie Antonova enjoy a ~cenic \·iew .


7..ln1Persity Ja<..r, ensemble

conductor: Chris Magee. Saxophone: Stacie Gilmore. Michael Ooms. Dav id Grave s, Eduard
Hoffman , David Kranz. Trumpet: Aaron Albert. Ian Magee. Trombone: David Croushore,
Krol. Rhythm: James Hayden. Spencer Artwick, Jeff Hofmann. Keith Friend.

Sophomore Aaron Albert ente11ains the crowd.


7..ln1Persity 'Wind ensemble

Junior Chrissie B011ner and freshm an Dalena Moser of the !lute section.
=:onductor: Dr. BaiTY Kolman. Flute: Chris~ie Bortner. Hillary Einfeldt. Jul ee Farley. 1\larcia
~ranee. Dalena !\lose r. Joyce Novera~. Picco lo: 1\larcia France. Oboe: A~hley :\lilliga n.
:::rika Rost. B a~ soo n: Erika Khalek. Clarinet: Crystal B e navide~ . J es~ica Bergquist . Ellen
=:allihan. Sharon Chu, Will Cm·ington, Amy Karwan. Jenn.1 \\'or~ham. B a~ s Clarinet: Bruce
Herrick. Saxophone: Jon Flinner, Gene Harb. Eduard Hoffman. DaY id Kran tz. 1\latthew
Dfice. Horn: James Dick. Jen Ly senko. Trumpet : 1\ latthe\\ Cline. 1\lichael \ 1cErlean.
t:uphonium: 1\larcurius Byrd, Kent 1\Lt~~i e. Trombone: 1\latt Harrison. Ashley Kent. Tuba:
~i z Drah o~. Percussion: Joey Com·er~e. Shu Gao. Hyung-Jnng Lee. Caitlyn Wil son.


Freshman Anni Zha rocb the pen:u~~io n
~ection .

(]eneral ruf"dmission

The group warms up before a Kentucky

Front : C-J Joseph -Gucvara. Sam Reed. Kimber Wigg . Jen Lyse nko. \Ves Haydon. Carson
Bru no. Brad Crandall. Bree 1\ lelton. Nikki Conkling. Back: Cale Grove, Joe Steiner, Lisa Dutton
Dane Boston.
Freshman Kimber Wiggs solos on GA's
rendition of Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse
of the Heart."

During Washin gton break thi s year. G A toured alumni chapters in West Virgini a.
Te nnessee. Kentuc ky. and North Caro lina. They were also promoti ng their
second C D , "Why?".




Stephani~ Shaf~r.



:'.Iegan Hunt. Taylor Walle. Logan Gib~on. Laura Secre't. Sall y Bittinger. t\lary
Gerlach. Wc,ton Jones. Tricia Bates. Dinah Danforth
T h i~

year. Jubi lee and
Southern Comfort toured
the Wes t Coast toge ther.
They performed al
alumn i chapters in
Phoeni x. San Diego. LA.
San Francisco, Port land.
and Seattl e. where they
played the Space



Walker W illiams. Jack Gray . Peter Locl..e. Matt Krieg, Bill y Arnold.
t\ h cheal Vivian o. W ill Holliday. Jim Tartaglia. Chris Sherwin. Matt
Amling. Jimmy Waddell. 1\lalcolm Hmes. Thomas S~llers


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. •'

Grace AnJrews. Marian Botchway. Shari Boyce.
Craig BoyJ. Marcurius ByrJ. DeVarion Carter.
Nico le Carter. Cy nthia Cheatham. E' Lon Cohan.
Yvonne Coker. Katrina Cork. Doug C umming, A i~ha
Davi s, Makhosazana Dube, Shaun EJward s, A ndrew
Elliott. Agharese Emokpae, Laura Fleming. Alecia
Flynn. Andrew Fri ski . Jeremy Gibbs. Kri sten
Goulbourne. Jameson Graber. Ja~min e Hart. Josh
Harvey, Kenneth Hopkin s. Tabitha King. Dom inique
Lamb, Ali sha Laventure. Christina Leaton. Frank
Lee, Jess ica Makona. Li sa McCown. Hammond
McEver, Quiana McKenzi e. Cami lle Morri son,
Lenora Nunnlcy , As hl ey Parker. Robert Rain. Jamila
Seaton. Steven T amayo. Markheaven Tshuma. Chris
Tutor, Kristi Williams, Walker Williams. Samuel

Conductor: Dr. Barry Kolman . StuJent Members : Violin 1: Logan Gibson , James McKay . Taehoon Peter Choi. Tanner Wallace . Hann ah
Schwartzstein. Violin II : Emi ly Wall ace, Emily Wi lli ams, Sarah Connor. Jonath an Stumpf, Andrew Gillmore. Derek EJwarJs. Li zzy Rhea.
Viola: Katharine Scott, Sarah Engstrom, Jonathon Hance. Cell o: Eli zabeth Camberon, Jack Fisher, Natalie Bunnell Bass: Scott Ennis.
George Hilton .

Ulrlrlitioua/ rY'J {IIsir Vepr!11111fllf ClJfllfs
Student Recitals:
David Graham
April 29, 2007
Catherine Swan
. May 1, 2007
Catherine Swan, Lisa Zevorich
May 8. 2007

Jack Gray, Sheryl Silvers, Bree Melton
May 10.2007
Patricia Williams, Stephanie Shafer,
Megan \Valker
May 20. 2007
Emily Edwards, Christina Leaton,
Chriss~' Hogan
Flute & Piano
May 20. 2007

i\ lu~i c

I Y7




Stacy /)oomhos '09: I, 2, 3
Amy /Jrow/1 '07: .J
Maggie Megear '07: 5
A l'ei:V Lm•ejoy '07: 6
Kelly Price '07: 7
/\ate Connol(v '07: 8, 9, 10




I 99

Athletes at Washin gton and Lee had nothing sho rt o f a
successful year. Team records and ODAC Championships
were amazingly common, and th e General s proved that
their competitiveness bri ngs them succe ss o n the playing
field. W &L eve n gained nati onal attention as the women's
tennis team scored a nati onal championship in May,
bringing a unique honor to the school and athletic
program. Aside fro m varsity sport s, many general s also
participated in intermural or club sports, adding yet
another aspec t to student life. Victories were earned and
friendships \Ve re formed o ver lo ng hours of practice and
competition. Many stude nt s cherished the opportunity to
be part of an amazing athletic program while still being at
a school know n for it's academic vigor. No matter how
many games are won or lost, it is certain that the W &L
athletics progra m w ill continue to make the university
proud in ye ars to come.
Caroline Hab li ston
Maggie N uge nt
G uin Burner
Section Editors
All season recaps and team photos courtesy of Brian
Laubsc her and W & L Sport s Information.

Senior Scot Pillman



Sophomore Laura 1\laurer

Bottom Ll'l't: Junior Adam Shapiro race' to the fmi'h lin,•.
Left : The women\ lacro"e team get> ready tor gametime.
Bothun: Fre~hman Kelly Harn,on worb to bnng victory to the '"'men\
voll eyball team.
Right Cc nt ~r: Junior Greg Biene mann get> ready to 'core for the Generab.
Hdo\1 Right: Senior Kri ,tin t.kC iu ng pn\\er' the ball bad, over the net.



a s eball
0 \ er the las t decade or so. the \\' &L base ball
program has regularly produced wi nn ing sea ~ o n s .
made p o st - s e a~ o n appearances. put together
e:-;tensiYe winning streaks and seen indiYiduals
gam er p o ~t - s ea ~ o n accolades and the 2007
ca mpaign was no different.
The Generals posted an 18- 14 record,
including a nine-game wi nnin g streak. made their
fifth-consecutive trip to the ODAC To urn ame nt
and had fiYe p l ayer~ earn all-conference honors.
W&L opened its season w ith a trip to Peori a.
Ariz., where it took part in the Desert Cl a~ si c
hosted at the spring trainin g home o r the San
Diego Padres and the Seattle Mariners. The
Ge nerals played five contests in three days and
re tu rned to Le:-;ington with a 2-3 record , but well
prepared for the season to come.
Upon their return to the East Coast. the
Ge nerals quickl y se ttled into a ro utine as they
wo n their next nine contests, including sweepin g
O DAC double-headers wi th Emory & Henry and
Eastern Me nnonite and a non-conference doubled ip wi th M o unt Aloy sius. W& L al so knoc ked
off national power M ary Washington. before
dropping a double-header to Virgini a Wesleyan
and a single game to Bridgewater. Another
double-header sweep of Roanoke had the
G e n era l~ e nterin g the fi nal s break with a 16-7
overall record and a 9-3 mark in the ODAC.
The schedule wo uld not be so kind to W &L
following the break as the Generals dropped fi ve
of their fin al six reg ul ar season games to enter the
ODAC To urna ment as the fifth seed.
W &L ope ned the to urnam ent with a 7-3 loss to

H-SC. but responded with a 12-5 win over
Randolph-Macon to keep their season alive.
However. a 1-t-2 loss to Lync hburg concluded tt
General s season with an 18- 1-t record.
Senior second base man David Miller (Oak Hi!
Va.) led the way fo r the General s with re gards tc
post-season honors. as he was tabbed the ODA
Baseball Scholar-Athle te of the Year, earned
Second Team A ll -ODAC honors and was namec
to the CoSIDA/ESPN The l\1agazine College
Division Acade mic All-Di strict Ill Baseball tea
Mille r left an indelible mark on the Generals
season and the program record books. He starte
all 32 games. totaling a .362 batting average an
leading the team in at -bats ( 1-t I ). hits (51).
do ubles ( 13) and RBI (30 ). He ended his career
second all-time at W &L in career hits (185),
career at-bats (506) and career batting average
(.366) and tied for third all-time with 95 RBI.
Joining Miller as an all-conference selection wa
senior designated hitter Richard Garland (Fort
Worth, Texas), who represented the Generals o
the first team . Se nior righthander Clayton
Edwards (Atlanta. Ga. ) and junior leftfielder Ti
Livingston (Los Angeles. Calif.) also earned
Second Team AII-ODAC laurels, while senior
shortstop Ray Sweeney (Kennett Square. Pa.)
received honorable mention honors. Additional!
junior ri ghtfielder James Madden (Dallas, Texa.
j oined Miller on the Academic All-District Tea
Despite losing six seniors. including Miller,
Edwards. Sweeney and Garland, the Generals
return enough in 2008 to continue their decadelong streak of con sistent and stellar showings.

Us The
W hitworth

Hasting ...
Trinity (Te xas)
H as ting~


Tri nity (Texas)
Southern Virgin ia
Emorv & Hcn rv
Emo,Y & Hen,Y
1\lount Aloy, ius
1\ lou nt Aloysius
Gui lford
Easte rn Mennonite


Eastern l\ lennonite
f.. tary w a... hmgton
Virgi n ia Wesleyan
Virgini a \\'c..,lcyan


I. J-re,hman CharJc, David,on
wmd' up. 2. Senior Jordan
We,J.:y anlio.:ipatc' the catch.
3. Senior Ray S\\.eenl.') g<'l~
ready to rip a hit.



John son Brow nlow. Peter Blue, Tim Livingston , David Mille r. Andy
McEnroe, Ja mes Madde n. Byron Peyster. John Ditore, Clayton
Edwards. Ray Sweeney, Chri s She rwin. W illi am Le wi s. Te rre nce
Mc Kelvey , Ste ve Marcott. Chri s Bolger. Jim Pl antholt , Hunte r
Sc re nbe t.t., Nathaniel Adkin s, Andrew He nde rson, Charles David son.
Jordan Wes ley. Be n Lawre nce. Richard Garla nd. John Parker, Dan
Harri~. Jeff Pharb. Bre nda n C lark


Lync hburg
Lync hhurg
Southern Virgima
Hampde n-Sydney
Hampden-Syd ney
Rando lph-I-lacon
Rand o lph-I-lacon
Hampde n-Sydney
Ra ndo lph-Macon
Lync hhurg






Coach Stickley is the reason that Washington and Lee Baseball is so
enjoyable. He makes sure that we come to every game ready to play and
then play hard.· Clayton Edwards. Senior

Jordan Wesley, '07
The best team
to be a part of
Great coaches,
co mpetition,
great pl ayers.
I' ve never had
so much fun.

David Miller, '07
Playing hase ball
at W&L was one
of the greatest
privileges of my
life and l am very
grateful to Coach
Stickl ey fo r the
opportunity. One
of the hardest
things ahout
graduating will
be leaving my
especially the
seniors who I
have shared tso
many great
memories with
whil e continuin g
and furtherin g
the success of the

Johnson Brownlow, '07

I . Sophomore Andrew Henderson secures an out.

2. Senior Richard Garland stands ready to hit a home


3. Senior David Miller gives the throw everything he

4. Senior Clayton Edwards throws from the mound.

While I didn't
play too much
thi s year
because of an
injury, I would
definitely say
that thi s was
one of my
favorite years
of all my 4
here on the
baseball team.
I would say of
all the teams
here that I've
been on. there
is no question
that thi s years
team had the
best chemistry
based on the
fact that we not
onl y came
together on the
basehall field,
but off the fie ld
as well.

Ba~ e ball



hat made thi s year
special was the
complete notion of
team. Everyone
was on the same
page, and
everyone knew
that we had one
ultimate goal: to

I. Senior Alex White get. ready to >core for
the Generals.

2. Seniors Kirk Jones and Alex White work
the coun.

3. Senior Chris Halkitis looks for an
opponunity to take a shot.

-John Twomey,
4. Junior Femi Kusimo leaps for the basket.

5. Freshman Bena Tshishiko gets ready to
find a way around the defense.



Men's Basketball
Wa shington and Lee Head Basketball Coach Adam Hut chinson noted during
. preseason that past results are not always a n indication of future perl.orma nce
hi s team was true to hi s word througho ut the e ntire 2006-07 >cason.
Generals had won just six games combined the prev ious two seasons and
was picked to fini sh ninth in the I 0-team leag ue according to the
coaches preseason poll. Tho ug h ex pec t a tion ~ we re low a ro und the
the players and coac he s had a different sense e nte ring the sea,on. A
with three seniors and a lot more ex perience than in prev io us seasons was
first indicati on th at things mi ght he diffe rent.
nately. the Gen erab did perfo rm be uer than most ex pec ted as th ey
the year with an 11 - 1~ overa ll record and advanced to the ODAC
Tourname nt for the first time since the 2002-03 ca mpaign. The I I
were the most by a W &L team in 16 seasons and nearly doubled the
of victories fro m the last two seasons combined.
season got off to a grea t start as W&L hosted its own tip-otT tournament
ning weekend and defeated Deni son (82-71) in the first game of the year.
s fell to Averett (79-56) in th e championshi p game. but gettin g th at
win out of the way was exactl y what the tea m wa' lookin g lor.
over Dickinson (78-65) and Oberlin (65-52) to ll owed to give W& L a 3heading into its fir st ODAC contests of the season. The Generals fe ll at
aeon (63-58) and Virginia Wes leyan (7~-50) to dro p to 3-3 overall
0-2 in the leag ue. but they quickl y recove red to defea t Eastern Me nn onite
-77) and enter the holiday brea k with a ~ -3 overall record a nd a 1-2 mark in
can lose all momentum over th e holidays. but W&L gain ed ~ tre n g th
anti came back to claim th e champi onship of the W &L
The Generals defeated Kings Point in the ope ning ga me (75-53)
knocked o tT Emory (69-57) for the title. W &L rode the strength of those
to post four victories in its nex t si.x games in improving to 10-5 overall and
the ODAC.
just as Hutc hinson had predicted earl y o n. tho'e successe' did no t
future performance. W&L did continue to play good basketball. but just
win in the final nine con tests threatened to cast a shadow on the most
I season in recent hi story.
seasont-enrOJ nr g 82-~8 loss to 2006 National C hampion and 2007 Final Four
Virginia Wes leyan capped the season. but a closer loo k at the way

th ing' ended sho uld have \V & L fans exci ted for the 2007-08 sea,on.
Of the nine los,es in the final month of the season. five were by six po ints o r
less . There was a six-poi nt loss to Roanoke (70-6~). a one -point loss to NCAA
Elite Eight participam G uilford (62-6 1 ). a one- point loss to Rand olph-Macon (6463 ). a fi ve- point loss to Emory & Henry ( I 00-95) in whic h the team shot a
school-record 72.9 percen t fro m the Jloo r. and a two-point los' to Bridgewater
(~8-~6) in the regu lar-seaso n fina le. A break here or the re and a w inning sea~on
was w ithin reach.
Addin g to the excite me nt is that W & L ret urn ' fi ve of it s top six scorers for th e
2007-08 season. including junior forward Greg Bie ne ma nn (C h::Hham. N.J .). who
led the tea m in scoring ( 17.8 ppg) and rebounding (6.8 ppg).
Bi ene mann was named FiN Team A II -ODAC after to talin g doub le ri gures in
22 of the team' 25 ga mes. He had eight ga mes of 20 or more points, inc luding a
pair of 30-point scoring effort s. A lo ng th e way. Bi enema nn became j ust th e 2 1st
player in program hi,tory to score 1.000 caree r po int ~ and will en ter hi s senior
'eason with 1.01~ po ints.
Also returning wi ll be juni or forward Femi Ku simo (Charles to n. W .Va.).
Ku simo avernged I 0.8 po ints and 5.3 rebound s per ga me. and he shot a tenm-best
6 1.5 percent from the fl oor.
Sopho mores Kirk Jones (Map le G le nn . Pa.). C hri s McHu gh (Ch a tham. N.J. )
and lsainh Good man game, Mc Hugh contrihute tl 6.6 po ints per o uting and Goodma n ave raged 5.9
points per game.
Not to be overloo ked were the contributi ons of the tea ms three se niors that
helped the Gene ral s improve from a 2-23 record in 200~ -05 to their 11 victori es
thi s w inter.
Guards C hris Halkitis an d C hri s Da vis, along with forward A lex White.
provided W& L w ith stability and lead ership throughout the season.
Halkiti s finished hi s career with 926 points and ranks second all-time at W&L
w ith 167 career three-point fi eld goals. White had th e best season of hi s career,
averag ing ~ .8 po ints and 3. 7 rebound s per outing. while Da vis pia yeti in 17 games
and shot nearl y 56 perce nt fro m the fl oor.
Losin g ~1 11 th ree wi ll leave some holes to fill. but with a talented group
returning. Hutchin son ca n hope that hi s 2007-08 team does not heed hi s words
and continues to improve based upo n the expe riences of the 2006-07 season.

Vi\ II
Dickinso n
Randolph-I\ lacon
VA Wesleyan
Eastern Mennoni te
Ki ngs Po int
Emory & Henry
Ea>tem 1\lennonite
Guilfo rd
Randolph-:-. t :~~:on

Isaiah Goodman. Chris Davi s, Chris McHugh. Kirk Jones, Femi Kusimo. Craig Sauers. Cluis Halkitis. Ben a Tshishiku , Ben Heller.
Bienemann. Ryan Owens, Ben Goetsch. Zac White, Alex White . Andrew Payne. John Twomey

\ 'ir!:'inia We>levan
Em~1J')' & Henr)·
Lynchbu rg
Virgini a \\' e,Jeyan

1\ len's




1 ~0








B a~ke tball


o nten's Basketball:


There\ ah\ a) s next sea,on i' often a popular rally cr) in
spons. giving much needed hope and opti mism when the
,ea,on end,. However. for the 2006-07 Washington and Lee
\\Omen's ha,kethall team. ne't season is going to have a lot to
li ve up to. ,ince this 'ea,on wa' 'uch a success.
The Generab set program precedent aero's the h<>ard
during their 2006-07 campaign -- from their 16 win, ( 16-1 I)
to a se\·en-game winning 'treak. The squad made its fourth>traight appearance in the ODAC Women'> Basketball
Tnurnament. competed in just its second all-time tournament
,emitinal. claimed its first in-sea,on tourname nt title since the
1997-98 sea,on and upset a ranked opponent for the lirst time
in program history.
Fourth-year Head Coach ;\Iandy King's team opened the
'cason by winning the Swanhmore Tip-OffC ia>sic and
placing two Generals on the all-tournament team. Junior
forward Kristen Krouchick (Holland. Pa. l be2an the sea,on bv

earning MVP honors at the classic and was j~i ned by
teammate sophomore guard Bethany Ridenhour (\\'e,twood.
N.J.) on the all-tournament team. The General s hit a
stumbling block in December and January. dropping eight n r
nine contests and playing the leagues top three teams over a
fiye-dav stretch. Still. the Blue and White rebounded from
that sl..id to post a thrilling 76-68 OYertime victory at
Lynchhurg on January 12. W&L hit its 'tride folll owing that
con test. posting win' in eight of its next nine outings and
setting a new program record for consecu ti,·e vic torie' with
'even-straight triumphs. During that streak. the Generals
po>ted a 65-50 win over then No. 2-t Bridgewater for the
programs lirst-ever win m·er a nationally-ranked foe.
Succe's conti nued for the Blue and White as the regu larseason dwindled and it ended the conference schedule with
two home" ins to 'olidify the sixth ,eed for the ODAC
De>pite losing both games to Ea,tern 1\lennonitc during
the regular 'cason. the po,t-season match-up with the thirdseeded Royab would ha,·e a much different outcome. T he
Generals won the defensive battle. 53--B. to earn their seco nd
appearance in the ODAC se mitinals since 1999.
While the Generals fell to second-seeded Virginia
Wesleyan (73-62l in the semifinal,. their team
accomplishment> ha\·e truly set a paradi gm for years to come.
Individually. the Generals also racked up honors and
exceptio nal performances.
Senior ce nter Je ss ica Hun si nger (1\ layer, Ariz.) and
Krouchick teamed to lead the Generals in scoring and

Us The
R a nd olph- ~ l acon



Virgi ni a- Wesleyan
Rand o lph - ~ l •co n WC
Mary Baldwin

Southern Virg mta
Emory and Henr)'
Randolph-Macon \\'C





Sarah Otey. Ca~idhe Horan. Hay ley James. Bethany Ridenhour.
Lauren Hci hhusen. Emi ly Wolff. Amanda Kane, Jess ica Hun singer.
Kri,ten Krouchi ck. Kara Nadeau. Kaitlyn Kamp


Virg inia \\'esleyan


I. Sophomore Kara Nadeau
for the layup. 2. Senior
Sarah Otey looks for the open
man. 3. Sophomore Bethany
R1denhour attacks the hoop . .t.
Senior Jc,,ica Hunsinger fakes
nut the opponent.


rehnund ing in 2-t of W&Ls 27 contests. Krouchick posted a
team- he't 13.2 points per game and a second-best 6.8
rebounds per ga me en route to Se<·ond Team AII-ODAC
honor,. Hunsinger was second in points ( 12.5 ppg ) and fi rst
rebounding (9.9 rpg) and earned Second Team AII-ODAC
ac.:olades for the third-straight year.
Hunsin ger edited the \\'&Land ODAC record books
several ti~es during her final season. completing her career ·
one of the most prolific post players in "hoot history. She
became the \\'&Land ODAC all-time leading rebounder
( I.O.t6) and abo broke her own program record for blocks in
sea,on 1100 ). set the new standard for career blocks (263) an
changed her own game-record for blocks with nine on two
occa,ion,. She also 11ined with a triple-double on two
outings. registering 18 point,, 15 boards. nine bloc ks in a 6-1
5-t win over Mary Baldwin and 12 points. seven rebounds.
and nine blocks in an 87-.t.t win at Holl in, .
Krouo.:hick also revi sed the record boob. most notably b)
becoming the seve nth player in school hi story to score I ,000
point,. She also registered three ~0-po in t games. incl uding
scoring :?.2 points and grabbing I0 rebounds in the upset of
Also contributing to the teams impressive accompli shme
this season were Ridenhour. j u nior forward s Hayley James
(Mt. Sidney. Va.) and Amanda Kane (Fairfax Stati on. Va.).
junior guard Emily Wolff (Alli son Park. Pa. ). sophomore
forward Kara Nadeau !Oak Hill . Va.) and freshma n center
Kai tlyn Kamp 1Bloomington , 1\linn.).
Ridenhour came off the bench to add 9.0 poi nts per game
"hile Kane contributed 5.2 point, per game and .t..t rebound
per game. Jame' came on late in the season. after being
injured in the early going. and areraged 13.2 ppg and 9.8 rp
in the tina! live games of the season. She abo shot a blbteri
.622 (23-37) from the 11oor and .577 ( 15-26) from long-rang
over that 'arne stretch . Wolff set career-hig hs this season in
point' ( 16 n. Emory & Henry ). rebounds ( I 0 \'S . Virginia
Wesleyan ) and assists (7 Ys . Emory & Henry). while Nadea
had started 22-,traight games and had averaged 6.0 points
con test before a knee inj ury ended her sca,on. Kamp saw ke
minutes in all 27 conte,ts. averagi ng 3.5 poi nts and .t.O boar
per game in a reserve role for Hunsi nger.
Fi llin g Hunsinger's shoes will be nearly impossi ble, but
wi th nine returnees and some exciting new blood. next se
look' very promising for the Washington and Lee women's
ha,ketball team to continue its quest to remain among the
ODAC elite and vie for a conference title .







Ea~lem ~knonnih:


Emory and Hen!)



Ea~lem ~knonnire


\'irgin ia \\'eslcyan


rhis season was the best ever at Washington and Lee in a number of way s . Not o nly did we break many
many records but we had a great time doing it. I have had a fabulous time playing for the Generals
and I will miss being a part of the team in the future. I wish them the best of lucl' and know that they
will only continue to get better from year to year. · Jessica Hunsinger, Senior

Hayley James, '08
Thi,; wa' by far
the mo't
cohesive team
I' ve hee n on
while at W&L.
We just had
fun toge ther,
whether on the
court or off.
That wa> reall y
the key to our
success thi '

Casidhe Horan, '()9
~ ly

favori te two
were the
w in over thenran ~ ed No. 24


BriUgewater and
the ODAC
quarterfin al win
aga inst EM U. hu t
I th ought we
really learned
what we were
made of m the
month be twee n
those two games.
The toughn eS> of
the way we ro~e
above i n te n ~ e

practices. some
close losses. and
es peciall y the
~ trin g of seri ous
injuri es, to pull
o ff one of the
mos t SUCCCS!\fu J
four week
pe ri ods in \V & L
ba,ketball hi story
made me proud
to be a pan of the

l. The team celebrates a victory over Swarthmore.

2. Freshman Kaitlyn Kamp focu ses on her shot.

Sa ra h O tey, '07
The hallmark
of our succe' s
th i' year i'
attributable to
our tea m heing
both the mo't
cohest\' e am.l
workmg in any
of my four

3. Junior Amanda Kane lau nc hes a three pointer.

4. Junior Kristen Krouchick takes an outside shot.



B a~ke tb a ll



hree ODAC titles
in three years has
left all of us very
pleased. I fo r one
eagerl y look
fo rward to
defe nding our title
next year.
-Andrew Fri ski .
Juni or

I. Junior Michael Keenan catches up to an

2. A group of the guys pause for a photo

opportunity during the ODAC races.

3. Senior David Kronenfeld. freshman
Elliot O'Brien. and freshman Rob Saliers
huddle up.

4. Freshmen Elliot O'Btien. sophomore
Anthony Jv e~ . and fre shmen Rob Saliers
form a line during the race.

5. Junior Tom Brower and sophomore
Vance Berry embrace each other and get
psyched for the next race.



en's Cross Country

Steve Ri voi r leave' everyone else in the du't wh ile compe ting in the ODACs.

The Ge nerals we re fa ced with re placi ng the ir top two runn ers oil a
squad that had won the ODAC titl e the season be fore. Two-t ime ODAC
Runner of the Year Nathan Johnson had graduated and sophomore A lex
M aho ney. who had finished second at the ODAC meet. decided to
However. a ll do ubt abo ut W&L's team stre ngth were a nswe red early
o n whe n the Generals wo n the season-open ing W & L invitational.
Things o nl y got better fro m there as sopho mores Michae l Welsh
(Tull aho ma. Te nn .) and Vance Berry (Ponte Vedra Beach. Fla.) e merged
as a fo rceful pace-setting combinati on for W&L. The two were joined by
juniors A ndre w Friski (Lex ington, Va .) and Tom Brower (Syrac use.
N.Y.). who ret urned from injury that fo rced him to mi ss hi s sopho more
campai g n, to pro vide a solid fo ursome each wee k .
The Ge ttys burg In vitational o n Oct. 14 provided the Generals w ith
the ir last meet befo re the ODAC C ha mpi onships where the top fo ur were
among the Top 50 competito rs (208 total). Freshman James Wolll
(Louisville, Ky.) also hegan to e merge as a stro ng number fi ve runne r.
fini shing 9 1st overa ll (28:36.06 ).
At the ODAC C ha mpi o nships o n Oct. 28. the Ge ne ral s do min ated
with all five runn ers finishin g among the Top 14 to earn A li-ODAC
ho nors . The team c ham pionship was also the third -straight for the me n.
W e lsh led the way with a third place fi nish (28:29.30) a nd he was jo ined
o n the First Tea m All -ODAC squad by Be n y (28:47 .80/S th ) and Brower
(29: I 0.20/7th ). Friski earned Second Team A ll-ODAC laure ls a fte r
plac ing 12th with a time o f 29:5 1.70 and was joined o n the team by
W olff. who crossed the line in 15th place (30:05.80).
Two weeks later. the Generals completed their ste ll ar season with a
seve nth place finish at the NCAA South/Southeast Regio nal. Be n y led
the way w ith a n 18th place fini sh (26:51.3). fo ll owed by Wel sh in 2 1st
place (26:58.3) and Browe r in 33 rd place (27: 19.8) . A ll three received
all-regio n recognition fo r their effort s.

Washington & Lee
Invi tati onal
1st of7

NYU Invitational
3rd of 35
Roanoke Invitational
lnJ . On ly
Lehigh Paul Short Invitational
9th of 25
Virgi nia State Div. II -III
3rd of 9 th
Gettysb urg Ill\ itational
6th of 20
ODA C Champtinn ship
I ,tor 9

Berry, Tom Brower. Andrew Friski , Alie George, Derek Haysom, Anthony lves, Alex Johnson. Jack Jeong, Michael Keenan,
Kronenfeld, Elliot O'Biien. Steve Rivoir. Rob SaJiers, Ben Stutt~. Rob Varipapa, Stuart Vassey, Michael Welsh, James Wolff

NCAA Regional\
7 th o f 2 1

!\le n's Cro-. s Cou ntry


o men's Cross Country
\\' &L entered the 2006 season coming off of two-straight ODAC Championships. but boasted a
roster that included just one senior. three juniors. fi\·e sophomores and eight freshmen.
Any doubts about the team were silenced at the first meet of the sea~on. where the Generals
claimed the \V &L In vitational title and placed four runners in the Top I 0. with the e lde~t runner
being sophomore Becca Taylor (Hami lton. Ohi o). who won the race with a time of 20:5-+.
The youth movement continued all season and the next week would be no different as sophomore
Jackie Burns (Burke. Va.) ~purred the Generals to a fifth place lini~h at the NYU Invitational by
placing third overall ( 19:33.0). She was followed by a quartet of freshmen led by Dorothy Todd
(Watkin~ ville. Ga. ), who fini shed 2-+th (21 :00.-+ ).
\V &L began setting its sight s on a third straight ODAC title on Oct. 7 by winning the Division
Ill State Champion~hip on the same course that would host the ODAC Championship just three
weeks later. Burns finished fourth (25 :41.79). while fre~hman Kat Telfeyan (Chesapeake . Va.)
crossed the tape in lith place (23:37.54).
At the Gettys burg Invitational. Burns won the race in 2-+:36.60 en route to garnering ODAC
Runner of the Year honors for the second-consecutive year. Telfeyan cro~sed the tape in second
place (25: 17.20) and was named the ODAC Rookie of the Year. Taylor finished eighth (26:3 8.70),
while Todd was lOth (26 :55.20). Senior Jenny Ratzel (26:57.90/llth) and freshmen Mary Frances
Weatherly (Tuscaloosa, Ala. ) and Lizz Krausnick (Memphis, Tenn.) joined Taylor and Todd on the
Second Team AII-ODAC squad as the Generals claimed seven of the Top I-+ finishers.
The Generals fell just short of qualifying in the NCAA South/Southeast Regional (3rd of 26 teams),
but Bums and Telfeyan both qualified as individuals after finishing fifth (23: 13.0) and ninth
(23:-+0.7). respectively. Taylor joined them on the all-region team after finishing 22nd overall
(24:3 2.2).
The two then went on to the National Championsips in Ohio. where Burns placed 163rd out of 279
runners (25:34). followed by Telfeyan in 2..f5th place (26:39).

Wash ington & Lee Invitatior
1st of 10
NYU ln vitatinoal
5th of 28
Roanoke Invitational
6th of9
Lehigh Paul Short Invitation
7th of 27
Virginia State Div. II-III
1st of II
Geuysburg Invitational
4th of 19

Jessica Buckingham, Jackie Burns. Lindsay Erickson . Maureen Ford.
Annie Kasper. Rosemary Kelley, Elizabeth Krau~nick, Regi na Milb,
Lauren Morea, Elizabeth Njuguna. Jenny Ratzel. Becca Taylor, Kat
Tefl eyan, Dorothy Todd. Claudia Vincenti, Mary Frances Weatherly.
Elizabeth Webb
I. The girl' learn congregale' 10
di,cu\s lhc previou-; race. ~­
Sophomore Jackie Burn , check>
oul whal lie' ahead in Ihe race.
3. Sophomore Rebecca Taylor
and frc:.hman Doroihy Todd
'urge forward. -t. Fre,hmcn Kat
Tclfcyan 'hmn her focu\.



ODAC Championship
1st of 8
NCAA Regionals
3rd of 28
NCAA Nationals
Ind. Only

This XC season. we really took it to another level. With a strong. dedicated group
of freshmen and an enthusiastic. fun. and talented returning group. we
dominated the ODAC. We have big goals for next season and no doubt that we
will reach and even surpass them! · Regina Mills. Sophomore

Rebecca Tay lor, '09
I believe our
~u cce~s

as a

team ' tems
from our
unity and
' pirit. We do
not run a'
indi vidual s. but


l eam~

through the
rain . mud .
hi lb. wind. and
any other
e lemenh that
nature tri es to
throw at us.





I . A group of the girl s team poses for a moment after
finishing a race.


Jenny Ratzel, '07
We had more
fun than ever
thi' year.
From ice
cream at Sweet
Things to
n1a"-.ing a n1es~

2. Senior Jenny Ratzel trudges ahead on the scenic

3. Freshm an Kat Telfeyan and freshman Maureen
Ford chase each other in an effort to beat their

of Coach 's
offi ce I don 't
think we've
eve r had a
close r hunch of
~i rh . We're
;h,ay' up to

-1-. Freshmen Dorothy Todd looks in tense as she races.

\\'ome n's Cross Country

21 I

ut of the four years
that I've played
this has definitely
bee n my favorite
year. W e did
better than anyone
thought we would
and the team
dynamics were
incredible and
thats something
yo u can't coach.
I'm so glad that I
was a part of such
a special team.
-A my Vo lkmann.

I. Sophomore Liz Garson , >emor Ktm
Babbitt, and junior Kendall Korte prepare
for a penalty comer.

2. Junior goalkeeper Tara Rubenstein
shows poise as she break~ up the play in
front of the goal.

3. Sophomore Katie Flippen. fre~hman
Stephanie Mansey. ~ophomore Christina
Merch:mt. and sophomore Liz Garson
celebrate after a goal has been scored .

.t. Sophomore Christina Merchant is wide
open as she enters the circle and prepares
for a shot.

5. Sophomore LiZLie Gotimer hustles
down the field and beats her opponent to
the ball.



Field Hockey
The W a~ hington ami Lee fie ld hocl..ey tea m had ano ther 'tro ng ,eason 1n 2006. The
Generals ti ni , hed with an overall rewrd of 14-6. an impre,s ive 7- 1 mark in the O DAC. and
a fi fth -straight appearance in the 'e mifin als of the co nfere nce tournament.
The Ge nera), had the strongest ., tart in program hi~tory with three con,ec uti ve wi ns.
including a 6-2 \ ictory over Randolph-I\ laco n. with jumor midfie lder Kendall Korte
(Virginia Beach. Va.) leadin g the team v. ith three goa ls. The Generab dropped a game to
1\lcDaniel ( I -0 ) only to come bac k and de feat nati onally-ranked no. 16 Catho lic. 2-0. v.i th
scores fro m fre, hman forward Sallie A rmstro ng !Houston. Texas) and sen io r forwa rd A m)
Vo lk mann (Norfo lk . Va.). Thi s marl..ed \\'& L, ti rst v. in over CUA in program hi story a'
well a' their tir' t defeat of a nationally- ranked opponent.
In ih next fo ur games. W&L lost to John ' Hopk ins (4- 1 ). had two victories o ve r ODAC
oppone nt> Sweet Bri ar ('I-OJ and Bridgewater (2- 1land another lo' s to 14th-ranked Jun iata
College 0-0J. But the Genera ls recovered and posted a se ve n-game w inning streak.\\ hich
included fo ur consecuti ve shutouts. In a 6-0 win ove r Randolph -Maco n Wo mans Co llege.
Ko rte had three assi,ts. ty ing the program record for single-game as, ists. W& L out scored
their oppone nts 27 -3 during the w inning streak .
The Generals ended the regular seaso n with a pair of lo"es to Chri stopher Newport (3-0)
and Lynchburg (3- 2). which we nt into double-ove rtime and was their first loss to a
conference tea m.
W&L earned the second seed going into the ODAC Tournament and easily de feated
Roano ke in the quarterfin als with a 6-0 victo ry. A rm,trong had two assists in the conte>t.
whic h u pped her ' eason total to I I. a program record for ass ists in a season. The Gene ral>
the n fe ll 3-0 to Ea>tern 1\ le nno nite in their fifth -, traight appearance in the se mifinals.
Arm strong finish ed first on the team with 25 point s on se ven goal s and I I ass ists. She
al so led the team with four game -winning goal s and 4 8 shot s.
Sophomore forward Chri,tin a 1\ lerchant (Midlothian, Va. ) was 'eco nd o n the team in
points with 29 and led the team with nine goal s and had six assists.
Goa lkeeper Tara Ruben>te in (Baltimore, 1\ ld .) tini shed her junior season with seve ral
program-records: she fini shed with a 1.33 goals -against-average. a I. I 9 career goals-against
average. ti ve ' hutouts and 9 I saves for th e season.
Korte and Arm,trong earned first team all -conference honors. whil e se niors Kim Babbill
>econd tea m; Ruben, tein received an honorable menti on nod. Additi onally, Korte was
sel ec ted a<; the ODAC Playe r of th e Year and fir>! team all-reg io n. while Bahbitt was
se lec ted ' econd team all-region.
With o nl y three se niors graduating. next sea,on's squad will have the de plh, e xpe rie nce
and po te nti al for continued succe".






Sweet Briar
Washingto n

Habli ston, Steph Mansey. Loui se Bance, Nicole A ll aband , Melissa Dolan. Chri,tina Merchant, Rebecca Hatchett. Kim
Kay Dyt, Grace McGee, Lizzie Gotimer, Liz Garson. Katie Flippen. Laura Nugent. Ke ndall Korte. Sara Kate Moore. Julia
}otwald, Sall ie Armstrong. A lex Caritis. Amy Volkmann, Tara Ruben>tein

Rl\ 1\\'C
LT. of South
We!dey an
CI\' U
Ly nchburg
Roan oke











Fie!J Hockey

21 .3

o olb all


r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~1 ;

\\ ~'hmgiOn and Lee Head Football Co~ch Fran~ ~h ri ell o ~ne \\ t h ~t he would have a solid team enteri ng the 2006 season. He re mar~ed in U.
pre,ea,on th~t the GenerJb had a chance to "in thetr fir-! ODAC title since 1985 if the team stayed healthy and could catch a few breaks. In !he
end. neither \\OIIid matte r a' W&L claimed the leag ue title and fir-l -ever NCAA 01\ ision Ill Playoff berth
The Generah fini,hed the sea-on with a 7-~ overall record and went 5- I in conferene< play in claiming the program's fi"'t outright title in 25
\ car-.

. The 'ea,on began on an ominou' note, fa lling in the opener to Franklin & ~ l arsha ll by a score o f 21-7. Undeterred. the Generals remai ned
focused on their goab and \\ent on to win their ne:\t six game~ for the best start in 45 year:-.. Through the strctch. the \V&L defense emerged as a

force. allowing ju:-.t 8.~ poims per game O\'er the si.\·game \\ tnnmg ~treak. including a 28·0 shutout wi n at Catholic. The Generals also defeated
Hampden-Sydney. 2H-6. allo\\ing the Tige"' their fe\\ esl point' scored during the ~! arty Fauet coachmg era (2000-2006 ).
In the earl) 'tage . . of the wi nning ~treal. f\ lariellos wor't fears \\ ere realized as !\enior starti ng quarterback Hunter Dawkins (Charlotte. N.C.)
\\ ent do\\n \\ith a ":a~on-ending injury midwa ~ through the R andolp h - ~la con game in \\eek four. The Generals were forced to tum to freshman
"gnal-caller R.J. \'arner 1Birnungham. Ala.). \\h o slepped in to lead \\"&L to a 33- 10 blowout victory over the Yellow Jackets. Varner then w
on to lead \\'& L to three more victories heading into a match up with Bridge water. the team \\ho had won lhe previous five ODAC titles.
lnjurie' again 'trucl " hen sophomore t ai lbac ~ Stuart Sttte"on I Atlanta. Ga.) went down with an ankle injury agai nst Hampden-Sydney and
the Generals fe ll to Bridge\\ater by a 27-8 count . However. lo'~' by the Eagles the previous two \\eeks meant that W& L needed only to beat
Emor) & Henry the follo\\ing \\ eek to "rap up the improbahle confere nce cro\\n .
.-\ paren r' ~ \\ eekend (.'fO\\d e~t1mated at better than 6.000 turned out a~ the Generab strung together one more dominating performance with a
2~-6 'ictor) over the Wa'P'· Sttte,.,.on returned to ru'h for 9X yard' and the W&L defense picked off three pa"es and limiled E& H to jusl35
yard~ ru~hing.

The reg ular 'e"on endedju>t a> it had begu n. ho\\ever. \\ith a disappointing performance in a 27-9 1oss at Case Western Reserve. Injuries
had begun to ta~e their to ll and \\"&L limped into it> fir.t po'tseaA ~~-0 lo" to Wille' Univef'il> greeted the Genera b in their fiN -ever Dtvi sion Ill playoff ga me. bul the season had already shone to be !he
m o~ l ~ u ccessfu l m bcuer than 20 yean..
Stepping in at quarterbac~. Varner \\en t on to complete over 60 percent of his passes for 1. 10 I yards and eight touchdowns en route to being
named Ihe ODAC Rooki e of the Year. ~ li ri e ll o wa; named the ODAC Coach of the Year for the fourth time in his 12 seasons and is now jusll7
'ictorie~ away from hccoming \\' & L s all-time \\'inningest coach .
Coming off of one of the best offensive seasons in school hi , tory in ~005. the 2006 team was paced by the de fem e, which ended up allowing
JU't 233.7 ya rd' and 15.7 points per game. Junior corne rbac ~ M ar~ Snoddy (A tlanta. Ga.) emerged as one of the defensive leaders en roule to
garnen ng l'tN Team AII-ODAC honors for the second straight sea.on. Snoddy picled off nine passes 10 ran k among the national leaders and se
a ne" W &L career interception> record ( 17). He wa' joined on the FiN Team AII-ODAC squad by junior defen,ive end Bryan t Fulk (Oceansi
Calif.). senior wide receiver Colton \\'ard Ben Lon21 Frankford. \\' Va.).
Ward-fini,hed his career \\ith a \\'&L record 161 receplions and IS ranked third all-time in all-purpose yards (3.7~0 yds.). Long also sel
records during the "cason. fi nishing hi s career wi th a school-record 3:! career field goals in 55 attempts.
Plenty relurn' for W&L m 2007 as the Generals atte mpt to wm bac ~ -to- hack ODAC Championship,.

















Emory & Ht:nry

I. Junior wide receiver Jack
\l ..nin complt:lc' lhc play "ith
a catch. 2. St:ntor kicker Ben
Long 'ets up to ktck a field
goal. 3. Jumor lincbacl,er Kyle
Haney mal..e' the tacl..lc from
behind. 4. Junior Brill Jami,nn
jump' high imo I he air to
<~llempl to hlod. !he c~tra poinl.





Colton Ward, R.J . Varner, Mall Paulin o. Hunler Dawkins, Garret LeRose.
Tucker Lawre nc e, Ryan Neff. Kyle Luby. Stuart Sittcrson. Charlie Clark, D.J,
Hac kett. Ty Parrino, Rob Rain , Ben Long_ i\lalcolm Hines. Doug Friedman,
Danie l Kohl. Dav id Love. Doug Swee ney, Ryan Welsh. Tom Pac ico. Chris
Prugar. Thomas Hu bka. Frank Dale. Bill i\lurray, Jimmy Gift, Joseph Roane.
J.C. Campbell , Kyle Harvey, Chri s Ziembko. i\lark Snoddy, Britt Jamison,
Ryan ;\ lacPhee. Aaraon Fulk. Walker Willi am~ . Donavon Sawyer. Baker
B ole~. Chri' J o~ep h_ Brya nt Fulk. Gregg Wade. John Wren. Torn Carpenler.
Hunter Whilfie ld, Brad i\ lcAIIis ter, Robert Fmter. Dan Felezzola. Bob
Helheringlon, i\latthew Cassilly, Noah Walte rs. Chri~ Ballantyne. Matt
Sanders, To mm y i\1atteo. Alex Skotni cki. Hagood Morri son. John Thackston.
Gus Cava nau gh. Riley i\lcAIIi~te r . Tay lor Murray, Charlie Craigie, Ethan
Smith. Cha' Collin s. Scott Ru s~e ll. Paul Schaufele, Coleman Lyons, Taylor
Wood,, And rew Wilbourn. Jac k Martin. Jaso n Bacaj. Bil l Slokes, Andrew
Sirn~. Rid. Barron, Rober! Thorpe. John Ackerman. Jon Brown, Jeff Boateng.
Beau Craparo. Coac hes: Frank Mirie llo. Clieve Adams. Gavin Colli ion. Dan
Dc,Piamc~. Brian New berry. Bert O'Neal.

T he



I'd say rallying after losing our QB, Dirty Dawkins, early in the season and
winning the first ODAC Championship in years. Having Horse on the team
was also a jaw dropping experience that taught me to never say never ...
· Ryan Neff, Senior

Colton Ward, '07
l think w hat
go t us as far as
the pl ayoffs
has bee n a
direct result
fro m o ur hard
work, Billy
Murray. great
coachin g, and
chemi stry.

Ben Long, '07
If so meo ne
told me my
freshman year
(with a 3-7
record! that we
would be
champs, l
would have
had you
committed .
The team thi s
year is the
closest team
out of my four

!\lark Snoddy, '08

I. Members of the defensive line take a knee and listen
to their coach's instructions for the upcoming play.

2. Senior outside linebacker Robett Foster leads
through the air. and junior inside linebacker Kyle
Harvey dives for the legs of the oppos ing quarterback.

We had a great
season. T he
team really
came toge ther
thi s year. A ll
our hard work
paid off by
wi nnin g the
OD AC, v.~hich
has bee n a goal
of the program
for a long time.

3. Senior quarterback Hunter Dawkins successfu lly
releases a pass over the heads of the defenders.


4 . Freshman quarterback RJ Varner waits for the snap,
while junior offe nsive lineman Dan Fe iezzoia prepares
to block.




laying golf he re at
\\' & L has been a
treme ndous
experience . The
chance to tee it up
with a great group of
guys each day has
been pheno me nal. I
have loved the trave l
and compe tition
involved with play ing
golf here at W &L. We
have bee n fortu nate
enough to go a ll O\ -er
the country to compe te
in t o urn a m e n t~ and
during several breaks.
we get the chance to
,·isit wi th alu mni and
play world re nowned
golf course;,.
- Ted Willi ams, Se ni or

I. Junior Nathaniel James aims for the

2. Junior Steven Spi vey works on his
putti ng.

3. Sophomore Beau Allen shows his great

4. Sophomore Andrew Green is intent on
gelling the ball in the hole.

5. Freshma n Joe Gibson works on getting
closer to the pulling green.



Men's Goll


Washing to n and Lee go lf season provided its share of hi g hlig ht s as the Ge nerals once aga in
a s uc ces~ ful season th at culmin ated in a playe r ea rning All-A me rica honors.
As a team, W & L got off to an o utstanding 'tart by clai min g the team title at the Rando lph-Macon Ted Keller
In vitational with a ~96-294 -- 590. Indi viduall y, junior Nathani el James (Keller. Texas) picked right up where he
left off the ~eason before by winnin g the eve nt w ith a 70-7 1-- 141 . Sophomore Beau All en (A tl an ta. Ga.) fired a
76-7 1-- 14 7to ti e for sixth.
A fourth-pl::lce fi ni sh (290-29~--582) a few weeb later at the Greensboro In vi tat ional gave the Generals a
glipsc in to their depth as freshman Joe Gib'ion (A tlanta, Ga.) cla imed the indiv id ual title with a 70-69--139.
James ti ed for six th w ith a 72-7 1-- 143 and then claimed vic tory agai n a couple of weeks later as he carded a 797 1-- 150 to win the Transylvania In vi tati o nal. The Generals again ~ b owed wel l as a team, finis hing third (328304--632).
The fo ll ow in g wee k. W &L carded a 32 1-3 12-3 18--95 1 to finish as the top Di vis ion Ill team and fifth team
ove ra ll at the Poplar Hill In vit atio nal hosted by Lo ngwood College. The Generals depth con tinu ed to show
through a' se ni or 1\latt Leisman (S udbury, Mass.) tied for sixth wi th a 79-74-76--229.
Th e 'Pring season geared up in ea rl y Marc h w ith the Barton College Inte rco ll eg iate and the Ge ne rals never
skipped a beat over the winter month s, finishing fourth overall with a 3 12-3 15--627. Le isman co ntinued hi s fin e
play, plac in g second overall wi th a 74-73-- 147.
The Ge nerals ti ed for lith o ut of 24 teams at th e Jekyll Island Invit ational (308-3 11 -303--922) just a few
wee ks later. with James tyin g for I Oth overall wi th a 70-76 -74--220.
W& L continued its fin e play at the Marine Corps In vi tati onal at Camp Lej eune by placing 12th o ut of 32
tea ms wi th a score of 278-296-305--879. James wo n th e eve nt by ~h ootin g a 65-69-72-- 206.
The reg ular season ended with the Genera ls claiming the W&L Buc k Lesli e Invi tati onal at the Lex ingto n Go lf
& Country Club in mid-April. W &L fi red a 27- hol e score of 3 13- 146--459 and was led by Gi bsons 77-37-- 114
that was good for third place overall.
As usual. th e Generals postseaso n fate would be determined by the ODAC Championship held at Poplar
Grove Go lf Course o n A pril 21-23. Desp ite a va lie nt effo rt. W& L fini shed second to nati o na l c ha mpi o nship
co ntender Guilford fo r the fourth- straig ht seaso n. The Generals fired a 297-287-306--890, but st ill fini shed 17
strokes behind the Quake rs. James ti ed fo r third wi th a 73-7 1-72--2 16, while Allen fini~h e d ti ed for seve nth (7570-79--224). Senior Anthony Zappin (Huntington. W .Va.) placed lOth (73-78-76--227). while Leisman finish ed
lith overall (76-73-79--228). James was named First Tea m AII -ODAC and ODAC Scholar-A thl e te of the Year.
Leisman garn ered Second T ea m A II -O DAC laure ls and Zappin received Ho norable Mentio n A II -OD AC
As was the case in rece nt years, th e Ge neral s were a mo ng the last team s le ft out o f the NCAA fi e ld. but Ja mes
was selec ted as an individual and beca me the first W&L go lfe r in 29 years to ea rn First Team A ll -A merica
hon ors with his 19th-place tie at the National Champio nships (75-75-78-79--307).
With th e majority o f the roster returnin g in 2007-08, the Gene rals ju st mi ght be able to ge t over the NCAA hump.
~.:o mplct ed

\Matt Leisman is intense in planning his next

R-1\ IC Ted Ke ller 1st of 12
In vitat io nal
4th o f 15
Invitati onal
Tran sylvania
3rd of II
In vi tati o nal
Po plar Hill
5th of 12
Inte rcoll egiate
Barton College
4th of 14
Jekyll Island
lith o f 24
In vitati o nal
1\ larine Federal
12th o f 32
Credit Uni on
W &L Bud. Les li e
I ~t of 5
Invi tat ional
2nd nf 9

Allen. Joe Gibson , Andrew Green, Nathaniel James. Man Leisman. Matt Nickles. Steven Spivey, Kevin Trempe. Brad Warts.
red Williams. Robert Womble. Anthony Zappin

!\len\ Golf 2 17

e n's Lacrosse

.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·New Head Coach Gene 1\lcCabe promised duri ng
the pre~eason that change was on the horizon. He
promised that his team would feature an altitude
adju~tment that included a return to the days when
winning game~ was expel·ted.
With a roster that included 13 senior' and 30
returnee~. 1\ lcCahe had plenty of experience and
leadership to work with in completing his tas k.
The sea~on began with a disappointing 6-5 loss to
Cabrini in the opener and losses to Gelty;burg ( 1-t-5)
and W ashington College ( 10-:·n . The first four ga mes
had \\' &L ~ilting at 1-3 overall on I\ larch 10. Resolu te
in hi~ mission to return the Generals to the nati ons elite
programs. 1\lcCahe helped hi' team recover from the
s luggi~h start wi th six-straight victories th at had W &L
silting at 7-3 overall and back in the nati onal rankin gs.
Included during the stretch was a convinci ng I 0-3
victory over Franklin & l\ larshall at St. Pauls School in
Baltimore. 1\ ld .. a thrillin g 1-t-13 road victory over
18th-ranked Roanoke. a 9-7 win over fourth-ranked
1\l iddlebury and an 8--t win over Di vis ion I Vl\11 in the
Lee-Jackson Lacrosse Classic. The mome ntu m was
stalled slightly with a 6-5 loss at Hampden-Sydney
coming out of fina ls. but wi ns over G uilford and
Randolph-1\ tacon pushed the Ge nerals record to 9--t
overall and -t-1 in the O DAC heading into a showdown
wi th Lynchburg on A pril 28 --a game th at wo uld
determine whether \V & L woul d be the top seed for the
O DAC Tourname nt. T hings did not go as planned as
the Hornets walked away wi th a 12-3 win and the
General-; ended up as the fo urth seed for the
conference tournament.
W & L gave the top-seeded 1\laroons. event ua l
NCAA Quarte rfi nali sts. all they coul d handl e for the

second time. but ca me up just short in falling 13-12.
Roanoke scored the fi nal fo ur goals of the ga me.
including the game-winner with 25 seconds remainin1
Though the 9-6 record did not seem impressive at
th e surface. a deepe r look reveal s McCabes first seasc
to be a success. All six losses occurred to team s
ranked in the Top 20 and fo ur occurred by two goals 1
\V & L was co mpetitive in nearl y every contest due
to a stell ar defense th at all owed an average of just 7.0
goals per ga me. Seni ors Peter Goodwin (Darien,
Conn.) and Charlie 1\IcCombs (Bethe sda. Md.) both
earned A II -ODAC honors. with Goodwin also
garnering Honorable 1\lention All -America laurels. II
opponent' attac kers were able to beat an experienced
close defense. th ey then were challenged by senior
goalkeeper Chri s Lalli (Cranbury, N.J. ), who had the
bes t season of hi s career en route to posting First Tea
A II-ODAC and Hon orable Mention All -America
acco lades. Lalli ranked fifth nationally in save
percentage (.655 ) and fini shed hi s career ranked fifth
all-time at W &L with 4 86 career saves.
Offensively. soph o m ore~ Tim Skeen (Baltimore,
Md. ) and Harry St. John (Esse x Fells, N.J. ) finished
among the team leaders in 'corin g with 32 and 28
points. re>pec tively. and each earned Second Team
A II -ODAC honors. Sophomore Seldon Clarke (Sho
Hills. N .J. ) was named Honorable Mention All-ODA
after w inning over 60 percent of hi s faceoffs during 1
sea, on.
With a number of talented players returning.
especiall y on offense, W &L might ju st take that next
' tep under 1\l cCabes leadership and return to the


I. Sophomore Harry St. John
take' control of the fie ld. :!.
Senior Charlie Clarke a"e"e'
the oppo,ition. 3. Junior :--;ed
Rider pick' up hi, 'peed.



Chri' Lalli. Tyler Lenczuk. Se ldon Clarke. Jesse Ford. Gran! 1\ lartin. Ale:~. Heaton.
Collin Guy. Grittin Bealle. Lee 1\lcLaughlin. 1\btt Arcati. Charlie Clarke, Harry St.
John. Thoma ' Grattan. Geoff Marks. Tyler Smith. Jeff Fuge. Spotty Robin,, I\ lax
1\l ancu,o. Will Englehart. Kevin Fuge , Tim Skeen. Peter Goodwi n, Ned Rider, Kevin
Feeney. Dee ts Hoffman. David Olchow,ki. Franci' Smyth. Andrew Carr. Jim Ryan.
Chri' Wa,hing ton . Will Keig ler. Jame' Shanahan. Steve Raymond. Seth Fi,hman. Bo~e
Bratton. :\latt !\1a,on. Garrott 1\kCiintock. Colton Payne. Charlie 1\lcComhs. Austin
Cnlpini. T yler Chapin. Logan Bartlett

Co llege
Franklin &
Roa noke
Middl ebury
Randolph Macon


T he





While our record wasn't the greatest. the year was a success as the team pulled
together and became one of the closest knit teams in recent W&L history. Everyone
rallied behind Coach McCabe in his first year. working together towards various
team goals. · Charlie McCombs. Senior

I . Sophomore Seldon Clarke gets aggressive .

2. Senior Chris Lalli gets prepared to take control of
the field.

3. Senior Bose Brattan plans his next move.

4. Sophomore Tim Skeen bends over backwards to get
the ball.

!\len's Lacrosse



acrosse has been my
life these past four
years. I thrived on the
competition. shared in
the \vin-;, and hated the
losses. I was lucky
enough to play for
four years with an
incredible group of
girls and under the
mo~t amazing coach
thi s school will e\·er
see. Though I'm done
with competitive
sports. a coach once
told me: 'Once a laxer.
always a la.xer.' It '~ a
great day to be a
Genera l!"
-- ~ l allory Lobisser.

I . Junior Laura Hen>on communicates with her

:!. The team lines up after being announced at
the beginning of the game.

3. The Generals fight for contro l of the ball.

~. The Generals defem.e works to block the
goal from the opponent.

5. A Generals lacros'e player plans her next



omen's Lacrosse
The sheer number of storylines as>ociated with the 2007 Washin gton and Lee women's lac rosse
team may be one of the bigges t signs of its successful season. From their appearance in the NCAA
quarterfinals-- to the coachin g final e of Head Coach Jan Hathorn-- to the stitling defense that led the
NCAA in scoring defense-- the tale is not a simple narrative.
The saga began in late February as the Generals opened the season with four-straigh t win >.
including their first-ever win over then-rank.ed # 13 St. Mary> (Il-l 0). Despite a ti ght 11 -9 loss to
eve ntual-Nation al Cham pion Franklin & Marshall , W&L closed out the regul ar season by winning
nine of its next I 0 contest and entered the ODAC Tourn ament with an unblemi shed 8-0 mark in
league play. The Generals then used their homefield advant age to post a 21--1 rout of Lynchburg in
the semifinals and a 10--1 win over Roanoke in the finals to capture their fifth -straight ODAC title.
After its commanding performance in the ODAC Tournament. W &L hosted a first-round ga me
wi th the College of Wooster. where the story was all about the Evans sisters. Senior att ac ker Kell y
Eva ns (Lexi ngton. Va.) ta llied two goals and three ass i>ts. while sophomore mid fi elder Colleen Evans
(Lexington, Va.) added four goals in a 1-1--1 vic tory. The win gave the Generals the chance to take on
Sali sbury , who they had not defeated since 1993. In the second round, the Blue and White gave the
Seagulls one of its best challenges of the season. Each team led by as many as two goals before a
three-goal run by Sali sbury broke a 6-6 tie and sealed the win for the Gull s, concluding the season for
W&L wi th a 15--1 overall record. Junior Megan Slosson (Coc keysvi lle, Md.) led W&L with two goal s
and two ass ists, whi le junior goalkeeper Sarah Tilbor (Old Greenwich, Conn.) made 13 saves on the
day .
While the loss to Salisbury signaled the end for the seven seniors. it also spelled the end of Jan
Hathorns tenure as a coach at Washington and Lee. Hathorn. who will be ath letic director beginning
in Jul y. served as wo men's lacrosse coach for nearl y two decades. She was named ODAC Coach of
the Year for the ninth time and won her ninth ODAC title during the 2007 season.
Several individuals also gained leag ue, region and nati onal recognition. led by junior defender Kat
1\lichaels (Virginia Beach, Va.). who earned First Team All-ODAC, First Team All-Reg ion and Third
Team All-Ameri ca status. Michaeb spearheaded the W&L defense that ga ve up a paltry and NCAA
All-Divisions- low -1.86 goals per game . Kelly Evans and senior Maggie Megear (Cold Spring
Harbor, N.Y.) each earned First Team All-ODAC and All-Region honors, whi le sophomore Kel si
Robin>on (West Ches ter. Pa.) wa> tabbed First Team All-ODAC and Second Team All-Region.
Rounding out the Gene rals award -winners were Slosson and Tilbor, who were both named second
team all-conference and second team all-region .
While the departure of impact players and the head coach can not be overlooked, plenty returns for
another run in 2008 . Michaels. Slosson and Ti lbor wi ll look to add just as much drama, intri gue and
star-studded performances nex t season.



University of
St. Mary's
(Md )
Franklin &
Sweet Bri ar
VA \\'e,leyan
L ~nc hburg

Evans, Summer Sterling. Kel si Robinson. Megan Sl osson. Laura C.tvanaugh, Maggie Megear. Karina Schiess. Natalie
Katie Flippen. Meredith Freeman. Allison Gockley. Mallory Lobisser. Julia Gotwald. Britten Mathews. Kat Michaels.
Colleen Evans. Avery Lovejoy. Laura Henson. Christine Bender, Kelley Zwart. Sarah Tilbor. Ali Hillyard. Erin
Eli za Van Beuren

College of









l l:i





Lac ro s~e

22 1

i ding













The 2006-07 Washington and Lee riding team
was a team in transition after winni ng the
programs first ODAC Championship a season
ago. The Generals lost both of their AII-O DAC
riders to graduation (four-time IHSA Nati onal
Qualifier Caitlin Lane and Kat ie Goodrich) and
faced the tragedy of losing their coach to a battle
with cancer the previous summer.
The early portion of the schedule was as much
about find ing a team identity as anything, but
several riders stepped up early, including junior
Ashley Billman (New York. N .Y.), who won the
open tlat in the firs t meet of the year.
Juni or Kathryn George (Haden. Ala.) placed
first in the walk-trot in the next meet three weeks
later at Hollins University and later qualified for
the regional championships with her performance
at the Sweet Bri ar Invitational. Sophomore Sarah
Bujtas (1\ lount Tabor, N.J.) also qualified for
regionals in the intermediate fences at Sweet
Briar. whi le junior Lilly Haywood (Raleigh,
N.C.) and senior Brittany Bansak (Reddin g,
Conn .) qualified for the regional competition just
a week later at the Bridgewater Invitati onal.
Haywood won the intem1ediate tlat, while
Bansak was fifth in the novice fences. Senior

Brynne Archer (Richmond. Va.) posted the
Generals final win of the season when she took
first in the novice fences at the University of
Virginia Invitational in late March.
Three riders ended up participating in the
region championships on March 30 at Hollins,
led by George, who was the reserve champion i
the walk-trot. Archer placed third in the novice
tlat, while Bansak placed sixth in the novice
With their performances at regionals, Georg'
and Bansak both qualified for the zone
competition held April I at Virginia Tech.
George fini shed sixth in the walk-trot and Arch
placed sixth in the novice !lat.
The season ended with a fifth-place finish at
ODACs held April 6 at Sweet Briar College.
Bridgewater took home the hardware in a close
meet , foll owed by RMWC, Hollins, Lynchbur;.
W&L and Sweet Briar.
Individually, Billman, senior Kiltie Tompki
(Ellicott City, Md. ) and freshman Brooks Yard
(Larchmont, N.Y.) were named First Team All
ODAC for their performances at the conferenc
championship meet.


Brynne Archer, Brittney Bansak, Rachel Bernadel. Ashley Billman,
Sarah Bujtas, Amy Conant, Emily Coyle, Julee Farley. Kathryn
George. Lilly Haywood , Catherine Hook, Samantha Jimenez, Karen
Klein. Rachel Langdon. Han Qi, Alice Shih. Kiltie T ompkins,
Elizabeth Vardell



Invitati onal
Invi tati onal
Sweet Briar
Invi tational
Invitati onal

8th of I
7th of I
9th of I

6th of I
8th of I

5th of I
:!nd of I

6th of I
Ind. On
Ind. On
5th of

This has been the best season of my three years on the team. We had a lot of changes
to deal with. but everyone stuck together and we got it done. A lot of new people.
including a new coach. made the season all that more fun!· Kiltie Tompkins. Senior

>------.. .
Lilly Haywood, '08
Thi s season
wa> initi all y a
little but rocky
for us because
we lost some
of our
strongest rider.s
and got a new
coach, but we
ended up
fini shing
strong. No
matter how we
finis h th ough,
we always
have a great

Alice Shih, '08
Where e lse can

you dec ide to
pid, up a varsity
sport your
fres hman year
and be
s u cce~sful?


have loved th e

Riding Team
because it has
pushed me
farther tn ndmg
than I th ought
posS! hle. I first
tried out for th e
team to fulfill a
childhood dream
of being a
cowgirL hut three

I. The riders are all ready to go.

years have come
and gone and
Ri dmg has
become one of

the be't
high light> of my
timeat\\' &L. "

::?.. Junior Alice Shih stops for a photo in the stables.

Amy Conant. '10
3. Riding team members in the stables, getting ready to



4. A quiet moment with a horse.


I had alwCJy ' p articipC~t e d in
riding as a solo sport : it was
great to experience it as part of
a team. There \\'as so much
more 'upport and
encourCJgement than I was used





s a team. we ' et ti \'e
pwgram record~ and
had the best ~tart in
the hi~tory of the
program a~ we went
undefeated our first
nine game~.
Dcfensi,·ely. we
recorded more
shutouts than any team
in \\' & L me n's soccer
histor) and
offensi Yely ~et the
record fo r mo~t goab
in a game ..More
importantl y. though,
was the atm os phe re
surroundin g the team .
Every singl e player on
the team contributed
to our success and
made this one of the
most me morab le
seasons I've e\'er
expe ri e nced . Witho ut
the efforts of all 29
pl aye rs, we woul dn't
haYe e njoyed being
part of suc h a great
- J.D. McDermott.

I. Senior J.D. McDennou blows by hts
defender in an effon to get closer to the

2. Junior goall..eeper Ted Sheedy looks for
open men to throw the ball to.

3. Sophomore John Lindsay muscles his
way to beat another player.

4. Senior Alex Phillips looks up field to see
who is open ahead of him.

5. Junior Josh Dodds keeps his eyes on
pri ze while in pursuit of the goal.



Men's Soccer
The Washington and Lee men'; soccer team began the 2006 'eason with a program-best
10-game unheaten ; treak en route to a 12-3-2 overa ll (6-2- 1) fin i, h. W ith th at record. it was
the fi rst 12-win sea>on and hest overall record since the 2000 squad th at went 19-2 and
advanced tn the 'econd round of the NCAA Tou rnament. It wa' abo the first time W&L had
po,ted six conference win s since 200 1.
The Ge neral s demonstrated they were a team to be rec koned with on hoth the conference
and reg ional leve l. Not onl y did the W& L men'' team notch ' ix conference win s and one
draw in 2006. hu t it also played Divi sion I and ne ighboring Virginia Military Inst itute to a
scoreless douhle-overtime tie and knoc ked o il then-undefeated and nationall y-ra nked ~l ary
Wa> hington. 1-0. The win over Mary Wa> hington was the li r' t ti me the Ge nerals had
defeated a ranked oppone nt since 2002.
This years ' quad was led by a quintet of upperclassme n. Incl uding seniors J.D. McDe rmott
!Colorado S pri ngs. Colo.). Alex Phi ll ips (Wi ll iamshurg. Va.). Scot Pittman !Charl otte, N.C.)
and Rhett McCraw (Greenville. S.C.) and j uni or Josh Dodds (Marion, Iowa), who started all
of the Ge neral> conte,ts in 2006. T ri-captain s Mc Dermott. Phi lli ps and Pillm an were the
lynchp in' in the W &L defen ,e that posted a 'chool-record 0.52 goals-against-ave rage.
Pittman earned FiN Team AII -ODAC and All -Reg ion honors thi s season. while
McDermott earned honorah le mention conference honors. Garcia and McCraw received
Second Team AJI -O DAC honors and Dodds was a first team conference honoree a nd also
rece ived second-team all -region accolades ..
Along with the se nior leadership on defe nse, the back-third was also orchestrated by First
Team AII-O DAC and Second Team All -Reg ion ju ni or goalkeeper Ted Sheedy (Pil! sburgh,
Pa). Sheedy manned the net for the Generals in 15 contests thi s season. all ow ing a sc hoolrecord 0 .-19 goals per game and registered a sc hool-record-tying eight shutouts. His career
goals-against average (0.7 1-l l is also a progra m-best.
The Ge nerals defense was not the o nly a'pect of the 2006 campai gn that found its way into
the spotlight. Leading the W &L offe nse was j uni or forward Jac k Palmer (Wi ll iamsburg, Va. ).
Dodd s. sophomore Whi tt Larkin !Alexandri a, Va.) and freshman Drew Crow ley (Weston.
Mass.). A ll four players notched double-digits points. Jed by Palmer who scored a tea m-hi gh
eight goals and also added an ass ist. Palmer is currentl y tied for I Oth in program hi story wi th
career goals (23 ) and th ird in caree r game-winni ng goals ( 10).
Dodds found the back of the net fi ve times and contributed three assists for 13 points and
ab o had a team-be't four game- winning goals. whi le Larkin (-lg. 3a) and Crowley (-lg, 3a)
hoth had II point s on the sea,on.
Despi te los ing some of its seniority, the Ge nerals hope to use their record-se tting season 111
~ 006 to prov ide mome ntum for another run at an ODAC Championship next seaso n.

Catho li c
Bluefie ld
Mary mo unt
Bridgewate r
Ha m pdenSydney
tl- lary W ash.
VM l
G uil ford
Va. \\'es.
E& H
Ly nc hburg







E~ 1 U

Lynch burg




ack Row: Coach Mike Pi ranian. Teddy Grover, Jack Palmer, Ted Sheedy, Taylor Willi ams. Matt Danner. Travis Short. Reed
Jamie Mallinson. Coach Rolf Pirani an Middl e Row: John Lindsay. Will Baker. Josh Dodds. Brett Kearney , Rete her
, Wade Cruser, J .P. Pratt. Drew Crowley, James Beard, Whitt Larkin Bottom Row: Bryce Foster, Tommy Pi gnatelli , J m
artugs, Shep Russe ll , J .D. Mcdermott. Scot Pittman, Kyle Gareis. Rhett McCraw , Strock Moore , Rome Pearlm an

l\1 en's Soccer



o m en's Soccer
~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,~

There i' a rea,on the :\ CAA Elite Eight bears that name. To he a panicipant. a team mu>t truly be a cut ahove the re,t, mu>t have perfonned
in the regular ..,eason. mu:-.t



n a portfolio of quality wins and mu ... t h::J\'e \\on. m most cases. threestraight games in the NCAA Tourney .

Thi> 'ea>on the Washington and Lee women's ">ecer team accompli>hed every a> peel of the above phra>e a> they advanced to the NCAA Elite
Eight for the liN time in program history.
De,pite tying ODACfoc V~rginia Wesle)an and fmling to adva nce on penalty kick' in the Elite Eight. there is not a thing ahou t the Generals
2lXI6 campaign that "a' not the epitome of elite-- and just hecau>e the 'to!}· hook ending d1dn't resu lt in a trip to Di,ney World (home of the fi
foun doc.;nt mean the sea-.on didn't h[l\'e lhe maldng~ of [I f[ti(") tale.

The General> opened the sea,on with a >Chool record 15 >hutout> and an IS-game unbeaten >treaL W&L ended the season" ith a schoolrec<
19 win' 119-1-31 and abo set new program record' for shutouh in a sea, on (201. goals allowed (3) and goal> >Cored (85). A' the season ended.
General- had produced the lowe>! goals-aga m>l average of any NCAA Divi>ion I. II or !II team (0.127) and had the hest sh utout percentage (.8·
in Division Ill. The) finished the 'ea>on ranked lOth in the final Division Ill poll.
Throughout the sea.on. the\\' &L offen>ive and defensive front>" ere challenged b) forn1idahle opponents-- especially conference-foe and I
Four panicipant Virginia We>leyan. "ho they met three times.-- once in the regu lar sea,on. once in the ODAC Semifinals and once in the Elit<
E1ght. The General> tied the ~ l drlins earl) in the regular season and ended up th e top->eed in the 2006 ODAC Tournament after knocking off
ODAC-Rivab Ea>tern ~lennonite . Lynchburg and Roanoke.
However, \V&L made an earl) exit in the ODAC To urnament after suffering a loss to VWC in the semifinal> ( 1-0) that could have ended th<
Blue and Whites Cinderella >ea>on.
An at-large big to the big dance s[l)vaged the Generals hopes of extending their seuson. and they made

a "pla~h

in their fir~t round game,



6-0. They followed that up with win> 0\ er Maryville ( 1-0) and Was hingto n University (2-1) to fmd their way to the sectional final fo1
fiN t1me in program hi,tory.
Individually. several Generals etched their names into the record hooks. including FiN Team All ODAC and All Region >election sophomUJ
fomard .-\nne \'an Devender (Jackson. :-liS>.) and Second Team All ODAC and All Region pick sophomore goalkeeper Kiki ~ l oreo (Westport.
\' an De\ ender racked up a >Chool-record 57 points (23g. II a), breaking the record of 5 1 that had stood 'mce 1997.
On the o ther end of the field. Moreo and the W &L defense was equally succes.ful, putting up mind-boggling numbers by only allowing thre
goals all season. ~ l oreo ""'credited for 15 shutouts during the season and owned a schoolrecord GAA of 0.13. Throughout the season, Morea
r.mlo..ed [lffiong the national leader~ in ~event I ca te gorie~. including GAA and save percenHJge (0.929).
Furthennore. Van Devender and ~loreo were joined h) a host of teammates on the All ODAC squads. including freshman defender ~laggie
Sutherland burgh. Pa.). who was tahhed a- ODAC Rookie of the Year. Sutherland became just the second W&L player to ever to earn the
distinction and th e first General to ga mer the honor since Gina Von Sternburg 06 \\U S selected as ODAC Rookie of the Yea r in 2002.
VanDevender was joined on th e first team by >e nior midfielder ~ l agg i e 1\ legear 1 Houston. Te,as). Me gea r earned AII-ODAC honors fo r the third time after heing a fir>t-team selecti on in 2004 and a second-tea m selection in
2005. Bunting "as named to the tirst team for the seco nd-straight season after staning all 23 games and spearheading the Generals record-brea
defen~tve unit.

Sutherland "as a Second Team AII-ODAC selection. as was >enior forward Anne Wilt>hire (Richmond, Va. ). senior m1dfielder Jamie Dorse
(Cockeywi lle. ~ l d.), sophomore defender Marisa Van Brunt (Sayville,!'\ Y.) and Moreo. Freshman midfielder Roz Klann (Denver, Colo.) w
honorahle mention selection.

Sixth year head coach Neil Cunningham aJ,o received his share of honors at th e helm of the Generals epic season. He was se lected as the or
Coach of the Year for the second time and was named the South Region Coach of the Year for the second time.
It will be a feat to echo the elite accompli>hments of the 2006 women's soccer team in seaso ns to come. However. th e Generals return the er
>Ianing defense and nearly 70 percent of their goa l 'coring as they look to continue the fairytale in 2007.


I. Sophomore goalkeeper Kiki
:'\loren protecb the ball. 2. Junior
Haley Bunling anticipate~ a pas~
from a teammate. 3. Junior Shana
Ohman~ receive~ highlive~ !'rom
teammate~ afler a good play. 4
Senior Sarah Helms u'es her head
to redirect the palh of the ball.

226 Sporh

Back Row: Coach Neil Cunningham, Martha Caulkins. Rox Klan n,
Shana Oltmans. Maggie Suthe rl and. Marisa Van Brunt. Diana Dozier.
l\ liddle Row: Sara Foster-Reeves. Erica Giordano, Anne Van
Devender. Kik i Moreo. M ary Clair Turner. Haley Bunting, Lindsey
Ca~se ls. Kate Corr. Front Row: Anne Wiltshire, Cara Burton, Maggie
l\legear. Sara Helms. Emily Binns. Huntl ey Rhodes. Blair Haws.
Jamie Dorsey

SouthWes tern
Hollin s
Va. Wes.
E& H
N.C. We s.
E& H
Va. Wes.
Maryvi lle
W ashingto n
Va. \Yes.








The eight members of the senior class have created a special relationship b etwee n
ourselves. our coaches. and our teammates that have made playing soccer at W&L an
experience I will cherish. I will miss the jokes. the personalities. the hard work, the
practices. games. and the atmosphere created everyday by this team. · Emily Binns. Senior

Anne Wiltshi re. '07
This season
our tcu m had
chemi stry ..
Our team wi ll
remember our
success foreve1
wi th an
regul ar season
record. great
success in the
NCAA . and as
team who
always played
with heart aml
for each other.

Kiki 1\ l oreo, '09
Thi s was a
fairyta le
'easo n. From
the beginnin g
we all seemed
to be driven
towards one
goal and
working to get
the re. We had
a recordbreakin g
seaso n. and I
don't think any
of us could
have had a
bener time
achiev in g it.

I. The team hustles back after a scored goal.

1\Iaggie 1\Ieager, '07
Thi s season we
had record low
of three goals

scored against.
2. Se nior Sarah He lms mane uvers the ba ll away from
a defe nder.

3. Senior Jamie Dorsey uses her body to keep the ball
away from a defender at her back.

4. The Generals huddle to discuss some game strategy.

earned a bid into
the NCAAs. &
made hi story
through our
mlvanceme nt tu
the Elite Eight.
Our team pro~·ed
th at persistence
& effort
produ ces real
achievement. It
\\aS. an amazmg
year & I'll mi s'
every ind iv1du al
next year

Women's Soccer 227

\len's S\\'imming
l's Them
\l.lr} Washington
Franl-J in & 1\lar~hall
Carnegie l\lelon
Keny an Invite
Johns Hnpkin~
\'irginia Tech
Bl\IC Champ.
.\'CAA Champ.


I st


articipatino in the
Wa,hingt~ and Lee Swim
Team over the pa't for year'
has been my most enjoyable
spmb experience. The team
unity. coaching. leadership
and overall attitude ha'
extended beyond the sport
it,elf to all aspects of my
W&L experience. The
friendships and bonds I
developed through the team
have made me realize why I
began competitive >ports in
the fir't place. I want to
thank everyone on the team
for making my time here the
mo't fun four year' of my
· Kevin Hayes. Senior

I. Senior Ben Accinelli dives off the blocks to
st:u1 the 200 IM.

2. Junior Danielle Cardone tests her endurance
in the I 000 Freestyle.

3. Freshman Josh Gonzalel is explosive in the
100 Butterfly.

4. Sophomore Susan Mahoney pulls ahead of
the competition in the Backstroke leg of the


5. Senior Abbie Sauter powers through the 200
Breaststroke. "Our record this year does not
illustrate how fantastic the women's team was
this year. I have never been a part of a team
that is as dedicated. loyal and amazing as this
team was. I know for a fact that this team will
be a great success next year and will win back
the ODAC crown. High five."

Women's Swimming
Us Them
l\lary Wa~hington
Sweet Briar
Emory & Henry
Getty~ burg
Franklin & l\lar~hall 94.5
Carnegie l\lelon
F&\1 Invitational
John ~ H opkin~
ll ollins
ODAC Champ~.
i\'CAA Champ~



10 1
l iS




Wa!)hinglon and Lee swimming programs have proven the m~e l ves to con!'l i-"lcntly rank among the top program!\ 1n th eir conference)'<, anti the 20()6-07 'ea!'\on wa~ no differen t.
W&L men's progr:Jm won its four!h·strai ght Blueg rass Mountam Champ1onsh1p after po,ttng an ImpresSive 10-2 season and concluded the '""'on wi th an e1ghth-place lini'h at the 2007 NCAA Men\
Champi onships. The eighth-pl ace finis h is the Ge nerals hesc 'lnce a stm tlar pl ac ing in 1989
women's team went 7-9 overall against top-notch competition. The Generals we re 5- 1 m the ODAC, but fell j ll'! sh) of claunmg thetr l-lth-stra1 ght ODAC Championship.
team dominated the Bluegras- ~ lountain Champi onship and founh -year Head Coach Joel Shinofield was named the BMC Coach of th e Year for the foun h-stratg ht seaso n and II General; were tahbed
All -Bluegrass Mountai n Conference for th ei r performance; in the BT\IC C hampionship meet.
ga rnering fi"! team all-conference laurels were seni ors Dave Crou,hore (Glen Allen. Va.), l\like Ginder (Jacksonville. Fla.) and Kevi n Hayes !Mercer Island. Wash),jumors Tim McGiaston
Mass.) and Alex Sweei !Louisville, Ky.), sophomores Paul Crook !Nashville. Tenn .) and Bretl Talman (T\ Iariena. Ga.) and freGiesen 1Hoover. Ala.) and Winslo n Slagg I ~ lidlolhian. Va.).
l ~ ll -con1t e re, nce honors we re not the only hono rs for the men's learn as \even SWimmers earned All-America accolades for thetr perform ances at NCAAs. Sweet led the ''"Y Wit h seve n citiations. mcludmg fif't team
the 100 free. 200 free relay. -100 free relay and 800 free relay. Ginder also racked up six commenda ti ons. earning First Team A II -A men ca status in the 200 free. 200 free relay. -100 free relay and 800 free

Sweet broke hJS own sc hool record wi th hi s sixth-place finish in the 200 free 1-15.2-l ), fin ished 13th in Ihe 50 free 120.9-l) and placed 1-lth 10 the 200 free 11:-1 1. 65). He teamed wu h McGiaston. Ginder
to place si xch in the -100 free relay in a sc hool-record time of 3:03.80. Sweet. ~kGiaSion. Croushore and Ginder also took second m th e 200 free relay with a sc hool-reco rd time of I :21.6-l
. Ginder took founh 10 the 200 free I I :39.-17) and ninth in the 200 hack ( I :50.-12) and wi lh Sweet. Crook and Tatman took 1he bronze in the 800 free relay in a school-record time of 6:-l-1 .57. ~ l cGJa,ton
in th e 50 free (20.88), while Hayes eloeked in a lime of 4:06.53 in th e -100 1 ~1. wh1 ch was good enoug h to set a new school record an d fini'h 2-lth ovlearn ca me tantil izi ng ly dose to clatming lhe ODAC crown as lhey placed just six poi nls behind Randolph -~ l acon at the ODAC/AIIant1c States meet. The Ye llow Jackeh posted 609 points and were
hy the Gener:Jls (603). Sweet Briar (25 1), Randol ph -1\ lacon Woman' College (2 16), Ho ll10s ( 127), Guilford {70) and Emory & Henry 161.
Generals were named to th e First Team AII-ODAC swi mming team. Among th em were junio r Amy Roberson tNacogdoc hes, Te.xa,), so phomore' Susan Mahoney I Ri chmond, Va.). Juhanne ~ h aw
N.Y.) Jessica Shaw !Dallas, Texas) and Lindse) Strachan (Midlothian. Va.) and fres hmen Sarah Simpson !Charl otte. N.C./Soulh Mec klenburg) and Jenna Wor> ham (Cum ming, Ga.).
men's team opened the season with victori es over Transylvama ( 155- 100) and Centre ( 11 7-8 1). During th eir first home meet, a 172-69 VIctory over l\lary Wa, hington, McGia- ton paced the Generab w tth a
school-record in the 50 free wi th an NCAA A cu t time of 20.66 in th e prelims. ~kGia.lon was joined by Ginda. Croushore and Sweet to wi n th e 200 free re lay in an NCAA B cut time of I :2-1.02.
th en notched three more victories over Franklin & Marshall (207-54 ). Carneg ie Mellon il-19-113) and Rowan ( 135- 10-l ).
Cup hosted by Kenyon College. Ginder, Sweet. Crook and Tatman placed second 10 lhc 800 free relay wilh an NCAA A cui time of 6:-16.67-- they fini shed second only lo Di vision I Univers it y of
The team of Sweet. 1\ k G las to n, Croushore and Ginder 'el a pool-record time of 3:0-l. l-l in the 400 free relay, which was also an NCAA B cut. Indi viduall y. Ginder posted an NCAA A cut t1me afler
in the 200 free I I :40. 17) and notched an NCAA B cut in th e 200 llac kstroke with a th ird-place fim sh I I :5 1..16).
against Wingate ( 1-18- 11-l) and 1\ lary mou nt 1123-59). the Generah stretched their winning streak to nine meets. Thei r streak was snapped with losses from Johns Hopki ns and Virginia Tec h.
they ended the reg ular sea,on with a 156--18 victory over V~ ll before moving o n to the conference champw nships.
teams found mu ch success at the BT\ IC Championships as McGia"on. Ginder, Crou,hore and Sweet swam the 200 free relay in an NCAA A cut time of I :22.9-l and th en teamed up to take fiN in the -100
in a meet-record time of 3:04 .49. Ginder, Hayes. Croushore and McG iasto n placed lirsl as !hey set a school-record in the 200 medley relay I I :33.36). Ginder. Sweet. Stagg and Hayes took second in the -100
relay with an NCAA B cut time of 3:27.98. In 10div1dual competiti on. G inder finished fi rst in the 200 back wi lh a meet-record and NCAA A cut time of I :-19.94 and Sweet placed second in the 100 free wu h
NCAA A cut ume of -15.-10. Crook posted a school-record with his ftrst place finish in the 500 free 1-1:33.86.).
team opened up the season wi th a victory over Transy lvan ia 1161 - 10 1) but dropped meels to Centre 111 8-87) and 1\lary Washington 1171-90). However. !hey opened 1hc conference s lale , trong wil h
Sweet Briar (5-l-39) and Emory & Henry 160-24). Strac han led the Gene rals wi th W IO' in the 200 free (2: 18.22) and the 11Xl free II :0-1 .79). while Wor, ham placed lirst in th e 100 hack ( I :22.22). Freshman
(A lexandria. Va.) and sophomore ~kh ssa Ginder (Jacksonville. Fla.) joined S1rachan and Wors ham to v. in the 200 medley relay 12: 12.62).
the Generals suffered a narrow lo.s to Randolph-Macon ( 135- 126) hut were ab le to hand1l y defeal Guilford (22-l-32). Aga in st GC. Mahoney placed lirst in the 200 1M (2: 17.7 1 I and Str:Jchan continued to
well with a win in the 200 back (2: 11 .82).
then placed fourch out of II teams at 1he F&l\ ll nvite and were led by 1\ lahoney who fi nished thtrd 10 th e 200 IM (2: 15. 13) and fifth in the -100 IM i-1:52. I 3). S1mpson. ~ l ahoney. Wo,.ham and
fini shed fourth in the 800 frees tyle (8: 13.53).
wo men spli l their nex11wo meets with a loss 10 Winga le ( 168-93) and a \\ 10 over 1\ larymount 1109-96). i\laho ney placed fi rst in the 1000 free I ll : 12.86) aga inst i\ larymoun!, while Shaw lOok first in the 200
a 152-99 loss to Johns Ho pkins. the Blue and Wh ite capped off the se"'on wi th victortes over Hollins 1180-6 1) and Rando lph -~ l acon Wo man' College ( 15-l-86) before heading into th e ODAC
During th e championshiP'· the quar!e t of S1mpson, Miata. Worsham and Roberson placed fi rst in the 200 fre e relay team ( I :41 .8Y). Ro hers to n was jomed by Strac han, 1\lahoney and Worsham to win
medley relay (1 :53.38) while Worsham. Simpson, Mahoney and Strachan took first in the -100 free relay (3 :-l-1 .201. Shaw won th e -100 IM (-l :-13.78), while Strachan took first pl ace in the 200 back (2: 10.49).

Ben Accinelli. Matt Anderson. Daniel Au stin . Brandon Barnds. Jan Childers. Kevin
Paul Crook, Dave Crou shore. Chris Diebold, Evan Fitzgerald, Charlie Gentles,
Giesen. Mike Ginder, Josh Gonzalez, Will Hartmann. Kevin Hayes. Chase
McBralney. Tim McGiaston, Maxwell Pike. Adam Schapiro. Winston Stagg, Joe Steiner.
Alex Sweet, Nicholas Tall uri, Brett Tatman. Balarn Tomlin

Lynn Bazzel, Katie Boiles. Danielle Cardone, Juli a Farnham, Melissa Ginder. Susan
Mahoney , Julianne Miata. Colette Moryan. Annaria Nardone, Amy Roberson, Allison
Rogers, Abbie Sauter. Jessica Shaw. Sarah Simpson. Lindsey Strachan, Logan Whalen.
Jenna Worsham

!\len's and Women\ Swimming


en's Tennis
The 2007 Wash ington and Lee men's tennis season
a bit surprising -- not from a standpoint of
destination -- blll rather of the journey to get there.
Expectations were mixed as the season approached
due to the graduation of several top players. However.
Head Coach David Detwiler remarked early on that he
thought there was a special chemistry on this team. It
was that intangible component that helped a young
ro,ter achieve the norn1al expectations. which included
the programs 12th-straight ODAC title and seventhstraight NCAA Tournament berth. What was not
expe~ted was that the Generals set a new sc hool record
for wins in a season. going 20-3 overall and breaking
the former mark of IS wins set in 1975.
The season began with a 9-0 victory over Emory &
Henry on Feb. IS and a 7-0 lo~s at Division I Furman
on Feb. 21. That loss wa~ the last time W &L would
taste defeat for II matches and 30 days. The win
streak began with a 6-3 victory over regional-power
Sewanee, included wins over six ODAC opponents and
a non-conference win over 17th-ranked Denison (5-4).
It came to an end with a narrow 5-4 loss to ninth ranked Mary Washington on l\Iar. 24.
The Generals didnt take long to regroup, downing
Rhodes (6-3), Christopher Newport (9-0) and
Swarthmore (5-4) the next weekend en rou te to an
eigh t-match win streak that saw the Generals breeze
through the ODAC Tournament for their 12th-straight
As the :"JCAA Tournament field was ann ounced,

\\' &L was rewarded for its outstanding season with
first-round bye. The second round featured a match
with 13th-ranked Johns Hopkins, who ended the
Generals season with a 5-1 win.
Disappointing as the loss to Hopkins was, a look
back at the team's accomplishments proved that it w
a special season.
Detwiler was named th e ODAC Coach of the Ye.
for the third time in hi s seven seasons as head coach
He was also named the IT A Atlantic South Region
Coach of the Year and eclipsed the I 00-win plateau
during the course of the season (I 06-41, .72 I ).
Senior Jon Malooly (Baltimore, Md.), juniors Tir
Ross (Malvern. Pa.). Nat Estes (Charleston, S.C.). S·
Feibelman (Richmond, Va.) and Nelson Bunn
(Raleig h, N.C.), and sophomore Jamie McCardell
(Corn wall, Vt.) all earned First Team All-ODAC
honors in singles. while Ross and Estes garnered Fir
Team All-ODAC laurels in doubles. The tandem of
Malooly and McCardell were named Second Team
All-ODAC. Ross went 14- 11 at No. I singles, Estes
went 15-6 at No. 2, Malooly went 17-2 at No.3.
Feibelman was 19-5 at No.4. l\kCardell was 17-10
No. 5 and Bunn posted a 13-6 mark at No. 6 singles
Ross and Estes registered an 11-6 mark in doubles,
while Malooly and McCardell went 15-5 overall.
With just Malooly graduating next season,
expectations should remain high for the Washingto
and Lee mens tennis program as it continues to stri\
for excellence on the national level.

Us Th

Brian Antoszyk, A lex Brooke, Ne lson Bunn, Andrew Ellison, Nat
Estes, Seth Feibelman. Cliff Gaddy, Jon Malooly, Jamie McCardell,
Brent Meyers, Dewey Mixter. Sanjay Palakshappa. Tim Ross, Stuart
Sanford, Parker Swenson, Jordan Weber


S port~

Emory & Henry
Lync hburg
Washington College
Virginia Wesleyan
Eastern Mennonite
l\lary Washington
Christopher Newport
Eastern Menn onite
Carneg ie Mellon
Johns Hopkins


Nathanial Estes, '08
lth inJ.. the
hi ghlights of the

sca~o n

from beating all
of the t ea m~ we

Jo,l lo last year.
.---.:_..............- -.... namely. Deni,on,
Swalhmorc, and
Wa., ll ington
Co llege iMdi.
Obviou, ly. thi s
year was ~ p e cial

we se t

tile record for
most wins m a
season. which is
~o m et hing

to he

proud of. and
losing only 2
seniors is an
advantage going
into nex t year.

Jonathan 1\lalooly, '07
The ten nis team
had another great
season by once
again reaching

the second round
of nationals and
breaki ng the
record for most
wins in a season.

After pulling in a
lot of hard work,
the team really
ca me together
and posted some
good win:,. There
1s a lot of
promi se for nex t

season with
seven of the top
eight players
retuming to the

I. Senior Andrew Ell ison re tuns the ball to his
opponent with force .

Andrew Ellison, '07
Be ing able to play a
..,port in college has

2. Junior Tim Ross gets re ady to power one back
across the court.

3. Senior Jon Malooly works to keep the ball in play.

provided me a
place outside the
c I ass room or
fratcrnu y house
where I can hoth
compete on the
court and develop a
nev. layer of
fri en d ~

\\hom 1

othenv 1 ~e may

ha\·e J..nown: The
opp<>rtunot y to

4. Sophomore Jamie McCardell launches a serve
across the net.

\Va,h mgton & Lee
by Jomg

~ome thmg

you truly enJOY IS a
pnv dege 1n itself

l\1 en's Tenni s

23 1


y being a part of the
\\'&L women's tennis
team. I've gained lifelong friendships wi th my
teammates. the
experience of bei ng on a
national championship
team. and the
opportu nity to co ntinue a
sport that has been such
a large part of my li fe.
After several years of
just falling short of a
national title. I now
know that great things
come to those who wait
(and practice. practice.
practice). I cannot
imagine a better way to
leave W&L than on top.
as a part of the 2007
NCAA National
Championship Team !
- Amanda Haines. Senior

I. Freshman Lauren Caire shows off her
mighty s.:rve.

2. Senior Natalk Day reach.:s for the ball.

3. Senior Ginny Wonham launches it off to
her opponent.

4. Junior Leah Weston is intent on putting
power behind her swing.

5. Sophomore Katie Tabb gets ready to
return the shot.




Women's Tennis
If you are familiar with the hi story of the Washington and Lee wo men's tenni s team. lookin g back at the ::!006-07 season might prompt you to re mark that the fifth
is the charm.
finish in g as th e NCAA runner-up in 1996. ::!003. ::!005 and ::!006. th e Gene rals captured their fir.-.t-ever wo men's tenni s champion ship in their fi fth appearance
L captured the school's first team titl e since the men's tenni s team won the crown in 1988. W &L too k the titl e with a 5-::! win ove r Am herst and ended the
wi th a ::!5- I record. The Genera ls took a :!- I lead fo ll ow ing the doubl es competiti on after the duo or ~op h o more Katie Tahb (l'vlinneapoli s. Minn .) and se ni or
Wortham (Richmond. Va.) and the pair of fre~ hm an Laure n Cai re ( ashville. Tenn.) and junior Lea h Weston !Colorado Springs. Colo. ) won at No.::! and No.3
respectively. Juni or Kell y \Vi ii (Holl y Spring~. N.C.) won No. 4 si ngles. 6-0. 6-::!. and sen ior Emily App legate (Charl eston. S.C.) took the No. I sing les match.
to give W &La 4- 1 adva ntage. Tahb then closed out No. 3 sin gles. 7-6 (8-6). 6-::!. to gi1·e the Generals the wi n.
ng up to the title, th e Generals opened the po~t -seaso n wit h 5-0 wins over Swarthmore and lvlary Washington in the earl y round~ of the tournament and then
two other NESCAC sc hoob (Middl ebury and Williams) to find themselves in the champi onship match. The 5-0 win ove r Williams in the NCAA
nals avenged the Generals onl y defeat of the seaso n. a 5-4 loss bac k in late !\'larch at th e Fab Five Invitati onal hosted by Trinit y (Texas).
itionally, W&L swept the ODAC. captured its 17th conference titl e. defeated II ranked opponen ts en route to the wi nnin g the NCAA crow n. A~ a result of
their fifth-straight ODAC Championshi p. seve ral playe rs earned Ali-ODAC honors. Applegate wa~ named ODAC Player of the Year after wi nn ing No. I
and No. I Doubl es. while W orth am (:!S, :!D). Tabb (3S. 2D), McClun g (4S. lD). Will (5S). Caire (6S). Weston (3 Dl and junior Rebecca Timmis (Peachtree
(3D) all earned First-Team All-ODAC honors . Senior Katie Kin gsbury (Jenkintown . Pa.) was also tabbed as OD AC Women s Scholar-At hlete of the Year.
ODAC honors that th e women's tenni s team received were just the tip of the iceberg in terms of recogniti on bestowed upon th e players and on Head Coach
Rankin . Rankin was named the 2007 Wilson/Intercoll egiate Tenni s Assoc iati on (ITA) Nati onal Wome ns Divi sion Ill Coac h of the Year. In her 19 years at the
the Generals. Rankin has also been tabbed as Coach of the Year in 1995, 1996 and 2005 and has recorded a 38 1-57 (.870) career record.
ing Rankin among the national award-winners were App legate. McClu ng and Kingsbury . Applegate and McClung ea rned All -A merica honors for being seeded
in the NCAA do ubl es tourn ament. whil e Applegate was also an A ll-A meri can for her sin gles performance. The ::!006 NCAA Si ngles C hampi on. Applegate
as th e runner-up in 2007. fa lling in a dramatic three-set matc h (::!-6. 6-4. 6-7 {3-7)) to DePauws Li z Bondi. Kin gsbury was th e female rec ipient of the NCAAs
Byers Scholarship, the assoc iations top acade mi c honor. after maintaining a grade-point average in excess of 3.9 whil e maj oring in psyc hology.
women's tenni s team also hi ghli ght ed regional and sc hool-w ide awards. Wortham was the winner of the ODACs Marjorie Berkley Scholar-A thlete Award.
the conferences hi ghest honor for a female ath lete. Additi onally. she was named the regional win ner o r the Arthur Ashe Sp011sman shi p Award. App legate and
ry received two of the major W &L awards. by bei ng named Senior Fema le Athlete of the Year and Sc ho lar-Athlete of the Year, respectively .
' le it wi ll be impossible to replace the loss of an outstanding ~enior c lass th at played in three titl e matches. the experi ence gained by the underclassman thi s
should carry over as the Generals attempt to defe nd their titl e in 2008. If so. maybe co mment s wi ll extend to sixth time is the charm.

Randolph-l\ lacon
Sweet Briar
l\ lary Washington
James l\l adi son
Randolph-l\ lac0 n
Women's College
VA Wesleyan
Wil li ams
Trinity (Texa;. )
Emory & Henry
Sweet Briar
\'A \\' e;.leyan
S" arthmore
:\131'\ \\ 'a, h i n ~ ton
:\liddlebu!) \\'tll iam'
Am heN




Applegate, Katie Bouret. Blair Brzesk.i, Lauren Caire. Tori CJu·istma,. Lauren Cook. Natalie Day. Lauren Don,ey. Katie
Amanda Haines. Katie Harri s. Lyndsey Johan sson, Katie Kingsbury. Kri,ten McClung. Rhodes Proctor. Meg Spaliua. Katie
Rebecca Timmis. Leah Weston, Kelly Will. Ginny Worth am

\\' omen's Tennis



ndoor Track & Fieldl


I. fre,hmcn Dorothy Todd and
Eli1abcth Krau,md. run ned.
and neck. 2. Track member~
gelling ready to jump out nf the
'tarting block. 3. Fre\hman
Billy Billington. ~.Junior Lmry
Clark leap' over the hurdJ..•,
with ca.-.c.

234 Sport\

0 \·er the past ~ev era l years. both the Washi ngton
and Lee men's and women's indoor track teams have
'teadily improved their time,, their performances and
their fini' h at the ODAC Indoor Track Championships.
This season was no differe nt for the both squad' as th e
Generals continu ed to up the ex pected standard for
track at Washington and Lee.
One of the major season highli ght' was the
appearance of the women's team in the national
rankings for the first time in program history. The
Generals ranked 25th in the Divi sion Ill nati onal poll
and were also ranked second in NCAA
South/Southeast Region. The women capped their
'tellar sea,on wi th a second-place finish at the 2007
ODAC Track Championship. while the men finished
fourth out of six teams. The W &L wo men accumul ated
161 points. three more points than th e hi ghest-ever
winning total in ODAC Champ ionship history but 13
point~ fewer than the total scored by Roanoke College
( 174 pts.).
At ODACs. the Generals had five conference
champions, received 13 al l-confere nce citations, set
seven school records and se t two conference
championship meet records.
Leadi ng the way for the wome n was sophomore
Stacy Doornbos (Roswell. Ga. ). who placed fir~t in the
tripl e jump (1 0.57 m ), second in the long jump (5.20
m) and the high jump ( 1.62 m). fourth in the 400
meters (59.99) and sixth in the 200 meters (26.93).
Freshman ~la gg i e Sutherland (Sewickl ey. Pa) won
the hi gh jump ( 1.62 m) and pl aced third in the tripl e
jump ( I 0.25 m). Sophomore Becca Taylor (Hamilton,
Ohio) won the mile run with a school-record and mee trecord time of 5:17.42.
The W&L men were led by freshman Billy
Billington (Nashvi lle, Tenn .). who finished second in
the shot put (1 3.67 m ) and fifth in the weight throw
( 14.78 m ). Freshman Ben Goetsch (Timonium. Md. )
placed second in the hi gh jump ( 1.88 m), whil e
sophomore Drew ~lartin (1\laumelle. Ark.) fini shed
third in the pole vault (4.35 m).
Additionall y, the Generals 4x400 meter relay team
of sophomore Chip McCoy (Litchfi eld. Conn.). junior
Mar,hall French (Richmond. Va. ), fres hman Bri an
Bond uran t (Richmond, Va.) and junior Matt Harrison
(Sherrill' Ford. N.C.) placed third overall (3:3 1.93),
wh ile the Distance Medley Relay sq uad of sophomore
Alex Jackson (Centreville. Va.). Harri son. freshman
Rob Saliers (Grand Rap ids. Mi ch. ) and sophomore
Michael Welsh (Tullahoma. Tenn. ) placed foutth with
a time of II :03.79.
Following the ODAC championship meet. se lec ted
members of th e women's team competed at the
Virginia Tech Challenge . The team of Taylor.
Doornbos and sophomores Jackie Burns (Burke, Va.)
and Elizabe th Webb (Middleb ury. Va./Wakefield) se t a
new conference and sc hool record at the mee t in the
di stance medley relay, finis hing third ove rall and first
among Division Ill competitors with a tim e of
12:28.9 1.
Both teams got the sea,o n started on a hi gh note by

competing at Liberty. The women were responsible fo '
editing two school records as sophomore Tara
Hildenbrand (Castroville, Texas) set a program mark i
the 60 meter dash with a time of 8.63 seconds and
fre shman Grace Andrews (Dyersburg, Tenn.) placed
fifth in the weight throw with a school -record toss of
9.54 meters. Additionally. the W&L men were led by
Mart in, who finish ed second among Division Ill
competitors in the pole vault ( 139). and Billington,
who placed second in th e shot put with a heave of
12.25 meters.
Foll owing the hiatus for exams and the holidays. t
Generals returned to action at full speed with
competitions on four-straight weekends. beginning
with the Marietta Open where they created three new
school records, registered six first places and added I
top-five finish es. At Marietta. the women were led by
Doornbos. who placed first overall in the 300 with a
time of 43.32 and first among Division HI runners in
the 500 with a time of I :21.88. Freshman Kat Telfeya
(Chesapeake. Va.) took first overall in the mile with a
school -record time of 5:26.02, whi le Webb was the
first Di vision Ill runner to cross the finish line in the
800 (2:29.56). Webb also competed on the first-place
finishing distance medley relay that notched a schoolrecord time of 13: I t .24.
The Generals geared up for ODACs by competing
at the Liberty Open. the VMI Winter Relays and the
Bucknell Invitational.
At the Libetty Open, the men were paced by Marti
and Billington. who each placed second among Dill
athl etes in an event. Martin registered a 143
perfom1ance in the pole vault. while Billington
recorded 12.1 Om in the shot put. The women were led
by Telfeyan, who took first among Division Ill
competitors in the 3000 meters in a time of I 0:51.58.
and Taylor , who placed first among DJII opponents i
the mile (5:34. 13). Junior Liz Brandler (Camp Hill,
Pa. ) was th e top DJII competitor in the pole vault
(2.90m ).
The General s con tinued their strong season at the
VMI Winter Relay s. The women were paced by
Doornbos. who took first among Division III
competitors in the triple jump ( I 0.23m). Freshmen
Ryan Castle (Lihertyville, lll. )) and Joseph Roane
(Mechanicsville. Va.) both rinished first amon g Dill
athletes in their re spective events. Castle notched a
1.85-meters mark in the high jump, while Roane had
11 .88-meters performance in the tripl e jump.
The Bucknell In vitat ional featured strong
performances by Webb, Sutherland and Doornbos.
Webb placed first overall in the 800-meters with a ti
of 2:26.26, while Sutherland fini shed first overall in
the high jump. breaking her own school record with a
leap of 55.0. Doornbos finished first overall in the lo
jump by breaking her own school record with a jump
of 179.75.
With the success of the winter 'eason on their
resumes. both the men's and women's squad have a
number of outstanding ex periences and performances
to transfer to the spring season.

Track is special because progress can be measured in time. distance. or
height. In few other activities can individual or team improvement be so
readily visible. · Matthew Harrison. Junior

Sara Beh merwoh ld, '07
Running track
has been one of
my favorite
things about
going to school
here. Watching
the team grow
and develop
into a
nat iona lly
ranked group
has been a

Stacy Doornbos, '09
This year was a
blast! The team
really bonded
this year. We
had a great
seaso n and an
awesome time.

I. Sophomore Stacy Doornbos clear' with plenty of
room to spare.

2. Junior Matt Harrison is ready to race.

3. Senior Huntley Rodes is intent on reaching the fini sh
line first.

What ! enj oy
most about
track is
working hard
everyday at
practice with
the guys and
the n see ing
th at work pay
off in th e
meets. Not just
for myself but
also enjoying
the success of
all my

4. Sophomore Drew Martin shows his strength in the
pole vault.

Indoor Track 235

I. Freshman Rob Saliers and sophomore
Rot>t.ie Varipapas race toward the finish line.

:!. A Generals track team member competes in
the long jump.

3. Keeping focused on the track ahead ...

4. Up. up. and away'

5. A Generals track team memt.er musters up
his strength.

236 Sport'

en's Track & Field
Coming off a strong indoor season. the Wa, hington and Lee outdoor trac k and fi eld team was poised to
compete with the upper ec helon of the ODAC. The women's season was highlighted by a second-place fini;h at
the ODAC Championship meet, several broken school records and an NCAA Qualifier, while the men's
campaign also featured a host of strong performances and two 'napped program marks. Additionally, both
teams expanded their range of events. adding the steeplec hase and the heptathlon. Sophomore Becca Taylor
(Hamilton, Ohio) set a school record by being th e firs t W &L female athl ete to ever compete in the steeplechase
( 12:25.75) at th e Coastal Carolina In vitatio nal. Sophomores Stacy Doornbos (Roswell . Ga.) and Tara
Hildenbrand (Ca,trovi ll e, Texas) and freshmen Maggie Sutherland (Sew ickley. Pa.) and Sallie Armstrong
(Hou,ton, Texas) all participated in the heptathlon and junior Michael Keenan (C hicago, Ill. ) competed in the
decathlon for the first time at the Combined Event Chall enge. ho sted by the Generals.
At the ODAC Outdoors. the women aga in came in second to Roanoke, but boasted the Most Valuable
Performer of the Meet in sophomore Elizabeth Webb (Middleburg, Va.). Wehb placed first and earn ed First
Team A ll-ODAC hon ors in winning the 800 meters (2:2 1.76). the 1500 meters (4:-13.85) and the 5000 meters
(19:13.96). becoming the first athlete in ODAC and W&L program hi story to notch wi ns in all three event s at
th e championship mee t. Webb was also named ODAC Womens Track Scholar-Athlete of the Year.
Joining W ebb to earn First Team All-ODAC honors was sophomore Alysen Kuck (Staten Island, N. Y.).
who p laced first in both the hi gh jump (52.0) and the javelin with a winning toss of 10911.5. Junior Li z
Brandl er (Camp Hill, Pa.), Taylor and Doornbos each nabbed Second Team All-ODAC accolades for their
individual performances. Brandler came in second in th e pole vault, while Taylor was second in the 1500
meters with a time of -1:53.55.
The men had three Second-Team All-ODAC honorees as they finished fourth overall. Senior Andrew
Fischer (Midd letown. N.J.) and freshmen Billy Billington (Na,hville. Tenn.) and Ben Goetsc h (Timonium.
Md.) each posted a second-place finish en route to garnering their all-co nference citat ions. Fischer took second
in the javelin with a school-record toss of 1659.0. Billington finish ed second in the di sc us ( 1322.0) and Goetsch
was the seco nd-place finisher in the hi gh jump (62.0). Additiona l top performers for the W &L men were
sophomore Chip McCoy (Litchfield, Conn.), who fini shed finished third in the -100 meter hurdle s (58.89) and
Wilson. who was fourth in the shot put (-13-1.25).
While the ODAC Ou tdoor Championships often signals the end of the seaso n, the Generals were still active
as Doornbos was preparing for the NCAAs in the heptathlon. She made hi story by being the first General to
co mpete at the champiomhip meet since 1996.
At the NCAAs. Doornbos placed 14th in the heptathlon with the second -hi ghest point total of her career
(-1.329). During th e co mpetition, she broke her own school-record in the 200 meter dash with a time of 25.6 1
and also managed a personal-best in the I 00 meter hurdl es with a time of 15.77.
Doornbos set a new standard for the track program with her petformance at NCAAs, and with the majority
of the hoth squad s returnin g in 2007-08, the Generals wi ll continue to vie for the top spots in the league.


Bender, Vance Berry, Billy Billington, Brian Bondurant. Tom Brandlein, Ryan Castle, Larry Clark, Andrew Fischer, Marshall
Arie George, Ben Goetsch, Matt Harri son. Sean Hurdi ss, Anthony lves, Alex Jackson, Michael Keenan. Drew Mat1in, Chip
, Joel Poelhuis. Steve Rivoir, Joseph Roane. Rob Saliers. Ben Stutts, Robbie Varipapa. Michael Welsh, Ben Wil son

In vitati onal
Coastal Carolina
Genera ls
Chall enge
l\ lennonite
In vitational
Liberty Twilight
University of
North Carolina
May Day l\Julti's
at V~11
Lynchburg Last

3rd of 7
Ind. Only
Ind. Only
Ind. Only
Ind. Only

Ind. Only

-lth of6
Ind. Only
Ind. Only
In d. Only

!\len\ Track


omen's Track & Field

The women's track team after a meet.


Grace Andrev.> . 1\. largarita Antonova. Sallie Arm,trong, Sara Be hmerwohld. Elizabeth
Brandler. Jessica Buckingham. Jackie Bums. Aisha Davis, Darla Di xon. Stacy
Doombo,, \ Iaureen Ford. Tara Hildenbrand. Annie Kasper. Lizz Krau,nick. Aly sen
Kuck. Ali,ha Lave nture. Reg ina 1\l ilb. Lauren l\ lorea. Dalena !\loser. Li za Njuguna.
Huntley Rodes. Jamila Seaton. Stephanie Stelter. Victoria Steven,. I\ Jagg1e Sutherland.
Becca Taylor. Kat Telfeyan. Dorothy Todd. Mary France' Weatherly. El izabeth Webb

Coastal Carolina
Liberty Twilight
University of
North Carolina
May Day Multi's
at Vl\11
Lynchburg Las t




Lit Brandler, '08
As our track
progra m
co nt inued to
g row thi' ye~r.
it not on ly
ga inc<.l ~
talented crew
of ath letes hut
a team atti tude
that inspired
and m o ti v~ t e d
each and every
one o r ih
members to
perfo rm at hi s
o r her ~h so lute
peak. The
dedication that
o ur co~c h es
showed to the
progr~ m re;tll y
m ~<.le an
impac t on the
team . and
res ulted in

some amazing
pe rform~n ces

including but
not limited to

and scho lar
at hle tes.

Tara Hildenbrand, '09

I . The Generals race around the tmck.

2. A women's track team member gets ready to pass off the

3. The women's track team m akes hurdle s look effortless!

4 . Freshman Dalena Moser races for the tinish.

We re~ ll y had
a grent season
thi s year,
e'pec iall y
indoors. and
were natio nally
ranked for the
first time in
schoo l histo ry.
It wa, exc iting
to be a r~rt o r
something like
th ~ t . and I'm
forwa r<.l to nex t
'eason " hen
we wi ll have
almo't o ur
enti re ro,ter
compete fo r
the ODAC
championsh ip.

\\'omen's Track 231)

ur season was
successful. With the
lo~s of 6 seniors. other
team~ in the ODAC
thought that thi s
would be the time to
beat us. but we rose to
the challe nge and
pro\·ed ma ny people
wrong. including
o urselves . by going
farther than a ny \V&L
team in the history of
the volleyball
-Ashley Hurt. Senior

I Junior setter Laure n Rudolph launche~
the ball to the net as sophomore hitter>
Abbt!y Wil~on and Jl!ssica Ulrich prepare
an ;1pproach.

2. W &L's starting lineup checks out the
.:ompetition before a match begins.

3. The Generals hitters provide a strong
influence at the net.

4. The team receives a little advice from
Coach Bryan Snyder.

5. The team shows some unity before
running back onto the court.


Spo rt~

W&L posted a 29-8 overall record and continued tb dom tnance of the Old Dom inion
Athlettc Confere nce. po,ting an unblemt,hed conference record ( 10-0) for the 'i~th-straigh t
'ea>on. Add itiona ll y. the Generals won thetr sixth-consecutive conference tournament
champiomhi p and we nt to the NCAA Tournament for the ' ixth season in a row. All of
those accompli>hments were noth ing new to a program that has posted a I ~6-38 (.~30)
overa ll record over th at six-sea,on ' tretch. What was impre"ive i' that the youthful
Generab advanced deeper in the NCAA Tournament than ever before.
Snyder' unea'y fee ling about his team's leadership and experience was swift ly quelled
whe n the Ge neral> won the sea,on-opening W& L Inv itational wi th a 4-0 record. A trio of
ODAC win s sandwiched arou nd a loss to perennial NCAA Tou rnament participant
Chri stopher Newport had W &L 'porttng a 7- 1 record entering the Emory Uni ver,ity
Invitational on Sept. 22-23.
The win s kept W& L in the drivers seat for the ODAC title and pushed the regu lar season
ODAC winning streak to 56-straight matches.
A win ove r Randolph -I\ lacon also sparked another winmng w eak for W & L. which won
its next eight conte,ts to improve to 17-4 overall and 7-0 in the confe rence heading into
another tough tournament at Southwestern Uni ve rsity on Oct. 13- 14 .
W&L hegan the ODAC tournament with a 3-0 win over Randolph-Macon Womans and
conti nued to roll with 3-0 win s over Virgini a Wesleyan (se mifinal s) and Randolph-Macon
(fi nal) to advance to the NCAA Tournament.
The momentum from the ODAC Tournament carried ove r to the NCAA Tournament
where the Generals made a statement that the program was now a force to be rec koned with .
W &L had won NCAA Tournament matches in the past, hut had neve r advanced past the
second round. That all changed in 2006 as the Generals began the tourney with a 3- 1
victory ove r Vassar in the first round. That se t up a match with top-seeded and 16th-ranked
NYU in the second round. W&L played the Violets to a heart-pounding fi ve-game match,
eventu all y winning by scores of 25-30, 30-28. 30-19. 29-3 1, 15- 13 and advan cing to the
Sweet 16. W& L ran into a tough Stevens Tech squad pl ay ing in their own are na fo r the
regional champion, hip and fell one ga me short of making the national champiomhips held
in Salem, Va.
Seni or Lauren Edmonson (Crystal Lake, Ill. ) prov ided the Generals with the leadership
they nee ded all sea, on and fini shed the year with a school record 662 digs. A First Team
AII -ODAC and Honorable Menti on All -A merica pick, Edmonson fi nished her caree r ranked
third all -time at W &Lin digs ( I ,53 2 ) and service aces (204 ).
Edmonson was j oined on the First Team All-ODAC squad by sophomore outside hitter
Laura 1\laurer (Sparta. N .J.), who led th e team with 393 kill s.
Sophomore right side Jes ,ica Ulrich (Gettysburg, Pa.) was named Second Team AllODAC and ODAC Tournament 1\lVP. whil e senior outside hitter Ashley Hurt (Altamonte
Springs. Fl a.) ah a rece ived Second Team All -ODAC accolades.


Coach Bryan Snyder, Jessica Uhich. Katie Dunphy, Kassie Bagley. Abbey Wilson, Rachael Phillips, Ray Costa. Middle:
K:risti Stevens, Alex Scaggs. Laura Maurer. Jessica Hudock, Lauren Rudolph. Kelly Harrison, Jessica Bunnell , Megan Ste inhardt
"rant: Aleisha Butler. Ashley Hurt, Lauren Edmonson. Rachel Skains

1\l cDani el
UVA Wi se
E& H
Va. Wes.
Gui lford
Rl\ 1\\'C
Bridge water
l\lal) vill e
R:\1\\' C
Va. \\' es.
Stew n>

Us Them


\ 'olleyball


r e siling

\\'a~hing. ton

and Lee '' re,tling team continued its upward

:-.\\in g. going from a '' inJe,:-. l.:amp.tign ju~t four yeJr~ ago to post the

mo!->t \\in'


in a 'cason 'incc the 19S6-19:-o:7 campaign (9-5) and

the mo:-.t-e\ cr Centennial Conference wins (5-.:!) :-.ince joining the

conference. Ursinsus and Muhlenherg. The Generals snapped Ursin1

lea~we in I YlJX.

27- match conference unheaten ~treak. with a 21-17 win over

A~ a re:-.ult of the General:-. 'tandout :-.ea ... on. the Centennial coache!-.


-- ~ -

Brusca. Lawrence and Boniello all recorded wins in the meet.
Folio\\ ing the tightlo". W &L rebounded h) 'haking up the
Centennial ~tanding~ and t...nocking off the top t\\ o teams in the

re\\arded \\'&L Head Coach (ian Fran I.e with Co-Coach of the Year
laurels. Fran I.e. \\ ho ju'l compleied his 3~lh '""'on allhe helm of the
\\'&L \Hestling program. j:-, the longest-standing active coach at
\\'a:-.hington and Lee. He i:-, aJ,o the GenemJ... all-time leader in
\iclories \\llh lXI ( 181-183-31 career \\ins.
The Generals heg;:m their !'lea:-.on by competing in :-.everal
tournament,. The liN outing for the Blue and While wa' at Route 60
rival Solllhern Virginias Knight Open. \\'&L po:-.ted ~ix individual
champion~hip.., in their openmg competi ti on. Senior ~lax Courtney

(Jeffersonville. Pa.l.junio" Kirk Adam,on (Richmond. Va.). Anthony
Boniello ! Katonah. N.Y.). David Shuhick I Bound Brook. N.J. I and
Eric!. Gagne 1 Philadelphia. Pa .• and 'ophomore Roh Terrin
iBaltimore. l\ld .) all placed tiN in their weight cla"es to open the

previou,Jy-unheaten and JOth-ranked Bears and also posted an 18-1
triumph over Muhlenherg. Both conle'l' were not decided until the
heavyweight haul. a' the Generah trailed the ~ l ules. 15-16. and wer •
lied I X-18 with the Bears. entering that match-up. Christopher posle
tw o r ou~ in g wins to give the Blue and \Vhite both of ib victories. AI
helping the Generals eke out the pair of up,els were Lawrence.
Sataloff and Boniello. who each also wen! 2-0 on the day.
On the heels of th ose upset,, the Generab defeated Apprentice
School al home. 21- 15. in its linal dua l meet of the season. Shubick.
Salalotf and Brusca all registered wins in that meet.
The match up with Apprentice was also the last home outing for
Counney. A four-year leuenvinner. Counney completed his career
\\ilh a four-year record of ~9-~3 (.533) \\ilh I~ pms.
With the win over Apprentice. W &L was in the midst of a three-

~ea~on on a high note.

match winning streak en terin g the Centennial Conference

\\'&L continued to perform \\ell allournamenls"' it had two
compelilSataloff placed founh in the 1 7~-pou nd weight class. while sophomore
John Chri,topher (Fon Lauderdale. Fla.) tool. founh in the 285-pound

Champion,hip,. \\ hich were ho,led by Gellyshurg College in midFehruary
Despite being in second place after the lirst round at the conferc
championships. the squad ended up linishing liflh. However. that
linish was 'till W&Ls hesl since ending up in lift h place in 1999.
Blue and While had one runner-up linish. three third-place linishes
and one founh-place lin ish at the champion,hip,. Boniello lini,hed
the runner-up at 165 pounds to highlight the individual performanc
on the day. \\hile Sataloff, Adamson and Christopher all placed thi
Shu hick look founh place 10 round out the lop linishers for the
On the season. the Generals lop I0 wresllers registered 145 wins
( 145-107 .. 575) and several wrestlers owned winning percentages
beller than M.O percent. Bontello led W&L with 20 wins (20-8, .71
while also tying for a team-best with live pins and postin g 22
Other W &L grapple" with solid season marks included Sataloff.
who po,led a record of 17-7 (.708). Brusca ( 16-9, .640) and Shubid
( 18-10, .M3 i. Sataloff also posted 46 lakedowns to go along with fo
pins, while Brusca owned two pins and posted team-bests in three·
point ( 121 and two-point ( 141 near falls with 20 lakedowns in 2007.
Shubick held a leam-besl M takedowns and abo registered live pin
In conference action, Lawrence led the Generals with a 6-1 mark in
the Centennial. while Boniello and Sataloff both posted 5-2 CC

weight class.

The follo\\ing \\eekend. W&L competed at the Me"iah-Pelrofes
Tournament. The event was a bllof a disapoinlmenl because the
Generab lini,hed l~th out of I~ teams and only had one wrestler
place as Bonie llo tool. se\enlh al 165 pound, ..
Ho\\e\erdi'"pomling their performance w"' at the ~lessiah­
Petrofe, Tournament. the Generals rebounded and 'howed their


winning t\\ o of three mate he~ at the Getty~burg

Quadrangular. including a n- 19 win over the host Bullet' for their
first conference

v. in

of the sea~on. Shubick. competed at 133 pounds

and paced W&L altha! event. pmling a 3-0 record on the day .
Follm\ ing the Geuy,burg Quad. the Blue and While conunued 10
~how it~ \'a'\t improvement from recent 3ea~ons hy placing third at ih

own invitational on the strength of fre,hman Sammy Brusca ( 125 Ills).
Boniello ( 165 lhs) and junior Je,se Salaloff (Ballimore. Md.) 117~
lbs). \\ho each claimed individual lilies at the invitational.
Succe.s continued for the Generah. as the y downed Cenlennialnvals ~kDani e l. 26-15. and Stevens Tech. 30-11. butlosllo the hosl~larine"· 23- 16 allhe Kin g' Poml Quad on Jan. 20. Junior Peter
Lawrence !Greenwich. Conn.) and Terrin each notched tw o viclorie'
for the Blue and While.
Up ne\l for W&L w"' a Iough CC match wi th Johns Hop!. in,,
which the Gcnerab narrowly lost. W&L led 17- 15 going into the linal
houl of the day. hut JHU, Tyler Schmidt defeated Adamson. 5-0. in
the 197-pound weight cia" 10 gtve the Blue Jay.; the one-poml win.

record~ during their JUnior cam paign s.

With all but Counney returning to the mat in 2007-08. the future
loot...s promi~ing for the program. The nine juniors. three sophomo

and eight fre,hman provide a strong foundation for the continued
rejuvenation of Washington and Lee wrestling.


Kirk Ada mson , Anthony Boniel lo. Jon Brown. Sammy Bru sca, John
Christopher. Zak Colangelo. Max Courtney. Nick Fox. Erick Gagne,
Jamie Goodin. Adam Hockensmith . Britt Jamison. Ri chard Knack,
Peter Lawrence, Strock Moore. Jesup Sataloff, David Shubick, Greg
Struge~. Rob Terri n, Ru ss W eem~



Southe rn VA Open
Jndiv. On
lndi v. On
Ursi nu s Invitational
4th of
M essiah Petrofes
Gettysburg Quad
W, 27vs. Gettysburg
W ,43vs. W aynesburg
L, 28vs. W ash. & Jeffe rson
W&L Invitatio nal
3rd of
Kings Po int Quad
W .26vs. l\lcDaniel
W,30vs. Stevens Tech
L, 16vs. Kings Point
W, 48
Southern Virginia
L, 17Joh ns Hopkins
W,J8vs. Muhlenberg
W,2 1vs. Ursinus
W ,2 1Apprentice School
Cente nnial Confere nce

-~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1


Coach Franke really pulled us together as a team this year and it showed. The
program had its best season in 20 years and Coach franke was anmed Co-Coach of the
year in the Centennial Conference.· David Shubick, Junior

1\Iax Courtney, '07
2006-2007 was a
breakthrou gh
sea~o n

for our

program. We had
our he~ t record m

22 years,
knocked c off two
nationa lly ranked
opponents. and
fin ished 2nd m
our co nference
dual meel sea~o n .

Wh at's ; pecial
about o ur squad
is the tea m ·~

ded icati on and
pass ion fu r
wres tlin g.
Everyone works

hard and puts m
so much t1m e
both on and off
the mat to hel p
improve th e
program. As a
senior, I cannot
thank Coach
Franke enough
for all he has
do ne for me th e
last-t year>.

Britt Jamison, '08

It was really
great being a
part of the
team this year.
bein g able to
beat Ursi nus.

The highlight of the season was beating Urs inus and Mhulemburg
and finishing second in the conference. Ursinus had not lost in 28
conference matches and this was a great win for the team.- Erick
Gagne, Junior
The highlight of thi s season was when we beat Ursunus and
Mhulemburg.- Peter Lawrence. Junior
This year has been a great year where we really matured as a
team. Coming from years of being considered a "youn g team" we
pulled together and beat such rivals as Muhlenberg and Ursin us
for the first tiem. Despite losing our captain Max Courtney. I am
extremely optimi stic and excited to see what next year brings. Anthony Boniello, Junior
We had an incredible dual season and showked many coaches and
teams throughout the Centennial Conference. Our program has
come a long way in the past three years. We didn't li ve up to they
expectations that we had earned during the regular season in the
conference tournament. but next year, we are looki ng to have
another great regular sesason and ride that momentum into the
Ce ntennial Conference tourname nt. -Tim Manson, Junior

Jesup Sataloff, '08
We had a great
year, and we
ended our dual
meet season
knocking off
two nationally
ranked teams.
They were the
most exc iting
matches I've
ever bee n a
part of. I'm
very proud of
the "ay our
team wrestled
this year. but
I'm expecting
even better
res ult , next
sea~u n.



lub Rugby Season Recap:
You know you are old when an underclassman on the team , like that Iowan southe rn -cowboySean Alpha McKinley, identifi es the seniors as the cl ass ic team.
nd old as l may be. the classic team is indeed classic for a very differe nt reason - every o ne
has see n us in action knows we are the apex of the ru gby teams existe nce . the one gleaming
that makes thi s team a household name in state of Virginia , and beyond .
president Tina Tovo leads the way with his ru gby IQ and mesme ri zing moves. with hi s
large friend Dan W ard. an equally able and fea rless tackler in hi s ow n ri ght . by hi s side
ing the fort.
Steve La mb is a tacklin g mac hine who recentl y lost his manhood, by that I mean it
and symbo licall y fe ll out of him when the love ly Ms Fe ll came a long and sto le little
heart. Hi s club ac hievements should re ma in untarni shed, but the same canno t be sa id
yhalr Pat McGlone.
a lethal combinati on of bli stering speed and great ball-handling skill s, Pattie Boys
in the backline has been tre mendo us. What set him apart from Steve is hi s ludi crous
fu sal to pay dues and sto p whining about bein g a confu sed SAE in this post modern world.
The backline wou ld not be the same without winger Dave Colman. who has been pacing W &L
with hi s supreme athleticism. Colma n was the game-changer that kept us in the contentio n
time s thi s pas t year. If o nl y we had inside ce ntre Tucker Laffitte for the fa ll season, we
have beate n VMl.
he was li ving the good life in South Africa, Tucke r a lso learnt a ll kinds of fa ncy tric ks that
have trans lated into instant success fo r the Minks. But the aspiring gy naecologist was too
putting hi s medical ex pert ise into practice aboard while his forgotte n comrades battled the ir
out in Di xie Land.
author is also staring into the abyss th at is graduation. a.k.a. the e nd of fun . As I am the
and slowest o n the team, which is compl etely again st evo luti onary scie nce as pres umabl y l
be con stantl y runnin g away from immi gration, I have no illu sions to be re membered as a

It has been a ride writing for the team during the past four years. lt has bee n a pleasure getting
know each a nd every one in the c lub, eve n Ia n Handerhan and those o h-so-fratty Phi De Its. As
reigni ng Fug ly-Ug ly titleholder, it is my ho no ur to be part of thi s club a nd to stand up for my
·ends on the fi e ld .
For the coaches, To m Good and N ick Ca ldwe ll have bee n wo nderful helping the team mature
2005. A nd W&L ru gby is not W&L ru gby witho ut T o m Lovell 9 1. It is plain to see that
is a direct corre lation betwee n the clubs success and his in volve me nt. His incred ible impact
club since 200 1 is o nl y going to make us mi ss hi s prese nce th at much more. We have much
for coach Love ll s their total devoti on over the years.








Sport ~

Sport ~


Out of all the things that make Was hington and Lee a
unique and spec ial in stitution. the prese nce of a vibrant
and active Gree k community ranks near the top of the list.
From the very begi nning of ori entation week freshmen are
introduced to the system that will typically dominate a
significant amount of their time at W&L. Men and
women al ike are quickl y swept up in the acti vity of fall
infonnal rec ruitment as fri endships are formed and
freshmen begin to wonder which house they will call
home come January . As undergraduates return from
Ch ri stmas break. the start of winter tenn classes takes a
backseat in priority to formal recruitment. and fraternities
and sororiti es end the week with wonderful new pledge
classes to celebrate with.
Aside from the barrage of activity associated with
formal and informal recruitment. Greeks on campus found
many other ways to stay involved and busy. Aside from
soc ial eve nts. all greek houses worked tireless ly for
vari ous philanth ropies that benefited W&L and the
surrounding community. All the se activitie s helped make
Greek life a vital aspect of the W &L experience.
Madeline Mayer
Keri Klein
Section Editors

Scmor' Bree Jl.ldton and Anne Glea,on.

250 Greek..,

Extreme Air.

Left : Gree ks volu nt eer for the community at the an nual Hall owe(n Carnival.
Below Left: Members of A KA at the Greek sponsored Halloween Carn ival.
Below: Greeks enjoy ing time o utside of Lex in New Orlean, .
Righi Ce nt er: Greeks part icipatin g in the Gender Relatio n' Com mitt ee
Volleyball To urname nt.
Below Righi: G reeks at the Northeas t Greek Leaders hi p As>o~iat i o n . a
confere nce attended by Panhe llen ic .

G ree h. ~

25 1

Chi Omega
Xi Lambda - Est. 1989

252 Gn:ck.,

Chi Omega


Kappa Alpha Theta
Zeta Iota - Est. 1989

The Zeta Iota Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta had yet another great year. President Kelly Price completed her
te rm, pass ing the title on to Elizabeth Williams, who will lead the chapter through 2007. As the new officers
take over, we are all very excited about the upcoming year. With a great new pledge class and new goals,
Thetas future looks very bright!
Along with hosting many philanthropic events for our national philanthropy CASA (Court Appointed Special
Advocates), such as the SK run with Sigma Chi and the Pancake breakfast with Phi Psi, Thetas are also very
involved around campus. The sorority has many team captains, heads of volunteer organizations, and members
of student activities boards. Programs such as the Freshman Orientation Committee, Nabors Service League,
Peer Counse lors , and Fancy Dress Committee also include Theta leadership.
Thetas enjoyed many social festivities this year as well. With events like Twin Stars, the Super Hero party,
90s themed party, and many more, Thetas enjoyed being together and having fun. With the addition of the 2007
pledge class, and many exciting events to look forward to, it looks to be an exhilarating year for the sorority.
T he class of 06 has been such an important part in out sororitys growth and success, and they will all be greatly
missed. Good luck class of 06, you will be remembered by all!



Kappa Alpha Theta


Kappa Delta
Zeta Tau - Est. 1997

The sisters of the Zeta Tau Chapter of Kappa Delta had a fantastic year under the leadership of past President
1\ legan Walker and current President Laura Holman. We had an amazing recruitment thanks to the hard work of
Rush Chair Loui se Denny. Our new baby delt s are all that we could have hoped for and more! Throughout the
year Kappa Deltas were visible as leaders in all areas of campus life: Executive Committee, Dorm Counselors,
Peer Counselors, RUF, Uni versity Chorus. Panhellenic Committee. Nabors Service League, Jubilee, General
Adm ission. the Calyx staff. WISC and much. much more . Kappa Deltas not only led the way in campus life,
but also on the fi eld. KDs represent the General s on many varsity athletic teams including cross country. track.
volleyball. sw imming. soccer, tennis, lacrosse, field hockey, and riding. If that wasnt enough to keep the ladies
of Kappa Delta busy, they were abl e to devote even more time to our various philanthropies, such as the Fall
Carnival co-~pon~ored with Phi Delt and the Shamrock Event. When KDs werent busy in different
organizations. ~ports or phi lan thropie s, they were li ving it up on the social scene thanks to past social chairs
Allie Kelly and Blair fletcher, and curren t social chairs Brigid Forrester and Catherine Gerhardt. We had a
great time at Pretty in Pink. Famous Love rs and Tacky Prom ! And nothing beats coming home to sweet home
Kappa Delta, where Mama Sara i~ a l way~ here fo r us. Thi s has been one fun and busy year and we cant wait to
be back next fall. The graduating seniors will definitely be mi ssed and KD wont be the same without them!
256 Grecb

Kappa Delta

25 7

Kappa Kappa Gamma
Zeta Tau - Est. 1989

The sisters of the Zeta Tau chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma are involved in many aspects of life at
Washington and Lee. Athletic Kappas participate on the soccer, field hockey, sailing, sw imming, riding, track
and many other sports teams. as well as the W&L dance program. We also have Tour Guides, writers for the
Trident and Phi. members of the Fancy Dress Committee, memebers of the Panhellenic Committee, Rho
Gammas. Jubilee singers. and Mock Convention Chairs. Our volunteer ventures include Habitat for Humanity,
Campus Kitchens Project. Race for Charlie, Project Horizon, and many more.
As busy as thi s year has been, the leadership of past president Camille Allen '07 and current president Lilla
Theus '08 kept us together. We'd like to say congrats and welcome to our awesome new pledge class ! We're so
excited to have y'all as sisters. Thanks to Boo. Sue, Bonnie, and Ms. Claire for taking such special care of us.
Sen iors. good luck ne xt year in the real world! We love you and will mi ss you!



Kappa Kappa Ga mma 259

Pi Beta Phi
Virginia Theta- Est. 1992

Pi Beta Phi


Chi Psi
Al ha Omicron Delta - Est. 1977

The Lodge e ntered its 29th year with sights firml y set o n soc ial do mination. A swing and a mi ss ope ned our wide-rangi ng yet shortli ved foray into the big band era. but the Lodge pressed on. With the return of the owls, Margaritavi ll e went quite swimmingly, almost
forcin g DCL to build hi s ark . With excell ent picks the Lodge made it 6 for 7 on Homecoming and reiterated its position as the arts and
crafts frat ernity cou nt it.
Chri stmas weekend brought St. N ick as the Hawk-led senior return began to wane except for a certain merm aid and hi s neverending
~ tory of love. P. Gin nea reconcil ed wi th the ninj a while Chewcocka shot the new gap. Drunky got hitched. prov in g the apocalypse is
near. The wedding saw Spellchec k loo king for o ne last dance, an exc hange o f boots wi th the Librarian. and Rolle rtard getting lassoed
into a relationship. Meanwhil e. Pip. M.C. and I'm e ngazed re inv igorated the hi ghumvi rate and Snarf had a mono y mono tl ashback
the tox ic avenger.
The ru sh roll ercoaster arrived full o f ten great guys, the likes o f D irka Dirka. Shorter Bus, and Bukkakus. Tear ni ght proved to be
in fec tio us affair making up fo r the early innings of admi ni strati ve baseball. He rshel was straig ht ball in' but fail ed to deli ver the '-- L•w•Ju , ...
offense as promised. The Wo nwiest Pwedge the n taught us that two can be as bad as won while Lurch avoided dutTing to find hi s boo.
M&T saw the return of T N K whil e FD gave us enough awkardness fo r a hit single by Handi cap Parking. Spring term was a string of
ridi cul ousness as CR got hi s balls bac k and SILF's me morial gas tank prope ll ed us to new hi ghs.
The Lodge bids farewe ll to Papa Ginnea. Chewcocka. U northodox Dues. Rollert ard. SILF. the Son of Clair Hu xtable. DCL, and
Spell chec k. as we ll as Bric k Top and the Little M ermaidagain. Clear skies awai t fa ir Chi Ps i next year with the return of Captain
Unde rpants and recove ry fro m the wound s o f pa- hah-nicks' deep wedge.

262 Chi p.,j

Kappa Sigma
Mu - Est. 1873




Kappa Sigma :263

Lambda Chi Alpha
Gamma Phi - Est. 1922


Lamhda Chi Alpha

Phi Delta Theta
Vir inia Zeta - Est. 1887

Phi De lta Theta


Phi Kappa Psi
Vir inia Beta - Est. 1872



Phi Kappa


1 ..,.


Pi Kappa Alpha
Pi - Est. 1892

Pi Kappa Alpha 267

Pi Kappa Phi
Rho - Est. 1920

The Rho Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi sets an example on
campus of distinct leadership in th e community, the
classroom, and on the field. We look forward to the 20072008 school year and welcome you to come by the house to
meet the brothers.


Pi Karra Ph1

Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Vir inia Si rna - Est. 1867

Sigma Alpha

Ep~i l on


Kappa Alpha
Al ha - Est. 1865


Kappa Alpha

Lambda - Est. 1882

Sigma Nu


Sigma Phi Epsilon
Washington and Lee SEC in Virginia - Est. 2005


Sigma Phi Ep-.ilon

Alpha Phi Alpha
Xi Delta - Est.2005

Al pha Phi Alpha


Delta Sigma Theta
Tau Orne a - Est. 2005





Far Ld't: The Gender

Relation' Committee
Volleyball tournament.
Left: Extreme Air.
'pon,ored by Campus

Left Center: The IFC golf
tourname nt.
Belcm: Order of Omega

Above: Pi Phi's ce lebrate
their intermural
champi onship.

Left: Jumor QUiana
:'llad,enzie in Ne" Orleam.
Far Ll'ft : Campus
Activiti es 'ponsored
extreme air.



W&1 Greek Life, 2oo6-2007

Sororities governed by Panhellenic
Chi Omega
Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Delta
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Pi Beta Phi

National Pan-Hellenic Counc4 Inc.
Alpha Phi Alpha
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Delta Sigma Theta
Phi Beta Sigma

276 Grecb

Fraternities governed by the IFC
Chi Psi
Kappa Alpha Order
Kappa S{g-ma
Lambda Chi Alpha
Phi Delta Thera
Phi Gamma Delra
Phi Kappa Psi
Phi Kappa Sigma
Pi Kappa Alpha
Pi Kappa Phi
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Chi
S{g-ma Phi Epsilon

Greeb 277

When the Class of 2007 e nt ered th e freshman dorm s in
the fall of 2003. it was imposs ible to predit a ll th at their
fo ur years wo uld hold . From ho urs studying in Leyburn ,
to riding down the streets of Lex ington in a float for
Mock Convention, to dancing th e ni ght away at th e IOOth
Fancy Dress. their college years were filled with
experiences that could only be found at Washington and
Lee. Whether members of the class were children of
alumni who applied early deci sion or students who
decided to attend W &Lon a whim, all found security in a
co mmunity bound by honor and tradition . The following
pages se rve as a tribute to the class of 2007, celebrating
their past four years, as we ll as the childhood life that led
them to Lexi ngton. Enjoy.
Catherine Swan
Secti o n Ed ito r



Ld't: Senior Sheryl Si lver'
Bdo\\ : Senior Li,a Zevori ch.
Bdcm Ltoft: Senior Stephanie Dodson.
Bdow Right : Senior Catherine Swan.



Dear Kelly,
Theta, congratulations
on a great four years!
We love you!
Mom, Dad,
Colleen, and Jordon

Michele, what a wonderful 4 years
you've had. We're so proud of your
Love, Dad , Mom, and Paul

Catherine Eileen Swan

"Sing and make music in your
heart to the Lord, always giving
thanks to God the Father for
everything in the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ."
Ephesians 5:19
With pride and love always,
Mom and Dad


28 1

Coleman Lyons

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, on your
own intelligence rely not, In all your ways be
mindful of Him, and He will make
straight your paths."
Proverbs 3: 5-6
We love you, Coleman, and are so
very proud of you!
Mom and Dad, Mary and Preston




Jesse Clark Brundige
Love, Mom, Dad, Jimmy, Jack, and Joe





"Character is not in the
mind. It is in the will."
Fulton John Sheen
"A-:-, you go the way of
life. you will see a great
chasm. Jump. It is not as
wide as you think. "
Joseph Campbell
Love to our caring. strong,
daring. gentle Walker, a
man of good character
who will always jump
into life with hope and
T\1ama, Dad and Meredith

Casie Pedro~a
We are so proud of you and all your
accompli shments! It's hard to believe that 4 years
have gone by, it seems like just yesterd ay yo u left
for college. Yo u have been such an inspiration to
all of us! What a blessing God gave us when he
gave us you, you are such a wonderful role model
for your sisters. May God continue to inspire you
in thi s next step to make a di ffe rence . We love you
and look forward to your next awesome successes!
Dad, M om, Rebecca and Randi

Gngraculations to The Huffman~ Five!

Ben Long
Ben, We're so proud of you. We love you.
Mom, Dad, Adam. Mary Beth

Love you,
The Neffs







Monica Magnuson
Congratulations Monica.
So far you fulfilled all the
dreams we had for you.
We hope and wish that
your life will be a smooth
flight. We are so proud of
Mom, Scott,
Sugar and Daisy


Amy Volkmann
It was all about the fit. and what a great fit it was! You
arri ved in Lexingon anxious a nd ready for the acade mic
and athletic challenges you would face. You depart with
an exceptional educati on, lasting friendships, and
mem ories you will cherish forever. We are so proud of
what you ha ve accomplished and the person you have
become. As you co ntinue your journey remember to
dream bi g. work hard, and e nj oy life.
With everlasti ng love,
Mom & Dad


A d~


jean Rose
Cia water
Congratulations! We are
proud of you!
Your family
Proverbs 3: 5-6


Colton, what great joy you have
brought us fro m the day you
were born, and especially these
last fo ur years! You have made
us proud and we could not love
you and more!
Mom, Dad, and Whitney








bJn A. Walker

Emily Robideau

Class of 2007!

Chris Lalli

Emily- It's time to
celebrate four years of
hard work. new friend s,
and exc iting
adventures. We couldn 't
be prouder of all you've
With lots of love,
Mom. Dad and Nick

The lounging is over ... Welcome to the Real World!
Congratu lations!
We Jove you!
Mom, Dad & Brian

We're GJol!!!

GJngratulations Andrew!!!
GJngratulations to
Milena Ricci and the
Washington and Lee
Class of1007


From her fan1ily and her biggest fans
: Mon1 and Ken7 Laura andjef£ A1onica and
Brendan7 Lila7Julia and Ripley


29 1

Jamie Lynne
We love you!
Dad, Mom, Luke and Dusty

292 Ad~

Mallory Lobisser
"Those who bring sun shine to the lives of
other cannot keep it from themselves."
Congratulations Ma11o ry.
All our love,
Mom, Dad, and Kyle

.-\d s 293


Davin. Congratulations on being the
3rd generation to graduate from W &L
in ;ur family. w~ are proud of you.
Mom and Dad

Megan, Congratulations
on being the 3rd
generation - and the first
girl - to graduate from
W&L in our family. We
are proud of you.
Mom and Dad


·. ,'



\ Ve celebrate your achieveinents,
ad1nire your dedication, and \vill
love you ahvays.

}vlon1 and Dad

Emily Anne Binns

Allison Stokan
We are very proud of you and are excited for
you as you continue to pursue your dreams!
Love, Mom, Dad, and Andy

Katy Allen
Congratulations Katy!
We are so proud of you!
May your goodness always shine through.
All our Love,
Mom, Dad and Lucas

M, Tucker Laffitte IV

jesse Ford and Lee McLaughlin
Congratulations to Jesse
Ford and Lee
May you dance at each
other's weddings !
Love ,
Rusty, Lindlay, Nancy,
Leebo, Alexi s, Beezie,
and Lockwood

Mom, Dad,
Lightsey. and
Non·i s

---:--- ~

A d~



1·en Lamb

Congratulations. Steven. o n all your
acco mplishments at W&L!
The Lamb Family

"Do not go where the path may lead.
go instead where there is no path and
leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Brittany E Bansak
Britt. you've brought us so much joy. exc itement and love. We are
and always will be proud of you. Congratulations o n all of your
accompli shments!
We love you!
Mom, Dad and Matt XOXO

Jordan Randolph Wesley
Friends for life at W &L.
Thanks for the memories.
May God direct our paths.

Abbie Sauter
One door closes and
another o ne opens. May
all your door openings be
as successful as the one at
With all my love,

KEYan,. Karina. Lane. Av e. i\l aggie. and ~ l a l:
Fo ur years of ODAC Cha mpion, hip,. NCAA T ourname nt >. J ~JWND. T rack
W ee b . Sprin g Breaks in Lex. Sho Yeling the Track. Tra ini ng T n ps. Selling Gear.
Si gning in . Pl ayi ng in the 'nov.. Hike,. Sprints. and Goals.
For all of your Yictorie,. we are 'o proud of~ ou 1
L<)\ e. the Lo bi,se rs



Kevin Green
There is a place where the sidewalk ends
And before the street begins,
And there the grass grows soft and white,
And there the sun bums crimson bright...
-Shel SilversteinWishing you long sidewalks to ex plore ,
And safe journeys wherever they take you.
We couldn't be more proud,
Love, Mom, Dad and Courtney

David Alexander
Dave, go forward as you have li ved the past.
You have fondly become Washington and
Lee's "Cupcake" : the kid either heading to the
KA house. the baseball field, or "the Hill."
Embrace the future as you head to new places.
Your passion for life has inspired us all. Now.
amaze yourself.
Peace. love. happiness always.
I wanna stand up, I wanna let go
You know, you know- no you don't, you don't
I wanna shine on in the hearts of men
I want a meaning from the back of my broken hand ......
Lyrics from The Killers ... A ll These Thiugs
That l 'l'e Done




ToMy \ Vonderful Son, Chas
lvlayyou find as much happiness and friendship in your future as
you have found at this moment.
Good luck ro the members of The Huffm an Fil'e.


30 1

Katie Garrett
Congratulatiom.! We are proud of you!
1\'lom, Dad, Bonnie, Oleta, and John

My Wish
Rascal Flatts
My wish, for you, is that thi s life become s all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your WOJTies stay small.
You never need to cany m ore than yo u can holJ.
AnJ while you're out there ge tting where you're getting to,
I hope yo u know somebody loves you, anJ wants the same thin gs too,

Sarah Helms
Yes. This is OUR wish for you !
We are so prouJ of you and all of your acco mpli shme nts!!!
Love, M om. Dad. Ginny . Caroline



Huntley Rodes
Congratulations Huntley!
"A hove all, do not fret about
being true to yourself, for that way
lies self-centerdness and despair.
Rather take joy in the gifts of mind
and heart with which you are endowed,
be true to others, and look beyond yourself
for the love and faith you will need to
sustain you."
Robert E.R. Huntley, 1975 Washington and Lee
Commeucement Address
We wish you many blessings and much joy!
With love,
Mom, Dad. and Sarah Catherine

Carter Southworth
Be happy fo r I hi s momenl, because !his momenl is your life.
Life cannol be wrilten. Life can onl y be li ved.
Oscar Wilde
Everybody wa nl s logo forever. I just wa nna burn up hard and bri ght.
Ryan Adams
Congratulalio ns. We are proud of yo u and love yo u.
Mommy and Daddy


David Croushore
To !he besl Chri slmas presenl
we ever gol - December 26
(close enough ).

Congratulations to the ''Mid"vay Girls"


Congral ul ali ons and much
success in your fuiUre
e ndeavors ! We love you, we're
al ways here for you. and we
con1inue 10 be ve ry proud !
Mom. Dad. Monica & Rache l

atali e Dillree
Mc Lean Dono\'an
Sarah Dozier
Beth Hunter
Two Wonderful Yea r~ at Mi d\\'ay
Four Fabul ous Years at W&L
We Low You!
Your Parents



# I Emil y Binns

Awesome Four Years!!!
# 13 Blair Haws

#2 1 Sarah Helms

\Ve hope you had rhe rime ofyour Me.
Love, }our Families and B{r;_r;esr Fans

# 18 Cara Burton

# 19 Jami e Dorsey

#3 Huntley Rodes

As you graduate from
college, we take pride in
all your accomplishments.
You have filled our hearts
with immeasurable joy.
We love you!
Mom, Dad. Barrett and
Jeremi ah 29 : II



E,·ery bles:-.ing you pour out. I turn back to prai se
When the darknes..; closes in. Lord. Still I will say ...
Bl essed be the name of the Lord, Bl e~se d be your name
Bl essed be the name of the Lord, Bl ossed be your glorious
(Blessed Be Your Name by l\latt Redman)
Ask and it will be g ive n to you: seek and you wi ll find: knock
and the door \Viii be opened to you. For everyone who as ks
receives: he who seeks find s: and to him w ho knocks. the door
will be opened. (Matthew 7:7-8 NlV)
M om. Dad & Andy

Porch: Magsk,
Chrisrina, Tippins,
and Kacic!
''And chc view I lore
chc moscis my fronr
1 1. •
• II
pore11 1ooxmg
Your Families




Congratulations and Love
Your Families



Davis Catlin
For I know tlu: plans I l1a\'C for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you
and not to harm you, plans to gire you hope and a future.
· jcrcmial1 2g:n
}ou l1al'Calw~vs been

a blessing to us - we arc so proud ofyou!

Alom, Dad, Hampton and Shea

A ds

3 11

J Patrick McGlone II
Class of 2007
It has not been the destinations, but rather our
journey along with you that we have enjoyed so
much. Congratulations!
All our Love,
Mom & Dad

Richard Yancey
We Love You!
Mom and Dad

Way togo,

Jessica Raatz, Cara Burton, Casie
Pedroza, Lane Earnest, Maggie
Megear, Alex Layn1on


3 13


"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead,
where there is no path and leave a trail."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

We're all so proud of
Dad, Joanne, Dan, Nikki,
Mom, Aunt Vickie,
Grandma, Aunt Irene,
Tom and Scotty.

Amanda K Haines

To honor our wonderful daughter and sister.
Congratulations, Amanda.
Mom, Dad, and Charles


Rachel Brooks



Every step of the way, yo u are such a special j oy and blessi ng in
our lives! W e are so pro ud of your accompli shments and the strong
character and fa ith yo u have deve loped. As you embark on th is new
chapter of your life, we pray for yo u this prayer fro m Francis of
Assisi: "Keep a clear eye toward li fe's end. Do not fo rget yo ur
purpose and destin y as God's Creature. What you are in Hi s sight is
what yo u are and noth ing more. Remember that when you leave
this earth, you can take nothing yo u have rece ived ...but onl y what
you have given: a full heart enriched by honest service. love
sacrifice and courage ." We love you. Mom, Dad , and Julia

Clayton Edwards

"When the O ne Great Scorer comes to wri te beside your
name, He marks not th at you wo n or lost. but how you
pl ayed The Game."
Congratulati o ns to our wo nderful son !
Mo m and Dad

A d~

3 15

}?Qu cl1ose Jvise(y
iVIom and Dad




Co~ratulat£oVtS~ Sovt-!

We love you!
Mom aJILCI t>ad


eongratu.latf...?Yl..S, Adaru-! we love you!
!vforu- ai!Ld Dad


3 17

Avery Lovejoy
We a·re so proud of you and all yo ur accompli shments. Well done!
;\lom. Dad. Carrie and Elizabeth

Michael Wagoner

To the girls of Do'l.vnstream
Anne, Amy, Sarah 0.,
Sarah H., and Huntley...

"There is a natural aristocracy among men. The grou nds
of thi s are virtue and talents." -Thomas Jefferson
And you have both. Congratulations! We are so proud
of you.
Love .
Mom Dad, Elizabeth and Sarah

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so
-Helen Keller
Wishing you many wonderful times ahead, both
together and apart.
Congratulati ons and much love from your families!



David Randolph Graham, Jr.
Thanks for all the memories.
We are proud of you.
Love, Mom, Dad and Phil

Susan Rudolph

David Mitcl1ell



David .
Congratulations on your graduation 1
We Love You.
Mom. Dad. l\teredith and Will

You have always fi ll ed our hearts with love and pride.
Congratulations and best wishes to a bright future.
Mom and Dad

Lau ra.
Congratulations! We are
very proud o f you!
Dad. Mom. John and
Du sty


.3 19

JLtphanie Dodson
Cong:r:.1tulation~ "b:.1by girl." We sh:.1re your joy as
you cekbr:.1te anothe r mile~tone. We are so proud of
you. \\.heren?r life JeaJs you, remember to take time
to enjo) the riJe. We know whe n you follow yo ur
heart anJ )0\·e wh:.1t you do. you'll truly make a
difference .
We Jove you.
Mom and Dad .


Look how far you have come - we cannot
wait to see where you go next.
Your Family






Gmgratulations Khaki!

Chris Pearce
Congratulations Chris!
Our little business man is all grown up .... and we
couldn't be any prouder than we are today! You have
alway~ a~pired to be the best and in our eyes you are.
Lifelong friends, unforgettable memories and a W &L
education to top it off. It's been an unbelievable ride!
We love you.
Mom. Dad, Steph and A lyssa

Sara Beth Jthmerwohld




Robin C Davis
l ou flit' 11 tlm1111 of a rlaugbtn: .. it /1as btm a joy to rrt1td1 your
r/;mms mmr tmr.
"r;]tt m;n·t l J'lfll's of /~ft. a11rllmnl to stt rl1r wor/r/;il ;/s tn1r ligbt. :Jr
will mablr yo11 to li'J't' p/mstmtly, to rio goorl. flllrlll'lltll SIIIIIJJ/olltr! tnl'rty,
to !trfl't Wttbo111 ng1rt."
-'l:5\(oy you br· flJ brtjJjJy fl stmlmt i11 l!ltr!im/ sdwol. flS yo11 /)(/)'f' btm at
yo11r bdoi'l'rl "]I 'mN11g,!o11 flllrl £:('('.
£:o1't', 'D111!. r:5'J {om tlltt! :J-fllltft'l'


"11 i!b gmtttlllk to 'ftnl'tty jivm /JoJJ/t~





Lorna Golder

She is too fond of books and it has addled her brain.
Louisa May Alcott

Four great years at W and L and now a new beginning.
Lots of love, Mon1 and Dad

Tripp Watson
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. it's
the size of the fight in the dog.
-Mark Twain
\Ve are proud of you and we love you.
1\'lother. Bess. and C.J.


Victoria Kesselman

on one more peak reached in your life!
Finally. all the hard work and all-night parti es are
behind you! Although. if you think that no,,· life i~
!.Wing to be fair- think again .... You ha,·e gro,,·n -..o
n;uch~during the las t four~year..;. yet in our heart-. you
will always remain the little girl we lm·e so much!
Good luck.
1\lom. Dad. Lola

Congratulati o n~

Mom and Dad



Max Courtney
mw.:h fun watching you. the \\T~~tling t~am. yo ur Fiji
and friend~. gnm and mature at \\' & L. E\·er) ~•~P of the
\\·ay ha~ be~n an ~\p~ri~nce. Who wuld forg~t fr~ ~hman move-in
day. th~ Frat hou~~. winning the \\'&L ln\·i talional. b~coming an
Acad~mic All-American. and of course. che~se st~aks at
Appomatto\·.' Than )OU for ~haring it all \\·ith u~! We could not be
more proud of your accompli~hments and the man you ha\·e become.
We ha\e been blessed. Congratulations on your graduation. Four
qui'-·k y~ar~ ... one great ~on! Continue to fight the good fight.

ha~ b~en ~o


With great prid~ and all of our low.
\1om. DaJ. Ben. anJ th~ whole family



Adam Kowalsky
Adam, through the years you have
brought such joy to us. All that you
have accomplished will bring you to a
wonderful future. We are so proud of
All our love,
Mom and Dad

A J~


~ Vhitney King
\\'hitney . w hether ex ploring
new places. stud ying.
protecting the em· ironme nt or
j ust making a fashion
state me nt - always with ease.
Success awaits.
Love. Mo m and Dad

Palmer Dobbs
Palmer, Congratulati ons !
You have come a long way.
Good luck.
Love. Mom. Dad, Peyten, and W hitney

Niki Tsiknakis
Dearest Niki. You have made
everyday count at W & L. You
inspi re us w ith your
acco mplishments. and with the
fri end s yo u've made. Tha nk
you fo r invi ting us to be pa rt of
your experiences.
M om and D

OJngratulations to
the Class of1007!

CLASS OF 10o7!

Nadia Charlotte Pri~
WLU Graduate and sti ll...

Goi ng places

An angel (o f Pi Beta Phi )

Congratulations to our wonderful daughter: Pi Phi
chapter president. volunteer for Project Hori zon.
future J.D .. linguist ex traordinaire. We are so
Mami and Papi

Enjoying frequ ent naps



.;; T

• ..... , •

-", •

-t,( -~ \ ~.

...~ .---..- '"-

Magnifico Christopher!!!



Last week yo u were going to "stay IS forever."
Yesterday we mowd you into Gilliam Hall.
Today that 'boy' li ves inside the man yo u ha\'e become.
With worlds left to conquer. we cou ldn't be prouder of yo u and all you have ac hieved.
Good luck on "The Street." and always stay in touc h wi th that "little boy" within.
All our love.
Mom, Dad and Nick

330 Ad-..

'~ [··-

Kyle Garcia
"To change th e world .
Start wi th o ne step, However smalL
The first step is the hardest of all.
If yo u give. you begin to li ve .
You begin , you get the world. "
Dave Matthews/Yo u M ight Di e Try ing/S tand Up
Go get th e worl d Kyle!
Love you, Mom

A J~

.:n 1





Hunter Dawkins
"Go confident ly in the d irection of your dreams. li ve th e life
yo u have im ag ined. "
-Henry Davi d Thoreau









































r •




Emhrace the world--"T ru~ t everyone. but cut the
Wouldn't have



I send you int o the wo rld to
lo ve li fe. ho ldin g a pi ece of
yo ur heart in mine .

this ride for the world. Love - Harri so n





We couldn't be more proud of you!

Nicholas Raffetto
Dec iding to attend W &L has paid off tremendously with
great times. remarkabl e fri ends, and amazing memori es.
You are a richer person for your ex perience at W &L
and we are so proud of you for all you have
accompli shed.
All our love,
Mom, Dad. Jenna. Sean and Tucker

Lindsay Lecky
Lindsay: How fast these four wonderful years have
tlow n by. May your future be as magical.
All our love,
Mom, Dad. Rob. Jake and Keillan


Tina Tovo
Congratulations on your graduation.
We are very proud of you!
Mom, Dad, Maria, Annie, Freddy, and Ine!!



In the shadows of white columiL',
\Ve stop co hear che chimes.
\Vorn seeps on which we linger
Slowlv yield co time.
But when we doubt our future~ course,
Our honor sees us free.
A timeless cruse in our Alma Macer,
\Vashingcon and Lee.
As che bells ring out che hour
and echo through che halls,
we seJLc;e in chis brief moment
che strength within these walls.
But when we doubt our future~ course,
Our honor sees us free.
A timeless crusein our Alma Macer,
\Vashingcon and Lee.

Washington and Lee University Hymn

"\ Vl10 can say what has gone into the creation
of chis place rim makes us love it compounded
in the beauty of the Colom1ade under snow on
a moonlit night, of sunsets behind House Mountain,
of the Honor system, ofgreat teachers and their
courses, of long hours in the library boning liP
for exams, of Fancy Dress, of l'icrorics on \Vilson Field,
of going down the road, and pride in our academic r{~or."

James Leyburn





The 2007 Calyx. volume II 0. was produced by the
student members of the Calyx Staff at Washington and
Lee University. Lexington. Virginia. Created using
Jostens Yearbook Aven ue Online on a Dell Optiplex
PC. it was printed by Jostens Publishing at their
\Vinston-Salem. North Carolina. plant. A total of 340
pages. 54 of wh ich are full process color. the book
contain . approximately 3000 photos. both print and
digital. Seventeen hundred copies of the book were
produced. Executive Editor Swan and Assistant
Executive Editors Kane and Lecky designed the theme
"A Touch of Class" in the fall of 2006. and Executive
Editors Swan and Assistant Executive Editor Lecky
designed the cover during the fall of 2006. The cover
is high gloss litho with process color and foil
appli cat ion . The endsheets are Snow White. Body and
caption font is Times. Portrait photos were taken by
Vantine Images.
Thank Yous:
The 340 page book you hold in your hands is the
resu lt of months of thankless planning, hard work,
and dedication. The Calyx Staff would like to thank
the following people for their contributions to this
year's book:

All the students who took the time to submit their
photos to us.

2006-2007 Calyx Staff:
Executive Editor: Catherine Swan
Assistant Executive Editors: Lindsay Lecky and
Amanda Kane
Campus Life:
Section Editors: Louise Denny, Amanda Burns,
Molly Smith
Staff: Caroline Habli ston and Abigail Gage
Section Editors: .linger Bays and OJ Cm1er
Section Editors: Kelly Bundy and Catherine Swan
Section Editor: Catherine Swan
Staff: Karina Schiess. Caroline Simonson, Catherine
Swan. Lindsay Lecky
Section Editors: Madaline Mayer and Keri Klein
Section Ed itors: Caroline Habliston. Maggie
Nugent , Guin Burner
Staff: Monica Chinn
Section Editor: Catherine Swan

Jay Hollis, Jana Poplar. and all the folks at Jostens
for consistentl y being helpful and a pleasure to work

Section Editors: Jess ica Simmons and Kimber

Bri an Laubscher in Sports Information for providing
us with wonderful photos and write-ups for the
sports section.

Section Editors: Catherine Swan. Eduardo
Rodriguez. and .linger Bays

Ke vin Remington and Patrick Hinely for their
professional photography.

Section Editor: Catherine Swan
Staff: Kelly Bundy

The Business Office, for helping to keep our
account straight.
April \Vashb urn for help with administrative detail s.
Susan Wager for her help in providin g materials for
the Performing Arts section.


Lenora Nu nnley. Sarah Morri s, and Margaret Coger
Contributi ng Photographers: Michae l Keenan and
Morgan Harri s
The Calyx is a student publication. Every attempt
has been made to ensure that the 2007 book is an
accurate record of the people and events at
Washington and Lee University. The yearbook
staff regrets any errors that inadvertently occurred.

OCR | Washington and Lee University (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Views: 6599

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Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.