Darkest Temptations - KatrinaHCreates - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter Text

Caroline Forbes

After the memorial, an eerie feeling settled over Mystic Falls, disturbing the peace and tranquility of our seemingly idyllic town. Just a few hours ago, we came together, to pay tribute to the lives lost in the tragic gas explosion at Pastor Young's farm. But what started as a tragic event quickly escalated into a chaotic situation. The infamous vampire hunter returned to finish the job he had started the night before when he attacked Tyler.

The Sheriff's Department immediately implemented strict measures, enforcing a ten p.m. curfew to ensure the safety of its citizens as they began their search. Determined to show the people of their town that they would do absolutely everything within their power to continue to keep them safe.

Everything at the church had transpired so quickly. Looking back, I could almost cringe at the memory of my arrogance a mere hour ago. I had boasted to both Stefan and Tyler that I could single-handedly take down the hunter if he dared to show his face. And not only did he show up but had in fact ensnared all of us in his intricate scheme when he cunningly used April Young as bait to lure us out. That poor girl had endured so much already, it was only thanks to Elena that April now had no memory of her horrific attack.

I was standing outside now on the grounds of the church by my car ready to leave. Everyone around me probably assuming I would be following the ambulance to the hospital when in actuality I was heading straight home to rest. The people who walked past me heading towards their own cars, were engaged in intense conversations about the incident that had just occurred. Some were even contemplating the idea of leaving Mystic Falls as a result. I couldn’t say I blamed them, there had been so many occasions now where the supernatural aspect of this town had drawn more than a few raised eyebrows. And despite what people such as Damon told themselves not everyone as stupid or naïve as they appeared. People wanted answers especially after this morning. I imagined there was a lot of fear given the victim was the mayor’s son – raising the question who is safe anymore?

My poor mom and her department had their work cut out for them over the next few weeks.

After taking one last look around to ensure I was safe to leave I did exactly that, I climbed into my car and rested my bag onto the passenger seat before turning on the engine. I secured my seatbelt before taking one last look around the grounds, I watched from afar as Stefan settled Elena into the passenger seat of his car before he glanced over at Damon with a palpable animosity striking between them that was evident to all who knew their sibling dynamic best. Elsewhere way off in the distance I could see the back end of Matt’s truck and if I squashed my eyes tightly enough I could see him and Jeremy discreetly assisting April into it around the side of the church and out of sight from on lookers. She’d been compelled to remain on the balcony with Matt after Elena and I returned downstairs. The hunter had stabbed her and although my blood had healed all her external wounds her dress was noticeably torn and there was lingering blood residue on the surface despite her dress being black it was noticeable to all. As was frizzed hair, smeared make up and broken heels.

I’d compelled many people and on occasion there was lingering guilty but nothing compared to this morning and I don’t think anything would again. Although I was so very proud of Elena for finding the strength to compel someone for the first time and April of all people. I was also harpering some strong emotions over what I had done and heard. April was an orphan now, she was now completely alone in this world and about to return a town that had no place for her anymore. She had no idea about the supernatural element of Mystic Falls, her father had sent her off to boarding school in Europe almost the first chance he got after her mother’s death. The idea of her facing the small minded people of this town was nothing compared to what I feared Damon may have in store for her or worse the hunter.

I didn’t know about everyone else but I couldn’t stay here another second. The first chance I got I drove off the church premises without looking back. Not even glancing over at the sight of the ambulance where Tyler was being checked over. I imagined he’d compel the paramedics to drop him off a few blocks from the church, no doubt where his mom would be waiting to take him home where he’d probably have to remain for the next few days.

I drove slowly off the grounds keeping a respectful speed. I left the church premises with the most guarded and selfish secret. Knowing that today would be my last day here in Mystic Falls.

I wasn’t sure where the strength I needed to admit the truth had come from only that I was grateful that it did. For too long I had been denying myself the truth and that was Mystic Falls didn’t feel like home anymore. Nothing about this town felt the way it use to but not just the town, I myself had been silently sinking lower for months. I wasn’t depressed, my grades were good, my friends were all still alive and well and my mom and had never been so close. But even knowing all of that I couldn’t deny the clarity and relief that fell over me like welcomed rain when I admitted the truth to myself and that was I wanted to get as far away from Mystic Falls as possible and I wanted no scratch that I needed to do it tonight.

Come hell or high water I was determined that over the next few hours I would have a plan in place to get out of this place once and for all, indeed I would be gone before the sun rose tomorrow morning. Just imagining myself in my car on a long stretch of high way watching the sun rise in the distance was enough to bring a tear to my eye as I pulled into my street for the final time.

My first responsibility wasn’t to myself, the first person I thought of when making this decision was of course my mom. But as luck would have it she and I were for once on the same page. When she and the rest of the sheriff’s department arrived at the church I’d watched her from a distance, directing her deputies, establishing the crime scene, speaking with Carol, reassuring those who approached her and shying away members of the Mystic Falls Gazette. After the crime tape was put up and the witness statements were beginning to be gathered she’d finally made her way over to me and after assuring her of my safety she had quietly revealed to me that when the call came in over the radio about the church attack she made a decision to retire this year at long last. She had asked that I keep her plans to myself until she got everything in place. I had hugged her and told her I believed it was in her best interest as was the possibility of her leaving for a few months to visit her sister following the retirement.

I’d never been happier for her in my entire life. After devoting almost thirty years to the town of Mystic Falls, she was finally prepared to retire and leave behind this destitute place we called home. She was going to go her way and unknown to her I was planning to go my own. She just had no idea that both of us would be doing precisely that over the next eighteen hours or so.

What shocked me most of all was that there was no lingering feelings of doubt. I no longer felt tied to Mystic Falls or even to my friends. I had been clinging to the past for far too long, unable to let go of the familiar routine of school and the ongoing struggle against supernatural forces. It was time to let go of my past and say goodbye.

I arrived home just after eleven that morning, only to find the street completely devoid of the usual parked cars. It appeared that everyone in town had gathered at the memorial and were back there now being interviewed about what they witnessed. I quickly stepped out of my car. I had no interest in seeing or talking to anyone, as was clear when I immediately turned off my phone after locking the front door behind me. I wasn’t a first responder I didn’t need to have my phone with me at all times. I needed to get serious, my focus, my energy shifted completely now that I was finally alone and able to think clearly.

I was terrified I was only human. I’d lived here my whole life and despite being ensnarled in the supernatural world I was naïve to the world beyond Mystic Falls, having spent my entire life here. I would miss the little things, having a picnic in the town square, buying my mom flowers on Mother’s Day from old Mrs Brook’s flower shop, the cherry blossoms that lined Maple Street and the lentil soup from the café in town where I often ate with my dad.

But those were the little things – hand on heart the only thing I’d miss about Mystic Falls was the people I left behind. My friends meant the world to me, or at least the connection we had formed up until this period of our lives meant everything to me. Day by day we were slowly slipping away from each other and now I was taking the biggest leap of all. They weren’t prepared for this but I couldn’t let that stop me. In fact I couldn’t let anything stop me now that I had a firm grasp on what I wanted for my life and it’s direction.

I entered my bedroom and was so grateful I’d thought ahead and purposely laid out clothes to change into following the service. I quickly started removing my funeral clothes, vowing to myself to never wear the same heels again. I stashed them away in the depths of my closet, hoping to banish them from my memory for good. I threw everything I’d worn into my laundry hamper, attempting to rid myself of this morning’s events. Not being able to stop the tears from forming in my eyes when I relieved the memory of April being compelled, the screams as Tyler was shot and the sight of the deputies lining our town church with crime scene tape.

I ran my hands through my hair, desperately holding onto the curls I had painstakingly styled just a couple of hours ago, all while trying to unravel my own thoughts. I wanted nothing over than to get all of my hair swept up off my shoulders and to rid myself of all my make up, this ridiculous make up that I kept insisting I needed instead of having the confidence to go without it. What did that say about my current mindset? Did I do this to myself or had this for Tyler’s sake instead of my own?

Despite myself I found my mind drifting back to my first encounter with Klaus, the night of my birthday, our first conversation, I had no make up on and had almost cried in front of him. And yet the next morning I had awoken because of him and with a beautiful bracelet waiting for me. A beautiful reminder for a genuinely beautiful moment in time. But it was also a reminder of another moment I kept from my friends and something that remained a secret between Klaus and I. I wasn’t sure what had suddenly made me start to think of him all of a sudden. I knew however I’d be lying to myself if this was the first occasion when I found my thoughts drifting to him and to the moments we had been alone together.

After everything was stored away in my bedroom and I had at last swept my hair up into a comfortable bun I made my way to the bathroom next where I immediately began to wipe away all my makeup, unveiling the real me beneath. After I had done so, I picked up the nail brush and filled the sink with piping hot water and liquid hand soap before I began scrubbing each nail. I wanted to ensure I removed all traces of blood from beneath them, unsure whose blood it was exactly I was scrubbing away, whether it be Tyler’s, April’s or my own. At last, I brushed my teeth after cleaning the sink and finally felt renewed and almost fully restored. What I truly longed for was a hot bath, in a room filled with only candle light with a cold drink within arm’s reach.

In the past whenever I had entertained the notion of leaving Mystic Falls I would be consumed with guilt and instead of dealing with my own feelings I would spend the entire day cleaning our house top to bottom in order to keep my mind and body busy. As I looked around the bathroom, I couldn't help but notice the thin layer of dust that had collected on almost every surface. It was a clear reflection of the inner turmoil I was experiencing.

But today I wouldn’t allow my focus to shift to cleaning, today I was choosing for once in my entire life to be the adult I know I am and take control of my life and it’s direction. I turned to the bathroom mirror above the sink and the second I did tears again immediately threatened and I sniffled but I kept it together. I placed my right hand gently upon the centre of my chest and felt myself take the deepest inhale, a trembling smile forming slowly upon my lips as the weight of the last four years agonizingly left my shoulders never to return and harm me ever again. I kept my focus solely upon my own reflection.

“It’s okay” I tell my reflection and myself “You’re going to make a plan and you’re just going to go.” I stopped to wet my lips “You don’t owe your life to anyone, you’ve repaid every favor twice over at this point.”

Tears fell as I admitted one of the hardest truths of all to myself.

“He doesn’t love you the way you deserve. He doesn’t treat you the way you deserve.” I stopped to take a deep breath and then began to nod at my reflection “You’ve known this for a while stop lying to yourself. Be braver than you have ever been before.”

My eyes bared into the deepest corners of my soul then as I said the easiest and hardest thing of my entire life.

“Let’s go.”

For the past few months, I've been grappling with an overwhelming feeling of anxiety. During the night, I would frequently startle awake, my heart pounding and my body covered in a clammy sweat. It felt like my thoughts were consumed by an unending horror, leaving me breathless and striving to find peace. I knew I had to confide in someone, but the idea of burdening my loved ones with my troubles made me hesitate. I was always the type of person who preferred to handle her own problems. And when it came to my relationship with Tyler, our friends believed we were the perfect couple, completely unaware of the hidden unrest lurking beneath the facade.

But I knew what I wanted for myself now.

I never left the bathroom until my eyes were completely dry and free from any lingering tears.

I returned to my bedroom, feeling a surge of relief as I reached for my laptop resting on my dresser. With unexpected strength and determination in each step, I made my way to the sitting room, settling down on the plump couch. I closed my eyes, savoring the indulgent comfort of the pillows behind me and the blissful release of the weight lifted off my feet. I could have easily given in and gone to sleep right there and then given the weight that had fell off me from just being honest with myself. Only there was work to be done.

Without any delay, I swiftly turned on my laptop and opened a new browser tab. I draped the comfortable beige blanket over my shoulders that I found behind the couch, nestling into its comforting embrace as I began to plan out the next chapter of my life. I was far from that same girl who considered leaving town with Tyler a few weeks ago.

But Tyler was just one of many things that had kept me here for too long. I’d been stuck on this hamster wheel I called my life for far too long. Some of the blame belonged completely on my own shoulders but not all of it.

The Salvatore brothers' return all those years ago changed all our lives. A heavy cloud loomed above us; my friends would count themselves lucky if we made it to graduation. I say them because I personally was done with school as of this moment. But my friends however, they’d skipped classes to chase down leads and do research, and were always busy keeping each other alive. After spending your days running from werewolves and dodging the wrath of Katherine, it was difficult to concentrate on such small matters as homework and cheerleading practice. We were all stuck, unable to move forward with our lives. The dreams we once cherished had lost their luster, leaving us with a perpetual feeling of hollowness. Our discussions shifted away from our interests and ambitions, focusing instead on the responsibilities that come with living a supernatural existence. They seemed to have accepted this future of eternal life as teenagers but I was getting off this hamster wheel. I couldn't stand the idea of enduring another second in this never-ending state of decline.

However there was no chance of me getting away and managing to stay hidden from their grasp without some supernatural assistance. I would need a protection spell or some sort of invisible barrier spell that could stop them from ever finding me or even stop them from tracing my whereabouts. I wasn’t naïve about my escape, I was fully aware of the enemies lurked beyond the borders of our town. Katherine, with her relentless pursuit, sought to make a game out of hunting people for sport. And then there was Rebekah, harboring a deadly desire to eliminate all of us for our shared actions against the Mikaelson family.

I understood that to achieve my goal, I needed to be focused, accurate, and resolute in my efforts. There were countless spell books and other enchantment items at Bonnie's and in the boarding house. However, the spells recorded in their pages required the expertise of a witch. And so I focused on the key fundamentals of spellbinding, searching for the perfect incantation that would require only key components to create them rather than a witch to bind them.

My laptop and other devices were brimming with a plethora of bookmarked websites. Several spells had been carefully recorded and stored on these online platforms, gathered from unknown contributors over many years. As I immersed myself in the ancient documents, I felt a sense of bewilderment as I tried to navigate their intricate passages. Just a half hour later I found myself on the verge of struggling to keep my eyes open, determined to push through the exhaustion. Success was the only outcome. I longed for a spell, but not just any ordinary one. No, I required one so intricately crafted and cleverly designed that it would not reveal any evidence of my actions. I had to execute my plan flawlessly, ensuring there was no margin for error.

As I took a moment to ponder, my thoughts drifted towards a particular individual. Klaus stood as the sole individual possessing the necessary skills to navigate his way out of any manner of trouble. He had managed to stay ahead of Mikael for centuries. His ability to navigate the dangerous paths of the underworld was truly impressive, leaving many in awe of his skills myself included. He was the only one who could help me escape Mystic Falls without a trace.

My friends couldn't or chose not to grasp my curiosity to explore the depths of his mind and uncover the enigmatic motives behind his every choices. I found I simply just couldn't resist, I was completely and utterly enthralled by the mysterious life of the original hybrid. As I watched my friends engaging with Elijah, it struck me just how quickly they looked past his misgivings. Elena's forgiveness for Elijah seemed to have ignited a powerful force, engulfing everyone in its wake. Had they truly forgiven Elijah for his part in bringing Klaus into our lives? It was clear beyond a shadow of a doubt: Klaus had committed a terrible act by ending Jenna's life for his own selfish motives. Elena's decision not to forgive him was completely justified. But if she could find it in her heart to forgive one original brother, then why can't I extend the same forgiveness to another? Elijah never tried to be someone he wasn't; he was determined to protect his family at all costs. However, in contrast to his brother, he adopted a more methodical approach to his killings. Clad in sleek fashion and armed with a smooth way with words, he executed his lethal actions with a composed and collected demeanor.

As much as I would have liked to I couldn’t ask for Klaus’s help in aiding my departure.

I immersed myself in the ancient texts and discovered a treasure trove of spells. The pages were brimming with powerful spells capable of wiping away the memories of both mortals and creatures of the supernatural realm, guaranteeing absolute anonymity. I would conduct an extensive search, exploring every possible avenue to uncover the spells that were specifically designed to assist in escape rather than conformity.

For almost an hour, I tirelessly searched the internet for a spell that didn't require the sacrifice of innocent lives or the possession of ancient relics. My browser was filled with a staggering amount of tabs, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find what I was looking for. I adjusted my position on the couch, plumping up the cushions behind me and settling further into the warm blanket enveloping me. Taking a moment to gather myself, I immersed myself once again in my research, meticulously studying the ancient spell archives that traced back to the sixteenth century. Back to a time when covens of witches roamed the land, their hearts heavy with fear and uncertainty. They were acutely aware of the perils that loomed at every turn, with the villagers ever ready to falsely accuse them of wrongdoing. However, these witches were not ones to back down when faced with challenges. No, they actively looked for ways to safeguard themselves from the impending chaos.

And suddenly, out of nowhere, something finally caught my eye.

As I discovered the weathered pages of a woman named Edith Michaels, a captivating sense of curiosity enveloped me. As I delved into each entry, I became more and more captivated by her story. The journals appeared weathered and worn, with pages that had turned yellow and become stained over time. The words etched onto the pages were nearly impossible to make out, particularly in the earliest records. However, these journals contained hidden secrets and untold stories just waiting to be discovered. Her journals were filled with detailed entries about her life, capturing both the ordinary and the remarkable moments. She passionately documented her adventures and daily routines, but it went far beyond that. It was a captivating tale of how she wielded magic to alter not just her own destiny but also the fates of three others. She stumbled upon her supernatural abilities at a tender age, although the exact age remains a mystery. She was fully aware of her capabilities, yet the idea of being confined because of them made her reluctant to utilize them. When she turned nineteen she left her small town forever.

Ten years later, she eventually found peace in a charming coastal village, where she toiled as a domestic worker in a grand home. Destiny brought her into an unexpected encounter with Emma Brooks, a fellow non-practicing witch, and Heather Petersbay, a vampire in hiding. They formed a strong bond and eagerly spent every available moment together. Once they had saved up enough money, they purchased a charming home with a stunning ocean view near the cliffs. The villagers were unhappy with this turn of events. They were convinced that the presence of unmarried women cohabiting would negatively influence the impressionable individuals who recently arrived in their village. Within a matter of weeks, rumors of sorcery swiftly circulated, plunging the entire community into utter turmoil. In the face of adversity, she found herself on the brink of an engagement with Marcus Roberts, a prosperous nobleman hailing from the bustling city of London.

With her journal in hand, Edith ventured into the lush forest that lay just beyond her doorstep early one morning before the others woke up. There, amidst the breathtaking beauty of nature, Edith discovered solace and guidance for the path that awaited her. Her mind wandered to Marcus and her closest friends. She was determined to protect them at all costs, even if it meant putting her own happiness on the line. She was willing to do anything for them, regardless of the consequences. Armed only with their love, she began to construct a spell that would save them. After completing her writing, she shut her journal with a mix of anticipation and unease. The spell was finished, and now all that remained was to cast it. Unlike the other pages before and after it, she paid special attention to her handwriting on this one. Every detail was meticulously attended to. As I devoured her words, I couldn't help but envision her immersed in the tranquil embrace of nature, her hair swaying with the wind as she poured her emotions onto the paper.

The spell she had created required a great sacrifice from all those who were involved. It required Marcus to not only marry her but also her two closest friends in order to bring them together as a single entity. It wasn't uncommon; there were stories of men having multiple women in their lives, she had heard. The spell only required strong and unwavering trust among all those involved. The spell was straightforward but incredibly potent. By the end of that same day, Edith had convinced the others to join her in the spell, each believing it was the only way out. Gathered beneath the night sky, they huddled around a burning cast iron pot. They all cut their palms with a silver blade and allowed their blood to slowly fall into the flames. Edith wrote that her heart raced as she extended her hand, intertwining her life with Marcus's as his first wife. Emma quickly joined, while Heather was the final addition to the group of wives. As the flames intensified, they tightly gripped each other's hands and started to recite incantations, their voices reverberating through the dense woods. The flames flickered and swayed, stretching towards the sky as they continued to chant.

They escaped into the night, leaving the village behind forever.

Edith wrote how within the next year that followed she gave Marcus a son, and how Emma gave him his next three children but how it would be over five years before Heather finally became pregnant due to her being a vampire and only part witch.

I was in completely disbelieve that a vampire could become pregnant. When I was first turned Stefan had sat down with me and explained to fully what my body could now do and the new limitations that came with being a vampire. When he told me I could no longer have children my heart had shattered into a million pieces. Stefan had kept it from Elena but I had fallen apart in front of him over the news. We never did talk about it again after that, my emotions were overwhelming and I was struggling. And the news just broke apart what little strength I had left within me.

I immediately began to wonder if Klaus knew vampires were capable of having children. If anyone would know about this then it would be him, he was the oldest vampire I knew.

As I reached the end of the journal entries, tears streamed down my face. The stories of their bravery and perseverance left me feeling inspired to be brave as well.

As much as their story touched me deeply I myself could never consider becoming a polygamist therefore this particular spell was useless to me. I don’t know why I had continued to read their full story with one another after discovering the key components of the spell and that’s what the reality I couldn’t shake off. If I allowed my imagination to wander for just a few minutes where I imagined myself entering into such an unconventional arrangement, I couldn't think of any other women I knew who would be open to it, even if it meant breaking free from the monotony of this town.

This spell was intense, beyond the trials of daily lives as a polygamist there would be a lot below the surface. There was the threat of jealously which ruined even the best of marriages, there could be a lack of communication, arguments, a lack of intimacy and even break ups. Anyone who had the fortitude to enter into such an arrangement was accepting the reality that all of these things could happen within their marriage. I didn’t know a single girl in my life who could withstand such a task as being a polygamist. I personally didn’t have what it took to share someone on that level and have shared intimacy. Plus and more importantly I’d never met a man who could handle the burden of three different marriages at once. I mean that type of guy stands out from the crowd, he’s someone who stands above the popular high school jock, someone who demands respect not from others but from themselves too, someone who captivates those around him and not discourages but encourages them to rise and achieve the same remarkable levels of brilliance that he has created for himself.

I couldn’t stop myself, my every thought was suddenly consumed by the one man I knew embodied all of these things. Although it pained me to admit it, out of all of the men I knew Klaus was the one and only person who came immediately to mind. I stopped everything else I was doing, closing over the screen of my laptop before sinking my back into the cushions behind me where I closed my eyes. Despite myself I allowed my imagination to take over until it threatened to consume me. Why did I immediately think of Klaus? Why him of all people? Or perhaps the more obvious question should be why I hadn’t considered anyone but him.

No, I knew why I had thought of him. I knew exactly why.

Stefan was a gentleman but he barely had his life together despite his impressive age, he couldn’t handle three women in his life when he barely could take care of himself. Damon whom I would never consider anyway would land up sleeping with all three women within a week and would probably leave within the first six months. Matt could only be true to one person, anyone who knew him would say the same. Jeremy was too immature, I had a strong feeling he would still be acting the way he is now even in his late twenties. And then there was Tyler, whom once I believed for a moment that I loved very much. But the second I decided to do what was best for me I could finally at long last see him for what he was. A pathetic child who could never impress his father enough and would now forever live under the heel of his mother and would use her influence to get out of what I believe would be many DUIs and assault charges in the near future.

Klaus however…

Whenever I found myself alone, Klaus always seemed to magically materialize. During our brief encounters, it felt as though I held a special place in his heart. And I couldn't help but be captivated by the intriguing aura he exuded. Even his body language was captivating, pulling me in with the slightest of movements. It wasn't his charm that consumed me, but rather his ability to effortlessly capture my focus. He had a strong desire to hear my point of view and to understand the intricate workings of my thoughts and feelings.

Was I in love with him though? No. I wasn’t in love with him but I would be lying to myself if I didn’t admit the truth here and now. A small part of me had grown to care for him more than I should. There was a physical attraction there, I was going to be an adult for once and admit my own feelings. I wasn’t ashamed of them anymore for as strange as it sounded I felt like the second I decided to leave town was the second I had let go of Tyler too. I felt I had dumped him when I drove off the church grounds this morning. When I thought of leaving without telling him I wasn’t consumed with the expected guilt.

So the real me could admit the truth at long last. Tyler and I were over. And what Klaus and I almost had was lost forever too.

But back to the matter at hand.

No way would Klaus ever consider becoming a polygamist. And neither could I. So why couldn't I save myself from my own thoughts?

I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to be in a polygamist relationship. The idea of sharing one man with two other women was really intense. But at the same time was that simply because I’d never considered it before or because I wasn’t capable of being in that setting? I mean what was so wrong with a shared love anyway? My thoughts quickly turned to the two other women who would be a part of such an arrangement.

They'd have to be friends of mine—two people I felt completely at ease with. But who else did I know who was so desperate to escape Mystic Falls that they'd become polygamists? Wait desperate wasn’t the right word. But seriously who else did I know that would be willing to take any manner of chance if it meant a ticket out?

Naturally, my thoughts were immediately drawn to Elena. She was my closest friend, the person I relied on above all others; no one had ever felt more like family to me than she did. However Elena was the least likely of any one of us to leave. She had deep rooted connections here that none of us could even begin to grasp. This is where her parents lived and where they were laid to rest, this is where Jeremy was not to mention Stefan and Bonnie. She would have zero interest what so ever of pursuing a polygamous lifestyle; she wouldn’t be able to handle the complexities that came with it. Her heart had always belonged to Stefan and now that she was a vampire I imagined she planned to spend eternity with him. I made a promise to myself then that no matter where I landed up next I would find some way of reaching out to Elena and sharing my discovery with her. News that vampires could actually have their own children without complications or risks was truly a blessing. She’d always wanted to be a mom and now someday she would be and that was the knowledge of that brought me a happiness that I hadn’t felt sadly in a very long time.

My train of thought abruptly stopped when reality hit me hard. A realization dawning on me so abruptly that in result I found myself opening my eyes and leaning up from the cushions fully.

Everyone around me, even my closest friends, believed that I was just as happy as Elena and that I still considered Mystic Falls my true home. I was filled with shame as I realized that I had failed to acknowledge the potential that Elena, too, could be concealing her true feelings. Putting on the exact same facade of satisfaction while secretly yearning for a fresh start elsewhere. It wasn't random speculation. It actually caught me off guard because I hadn't ever once considered I wasn’t alone in this situation. What if Elena was deeply unhappy? And what if, she had even entertained the idea of leaving town too?

Would she go with me now if this were true?

This wasn’t for my own benefit although truthfully I didn’t particularly want to leave town alone. The thought of total isolation from my everyone I’d ever known was enough to keep me trapped here forever. But the idea of Elena coming with me and being part of my new life out of Mystic Falls was enough to put a smile on my face for the first time that morning. If she came we could set out of a journey of completely self transformation, be there to support each other in letting go of our shared past and embracing our future.

There would be a lot to arrange if she did, we’d have to find someway of getting Jeremy of town that same night or the guilt of leaving him here would consume Elena within mere hours of our escape. I spent the next twenty minutes or so constructing a perfect exit sinarerio in which Elena and I headed in one direction out of town and Jeremy in the other. We could head West whilst Jeremy to the East, that way even if our friends attempted to look for us they’d have to stretch their nets across the entire United States. It would probably be in Jeremy’s best interest for Elena or myself to compel him into leaving town instead of trying to convince him it was for the best. Elena knew how to compel now and I knew she would come up with a perfect plan to ensure Jeremy persuaded his dreams, had a happy life and never contacted or returned to anyone in Mystic Falls ever again.

Of course this plan was useless unless Elena was on board with the idea of leaving.

I required a dose of reality, a reminder of the unforgiving reality that lay ahead. This conversation would be life-changing. I prepared myself for the impending storm. As I considered opening up to Elena about my intentions to leave, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was a pivotal point with no turning back. The gravity of the decision weighed heavily on my heart, yet I remained resolute in my determination to see it through. Once she uncovered the truth, she would possess an immense amount of power. She could easily tell Tyler about my plans. She might even go as far as involving my mom into convincing me to stay here.

I longed to find myself again, to immerse myself in a new community, and to make a positive impact while radiating true happiness. I had a feeling I wouldn't come across it in this place. Every unfamiliar face in town made me uneasy, especially after what happened today, which really set me back. I imagined a fresh start in a place where my troubled history and otherworldly abilities would remain a secret. I longed to experience the essence of humanity once more. I imagined convincing my mom to move away, perhaps to move in with her sister or fulfill her long-held dream of purchasing a cozy home in Maine upon her retirement. I couldn't bear to abandon her, especially knowing what hid in the shadows of this town. She had experienced more challenging situations during her time serving the town, but today was the last straw for both of us. The town seemed to be fading away, and I couldn't bear to witness what would happen to this place in the future.

I hated the idea of leaving my friends.

Most of us had grown up together; school was almost over, and whether they liked it or not, life wouldn't always be like this. We could no longer ignore the fact that the carefree days were coming to an end. The future was approaching rapidly, and they had no other option but to confront it directly. Despite whatever they told themselves now they couldn’t remain in this town forever. People would eventually notice that none of them were aging and that would make them nervous and more and more questions would be whispered around town until they would have no choice but to flee for their lives.

I couldn't help but feel that if they knew about my plans to leave they would make it all about themselves and their own feelings about it. It was a toxic pattern that I had grown to despise, and yet I couldn't help but feel remorseful for even contemplating it. They had a knack for twisting my words and turning them against me. Bonnie would likely recount the challenges she faced in bringing me to this point today. The mere thought of her actions filled me with an overwhelming urge to unleash a torrent of screams, tears streaming down my face. In my opinion, a good friend understands that you will always hold a special place in their heart, while a great friend recognizes the importance of pursuing your own path in life and making an effort to stay connected whenever possible.

The reality was this, I could leave town alone or I could consider performing the spell with others.

Klaus was the only man I knew who had the boldness, integrity and determination to engage and successfully fulfill a polygamist relationship. I knew I couldn’t know it for sure, he’d never been a polygamist but something deep within told me he had the mindset to navigate three separate relationships without drama becoming part of the day to day. He had an air of wisdom and maturity that surpassed any man I had ever known. Although I did have to pause and remind myself that Klaus had never gotten married or to my knowledge be part of a long term relationship. But neither had I and that didn’t mean I didn’t wish to have one in the future. So I couldn’t judge someone when I found myself in the same driver’s seat as them. The only relationship I’d known him to have was with Katherine and that was brief and ended as badly as a relationship can end. I was pleased that Katherine’s notorious cunning and seductive ways hadn’t influenced or changed who he was as a person.

But the question remained whether he’d be willing to help me or not.

His strong and steady presence had always been my refuge in times of need. Never before had I dared to ask him for something so bold, but I knew in my heart that he was the only one who could help me. His unwavering loyalty and devotion to me were evident in his eyes every time he looked at me. I was asking the most complex of men whether or not he'd consider entering into a polygamist lifestyle. Leaving town meant putting an end to his plans of creating more hybrids to do his bidding and letting go of any thoughts of revenge against us for what we had done to him in the past few months.

Klaus never did anything he didn't want to do. But deep in my heart I knew if I needed him that he would help me. So if I was going to do this, the only man I would consider asking would be him. There was no one else who I’d be willing to this for, I’d do this for him and hopefully if asked me would do this for me too.

The only missing pieces of the puzzle were finding two women who would be willing to participate.

Elena would never even fathom the idea of being married to Klaus, for reasons that were known to all of us. There was nothing but bitterness and death between them; there was no hidden sexual tension to be found. He’d bore witnessed to so many of the worst moments of her life and done so with a smile on his face. Her revenge however had shown him exactly what she was capable of when she allowed her emotions to get the best of her. She couldn’t see his determination to protect those he loved most in this world. And he refused to accept that Elena wearing her heart on her sleeve was one of her greatest qualities. I couldn’t see them entering a new life together if it meant being around each other every single day. Even if the possibility of vampire pregnancy turned out to be true I doubted Elena would betray her own values to become a mother. I believe she’d rather die all over again than bring a baby into the world with Mikaelson blood.

But what I had to keep in mind was the reality of the spell. It didn’t specify that the marriages had to be formed out of love and physical attraction, but instead trust. Each person participating had to trust that the person they were marrying would remain with them forever despite whatever crossed their paths and that they would remain married forever as a result. So if they were to participate, all they’d have to agree upon was that they trusted each other enough not to bring harm to the other and that this union was forever. I understood that everything was easier said than done and that I couldn’t possibly comment on such a trivial matter. But in my mind I believe deep down that if the two of them chose to consider everything that came from trusting each other, the escape from Mystic Falls, the new life, becoming new people and starting in a new place on the other side of the country if we wanted were all things that were worth it.

The only other person I knew who would want to get out of town right now was the person who was enduring the worst day of their lives right now and that was April Young.

She’d lost her father today and come Monday morning she’d have no choice but to enroll back at Mystic Falls High School and say goodbye to her boarding school position. Her father had secretly been funding the founding families treasure chest for years and used what little money he had left over to keep her far from Mystic Falls. She didn’t have a trust fund and from what my mom had told me she wouldn’t be collecting any life insurance from her dad’s death either. I understood how it felt to lose your dad, and it doesn’t matter what age you are when it happens because of all of a sudden you feel five years old again and have no idea what to do or say. Nothing feels right anymore, no one is who they say they are. The only thing you do now was that support, those big strong arms and that laugh that melted your heart and made everything better is gone forever. Right now April was experiencing that and sooner or later like most things around this town April would come to know the truth. She would learn about all the monsters he had tried to keep her away from and the lies will scare her worse than any vampire, werewolf or original ever could. What April needed right now was a support system, people that could help her get through her grief and convince her that she would make it through this. That this agonizing pain would not take over her, that each day and night it would remain but with time it would get easier. And right now April had no one in this world, no other relatives, no friends in town and anyone who claimed different was secretly convinced that her father was to blame for the fire.

But could I honestly see myself leaving Mystic Falls with Elena, April and Klaus? Was that just completely nuts? Or was that my small mindness getting the better of me yet again? I mean could I honestly see myself as a polygamist? I guess the idea wasn’t so crazy. If it meant that I would never be alone and that I’d have a support system for the next chapter of my life. I mean that part didn’t sound crazy it sounded rather wonderful, it almost threatened to bring a tear to my eye if I was completely honest.

Somehow, I'm certain we could all come up with a plan to share Klaus as a husband. And that he in turn would have the mindset to take care of three different marriages.

I intended to immediately invite Elena over, disclose my intentions to leave, and provide her with everything that I had gathered. If she rejected me, I would vanish, never to be seen by them again. I pondered the best way to broach the subject. I wanted to illustrate the stark difference between our present circ*mstances and the potential for a fresh start in a safe haven, where we could establish a sanctuary and build a lasting foundation. We couldn't simply escape Mystic Falls and wander around aimlessly, hoping to stumble upon a 'For Sale' sign somewhere new.

No what we needed was a set plan, a perfect plan actually. We needed everything to be set in stone and ready to begin before we even left town. And that meant figuring out what would and what wouldn’t work.

We couldn't start new lives somewhere else and all share the same house, even if we were going to be modern-day polygamists. I couldn't start a new chapter in my life without having a place to call my own. I wanted my own house rather than be a roommate. No if we were going to do this than it was only right that we each be given equal opportunities and responsibilities out there. I didn’t particularly mind where we landed up only that I personally wanted to be as far away from Mystic Falls as I could be without leaving the country.

Alright, I need to figure this out, I told myself.

If Klaus were to agree to be our husband, then each of us should have our own home to share with him. Klaus could have his own things split between three different houses, I doubted he’d mind arrangement. And the only way that could work for him and us would be if we found three properties side by side to each other. That way we could lead fully independent yet harmonious lives. Even better, we could flatten the backyards, enabling Klaus to move stealthily between the houses without raising any eyebrows from neighbors. He had an obvious preference for extravagant mansions lifestyles rather than modest suburban houses with only three or four bedrooms maximum. Elena, April, and I had always been content to the monotonous suburbs, I wanted to ensure that we found a place where we would feel comfortable and at ease. Klaus would need to adjust to a new lifestyle.

If we were to acquire three adjacent properties, I would have to explore the latest real estate developments. Freshly paved roads are flanked by empty houses, untouched and eagerly awaiting their rightful owners. Newly constructed streets lined with vacant houses, untouched and waiting for their rightful owners to claim them. We needed a place where we could all move in on the same day without the neighbors asking too many questions. Considering Klaus's extensive travels throughout the United States, I needed to find a location that didn't offer the bustling nightlife he was used to. We had to go somewhere no one would think to look for us. It had to be a place free from complications and far enough away from here to prevent any chance encounters with people from our past. I expanded my search across different states, looking for captivating areas, but couldn't find any homes that were right next to each other. So, I decided to broaden my search to include the states along the West coast.

"Utah," I murmured softly, my finger delicately gliding over the state on the captivating map displayed on my screen.

I started by examining recent real estate construction, for it would be futile to ponder over the state's entirety if there wasn't ample room to accommodate all of us. In Utah, there were five residential contracts under construction, with one of them actively seeking offers for their latest project. At long last, I managed to secure three opulent neighboring residences that were all the same size and had ample space. Each home features its own distinct interior and exterior design, with four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and private en suites for the master bedrooms. In addition, each residence was furnished with generous indoor garages capable of housing two vehicles. I couldn't help but smile with pure joy, as if I were being completely consumed by an overwhelming sense of happiness. The properties were impeccable, with not a single blade of grass in sight in their gardens, both in the front and back. If we decide to buy them, we will need to lay new soil and build each home from the ground up. Every corner of these houses exuded a sense of untapped potential; their essence was pure and unrefined. Which meant that we had to invest our own personal time into every step required to transform them into our new homes.

The first property had a substantial price of five hundred thousand dollars. The house had a charming brown exterior that exuded a certain allure, giving it a quaint and inviting feel. The simple front porch was decorated with elegant maroon window shutters that enhanced the overall beauty. Upon entering, you were immediately welcomed by a grand entrance, complete with a spacious sitting area and dining room to your right. A welcoming archway invites you into the kitchen, with a cozy sitting area just beyond to the left. The kitchen, with its elegant dark wooden cabinets and sleek granite countertops, flowed effortlessly into the adjacent pantry and laundry room. This house, different from the other two, had a basem*nt, perfect for bulk shopping and storage. This meant that we could reduce our trips to the town, which would help us keep our shared marriage a secret.

I carefully examined every detail of the enlarged photograph of the master bedroom in this property with a deep sense of interest. If we cast the spell, this could be the room where Klaus and I would spend our nights together, possibly for the first time. My thoughts were immediately shut down, igniting a surge of anger and intensifying my senses.

The middle property had a remarkable similarity to the first one, but its front porch had a delightful and inviting charm. The second storey was adorned with a rich, deep shade of green, while the lower level was covered in a soft, delicate grey. The entrance was located on the right side of the building instead of in the center. In contrast to the previous house, this one boasted a private pool area tucked away in the backyard. The bedrooms were larger in size, but the kitchen was quite small. The total value of this house was four hundred and ninety-five thousand.

As I looked at the pictures, I couldn't help but imagine April living here. The property would be situated between Elena's house and mine, forming a perfect trifecta. If she decides to participate in the spell, this could be the place where she creates her own life with Klaus. April exuded a captivating charm, radiating irresistible energy—exactly the type of woman Klaus would find appealing. I knew that if Klaus and I were to give in to our primal urges, it would only be a matter of time before our feelings consumed us. I knew that, given our history, Klaus and I would be sleeping together long before he and April even developed a friendship with one another. I didn't want to imagine them together just yet, however.

As I contemplated the idea of becoming entangled with him so quickly, my thoughts inevitably drifted to Elena's potential response. The very idea of her passing judgment sent shivers down my spine. I had a feeling that Klaus would soon be completely enchanted by April's gentle nature. After all, they would be married, and their intimate relationship would be of no concern to me. If we wanted to, our sexual life could easily become a regular part of our daily routine. I would have to adjust to life as a polygamist quickly; jealousy wasn't an emotion I could afford.

At last, the final house amounted to five hundred and twelve thousand dollars. The color was reminiscent of the moonlit sky. The kitchen was more impressive than the average house, and in contrast to the other two homes, every bedroom had plenty of closet space. This house had a generous layout while emitting a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. The master bedroom was located at the far end of the hallway, separate from the other three bedrooms. If Elena and Klaus were to keep their distance for a while, this would serve as an ideal home for them. I should have known better than to presume, but in this circ*mstance, it was undoubtedly accurate.

I took a deep breath before printing out all the details of the spell and the details of the life of Edith Michaels in my bedroom. The room was permeated with the aroma of newly printed pages as the story unfolded before my eyes and were warm to the touch. Shortly after, a wealth of information about the Utah properties emerged. This included detailed descriptions of the houses, their prices, blueprints, property taxes, insurance groups, and even the contact information for the real estate agent. I made sure I was going to provide Elena with every possible detail to demonstrate my commitment to the spell and our life in Utah. I wanted to demonstrate to her that my dedication to the task was unwavering. I set out to plan the most efficient way to travel from Mystic Falls to Sandy, Utah. We couldn't take the risk of flying there, as any flight records could have led our friends straight to our front doors.

We would need to go on a journey across nearly two thousand miles of open road. To ensure we weren’t tracked through our devices we’d have to leave our phones, laptops, tablets and smart watches behind. This meant I had to ensure I had everything printed out now including our directions for the entire route to Utah including alternative routes, least populated gas stations and public restroom stops. I was determined to execute this with the utmost precision and excellence. To put it simply, we couldn’t afford to screw this up. Once the decision was made it would be all hands on deck but in order to get us there I had a lot of work ahead of me.

I meticulously compiled comprehensive documents that captured every intricate detail of our journey. It came to a point where I found myself actually rather amazed at my new detail orientation. I made sure to highlight the location of each gas station along our route, I identifed roads that were currently undergoing maintenance that we would avoid and save time adding time to our journey and a timeline of the events ahead for us that night and what we would need to do by certain hours. Additionally, I included information about every dirt road that could potentially shorten our journey by a few precious miles. Each page was color-coded to indicate its function, and the entire document was thoughtfully cross-referenced and indexed. The most important of these pages was the fastest route out of Mystic Falls, which I dedicated a significant amount of time to perfecting. My goal was to depart from town swiftly, avoiding passing by any of our friends' houses.

Afterwards, I proceeded to print out the spell and create duplicates for everyone involved. I gathered a handful of A4 plastic wallets from the top drawer of my desk, one for each section of information. Because Elena liked light pink, I carefully selected a wallet in that particular shade to hold all the details about the house I had in mind for her. It was at that moment that I stopped dead, as I fully grasped the potential consequences of my efforts. If all my hard work were to go to waste, if Elena were to reject the idea of taking part in the spell, then I would be leaving town tonight.

This marked the end of a significant chapter in my life. Tomorrow, I would be gone.

I had to prepare the house for Elena's impending arrival. The entire house needed to radiate a cozy and peaceful atmosphere. The conversation was going to be incredibly intense for both of us and had a strong possibility of forever damaging our relationship. I needed to find out if we shared the same sentiments and if she too was tired of the never-ending cycle of funerals and villains that seemed to dominate our lives. Apart from Stefan and Jeremy, her connection to this town was rooted in obligations and a sense of responsibility. She had to take Jeremy into account, as she fulfilled the dual role of being both his sister and his legal guardian. I knew she wouldn't leave town if it meant leaving him. The hunter lurked in the shadows, ready to strike fear into the hearts of vampires, werewolves, witches, and anyone who crossed his path. They were simply targets, mere names to eliminate and put down.

As I focused on the task before me, my heart raced with anticipation. My mind was clear, my senses were heightened, and I knew that nothing could distract me from achieving my goal. I made my way through the house, pulling down the lace net curtains as I went. The sun was casting a brilliant glow outside, and I desired to soften its radiance within the rooms. I sparked the flame of a lighter and brought it close to the wick of the fragrant pillar candles. The sitting room was instantly filled with the captivating scent of citrus and spice as the candles flickered to life. I couldn't help but grin as I went from one room to another, carefully lighting candles in each. The sitting room, bathroom, and dining area underwent a delightful transformation, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that is absolutely ideal for a cozy night in. As I diligently attended to the humidifier near the entrance, I couldn't help but envision her arrival, being welcomed by the calming aroma of lavender that now permeated the room.

I changed my clothes determined not to appear untidy in her presence. I opted for a fresh pair of blue jeans, a white blouse and a soft taupe cardigan that fastened low on my body. Finally, I slipped into my comfortable white slippers. I carefully closed all the doors in the house before turning on the heat. I wanted everything to be flawless for her. At long last, the moment I had been eagerly anticipating had arrived, and my nerves were palpable. In the sitting room, I carefully adjusted and arranged each cushion, ensuring that everything was just right. I couldn't resist envisioning the two of us here, immersed in conversation. As I switched on the TV, my heart filled with excitement. I swiftly selected Father of the Bride 1 on Netflix, aware that it was a beloved film of ours, muting it while I prepared everything else.

I carefully held the tray of snacks, making sure not to spill anything. On the tray, there was a bowl of warm popcorn, accompanied by a smaller bowl of chocolate buttons. I also had two tall glasses of Coca-Cola, complete with crushed ice and black straws. I placed everything on the coffee table in front of the couch. I set a box of tissues next to the tray, anticipating their inevitable use. As I lowered the lights on the dimmer panel, the atmosphere in the room shifted, becoming more calm and serene.

We had a lot to discuss before the research materials became relevant to the conversation, so I opted to temporarily store everything I’d gathered out of sight in my room. I went back to the living room to collect my phone to text her.

Either way, you're gone by morning. I reminded myself then. So really I had nothing to fear.

After exchanging a few messages about the events at the memorial, April's condition and finally Tyler, I extended an invitation for her to come over, which she gladly accepted. She planned to head over as soon as she showered and changed out of her memorial clothes. She did ask if we should invite Bonnie over to and maybe hang out together after the events of the day. And although I panicked at first I quickly reminded her that right now Bonnie was going through a lot personally so maybe she appreciated the time she got to herself.

As the time drew nearer for her arrival, my heart quickened with excitement and fear to a point where I could no longer sit still. I couldn't allow her to see my anxiety, not after the extensive preparation in which I had invested. Less than twenty minutes later, I looked out of the sitting room window to see her car pulled up in front. She parked directly behind my car and gave me a wave before locking her car. I casually brushed my hair back, letting it fall around my shoulders, before making my way towards the front door. As I entered the hall, I inhaled deeply, attempting to soothe my jangled nerves.

Her expression was filled with pure happiness. I could see the remarkable transformation in her after she had acquired Matt's blood at the memorial. She appeared more vibrant than ever, exuding a newfound vitality. The dark circles that had long permeated her eyes were now gone, replaced by a bright and vibrant glow. She was now wearing a midnight blue half-sleeve t-shirt paired with blue boot-cut jeans. I embraced her tightly, holding her close to me and it felt like I was hugging her for the first time all over again.

Elena headed inside and straight down onto the couch, her gaze sweeping across the room as she casually removed her shoes and let her shoulder bag fall to the floor. She couldn't contain her excitement as she laid eyes on the tray of delicious food and refreshing drinks before her. I quickly joined her on the couch, our eyes locked, and a smile spread across both of our faces.

"You look much better." I commented.

After a moment she replied “I feel better. I was starting to feel pretty exhausted."

"It's not surprising. I can't imagine how difficult these last few days must have been for you. Keeping it together like you have. You've done amazing."

"I haven't, not really." She then sighed “But I’ll get there.”

She lay back on the couch, then crossed her arms across her chest as she settled down and relaxed. I, on the other hand, grabbed a handful of popcorn and began to eat, needing energy for what was to come.

"Is your mom home?"

"No. She was still taking statements at the church the last time I heard from her. I'm sure she'll check in later tonight when she has time."

"I'm still reeling from what happened today.” Elena stopped to shake her head in disbelief before adding “As if the victims' families haven't been through enough."

"I know. This hunter is far from discreet."

"Using April like that, he clearly doesn't care who he hurts to get what he wants."

I was glad that she had brought up what had happened to April again. Clearly, it remained fresh in her mind, which was a good and bad thing I suppose.

"You were great with her."

Elena shook her head and said, "I could have killed her."

"But you didn't. She's still alive, and thanks to you, she'll make it through this now."

"The last time I saw her was at my parents' funeral. I had Jenna and Jeremy at my side; she's got no one left, not so much as a cousin. It was just her and her dad."

"She's going to have a tough time of it. I've never felt the same since losing my dad. It's like they take a piece of you with them when they go."

"I know. I'll try and visit her tomorrow; I'll ask Stefan to come with me so she knows we're all here to help."

"I'm sure she'll appreciate that."

"I hated when people came over to visit after my parents' funeral. I just wanted to curl up in my bed and barricade the doors."

"They mean well, but casseroles and apple pies aren't the key to fixing grief."

"I hated getting flowers the most; I didn't see the point of giving a grieving person something that's going to die."

At some point, I knew I would have to broach the topic of the spell with her. If it made her run for the door, I would need to prepare myself, find my mom, and leave before Tyler and the others could arrive and confront me over my decision. I just hoped Elena wouldn't judge me for suggesting such an arrangement. I believe we should focus on our own interpretations of love and beauty rather than relying on the opinions of others. This type of closed-mindedness held many of us captive; not everything needed to conform to societal norms in order to be considered beautiful.

I wanted so desperately to enter the next phase of my life, enter adulthood, and explore what new life awaited in it. I wanted to change my wardrobe to prioritize my own comfort and warmth rather than dressing to impress Tyler. I imagined that Klaus would expect a more sophisticated wardrobe from me. Swap out sneakers for ankle boots, lower the hem of a few dresses, and opt for high-waisted dress trousers instead of skinny jeans. I didn't perceive any issues with that. It's not like I'll wake up tomorrow as a completely different person. However, some minor alterations to my life and wardrobe could be nice. None of which would happen if I didn't start talking.

Elena and I enjoyed a cozy ten minutes together, indulging in Father of the Bride while savoring our drinks and snacks. She was finally able to unwind, draping the couch throw over our laps as we settled in to re-watch the movie we knew so well. I politely excused myself and made my way from the sitting room to the bathroom to use the facilities. I had never experienced such a desperate need to use the toilet before. The mere thought of her potential judgment was causing me physical discomfort and a shy bladder. I took a few moments to compose myself, leaving the faucet running to create a soothing background noise.

I made sure to wash my hands before making my way to my bedroom to gather all the important documents I would need when the time arrived. I carefully arranged them in the order I would require them. I needed everything to be perfect because I would only have a single opportunity to get this right.

As I returned to the sitting room with the wallets carefully clutched in front of me, Elena looked my way and seeing me standing there unmoving she immediately furrowed her brows before reaching for the remote and silencing the movie. Her gaze remained fixed upon me as I settled back into my seat, before placing the wallets down on the coffee table in front of us. I shifted carefully where I sat so I was directly facing her head on, offering up a slight smile as she studied me with an evident curiosity, her nose slightly scrunched and her eyes wandering between me and the wallets.

“Are you okay?”

Of course this was her first question. This poor girl always assumed the worst because it had become the norm of her life.

She was already worried for me which only increased my own anxiety.

"Everything is fine, but there is something I need to talk to you about."

There I had overcome the initial obstacle, just one of the many that lay ahead. But it didn't faze me, for I hadn’t simply chickened out. It felt as though my voice had transformed, becoming more soulful and mature, as if I were embodying the woman I aspired to become once we were out there.

"I'm feeling better now. I wasn't before.”

"Of course; I mean, you saw Tyler being shot. No one would blame you for being a little shaken up." She hesitated, extending her hand to gently cover mine. "Why didn't you reach out to any of us?"

"I needed some time alone; I needed to figure some things out."

She released my hand and adjusted her posture, sitting up slightly.

"What sort of things?"

Wait! Pause! Don’t blurt this out, I remind myself.

I followed my own advice then, with Elena watching me intently. I took a deep breath, holding it momentarily before releasing it nice and slowly. My shoulders relaxed, but unfortunately, my stomach muscles remained as tense as ever. The moment had finally arrived, and I felt completely unprepared, but there was no going back now. This would always be the moment that I changed our friendship forever, regardless of the outcome. If she agreed, we could potentially marry Klaus tonight and leave Mystic Falls behind for good. If she didn’t then I was alone and there would be a ticking clock on my time here.

"I'm leaving Mystic Falls,"

I couldn't tear my gaze away from her, even for a moment, when the news struck her with such force that her jaw dropped and her eyes immediately threatened tears. Her face turned pale, and for a brief moment, I feared she might faint on the spot. She squinted her eyes and shook her head in disbelief. If I let her have her reaction right now, then I'd never be able to finish what I want to say. And she had to hear what I had to say because I now had the newfound strength to say it.

"I'm leaving tonight." I exclaimed, much to her dismay.

When she opened her mouth to object, I leaned forward on the couch, placing my hand over hers in comfort and to still her further action.

"Please, before you say anything, just hear me out for a second."

She seemed eager to express her thoughts and gain answers from me, and I could understand her perspective if I were in her position. However, rather than reacting strongly, Elena managed to regain her composure and, surprisingly, started to agree by nodding her head. I imagined she had a thousand questions racing in her mind and the last thing she wanted me to do was say another word about leaving. So I was so grateful in that moment we were both being adults and giving each other the proper respect.

Her concern for me was evident in her expression. She never mastered the art of concealing her emotions, unlike the rest of us. Elena's open display of emotions has always been a defining characteristic, contributing to her remarkable personality. I had no choice but to be honest and open with her, just as she had always been with me. It was time to speak sincerely and express everything that needed to be said.

"I don't feel like I belong here anymore. I know this is our home; it's where we grew up and where we became friends. But it's just not enough to keep me here another day. I'm sorry."

Elena opened her mouth to speak, and I braced myself for the lecture about whom and what I would be leaving behind if I took off. But seeing me press my lips together as my body tensed up, she stopped herself. She knew I was about to give her the floor to let it out, but she didn't; instead, she said nothing, allowing me to continue.

I wet my lips before I said "This isn't the result of another bad day; I've developed a thicker skin for such horrors, we both have, and before you ask, it's not a delayed shock from Tyler being gunned down like some sort of animal either. As much as it hurts me to admit, seeing him being shot wasn't the worst thing I've seen this year alone."

I paused to consider, "Actually, when I think about it, today doesn't even make the top ten of the worst days for me."

Again, Elena was able to keep her composure. I wanted to take her hand in mine in an effort to confront her, but I too managed to hold strong and keep it together.

"I'm sorry to burden you with all of this.” I paused to take a sharp inhale and explained to her “When I finally made the decision, You were the one person I wanted to tell. You're my best friend; you know what you mean to me."

I began to tear up at the sight of tears forming in Elena's eyes then. I always hated it when she cried; it took me right back to the day of her parents funeral. She was inconsolable. I had to keep it together the best I could; I was nowhere near done with what I had to say. This was just the tip of the iceberg.

"Elena, what I'm about to tell you is going to be very difficult to hear. And I'm only asking that you let me explain myself before you judge me."

I could see the uncertainty in her eyes; she was grasping the blanket around the two of us a little tighter now. I should have cranked up the heat a little more, because she was clearly in shock. I was determined to see it through to the end. I looked away from her then to retrieve the first wallet from the pile on the table, placing it down on my lap before laying my palms down across it, feeling the cool, crisp plastic against my palms.

"Regardless of whatever happens next, you need to know upfront that my decision has been made and that I'll be leaving no matter what."

Elena, to my amazement, stayed silent, as tense as ever but mute nonetheless. I'd be ripping my hair out by now, wanting to know what was in all of these wallets.

"I didn't want to start a new life constantly looking over my shoulder, so I realized I'd need more than just a passport to start again. So I began to look into spells that didn't require a practicing witch to cast them, primarily protection spells, barrier spells, whatever you want to call them. Most of the spells that I looked over called for a witch or an antique of sorts.” I stopped to catch my breath before continuing “So I expanded my search and looked into spells that, instead of vital ingredients, called for exact replications of the original spell. It took a while to find one that checked all the right boxes, but finally, I did. A spell that didn't risk the lives of those casting it or destroy any memories. But instead, a spell that, when cast correctly, makes it impossible for other supernatural beings to track you from the place the spell was cast. This spell wraps around each individual involved like an invisible cloak; not even a spirit on the other side can break through it once cast."

I stopped then to take a much-needed and well-deserved breather. I hadn't blurted anything out, nor had I gone into considerable depth. I had the materials in front of me for Elena to look through when the time came.

Finally, Elena couldn't keep silent a second longer.

"Maybe you just need a few days away from all of this. Bonnie and I could come up with a plan, and..."

She came to an immediate stop as I reached out and placed my hand upon hers, a tight smile on my lips as I shook my head back and forth. She was taken back by the realization; she could see it staring back at her in my eyes. Even if the company were my two greatest friends, this wasn't going to be remedied by a few days off school or a few days in the sun. Nothing could persuade me otherwise, and she could see it in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Elena. Believe me." I softly pleaded.

"We all get caught up in things, but we can't just walk out on our lives."

I let go of her hand, and then my smile remained in check ever so slightly as I moved back from her.

"But this isn't the kind of life I want for myself. And I can't do it anymore."

I couldn’t get over how well I was keeping it together, the manner of my tone and body language. It was all coming together in one perfect unity.

"And what about the people counting on us? I mean, what about Bonnie? Why bring me here and not her?"

Say it; she deserves the truth I tell myself.

"Because this next chapter of my life isn't going to involve Bonnie."

Elena was ashamed of me, barely able to look me in the eye as she asked "How can you even say that after everything she's done for us?"

I sighed before answering her "There won't be a day now or in the future that I won't be grateful for everything that she's sacrificed. But I can't spend my life here repaying her by sticking around. She sacrificed for us so that we could live. And I've done plenty in return. It's time that I start living for myself again, not just for those around me."

"Did you bring me here to say goodbye?"

It's time I decided, then.

I held her hand to soothe her while I explained why I asked her to come alone. I told her about Edith Michaels adventurous life, her childhood, what she endured, meeting her soul mates, her relationship with Marcus, the witchcraft trials, the spell, their escape into the night, and their shared marriages' lives and children. I told her all about the babies from the marriages and how witches Edith and Emma conceived effortlessly but vampire Heather battled. Elena grabbed my hand in result of this news as I began to tell her more, watching her eyes fill with new tears as she realized vampires may be able to procreate. Elena looked surprised, relieved, and joyful as I informed her about Heather's pregnancy and the children she had with her husband. I cried with her as I told her how I felt while reading it and how relieved I felt when I realized I could still be a mom. I told her about how they all lived a joyful life together, not always easy and sometimes very difficult, but always together for the rest of their lives, as Edith wrote about the spell's power expanding with their children and how it shielded them from any future harm.

I quickly grabbed a couple of tissues off the coffee table and gave them to her before gathering some for me, knowing her excitement would soon dissipate.

I told her I thought this spell would get us out of Mystic Falls, guarantee we wouldn't be followed, and let us say goodbye to all our mistakes. I studied her expression as I informed her I planned to ask her, April Young, and Klaus to perform this spell tonight. She didn’t attempt to hide her shock nor her fear, which I couldn't blame her for. I immediately assured her that the spell was off if she didn't want to participate and that I would leave Mystic Falls alone if necessary. Instead of defending my argument, I explained why I was making such an outrageous and unconventional plea. I told her how I felt about asking her, how I thought my support would help her transition into a new chapter of her life as a vampire and a woman, and how I hoped we could get Jeremy out of town tonight too. April Young was vulnerable after today's attack; she hadn't been in town long enough to make new friends, and without her father's financial support, she'd probably have to work as well as attend school.

Elena was speechless but she made no attempt to run away. She was now a vampire and could flee without a fight, not that I would stop her.

I never took my eyes off her as she listened to me despite her obvious uneasiness when the subject of Klaus came up. I said his crush on me had nothing to do with my decision to include him. I shared all my thoughts with her, I told her that I didn’t expect the spell to change Klaus and how I didn’t want it to either. His personality, his past and everything he faced on a daily basis was the exact reason I believed we should stay united with him if when we leave. I had leaned forward and returned my hand to hers and point blank told her that she did not have to be romantically involved with him should she agree to this. I explained fully how I would never ask her to enter into something she wouldn’t be comfortable with, how the spell was based on a mutually shared trust. That it would only work if everyone participating it in truly believed that they would be married forever to the same person. I believed that each marriage would come with it’s own happiness and drama and like any other marriage it would be private and not up for discussion. I told her how I was blind to Klaus’s limitation, that I was well versed and understood fully that he could not provide the emotional support of a husband, however we would have each other to lean on for anything and everything in that special regard. I told her that I was her emotional support now and forever and if we chose to do this I wouldn’t just be her friend but I’d happy if we both considered each other family.

The next step was to tell her about my intensions to involve April to which Elena had more than a few things to say about. Including reminding me that she’d just lost her father and been attacked. I fully understood this and explained my reasons for wanting to include her by giving Elena an insight as to what awaited April should she remain here in Mystic Falls. Reminding her that the hunter might come after her to keep her mouth shut over what he had done to her on the balcony. I told Elena that if we were going to do this then we had to be open and honest with April from the beginning which meant telling her immediately about the secrets of this town. She needed to know it all from the founding families, Katherine, werewolves, vampires, dopplegangers, and, most crucially everything we knew about Klaus. Everyone had to be in the loop for this to succeed, starting this thing with secrets was just asking for trouble. I stated that Klaus and April may very well fall in love because despite knowing his history she didn’t witness the horrors with Klaus the way we did; she hadn’t seen the bloodshed.

Despite my nerves I looked her dead in the eye when I told her that I did hope to become a mom should we perform this spell. But that I would want to wait at least ten years before doing so. I explained that I would indeed be comfortable with Klaus being the father should be wish to be and that I was sorry if that upset her. Also that I knew all of this was pointless talk because Klaus might refuse to help us with the spell. I told her about how I had felt when I found out I could have children again and how I aspired to gain that unconditional love and happiness in the future. I explained that I wasn’t in love with Klaus although I wouldn’t pretend that I wasn’t aware of his feelings for me. I told her how it was important to me that we be brutally honest with each other even if this turns out to be the end of the road. I wanted her to know that I had considered this spell and that she was the first person I wanted to escape town with.

Elena watched me as I unclasped the wallet upon my lap and retrieved the first spell-related documents as she remained silent. I noted the small tremmer in her hand as she slowly accepted what I handed to her. She looked over at me before tucking her hair behind her ear, I watched her as she sighed and what appeared to be very reluctantly opened up to the first page. At least thirty minutes passed without either of us saying a word but it was a comfortable enough silence. I watched her absorb Edith’s journal entries and finally the spell, keeping my eyes fixed upon her as she turned from one page to the next. I prayed that her reading this was a positive sign, but at the same time, I worried she was reading the material to learn everything she could regarding the spell so that she and my friends might prevent it from taking place.

There was no point in thinking that way; Elena was fully aware that if she refused to participate in the spell, I would go my own way without conducting it. So her reading about it now was surely a good sign. I just wished I could get a read on her expression or had the courage to ask her what she was thinking as she learned about the spell.

I reached out to take the document from her when she finally reached the last page, but she didn't allow it. She politely held onto the papers on her lap as she took a few impatient sips of her drink. She was certainly thirsty.

There was no point in delaying matters any further and so I went onto reveal the next steps following the spell. It was time to show her all the information I had gathered on Utah. Elena watched me retrieve the next wallet from the coffee table. Within this wallet she read all about the fastest possible routes out of Mystic Falls and all the printed documents about every route we could take to Sandy, Utah. I explained to her as she read along what colour schemes meant what, which gas stations were the least popular and less likely to have CCTV and how we could strength our chances not being discovered if we were to take a different car and not our own.

After all the travel arrangements came the gathered information about the houses.

"I wanted you to have all of the information I had gathered so you could see that this was not a spur-of-the-moment decision. I wanted you to see the kind of life we might have together."

I watched her examine the house descriptions, carefully scrutinizing the photographs and blueprints. When Elena came upon the information about the house I had envisioned for her, she carefully absorbed every detail, unlike the previous two properties. As she reached the end, she gently traced her fingers over the image of the front room and for a small moment it appeared that she might smile.

"I don't understand," Elena confessed.

She was right to be confused; this entire thing was cart before horse, and I hadn't taken the time to explain the second stage of my idea. I picked up my drink from the table, taking a few sips, then returned to my side of the couch, believing it was best to give her some space for what I was about to tell her next. Sitting the nearing empty glass back on the coffee table, I turned to Elena, hoping with all my might that her still being here with me was a positive thing and not a delayed shock of my news.

"If we did perform this spell; we'd need somewhere to live together, far from Mystic Falls and the place where we cast it. So I began to look into other places for us to live. And I know it was wrong to just make assumptions about this; frankly, it's bordering on disgusting that I did this, but I had to show you the lengths I was willing to go to if it meant us being together out there."

Elena said nothing in response, merely staring back at me. I wished she would show me some emotion, I’d never not been able to get a read on how she was feeling.

"Utah seemed like the perfect fit—a new property development with three houses side by side. I mean, you've read the details on each house; they've been on the market for less than twenty-four hours. Which means we have a good chance of getting them."

"Why three houses though?”

"Well, the spell didn't specifically say how they lived afterwards, only that they were together. I thought living in a house together would be too much for us. If we do this, we'd be in our own houses, living our own lives however we wanted. And if we were side by side, it would keep the neighbors at bay too because no one would ever see Klaus going between each house. We could tell them whatever story we wanted about our pasts. Plus, it seemed like the perfect method for, uh, marriages."

"What do you mean by method?"

I tucked my hair behind my ear before answering her "I hadn't really gone so far as thinking about how it would work once we got there, but we'd have to keep up appearances for the neighbors, and we couldn't have people asking questions about seeing Klaus moving between each house. I mean, they'd make assumptions about that pretty quickly, just like we would. So I figured if we, I don't know, leveled out the backyards completely as one, then the neighbors wouldn't see him or us going between each other's houses. So the marriages wouldn't be discovered."

"I thought you hadn't given it much thought." Elena said then

"There were some things I just had to consider to fill in the blanks. This isn't exactly a comfortable subject for me either, Elena."

She sighed before running her hand down her face, not able or perhaps just unwilling to look me in the eye.

"How did you even come up with all of this?"


"I figured us marrying the same guy would be a big enough adjustment; the idea of being under the same roof would feel forced, and I didn't want that to be the case. Look, all this marriage requires is trust; that's it, and if somewhere down the line feelings grew, then I wouldn't want us falling apart over jealousy and being stuck under one roof is just asking for trouble."

"Well, that wouldn't be the case if I were involved, believe me." Elena was quick to point out the obvious then.

I joined my hands together in my lap. "Plus, when I move, I'm saying goodbye to this side of me; the eternal teen has got to go. I'm entering my adulthood, Elena, at long last. I'm not planning on finishing school."


"No, listen to me; it's redundant to me now. We've faced life-and-death situations and seen ten times more mayhem in the past year than the kids in our class have seen in horror movies. I'm tired of pop quizzes, waving pom-poms, and above all, I refuse to ask permission to go to the restroom even one more time."

To my surprise, Elena caught herself nodding in agreement on that one at least, which was certainly a welcomed sight for me. I even felt my stomach muscles relax for a second or two.

"I want to move to Utah, Elena. And have a house of my own. I want to pay my own bills, hold down a job, pick up dry cleaning, go jogging, clip coupons, make coffee, and hopefully have someone with me to share it all with."

"And you think that person could be Klaus?" Elena practically screeched then.

"Elena. If you aren't part of this, then he's not even going to find out I'm leaving town. I told you, without you, there's no spell."

"What about Tyler?" she asked, making sure to lock eyes with me as she did.

She wanted honesty, and she was going to get it.

"I love him, but I'm not in love with him.” I paused to gather my thoughts before telling her “We're not even a couple, not really. We fight some new evil together; we have sex afterwards; maybe a little bit of pillow talk, but the train stops there."

"But you guys are still new to your relationship,"

"We are, but technically, when you think about it, so are you and Stefan too. Are we really about to pretend that my relationship holds a candle to your endgame with him?" I challenged her.

She was about to protest, but reality hit hard instead as her eyes found mine again. She couldn't look at me and pretend; she wasn't that type of person, and we both knew it.

Her face and voice softened before she said "Okay, so things aren't great between you guys right now, but that's still no reason to do this spell."

"I wasn't planning to do the spell because I wanted out of my relationship. When I think about doing this spell of getting out of here, I could just-“

I stopped, then felt tears form in my eyes as I was confronted by my own truth. Seeing me this way, Elena collected a few tissues for me without hesitation, handing them to me before offering me my glass of juice, which I refused. Instead, she used the tissues to help me dry my eyes which I appreciated.

"Every day it's the same thing, and I'm just so miserable." I sobbed

"I'm starting to get that." I heard her say that over my sniffling.

Elena's jaw quivered as I met eyes with her, and she moved forward on the couch towards me, and we hugged. Elena made her way to the bathroom to splash some water on her face after we parted, while I headed to the kitchen. I immediately took a painkiller for my impending headache before refilling both of our glasses and warming up a new bag of popcorn, which I served in the same bowl. I took all the used tissues and disgarded them into the kitchen trash can before refilling the chocolate buttons and carrying the freshly stocked tray back into the sitting room. I adjusted all of them pillows and straightened out the blanket for both of us to share. I kept Father of the Bride on mute but returned the movie to the start before taking a few sips of juice and ate a few chocolate buttons. When Elena returned she was back to her usual self and you could no longer tell she’d been crying, she half smiled seeing I had taken the time to the restock the tray.

"I'm sorry I asked you to do this." I confessed before she was able to say anything first.

Elena settled back down onto the seat and took a moment before replying "You needed a friend. I get that. But this is far from borrowing a sweater or copying my homework."

I laughed, trying to hide the strain it put on my stomach to do so. I was physically stressed, and I couldn’t keep this up for much longer.

"I'm not mad at you, Caroline. But I need to understand. Why me of all people?"

"I just-"

"You can be honest. I'd rather you did." She told me.

I looked at her and said "Because you were the only person in this world I'd do this for if you were the one asking me too."

She wanted honesty, and I gave it. Elena smiled in reaction to my surprise. It was almost as though she had expected that to be my response.

"I know what I'm asking of you is the most selfish thing I've ever asked for in my entire life, and you know it, too. I mean come on, I'm asking you to give up your entire life, your relationship, and the chance to see Jeremy grow into the amazing man we all know he's going to be."

Elena sighed and extended her legs along inside the couch, and I did the same on the outside, so we went top to toe like we use to do on sleepovers. For a moment, neither of us said a word.

"If we suspended reality for a second and pretended I agreed to do this, how did you imagine it all going down anyway?" Elena asked

I was taken aback I didn’t expect this question from her and I didn’t hide that it had thrown me through a loop.

"To be honest, I hadn't gotten that far. I mean, I thought of a way for you to get Jeremy to safety and routes for us to take out of town. All of which is useless without you being part of it, obviously."

"What did you have in mind for Jeremy?"

Why does she even care? I should get started on packing. It's like she's just trying to hold me back at this point.

"It doesn't even matter; don't worry about it; you're not coming, and it's okay." I said and forced the best smile I could muster.

"Tell me," Elena urged as she picked up the wallet containing the details on the properties again.

What was she doing? Was she just curious? Was this some sophisticated plot to delay me further?

Hold on, she went to the bathroom. Did she bring her phone along? I'm drawing a blank!

"Did you call or text anyone when you went to the toilet?" I questioned her.

"No," she replied, unfazed by my change of tone, keeping her eyes fixed on the pages as she turned from one to the next.

"It won't stop me from going, even if you do."

"I left my phone out here," she told me before placing the papers in her hands back down onto the coffee table and finally looking my way.

"You're asking a lot of questions all of a sudden." I elaborated.

"...I know"


It was then she once again turned away from me and looked down at the coffee table. For a moment neither of us said anything causing my inner tension to increase to new levels.

"Because the more you explain it to me, the less anxious I become about the idea of it all."

I didn’t reply at first, it was almost as if I were too scared to pose the question but I quickly did despite my shaky response.



I immediately had to stop myself from leaping upright on the couch in response. Elena’s gaze remained fixed on mine and so I couldn’t react, I couldn’t show the joy threatening to spill over within me.

“What are you saying? Are you saying you want to come with me?” I asked the ultimate question of them all.

She immediately began to sob, breaking my heart before answering, "I feel like a terrible person." she replied, her eyes welling with tears.

I reassured her, "No, you're not."

Elena couldn’t contain herself and in that moment Utah was the furthest thing from my mind. I needed to comfort my friend and help her keep it together before she completely fell apart. I sat upright in my seat and tucked the blanket up around her fully wanting to keep her as warm as possible, then like a mother aiding a sick child I picked up her glass of juice and held it for her as she took a few sips from the straw as tears continued to stream down her face. All the while I kept repeating “You’re okay” as softly as possible. She needed to know that I had her and a grip on everything going on around her in that moment. She could have easily broke apart if I had let her and I wouldn’t, I was going to keep her strong and assure her that she wasn’t wrong, that her feelings were just and that everything truly was going to be alright now that she had at long last admit the truth not just to me but to herself.

Elena closed her eyes and I blew on her face for a minute or two as she finally settled down. I took her hand in mine when she was ready and placed her drink in one hand and a fresh tissue in the other before settling back down onto my side of the couch and going head to toe with her once more.

“We have to protect Jeremy no matter what. I need you to tell me how we’re going to do that.” Elena said the second after she found her voice again.

As I settled back onto the couch, I gently cradled her ankle in my hand and began outlining my strategy to protect Jeremy. Elena was all ears, but I could sense her mind racing and that distant look in her eye, she was consumed by fear and uncertainty. It was disheartening to witness her growing doubt, and it left me with a knot in my stomach.

"But what about the hunter? We can't just leave everyone behind to deal with him."

"We're not abandoning them." I assured her.

"That's exactly what we're doing, Caroline. Exactly!"

"Look let's be logical about this. The hunter isn't going to make it another day in this town with Damon after him."

"He got the jump on Damon out in the parking lot and got away."

"Damon had just spent that past half hour surrounded by humans and breathing in April's blood. The whole time, he was watching you on stage, worrying you were going to completely lose it in front of everyone. The hunter used that to his advantage. Besides, nobody ever beats Damon and lives to tell the tale. Not in this town."

I reached behind the couch to activate the air fan that we kept on the window frame with a few photographs and books. I angled it so that it would blow directly across at Elena, setting the speed to it's lowest mode so it wasn't too overwhelming for her. Over the next few minutes, Elena sat quietly with her eyes closed, savoring the soothing effect of the air on her skin. I couldn't take my eyes off of me, so worried that one wrong move could cause her to change her mind.

This is unbelievable! She's coming with me!

"Look, I know this is moving too fast for you. I wish you had more time to process it."

As she turned to me, Elena asked, "Why does it have to be tonight?"

I pressed my lips together for a moment so that my answer wasn't immediate.

"I know this isn't what you want to hear, but it just feels like tonight is my last night in Mystic Falls."

"You say that, and I feel like I might be sick." She confessed

"Imagine how I feel."

"What are you going to tell the others?"

"Nothing," I answered point-blank.

"Wait. No. What do you mean, nothing? You have to talk to them. At least give them a chance to say goodbye." She pleaded with me.

"I want you to listen to me." I told her to keep my tone in check as best I could.

I straightened myself up a little before crossing my legs.

"I'm so grateful for them; I know I wouldn't have made it this far without them in my life. But I don't want to say goodbye. What I want is to just slip away in the night. And I know how selfish that is, but I've spent too long living my life worrying about the thoughts and feelings of those around me instead of my own. Placing their needs above mine is no way to live."

"It's been tough on all of us the past few months."

"Let's not pretend anymore, please. This has been going on for years now."

She lowered her head in humility at the brutal reality she had to face. I appreciated the silence that we shared because it provided me with an opportunity to dream about what the next few days may hold for me. At last, I wasn't dreading tomorrow, afraid of what villain could enter our lives next. We may be in a different state tomorrow, on our way to Utah and our future together. This all depended on April and Klaus agreeing to the marriage too. I had to keep that in mind and not get ahead of myself too much.

"What about your mom?" Elena questioned me.

"I've thought about it a lot, and there's no chance I'm going to start a new life and leave her in Mystic Falls." I told her.

"So, what are you going to do?"

My answer came after a brief pause as I composed myself.

"I'm going to make up an excuse to get her home early tonight—something she'll believe, like I'm locked out or my car won't start. After she's home, I'm going to cook us some dinner, spend some time with her, and then finally, when I'm ready, I'll compel her. I know it will hurt, but I have to do it for her own good.” I paused to gather myself for a moment and Elena remained silent

“She was already planning to retire. That’s the truth. She's served Mystic Falls proudly, and she could retire knowing the town is safe and in capable hands.”

I felt tears prick my eyes as I said “While she packs, I'll send an message from her email address to the board informing them of her immediate retirement without notice, explaining that this recent attack on the mayor's son has shown her that what the Sheriff's Office needs now is new blood. After that, I'll send another email to her work colleagues, informing them of the same along with her plans to move out to Iowa, where she plans to meet up with an old flame from college she's been writing over the past few weeks.”

I cleared my throat before continuing “All of which is a lie, of course. I'm planning on compelling her to finally move out to Maine; she used to spend summers there as a kid, and it was always her dream to move out there and buy a house by the water. I'm going to compel her into believing it's best not to contact anyone from Mystic Falls again, now or in the future."

"And you think they'll believe that?"

"Today was a lot for even the most experienced sheriff to handle. They'll believe it; besides, there are already one or two people in the pipe line desperate to replace her."

I paused, brushing my hands down my thighs, removing any crumbs from the popcorn.

"She'll stop by the station on her way out of town; there'll be no one in the office by the time she's done packing up her stuff here. Everyone will be out on patrol. She'll leave her badge and service gun in the top drawer of her desk, delete the CCTV footage of her entering the station, and then after that, she'll leave for good. Then, a few hours after that, I'll do the same."

"But how will you keep in touch with her?"

I attempted a smile in an effort to prevent threatening tears as I answered, "I won't, not at first; I'll wait a few months or even years before reaching out to her. Long enough until I'm sure there's no one keeping tabs on her."

After adjusting to the news of my plans Elena said "You know Tyler is never going to stop looking for you."

"He will, sooner or later, he’ll eventually stop. He's got a lot more demons than I thought when we first got together. I thought he was just intense and adjusting to life as a werewolf, but sometimes he'd just get so angry, and since Klaus came into our lives, he's just been a completely different person. And I'm tired of pretending that I can help him. Only he can help himself now. The guy I know now will stop looking for me."

"Why didn't you talk to me about all of this sooner?" Elena asked, her voice soft.

"It wouldn't have made a difference. Like I said, it's his problem to fix, not mine. I know what I want my life to be, and with time he'll figure out the same."

It was then that Elena retrieved the information on the houses from the coffee table again as I tucked into a few chocolate buttons. Feeling the chocolate melt against my tongue comforted me; it was the same joy that came to a child on Christmas morning with a belly full of chocolate and being surrounded by the best toys. I studied her, turning one page to the next as tears welled up in her eyes, seeing these beautiful houses and the possibility of what our lives might be should she come with me.

It's about time I wrapped things up.

"Are you coming with me?" I finally asked the question that may change my life forever.

Elena's eyes never lifted from the pages on her lap, but fresh tears escaped as she began to nod. We were still top to toe on the couch with Elena's legs on the inside. I took hold of her ankle, then under the blanket, causing her to sniffle before she retrieved a tissue to dry her eyes.

"I love him. I do love Stefan." Elena sobbed, her teary eyes meeting mine as she confessed.

"I know, I know," I repeated as softly as a lullaby.

"But it's just not enough anymore; it's not enough. Every day, I'm just waiting for the next funeral." She cried.

"It's not right."

"And I'm trying so hard for Jeremy, being a vampire and trying to get everything right for him, but he doesn't need a guardian; he just wants me to be his sister again, and I just can't stop trying to make it all perfect, all the time."

"Just hearing you talk about it sounds exhausting. Elena, I swear I mean it when I tell you I don’t know how you’ve kept it together this long"

"I just keep thinking that one day it'll get that little bit easier, but it doesn't, and now with this hunter showing up, he doesn't care about our town; the lives we've built are just animals to him, and I'm so sick and tired of all of it. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired."

"I get that. Trying to make it work here when it just doesn't feel like home anymore.”

"No, it doesn't," Elena cried before collecting a few more tissues from the box.

"And things between you and Stefan, how have they been?"

"He's been amazing since I turned; you know how hard he's been trying to help me stay on the animal blood, but since I turned, I don't feel like the same girl anymore. And it's not just my emotions that are all over the place; it's facing the reality that this might be what my life will be forever—fighting monsters, looking over my shoulder, and literally dodging bullets."

"Like today?"

"Exactly, like today," Elena groaned before blowing her nose and gathering herself.

"It's not enough anymore. Is it?" I asked, giving her ankle a reassuring squeeze.

"No," Elena mouthed to me.

Elena became a wreck after that. I held her in my arms for nearly twenty minutes as she mourned over the life she had been fighting so hard to hold onto to. She say was saying goodbye to her relationship with Stefan, the friends we were leaving behind, her home, along with the life would have had if she had or even remained human. I had helped her take another drink and dried her tears but it still wasn’t enough. We both knew April couldn’t see her in this mess. So I took over and did what I had to in order to take care of her and move onto the next stage of our night.

After leaving the sitting room, I went to the bathroom and began to run Elena a bubble bath, despite her protests she was alright now. She was cold, dehydrated and had red, puffy eyes. I won; she needed a bubble bath, she needed to sink below the warm water, close her eyes, and process what we would be doing tonight. When I prepared her bath, I put the nicest towels from the linen cupboard over the sink for her to use. I lit delicate rose pink tea light candles one by one on the tub edge after clearing it of its shampoo bottles. I gave her a hairbrush and a hair tie to keep her hair dry since she probably wouldn't want to wash it. I added oil, bath salts, a jasmine bath bomb and lavender bubble bath to the water. I poured a tall glass of fresh orange juice with ice and a black straw and placed on a small side table by the tub for her to find.

After Elena made her way into the bathroom, I used the time alone to my advantage. I started by tidying away everything from the sitting room including the food tray and all disguarded tissues. I then returned all the pages of information to the appropriate wallets. Treating each page with the same level of delicate care, ensuring each page was in it’s correct place. I turned up the heat and turned off all the ceiling lights, then switched on the smaller lamps in the sitting room and hall before closing the curtains. The entire house was in an evening setting, cozy and ensuring perfect relaxation.

I made us something to eat next after hanging Elena's bag on a hook in the hallway. I didn't know about Elena, but the popcorn didn't fill me up, and all of the crying and emotional discussions had made me hungry. So I worked in the kitchen and put the remaining tray of lasagne and chips in the oven. While they baked, I made a side salad and two slices garlic breads. I got a tray for each dinner dish, fresh orange juice, and two painkillers for Elena.

We sat and enjoyed our meal together after our good cry. I had to refill our drinks twice before we finished our dinner because we drank them so quickly, needing them badly, I suppose. I returned the empty dishes to the kitchen, and we relaxed on the couch for thirty minutes following our conversation. We were sensible enough to refuel before making any plans after the decision.

I was surprised when Elena muted our movie and indicated her readiness to begin the discussion. She nodded to me, confirming she was ready. It was time to bring in April. We decided to call her from a payphone in town rather than leave a phone record of our call logs the night we left. Elena washed dishes at home while I went into town. I hoped April or Klaus wouldn't reject us after all this. Time was ticking, so we had to do this immediately to ensure we could get out of town by sunrise. The town wasn't bustling, but there were a few people outside the grill when I drove by, probably gossiping instead of drinking. Most of the other restaurants in town had closed for the night, some with signs in their store windows reflecting the local curfew. My mom told me which roads would have road blocks up at ten o'clock to check for anyone matching the hunter’s description, so I knew the route we would take out of town to avoid them.

I was convinced everyone would feel better about this situation the more organized we were.

Klaus and April were out there without a clue about our Utah plans. My future was bleak because they might reject us. But then I envisioned what might happen if they agreed and the daunting tasks I would face tonight to escape this prison that had for a long time felt like home.

After Elena consented, I couldn't stop thinking about him. But the prospect that he would reject us was ten times worse than my friends learning our intentions. I had a feeling he would accept our offer—a new life without anyone wanting to stick a dagger in his back—a life with three amazing women, one of whom had been thinking about him all day. It was too far from the grill to see or hear any customers talking outdoors when I used the payphone just around from the old bakery. April was happy to hear from me so soon and thanked me for arranging for Matt to drive her home after the service. I said Tyler was lucky, and we still had no idea what happened today. April had no idea that the hunter had stabbed her and used her as bait to bring us out as she bled to death. She thought she had stayed upstairs on the balcony to grieve alone and that the town had only good things to say about her father and his philanthropy and spiritual growth of Mystic Falls. If April helped us tonight, we would spend our lives atoning for what that monster hunter did to her.

Later Elena and I worked together to prepare for her arrival with limited time. When I got home, Elena had cleaned and put away all our dinner plates and tidied the living room. We brewed a large pot of coffee, thinking it would aid April later on tonight. While Elena plumped the cushions in the sitting room, I sprayed each room with air freshener before rewinding Father of the Bride to the beginning to play very quietly in the background. Elena and I planned how to introduce the supernatural to April before telling her about the polygamy spell and our plans for Utah.

April arrived on time, I could smell her apple-scented shampoo as I took her coat. She wore a black tank top with an unknown band upon it, an oversized grey cardigan, and dark blue narrow pants to show off her diminutive body. Her right arm had several bangles that jingled as she sat on the armchair across from the couch. Elena quickly offered her a cup of coffee, which she happily sipped while Elena and I took a seat across from her.

We're in this together now, I thought to myself as Elena and I exchanged a knowing look.

We addressed today's service and allowed April the opportunity to talk about her father's passing before discussing why we asked her here. Elena served her another cup of coffee first. She was human and would thank us for the caffeine later on tonight should she accept our offer. Elena's past with April made it only appropriate that she tell everything. The truth behind Mystic Falls' animal attacks and eighteenth-century secrets. Elena carefully presented the truth to a sensitive April over the following two hours. How the founding families discovered vampires in town and tried to kill them by burning them alive in the church that night in 1864, how Katherine Pierce was one of them and how she came to Mystic Falls to meet Stefan and Damon, then the vampire attacks in town since then and how the new founding families disguised them as animal attacks to hide the truth.

How Stefan and Damon kept the town safe since returning, how Elena discovered she was a doppelganger and adopted, how we both became vampires, and how Tyler escaped this morning's attack. Of course we told her about Bonnie and everything she had done to protect all of us. Mikael, Esther, Finn, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, and Klaus's pasts; all his misdeeds against us to become the immortal hybrid he is today. April had been in boarding school and didn't know Klaus owned the huge estate she passed by on her way back to Mystic Falls. She had saw the big iron fence and surveillance cameras on each concrete pillar. As we predicted, April was surprised, horrified and plagued with denial. She searched the room for hidden cameras. She was shocked to learn her father's role and that the gas explosion was not an accident. When tears fell, we didn't blink. We comforted her, we went at her pace, we left her alone when she asked and returned to the room only when she was ready. April requested proof that we were indeed vampires, so Elena and I showed her to avoid further debate.

I showed April my fangs and black pulsating veins under my eyes. Elena, however, used the coffee table glass corner to pierce her palm and draw blood, showing how quickly a little scratch could heal itself. After her first astonishment, April naturally asked if she was safe with us. She shed many tears, and Elena and I spent a long time to comfort her after she realized how far her father had gone to keep the founding families in power. I was the one to tell April all about Edith's spell. Like Elena, I guided her through each stage and answered all her questions with great patience and compassion. I gave her all my research and waited as she read. Before telling her why Elena and I had brought her here tonight, I told her we wanted to cast the same spell with her and Klaus's cooperation.

When asked why we asked her, we edged forward in our chairs and discreetly recounted what had actually occurred today in church. What the hunter did to her on the balcony and how Elena and I saved and how we had worked together to get her home. We explained how compulsion worked and why she didn't remember.

After that reveal, April felt safer by the back door, so we talked in the hallway. She was upset to find we had lied to her, but she was content we saved her. Today had been horrible enough, so she was glad she didn't recall her attack. There was no scar on April's belly, despite her constant checks. In our presence, she had nothing to fear, but it would take time and effort to prove it if given the chance. Since we were dating Tyler and Stefan, April had many questions about why we included Klaus in the spell and not our boyfriends. Elena and I then explained Klaus's persona and also revealed that he had a network of connections that would help us escape. However, the guy behind the beast, Klaus, was charismatic, and we believed he was the only man we knew who could engage into such an arrangement and separate himself in each marriage.

Elena was in the kitchen when I told April about my Klaus interactions since he moved to town. Klaus's attempts to make Tyler miserable, his desire to give me everything I wanted, and his various flirtations that had caused so many issues for Tyler and me in recent months. When asked if I encouraged or acted on Klaus's flirtations, I said no, despite my current troubles with Tyler. April then read the information about Utah alone in my backyard. She felt more relaxed when she learned that this was my idea. She assumed at first that Klaus might have put it all together. But was glad to find it was just us girls for now that knew the truth. April sat alone at the picnic table for over an hour before making her decision. Elena and I watched her from the kitchen window while washing the coffee cups.

She later found us in the sitting room, where we all sat down again. April wanted to know how we fed and how we went about it. She didn't know if stating it out made a difference, but she wanted it emphasized that she didn't give us or Klaus permission to feed on her. Which didn't surprise me, it was human. She was still very scared and smart to ask. She then asked us if Elena and I if we were thinking of having children with Klaus later in life should he agree to participate. Elena said she wouldn't because of her background and personal feelings about Klaus. She wanted to be a mother someday but right now didn't want to think that far ahead. This was news to me as Elena had practically cringed over the idea of being married to Klaus before April arrived and she now might consider having a baby someday. Perhaps she meant through insemination, I doubted she'd thought about actually having sex with him, she wouldn't, that wasn't the type of person she was.

When asked if I planned to do the same, I agreed that I did, but all of which was redundant without Klaus's thoughts on the subject. For all we knew he would turn down the offer of the new life and we were just three girls all alone about to leave their home. Why does my stomach churn at the thought of him rejecting the idea of marriage?

I think deep down for now between us girls anyway was that we all needed reassurance that this wasn't something we'll come to regret in a few days or weeks from now. The three of us agreed to leave town that night regardless of Klaus's decision. But if Klaus surprised us and agreed to the marriages, we had to know what to do next. Over the following hour, Elena, April and I would agree upon the steps.

The time had come to set up our meeting with Klaus. April used the bathroom first and reappeared with freshly brushed hair, soft pink lipstick, and mascara. She worked hard to make a good first impression, and deep down I couldn't blame her.

Tonight she might marry a stranger.

Elena used the bathroom but returned to the sitting area unchanged. I reapplied my perfume, brushed my teeth, and gargled mouthwash before heading to my bedroom and placing all my information in a leather binder to make it less fragile while April and Elena blew out the candles and checked the doors and windows. The girls borrowed some coats, scarves and hats from me. The temperature had plummeted in recent hours. Elena held the information binder and April had the plastic bags for later use. I disalarmed my car so the girls could get inside while I locked up the house. We turned off our phones to avoid leaving tracks. After getting in the car, I started the engine and turned on the heat. I could see my breath in front of my face and had to clear the front and back screens before driving safely. I drove us into town and found there were more cars in the town square than earlier.

I chose the phone box across the enormous parking lot behind the butchers this time. I parked as close as I could to the phone box, but I still had to walk a bit to get there. I kept the engine running as I exited the car so the heater would remain on. I was glad Elena couldn't overhear my phone call with Klaus, not that I would have cared. I slipped a handful of change into the payphone and called him with shaking hands. My pulse raced as I waited to hear his voice. I regretted not wearing gloves to protect my frigid fingertips from the metal. I held the phone between my ear and shoulder, hoping he would answer soon as I hugged my body for warmth.

"Who is this?" He finally answered with a hint of irritation in his tone.

I let out a sigh of relief the thought of leaving a message on his voicemail made me uneasy - I needed to speak to him directly. With my eyes closed, I braced myself for the conversation ahead.

"It's Caroline" I announced trying to sound more confident then I actually was.

Almost immediately, I could hear what appeared to be him double-check the caller ID. It seemed that I had made it onto his contact list, a small victory for me in the grand scheme of things.

"I'm calling from a payphone in town," I said into the receiver before he could even inquire.

"Why the late-night phone call, love?"

Naturally, he misconstrues it at once. What did he expect to hear? That I had dumped Tyler and wanted to sleep with him? No, it was far worse, I wanted to marry him.

"We need to talk, can you meet me?"

"I don't know, love, it's nearing my bedtime," he said, his tone practically dripping with sarcasm.

For a fleeting moment, I shifted my attention to Elena and April watching me with a shared curiosity. But then, I redirected my gaze ahead, raising my eyebrow in a subtle display of frustration.

"Seriously?" I hissed, my teeth clenched.

On the other end of the line, Klaus let out a deep sigh, "Very well. When?"

"Right now, behind the old town church with the clock tower."

"Another one of your friend's cunning ploys to ensnare me?" He enquired.

"Trust me." I told him before slamming the phone shut, not giving him the opportunity to respond with another snarky remark.

I spun on my heels and strode back across the desolate car park, my eyes fixated on the ground. I could sense their piercing stare as I rounded the front of the car and slipped inside, only to be bombarded with a flurry of questions.

"What did he say?" Elena asked

"Did he agree to meet us?" April asked directly after

With a swift movement, I activated the function key for the heated screen, as the frost began to accumulate around the edges, obstructing my view. We were stuck for now, unable to move until the frost cleared.

"He's coming, if he's at his place it should take him around twenty minutes or so to get there."

After a beat Elena asked "Are you sure he meant it?

"...Yeah" I breathed

As the screen cleared, I wasted no time setting off. The old church was just five minutes away, but we had to make sure everything was in place before Klaus arrived.

"Alright so is everyone clear on what they're doing once they get there?"

"Yeah a hundred percent, I'll collect the cast iron pot, it's still there I saw it only yesterday on my drive home, they're using it as a plant pot." April confirmed

"And that just leaves you and me on pick up detail" Elena replied.

Edith's spell required fallen maple tree leaves, dirt, lavender, fire and the blood of everyone united in the shared marriage, which was brought to the flame in a cast iron pot. This is the reason we choose the old town church, it was the only place we knew where we could find a pot dating back to that time period, we couldn't exactly go online for help on this one, not if we wanted to be out of town by morning. As we drove down the street towards the church, I couldn't help but notice Elena's unease. Her body was rigid, and her eyes were filled with a fear that I had never seen before. I pushed aside my own inner turmoil, allowing my focus to hone in on her and April.

"Hey, don't worry. Everything will be fine," I assured her causing her to look my way then.

"And what if it doesn't? What if he calls Stefan or Tyler right in front of us and tells them what we tried to do?"

"Then we get into my car and just drive out of town that very second." I told her.

"Elena you can't think like that, it won't help." April said from the shadows of the backseat

"She's right. We really need to focus right now. Get everything done so that when he arrives he can see the extent we have gone to, and that we're serious about this. It's not some scheme to get out of town, it's how we start our new lives." I explained softly.

Elena sighed "When does the town curfew begin?"

"At ten, we have just under an hour to convince him."

"You're kidding me?" April gasped

"If we can't do it in an hour we can't do it at all." I clarified.

I parked the car discreetly behind the church, far from any curious onlookers.

I switched off the engine and we all exchanged a brief look. We carefully surveyed the surroundings, keeping a vigilant eye out for any potential followers. Content with our solitude, I let out a sigh of relief. We got out the car cautiously, ensuring that our actions were deliberate and controlled, opting to shut our doors at the same time to reduce noise. I had the binder clasped tightly under my arm, nothing and no one could take it from me. We truly had thought of everything. April approached me and gave me a plastic bag. I noted the lavender inside, which she had picked from a pot in my backyard. Elena and I quietly made our way towards the rear of the church, seeking refuge behind the imposing stone wall. Meanwhile, April had the job of retrieving the pot from the front of the church near the gate. As we rounded the corner, the sound of her footsteps grew more pronounced. I caught a glimpse of her coming towards us, clutching the old pot with a firm grip.

Amidst the shadows of the forest, we gathered around the fallen maple leaves beneath our feet. With the torch I had brought along, we meticulously selected the leaves and placed them into the pot. Then, we gathered handfuls of dirt and added them to the pile before adding the lavender, collaborating to finish our task. We hesitated at the edge of the forest, unsure about delving too far into its depths as Klaus had to find us. We stayed behind the stone wall, making sure to remain hidden from any passing cars. With the curfew in place, it was unlikely that there would be a significant number of cars on the road at this hour. Standing amidst the dense forest, encircled by majestic trees and the gentle symphony of rustling leaves, we stirred the mixture of leaves, lavender, and dirt with a stick, creating a swirling concoction. After we finished our task, we casually disposed of the bag over the church wall, ensuring it was hidden from view. Elena then turned to me and gave me the wallet, her eyes filled with worry and threatening tears. I could feel the moisture building on my palms as I braced myself to explain the situation to Klaus. Considering my past experiences with him, it was unanimously agreed that it would be most appropriate for me to inform him about our plans.

The wind echoed through the forest, causing a chill to run down my back. April huddled closer, pulling her arms tightly around her body and pulling her hood over her head. Elena and I walked back and forth, our breaths visible in the freezing air, attempting to create some warmth.

April's voice was barely above a whisper as she spoke, shattering the peaceful quiet that had enveloped us. "I don't even know what he looks like," she reminded us, her eyes fixed on the horizon.

I can’t believe I didn’t even describe him to her and yet she so selflessly agreed to this.

I shivered opened my mouth to apologize when she stopped me.

April shivered as she begged, "Oh just tell me," her teeth chattering in the cold "You guys told me about him. And I know about all the pain he's caused and his personality, but come on, give me something." She pleaded with us.

Despite knowing about his hurtful actions and unpleasant demeanour, she couldn't help but search for a glimmer of hope. It was actually rather refreshing.

"He's about five eleven, has dark blonde hair, and sort of dark green eyes, he's attractive."

"You said he's over a thousand years old, but is he young-looking like you guys?"

"He appears to be in his late twenties, possibly early thirties." Elena said.

"But his personality goes beyond that, he's got the old soul thing going for him." I said

"Is he well-built?" April inquired, causing both Elena and me to turn our heads towards her.

Really not the time to be asking that!

"Yeah," I said as I continued my pacing.

The tension was tangible as we waited for him to show.

"What happens if he doesn't show up?" Elena asked, her arms crossed tightly over her chest in an attempt to keep warm. She looked around, searching for any sign of him.

"He'll show," I promised.

He had no idea I wasn’t alone and that’s what assured me he would show. Our silence was broken by the faint noise of a car approaching. We strained our ears to listen as the sound grew louder and closer and our eyes travelled back and forth between one and another. As I stood shivering alone at the edge parking lot, a sleek black Bentley pulled into the spot next to mine. The driver's door opened and Klaus emerged, his black coat billowing around him in the frigid air. He quickly turned up the collar of his coat, trying to shield himself from the biting cold. He suddenly spun around, his senses tingling. He caught a glimpse of me lurking in the shadows, and our eyes locked in a tense moment that made my breath catch immediately in my chest. I quickly retreated, daring him to follow me further into the forest. I shifted my gaze towards Elena and April, noticing the apprehension etched on their faces. We all stood in positions, listening to the sound of his footsteps drawing near. The leaves on the ground had turned brittle from the cold, and they crunched loudly with every step he took, making our nerves even more frayed.

Klaus froze in his tracks, his eyes widening as he realized that he and I were not alone in the dark as he had assumed. I stood in the centre, flanked by Elena and April. He glanced briefly at the others before quickly dismissing them and returning his focus to me. He slowly crossed his arms, arrogantly confident as ever in his power pose, not having to talk, his eyes and body language doing all the work for him.

"This isn't exactly what I had in mind, love," he complained.

I looked into his eyes and spoke with conviction, "It's not a trap."

"Not exactly a party either, is it?" He remarked dropping his arms back to his sides, a sly grin on his face as he surveyed the area again.

"We need your help" I explained

"I assumed you did."

Elena broke her silence. "Thank you for coming," she said softly. She avoided his gaze, as she always did, but it didn't seem to bother him. He was determined to get under her skin then by keeping his attention fixed upon her.

"I'm April, by the way." April introduced herself with a friendly smile despite the obvious tension.

Klaus stood before her, his face a mask of stoicism as he watched her stumble through her introduction. April's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Despite her efforts, Klaus remained unmoved, his lips pressed tightly together as he suppressed a scowl. I was sure that he was fighting back laughter at her blundering attempt to impress him. She stood there frozen to the spot, realizing for the first time that it was impossible to talk to him when he was like this. The truth hitting her hard as she came to terms with who we were dealing with.

He turned his head back towards me, his eyes locking onto mine "I'm listening, love," he stated.

I turned my gaze towards Elena and April, who remained strong beside me, despite shivering from the cold. They both nodded in encouragement, urging me to take the next step which did not go unnoticed by Klaus who furrowed his brows at the sight.

Our eyes met and I declared, "We're leaving Mystic Falls."

Klaus' face fell as he looked at me, clearly distressed at the thought of me leaving. He didn't try to hide his emotions as he silently contemplated my departure. His eyes piercing through me before shifting to Elena. She immediately looked away, unable to stand the intensity of his gaze.

"I see. So, this is our final farewell?"

Why do I feel like you're missing me already?

"No, it's nothing like that." I clarified quickly denying the assumption.

"Then I suggest you start making some sense, sweetheart," he said, his voice low and arrogant.

"We want you to come with us." I responded promptly for if I didn't act now, things could escalate fast.

Klaus slowly turned his head, scanning each of our faces with his dark eyes. He took a moment to look at each of us, one by one, before turning his gaze back to me in the centre and said, "You're comedians."

Elena's eyes narrowed as she spoke, her tone serious and unwavering. "It's not a joke," she explained, her voice carrying a weight that left no room for doubt.

As the forest fell silent and the wind slowly dipped, Klaus stepped backwards, his mouth agape but no words escaping. I stood frozen, my eyes fixed on him, unsure of what to make of the situation. Beside me April's eyes were threatening to burst out of their sockets. She had tried to calm herself down, but it was too late. Klaus, who was watching her, noticed her sudden change in demeanour. His face was twisted in anger, and I could tell he was not in the mood for the human condition. However, I held onto hope that the evidence I had compiled inside the leather binder would be enough to convince him of our true intentions.

The feeling inside me was a mix of excitement and terror, leaving me unsure of how to act. As they stood beside me, Elena and April seemed to blend in seamlessly with my presence. It was as if we had been working together for years, and their company brought a sense of comfort and relief. We were a team, united in our purpose and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. I took a deep breath and looked towards him, extending the binder for him to take. I had purposely arranged the binder's contents so that the first thing he would see was a section was the journal entries. After that, he would come across the spell. Before ultimately coming to the section pertaining to all three houses and routes towards them.

"If we're going to get out of Mystic Falls together, we want to use this spell to ensure no one ever finds us again." My voice was calm and measured as I hoped to convey my message clearly as the others nodded in agreement, their expressions determined.

"And who exactly are you all running away from?" Klaus inquired.

"No one," April answered firmly.

“We’re not running. We’re choosing to leave and never return.” I confirmed

Klaus shifted his gaze towards her, and I watched as April held his gaze, her eyes betraying a strength that belied her appearance. She was no fool, and she had pushed past his tough guy exterior. Klaus slowly turned his head towards me, his eyes meeting mine. Looking to the unopened binder clasped in his hands I gestured towards it, silently urging him to trust us and reveal its contents. Klaus held my gaze for a further moment before sighing and ultimately unclasping the binder.

"Fine." He let out another anguished sigh before reluctantly reading..

As he turned to the first page and began to read. We remained stood still, watching him intently. Klaus stood in the centre of the clearing, oblivious to the fact that we had already taken our places around the large iron pot and him coming here had formed a circle. We had carefully marked our positions on the ground, just as the wives had done before they surrendered their blood to the flame that night. We had done a lot of talking before leaving here tonight, every gesture, every step and possibility to each outcome had been discussed.

A soft breeze brushed against me, causing my hair to gracefully dance over my shoulder. Klaus, who was standing nearby, became tense. However, Elena and April were too absorbed in their techniques to stay warm to pay attention. Klaus glanced in my direction, his gaze briefly meeting mine. It was obvious that he had inhaled my tracings of my perfume, and it was clear that it had a strong impact on him. For nothing caught him off guard. Shortly after that, Klaus briefly looked away from the page and gazed into the wilderness. He cleared his throat before reluctantly turning his attention back to the page. In that moment, it became clear to me that he was engrossed in the details of Edith's harrowing experience. As I observed Klaus intently, I started to catch glimpses of his genuine character. Recollections of his devotion to Rebekah overwhelmed me, and it dawned on me that he would stop at nothing to shield her from the same terrors that Edith endured.

We remained silent as he edged closer to the page page that held the crucial spell we were in dire need of. The atmosphere was thick with tension as we anxiously awaited Klaus to grasp the seriousness of the situation. As he turned his head towards us, we instinctively clasped each other's hands. We faced him, our question lingering in the air. His gaze, intense and penetrating, cut through us all. He understood our question perfectly. I stood there, stressed with nausea and a desperate desire to vanish into thin air. He glanced up from the text and surveyed the space, taking in what we were doing here and what we were planning to do. The forest was hushed, with only the gentle rustling of pages breaking the silence. I couldn't help but ponder the implications of his reading.

Until finally he looked away.

I cleared my throat before calling out, "Klaus?" the others remaining silent as I waited for a response.

He lifted his hand, motioning for me to stop. His eyes remained fixed on the page in front of him, as if nothing else in the world mattered.

"What should we do?" April mouthed to me when I looked her way, and I shook my head.

The truth was I had no idea what to do in that moment. The last thing I’d expected from Klaus was silence.

We stood there in silence as he flipped through the pages of the binder, not once acknowledging our presence. It wasn't until he reached the final page that he finally looked up, slamming the binder shut with a loud snap startling April. The forest fell silent again without a whisper of wind as everyone looked at each other, unsure of who should break the tension. As I released the girl's hands, Klaus suddenly became aware that we had been holding hands the entire time he'd been reading.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" Elena asked.

She looked at him expectantly, waiting for his response. He held her gaze for a moment before finally speaking. "I doubt you'd like to hear what I'm thinking right now, sweetheart," he told her.

"We know exactly what we're asking," I explained, my voice firm. The others looked at me eagerly, waiting for me to continue.

He looked at him with a growing frustration. "No, I don't think you do love," he said, her voice barely above a whisper. He didn't respond, just stared at me afterwards with a blank expression. The silence that followed was suffocating.

"It was all my idea." I informed him keeping my voice steady.

Elena and April stood silent until he looked to them for answers, both acknowledging the statement made with a nod.

"Why, of all people, would you want this?" Klaus inquired raising an eyebrow, clearly not convinced.

"It's more than just what I want. It concerns all of us." my tone laced with determination.

"Why wouldn’t you just leave?"

I sighed before gesturing my arms up and shaking off my trembling hands “Because we don’t want to be here anymore. We don’t want the option of coming back. We….are tired living like this” I stopped and crossed to cross my arms “We’re unhappy. And we can’t fix it by staying here and living a lie.” My heart pounding with adrenaline as I voiced the thoughts that had been weighing heavily on all of their minds.

I’d never been so brutally honest with him or any other guy before. It was somewhat refreshing – but never the less terrifying.

Klaus studied me for a moment before he said "You've fought me tooth and nail to keep your little town standing."

"And look where it's led us. Living in a place where people are attacked at funerals. That's not the life we want or deserve." Elena responded.

"I see," He said coolly "And which one of your little friends got hurt this time?"

April looked to him, her chin held high as she confidently declared, "Me."

"And Tyler," I added.

Klaus and I locked eyes, and I could feel the tension between us. I had just mentioned Tyler's name, and Klaus clearly didn't appreciate it. We both understood the animosity that existed between them was beyond the sire bond, it was about me too.

"There's a hunter in town, we don't know what his end game is but he's already made it clear who he assumes is a supernatural creature, like he senses us or something." Elena elaborated her words flowed smoothly, punctuated by occasional pauses as she gathered her thoughts.

After all none of us knew what to make of the hunter just yet.

"He does, he'll sense or at least suspect the vampire in you the moment he steps into the room."

"Wait, do you know anything about hunters?" I asked

"They've appeared throughout the centuries, never surviving long enough to catch up with me." He shared.

"Well, today one of them stabbed me and left me to bleed to death at my own father's funeral." April's voice cut through us then.

His eyes fixed on her as she absentmindedly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and shrugged her shoulders. She struggled to find the words to describe the gruesome violence she had unknowingly endured. Even hearing that it had happened to her had left her traumatised, yet she had somehow found the strength to be with us tonight.

"He's never going to get near you again." I promised her.

"She's right, April," Elena confirmed.

"Let's get back to business, sweethearts," he said, his voice minimal and assertive.

He was right although he didn’t know we were on a bit of timeframe. I however was eager to discuss this further if not to tell him what he already suspected.

"We needed a spell to stop anyone from ever finding us again, one that didn't require the casting of a witch."

"So the little witch isn't involved in all of this?"

"No, Bonnie knows nothing about any of this. It's just us and it's going to stay that way."

Klaus's eyes narrowed as he curled his lips into a sneer.

Stop looking at him.

"Explain," he demanded.

I turned to Elena and saw her nodding in agreement as I prepared to confront Klaus with the truth. Then, I faced him and spoke my mind.

"We're not going to tell anyone about the spell because it's none of their business. We've discussed it, and decided that it's best for us to just disappear."

He looked at me with a curious expression. "Tonight?" he inquired.

I nodded my head in response.

Klaus' his eyes fixed on us, unblinking. The forest was filled with an eerie silence, his lips tightly sealed. Every passing second only made my nerves more frayed, I watched him intently, trying to decipher the thoughts behind his expressionless face. It was a constant source of frustration, as if he took pleasure in keeping me on the edge of my seat.

"You're all willing to pack up and leave the little town you adore without saying anything to the ripper or little Tyler about your intentions?"

"Our business is our own," Elena said although I sensed it broke her heart to do so.

"We don't belong here. We believe we belong with you." I told him and quickly seized Elena and April's hands by my sides again.

Klaus looked down at our hands as they linked before returning his gaze to me. I wanted to share my thoughts with him, for Elena and April to speak their minds and help me in the constant spot light of his piercing gaze.

"You expect me to believe you?"

"You don't have to compel me to know the truth. You can see it in my eyes." I assured him.

"Don't tell me what I know."

"If you thought we were lying, then you would have done something about it by now. You’re still here with us." I was quick to point out then.

Klaus guffed and turned his head looking out to the forest for a moment "Why are there information on houses in…” he trailed off, his mind struggling to recall the state they were based in.

Suddenly, we all blurted out the same word at the same time: "Utah"

He looked surprised by our synchronised response.

"Right. But why?" Klaus held up his hand, the binder still clutched tightly in his grip.

I raised a brow. "Curious?" I asked.

"You have me curious," He admitted, "But far from interested."

I took a moment to prepare myself for discussing Utah with him. Asking him to do the spell was one thing, explaining the destination and the three houses side by side was another subject entirely.

"We want to move there. We want to live in those houses."

"There are only three house listings. Does this imaginary husband of yours live outside?"

"You already understand what we're asking of you in this. Let's not pretend."

"Says the girl who wants to play house," Klaus pointed out.

You can be such an ass sometimes...

"We’ve already agreed to keep our names off anything official. All three properties will be under your name making this a clean investment. And if it doesn't work then we walk away with nothing and you get your money back."

He looked at me with a slightly raised eyebrow and a smirk on his full lips. "This is hardly a selfless act, love," he said

Elena and April remained silent, avoiding eye contact with him. It was clear that he was seeking answers, and he knew that I was the only one who could provide them now.

“We get that we’re asking you to spend a lot of money.” April said

"We thought about that a lot and we think we've come up with a way of evening things out in that area too." I paused taking a small breath as I tried to collect my jumbled thoughts "We're not proposing a dictatorship but we have agreed that in return for your participation in the spell we'll provide you with something in return."

Klaus simply returned my gaze.

"We've decided that when we pass that town line tonight, all previous wrongdoings will be forgotten and forgiven. Some may be more difficult to forget than others, but we will start this new life without malice.”

As soon as I said that Klaus’s gaze shifted to Elena briefly before returning to mine.

“We understand that this new life won't be easy, and that at some point, we all might want to give up. We're all going to fight, and at times we may even need a break from each other. But, as women, we've made a vow that this life won't be treated as a joke, which means our marriages are our own business and we won't be ruled by things such as pettiness or jealousy.”

I paused to take a deep breath before I continued “This also means you don't have to worry about us breathing down your neck about each other. We're not entering this marriage for love, but each of us has agreed to be open the possibility of it in the future, and I mean in every sense of the word." I told him, slowly, pausing here and there. Giving him a clear sign of our commitment and the unknown future that lay ahead for all of us involve.

Klaus slowly shifted his eyes towards Elena again, who was waiting for his attention to my surprise. She stood tall, her eyes locked onto his with steadfast determination. Despite the intensity of his gaze, she refused to show any sign of weakness, holding her ground with a steely resolve. As they stood there, staring into each other's eyes, it was evident that this moment held immense importance for both of them.

Klaus again locked eyes with me.

“The reason there are three houses is because of what I just said, we will be living completely different lives out there. Which means we need to establish our lives in different homes. And if we’re going to give this a real chance then each marriage has to be given the same opportunity.” I wet my lips before explaining further "The reason there are three houses rather than four for each of us to live in, is that each wife will have one house each that we share with you, on our days with you anyway, and with time, any children who may follow." I explained

Klaus suddenly averted my gaze.

"Why didn't you tell us about vampires being able to have children?" Elena asked.

I was surprised either of us had made it this far without asking him. Klaus hesitated, his eyes darting back and forth as he weighed his options. After a moment of contemplation, he finally spoke.

"It's been a rumor for centuries, and I hadn't even heard of a vampire giving birth until about eighty years ago. I'm guessing the chances of a vampire becoming pregnant by a hybrid are..."

"Are what?" I insisted that he finish.

Klaus riveted his gaze on mine and sighed, "A certainty."

Oh my god, oh my god, OH MY GOD! ITS TRUE!

"We weren't sure if that was something you might want or not," I paused to gather my thoughts "But we wanted you to know that we're not ruling out the idea if you’re not.”

"If you're just looking for a sperm donation love-"

"We want a husband." April said wistfully before he could make another idiotic joke.

"This isn't a game." Elena then stated

"Why would I agree to be a part of something like this?" He questioned us.

After a moment I answered him "We don't want to be here any longer, it's not home. Does it feel like home for you?"

Klaus stood there, silent and motionless, refusing to acknowledge us. He averted his gaze, before ultimately turning his back to us completely.

"You're asking the most powerful creature on the planet to give up his life to move to the suburbs with not one, but three women."

"Yes, we are." I said

Just look at me...

“You’re asking me to become a polygamist.” He said

"At the end of the day, you're being offered a better life with us then if you stay here.” April laughed,

"April," I cautioned, shaking my head at her boldness.

Klaus was a man of insatiable desire, his eyes shouldering with a raw sensuality that left women weak in the knees, even willing to sink to their knees if it meant giving him pleasure. He had tasted the lips of countless women, each one succumbing to his command. Klaus was a master of the art of seduction, and he reveled in the power he held over the women in his life. As the forbidden idea crept into my mind, I couldn't help but imagine the tantalizing possibility of him entertaining the idea of sleeping with us. I knew I wasn't alone in my desire. With his charm and seductive prowess, he could easily have us all under his spell before end of the month. Klaus's piercing eyes locked onto us. He slowly slid his hands back into his pockets, revealing the outline of his muscular frame. As he tucked the binder under his left arm, I couldn't help but imagine what else he could hold with those strong hands.

"Life in Utah won't be easy. But you have my word that we'll figure it out." I told him

"How are you suggesting we do that, love?"

"Well for starters, we agree to give you final say."

"Excuse me?"

I figured that would get your attention.

"As I said before, we won't be dictated to. But if we're truly going to be true to the original spell then we have to have similar objectives to the people who originally cast it. And back then the man of the house would have had the final say in all matters. So we agreed before we came here that we'd live by those same terms."

"And what do you mean exactly by final say?" Klaus asked appearing slightly more curious now than before.

"We'll come directly to you for any major decisions to be made in any circ*mstance."

"Granted that we won't come to you all every little issue." April said then

"Right, what I meant was that all the daily tasks, all the stuff we know would bore you to death will be up to us to take care of."

Klaus' eyes lingered on me for a moment longer than necessary. But I was grateful that he didn't make a fuss about it. My cheeks burned with embarrassment as I avoided the gaze of Elena and April, wondering what they must be thinking of me.

"The three of us will meet every day, during which time we'll divide up all the tasks such as utilities and I don’t know, food shopping. You'll never be burdened with that type of stuff. We know it's not your thing."

"Like a wives meeting" April mumbled trying to put a label on it.

"You're talking about playing house again, love"

"I'm not sure what games you played as a child but a husband and three wives were never part of any of our games at recess." I told him sternly before continuing "Klaus we're not about to start wearing aprons and getting the dinner on the table for five. That's not what our lives are going to look like in Utah. What we want is a genuine life, which we can accomplish once we have a schedule in place"

"What schedule?"

I can't believe I just said that. We're nowhere near ready to talk about this yet. Beside me I could practically feel Elena and April’s unease over my mentioning of it.

"The reason for us buying three houses rather than four for each of us, is all down to the schedule," Elena explained.

"You will have a private life with each of us in your separate houses, and every day when you come back from work or whatever it is you might do out there, you'll go into the house of the wife you're scheduled to stay with that night, but obviously through the backyards so no one see’s you." April informed him

"You're sharing me?" Klaus asked, trying hard not to laugh.

"You would be sharing us. We'll be part of each other lives but for the spell to remain strong, we'll need to establish a marriage bond in each of the homes. But that's not something we'll discuss...ever"

"Every single day you'll get to live a life that men would kill for. A life with three women willing to spend eternity at your side."

"I doubt it's the wedding you all envisioned, so why settle for it?"

Don't point out the reality right now, it's too cold and too awkward!

Klaus continued to question us.

"Why ask me?"

"Who else do we know who can handle three different marriages at the same time?" I challenged. “And who else is as miserable here as we are?”

He then turned his attention towards Elena, locking eyes with her and refusing to look away.

"Let's not pretend that you and I can get along, love."

"I'm not going to change my mind if that is your concern."

"I've witnessed your teen drama romance with the Salvatore brothers for months. I can't imagine a life in which you abandon them to save your own neck" He informed her

"Then why am I standing here right now?"

Klaus stared at her with a blank expression, taken aback by her boldness. He stood in front of her, his eyes piercing into hers. The air was tense as he spoke, questioning her motives. We all knew the truth - how much she loved Stefan.

I imagined that after Elena became a vampire that she was reminded of the life she had before her parents died and what they had wanted for her. Elena had became to treat each town event like an inconvenience instead of something to get excited about, she never talked about life after graduation, there was no mention about what college she wanted to attend and to be honest I can't even remember the last time I saw her writing in her diary. All of this had ceased when the town's supernatural element had become part of her daily life, and I could clearly now that Klaus was insuring that this life in Utah was not a spur-of-the-moment decision for her.

In that moment, he became even sexier to me.

"What makes you think I'll agree to this?"

"Life with three amazing girls," April responded, drawing another frown from Elena and I in result.

"Who exactly are you?" Klaus questioned her

"April Young"

"And what are you?"

"Ohhhh, you mean, um, no, I'm human, and obviously I know what you are."

"I'm not an obvious sweetheart." Klaus claimed

"None of you are. I mean, when they told me they were vampires tonight, I almost puked"

"What exactly does she mean by tonight?" Klaus questioned Elena and me.

"Well, I didn't know that until..." April stopped then.

"You told her all of this in a single night, and she still agreed?" Klaus inquired before taking a small step towards April then.

"She's not a spy for the hunter, Klaus." I told him.

His imagination knows no limit.

"What type of person agrees to such an arrangement in a single night?"

April turned her head from him then taking a deep inhale before answering "The sort that has just become an orphan I guess."

Klaus shifted his attention towards me, seeking clarification. I responded by mouthing the words "It's true" to him. He then turned back to face her.

"I don't have anything else keeping me here."

"This is hardly a step up." Klaus informed her

"You don’t know that. You have no idea what my life has been like before tonight so let's not pretend you do." April said before finally meeting his gaze.

The Klaus I knew would have ripped her heart out of her chest and shown it to her for daring to speak out of term. But instead the all powerful alpha turned his back on her, returning to the same spot he had started.

April eyed him up and down. "They told me you were intense," she said, her voice soft and graceful.

Klaus turned his head towards Elena and me, his eyes fixed on us as he asked his question.

"What else did they tell you?"

"That you recognized loyalty when you saw it,"

We didn't say anything, just listened to the rustling of the tree branches overhead as a breeze blew over them. I didn't know it at the time, but this was the moment Klaus decided he wanted to marry us. And it wasn't my words or Elena's that accomplished it, but April's, she had shown him that, despite our prior offences against him, we had gotten to know him under the surface. We weren't asking for his affection, but rather an allegiance in the form of marriage, and that was all he needed to know in his heart.

"Will you help us?" I finally asked.

Klaus approached us and warned, "Your boyfriends will be nothing but suspicious if you disappear on the same night."

"So, what do you recommend we do?" Elena questioned him.

"Listen and learn," He instructed firmly edging closer to us as he did.

Klaus revealed that while fleeing Mikael, he had mastered numerous tactics for going off the grit and remaining hidden, and he already had a plan for when our friends came looking for us tomorrow.

He wanted us to blame the new hunter for our murder.

He agreed we couldn’t fly to Utah, flight records would lead our friends right to us. And if he got us a private plane then our friends could also check the flight logs of all planes out of Atlanta. We were all in agreement that cross country in two separate cars would be best for all of us. He quickly took control and strangely everyone was on board fairly quickly. Quickly we were hanging onto his every word.

Klaus instructed Elena to leave the forest tonight, text Stefan, and tell him she wanted to stay at my house with me to talk about her struggles as a new vampire. Elena appeared like she might break down at the thought, whether at Klaus's orders or lying to Stefan was unclear. Klaus told her to go home and compel Jeremy to leave town immediately since Elena, April and I, had a lot of work to do if we were to leave before sunrise. She would compel him to destroy his phone, take his car and drive into the next state, abandon it in a bad neighborhood where it would surely be stolen, and then take a bus to wherever she wanted him to go, paying in cash only. Klaus was on the same page as us, Elena had to compel him to believe that the most important thing was that Jeremy know he should never return to Mystic Falls or contact anyone from here ever again.

After listening to my plan to do the same thing with my mom as Elena planned to do with Jeremy but with a few additions. My mom would drive as far as she could until noon tomorrow before dumping her car and setting it on fire to cover her tracks. She would travel to Maine by train. Klaus to my surprised, owned a five bedroom house in Maine and planned to have everything in place for her arrival there through a contact of his.

Elena's eyes were searing into me while he was sharing this information. She stopped it when Klaus informed us he wanted to obtain Jeremy and my mom new IDs so no one could track them. Saying goodbye to them was only the start of tonight’s hard work. Klaus had thoroughly laid out a bullet proof plan for us to escape Mystic Falls by faking our deaths. At first Elena and I weren’t on board, we wanted to get out of here but not to this extend. But we stopped, we breathed and we listened to Klaus. He pointed out that our friends had gone after him relentless, he believed they would be hell bend on finding us should we leave town. But if we were to fake our deaths they would soon find some peace in their grief and would no longer pursue us. Elena needed a minute at first, she stepped away from us and went over to the church wall where she stood alone to gather her thoughts. But she returned and never once disappeared from our line of sight.

There was hard work ahead for all three of us and we had assure him we were up to the task for what lay ahead tonight. Klaus explained that after Jeremy and my mom were gone then we had to begin our work immediately. He instructed the three of us to literally scrub every single inch of our homes with a strong peroxide or ammonia-based chemical. Everything in our homes, the furniture, counter tops, floor panels, doorknobs, light switches and ceilings. Anything and everything that we had every touched, sat on or slept in was to be treated with the same levels of cleanliness. We had to sterilize anything that may or may not contain our finger prints or scents, anything that could aid our friends in finding us had to destroyed and soaked in ammonia. Klaus compared cleaning our homes tonight to a perfect murder scene.

We learned that properly destroy our scent we had to wash our bed linens, towels, face clothes, sponges, bath mats, rugs, curtains, blinds and cushion covers in some kind of peroxide. But afterwards we had to return it back to it’s place so from the second we began our work wearing gloves was essential, to which we assured him we all had inside each of our homes.

With regards to luggage we were to pack only what was essential. Anything nostalgic to us had to remain here forever. Our friends could immediately note anything missing from our homes they knew was precious to us. This Klaus told us was an easy way to get caught and so we could only take the essential, one or two photographs, enough clothes for the road and for our first few days in Utah and that was it. This was a bitter pill to swallow because I immediately began to think of all the little things I would have to leave behind. Like my grandmother’s necklace, my childhood teddy bear that remained on a shelf in my bedroom to this day and of course my father’s wedding ring which I had kept in the top drawer of my dresser.

He advised us to destroy all our technology—our tablets, phones, and laptops. Klaus tried to hide his pride when he discovered we'd already gotten around the phone records. Tonight, our only phone records were my texts to Elena asking her to come over, which supported our sleepover story.

Klaus then told us that after the cleaning and packing were done then and only then would we begin our work to frame the hunter for our murder. He was the perfect target to frame for our murder after what he had done to April this morning.

The story was simple, the hunter followed us home from the church one by one to find out where we lived. He waited until night to come for us, we would be easy targets when we were half asleep. And so he came to our homes, killed us and everyone living under the same roof, this meant Jeremy and my mom were also victims. After he finished murdering us, he cleaned the crime scene not leaving a trace, he even took each of us bodies with him before moving onto the next house and his next victim. Come tomorrow morning or even mid-afternoon, our friends would come looking for us. When they did, they would find no signs of a fight or even a struggle at any of the houses. Nothing broken or even missing. However, Klaus assured us the suffocating stench of cleaning agents, disinfectants and other bleach rimmed chemicals would still be lingering in the air. And this would give them their first clue that something had happened to us and someone had gone to a great deal of effort to cover their tracks.

After finding nothing at Elena's house, they would however find something in mine. They’d find a letter in unfamiliar handwriting, certainly not Elena’s yet signed by her. This same letter would explain she needs time to adjust to vampire life and has sought my support to do so, that she apologizes enough to Stefan for letting him down and all his efforts to keep him happy, and that we will return once she controls her bloodlust and honed her new abilities. When they conclude Elena didn’t write this letter, they will check the houses more closely. Investigate why they are so clean. From there, Bonnie will either cast a spell or the Salvatores drag a lab technician from the Sherriff’s to our houses to investigate.

That’s when they’ll finally find the blood traces...

Klaus instructed Elena and I to raid our blood bag supply and use ten bags of our own blood type along with whatever type of blood Jeremy and my mom were. We were to pierce the bags and pour five bags in one room of the house then pour the other half in an entirely different room of the house. We were to allow the blood to soak into the floorboards’ curves and cracks for at least a full minute before cleaning the blood up. Klaus explained that the more creative we were the better, we couldn’t just choose a empty part of the floor to do this. We had to do think outside the box, and think of things such as moving the dining room table, pouring the blood, cleaning the blood up and then returning the table back to where it was. We could move the couch or even our beds. As long as the blood was poured, left to set, cleaned up and the furniture was returned to it’s natural place, our homes would appear untouched.

And so the hunter would be framed.

The hunter killed Elena, stole Jeremy’s clothes to make it appear as if he had ran away, he then came for me, killed my mom and I and forged those emails about her retirement to cover up that he had murdered the town’s Sheriff.

The hunter would have no reason to come after April tonight and so Klaus came up with another solution for her disappearance. He purposed that she fake her own death, she’d leave the forest tonight, return home and write a letter explaining that she had been wearing vervain this morning at the church, she’d write about how she’d been aware of vampires for some time now and today when she was attacked she wanted nothing more than to be united with her family and to be far from the death surrounding Mystic Falls.

When Klaus was instructed where April lived in town he advised her to go to the train track just down from her street, and to take what she had worn this morning with her, she would rip and leave tracings of the material around the tracks to make it appear she had been taken her own life by standing on the tracks.

Klaus planned to return home and instruct his household staff to clean the entire house and all the linens within it. After they were done they would leave the mansion and never remember working there, they wouldn’t even remember his name as they headed down the driveway. It wasn’t unheard of for Klaus to suddenly leave town for a few days. It wouldn’t gain the attention of Damon and Stefan for at least a few days. Klaus explained Stefan knew him best in this town and so by leaving behind his art, Stefan would believe Klaus had every intension to return. He’d seen the great lengths Klaus had gone to preserve it when they were out of town together. This was another safety net for us and the more we talked the more secure I felt that we had everything in hand.

Klaus assured us he would leave town within the hour, he’d go home, pack a bag and be gone. I assured him that we had everything prepared for transport on our end. But while I had believed my plan was perfect as is Klaus pointed out we would make a lot less stops for gas and reduce our chances of being caught on CCTV if we were fill up a bunch of gas canisters at the first gas stop we reached. It was rather a genius idea the more I thought of it, when we stopped to pee we could easily fill up the car on the side of the road. It was as if Klaus could see all the gaps in the plan and was one by one taking charge by assuring we would not be caught and we would not stop until we were pulling up in front of our new homes.

Elena, April and I had discussed transport back at the house. There was a neighbor of mine who was in the process of selling their house and was currently working on constructing their new home down in Florida. My mom had been keeping an eye on their house since they left. I knew there was a Station Wagon parked in the garage. They would be gone for at least a few months and by they discovered it was stolen it would be in some junk yard, crushed to bits and completely unrecognizable. The two thousand miles car ride would be tough but we knew we could keep it together, we would sleep in shifts and do our best to support one another between every mile from here to Utah.

Klaus left us to return to his car so that he might write the letter explaining Elena’s decision to leave town with me for a while. It was best to be in his handwriting as our friends would recognize ours. We could have written it in April’s but I think Klaus was being a gentleman deep down by giving the three of us a moment to talk alone. We had just discussed faking our deaths and how we’d be gone by morning, it was a really gut wrenching conversation and we needed a second to discuss what we had just discussed. The second he was out of sight April practically leapt up and down on the spot, she was thrilled he had consented to the spell. But Elena and I appeared were so focused on the task at hand we couldn’t see the light like she did. I was doing a good job I thought of keeping it together but on the inside I was barely holding on. I had found my gaze lingering longer on Klaus then I should have let it and once or twice Elena wasn’t the only one who noticed it. Klaus and I had caught each other’s eye so many times over the past twenty minutes I lost count. It was as if he could feel what his gaze was doing to my body and he was using it to his advantage.

"He's really cute," April said with a smile. "You could have led with the guy we're asking you to marry, is the sexiest guy in town!"

"He can hear you." I reminded her then.

"Oh, he can't hear me from all the way over there," before hesitating and finally asking, "Wait, can he?" She turned around and looked over her shoulder in the direction he had gone, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of him.

"April, hold on a second; you do realize what we're doing tonight, right?"

"No, I've been sticking my fingers in my ears for the past ten minutes. Yes, I am aware of the plan."

"Faking our deaths means we'll never be able to return again. You need to be certain about this," I informed her, my gaze riveted on hers.

April's lips slowly curled downward as she studied both our expressions. The atmosphere was heavy and somber, and she realized that her usual cheerful disposition wasn't appropriate.

"I know."

I turned my gaze towards Elena, who stood before me with the same heavy burden on her shoulders. The biting cold seemed to have no effect on her.

"Talk to me," I said, keeping my voice down. I placed my hand on her arm, offering encouragement.

"As long as Jeremy is alright."

"He will be. You know you'll get him out."

"Just say it one more time," Elena encouraged me before closing her eyes.

I took a step towards her, holding her shoulders. April turned aside, giving Elena some dignity even if her eyes were closed.

"You're going to do the spell, go home, spend some time with him, then say goodbye for now but not forever; you'll help him pack, and one day, one day, you'll see him again, and he will forgive you; no matter what you're telling yourself right now, he will forgive you."

Elena nodded, tears falling from her closed eyes, and I was quick to get a tissue from my pocket and dab them dry for her in a small measure to comfort her.

"I just can't believe he agreed."

"He certainly didn't make it easy." I said

"Does he always scowl like that? Because that could give off a really bad impression in Utah." April said then as she turned back to us.

"Don't worry, he knows how to bring out the charm when he's around humans." I was quick to assure her. “He won’t kill our future neighbors if you’re already worrying about that.”

"Well, it's kind of hot; he's got like this whole Dracula thing going for him." April joked.

"No, he doesn't." Elena said

He kind of does...

April wasn't crushing on Klaus; she was just attempting to ease the tension. She had survived her first contact with the legend himself and lived to tell the tale, so she was already ahead of many others who had crossed paths with him over the years. Deep down, I believed she was terrified of faking her own death and fleeing town, but the possibility of staying here alone with no prospects or family was an even scarier scenario for her.

Faking our own deaths hadn't even occurred to me, and while it was the more horrifying option, it also meant a clean break for everyone involved. We could never return if we did this, bolstering our trust in one another and the spell. It also meant that we wouldn't have to spend the rest of our lives wandering if our friends kept searching for us or not. It was better if they thought we were dead, because we wouldn't be the girls they remembered when we left here tonight.

We'd be leaving Mystic Falls as Mikaelsons.

Oh my god, I'm actually marrying him. Technically right this second, Klaus is our fiancée.

"So let's just go over a few things before he gets back." I encouraged and we formed a tight circle.

"So just as discussed at my place, you guys should arrive at my house for four; you can't be late. We need to be out of here before sunrise."

"Four o'clock." Elena agreed, tucking her hands into the pockets of her coat.

"I'll be there," April promised.

"Wear black and please wrap up warm; it's cold now; it will be freezing come four a.m."

"I've already got something ready in my head." April explained.

Elena merely nodded in response.

"Dump your phones as soon as possible. Use the app we downloaded, liquidate your content, dispose of it, snap it half if you want to."

Again, they both nodded in agreement.

I turned my head in the direction Klaus had left and noted that we were still alone. I cautiously edged closer to them to whisper something.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Elena reached out and took my hand in agreement before April did, with a mix of excitement and apprehension. I wasn't sure which one of us was trembling the most; it felt evenly balanced. We were all about to embark on a new adventure and say goodbye to everything and everyone we had ever known. We'd be married forever to a man none of us were convinced would come to love us.

But I still wanted to marry him. I couldn't explain why, whether it was merely physical or my belief that this magic could take me to the future I was always destined to have, but I knew what I wanted.

And who I wanted...

“We’re okay.” April said before looking towards Elena who nodded and then to me.

“Everything is planned out perfectly. We all know exactly what we’re doing and the tight timeframe we’re in.” I then softened my voice and reminded them “Don’t get overwhelmed.”

“Yeah no one freak out. Just stick with the list.” April said.

Elena dried her eyes once more and April used her sleeve to fan her slightly before I took another tissue from my pocket to help Elena dry her eyes.

“I’m fine. It’s just one of those times where they won’t stop.” Elena assured us.

Which was alright they’ve been countless times where I’ve gotten it together and my eyes still resemble a river.

April looked to me once Elena had stopped crying and was slowly getting it together.

“Just one more time.” April encouraged of me.

I nodded and said “We go home, do the necessary goodbyes, we clean and we clean hard, we pack only what they won’t realize is missing, we fake our deaths, everyone is at my place for four o clock, we load up the trunk and we are on the road within two minutes.”

“And we’re gonna make it.” Elena said.

“We have to believe that. We’re going to get there.”

Klaus walked towards us then, his eyes scanning us before settling on me. He reached out and handed me the folded letter, which I quickly slipped into the back pocket of my jeans. We were about to cast the spell, and I wanted to keep it safe with me.

"Put it somewhere; they'll find it." Klaus instructed me.

"They won't need a neon arrow pointed at it to notice it." I responded, unimpressed by his tone regarding my friend's competence.

"They're not as smart as you give them credit for, love."

"Don't talk about them that way. You don't know them as well as we do."

"And they don't know you nearly as well as you think they do."

"What makes you so sure?"

"You wouldn't be here otherwise."

Klaus took a moment to study the spell and the chant we had all learned back at the house for when the moment came. Klaus had a pocket knife made of silver that he had attached to the key chain of his Bentley. While he proceeded to light the fire, we studied the chant one last time until we were sure of it.

"Ok, so, uh, as soon as we're ready, we cut our palms, and then we join him by the fire and take each other's hands." I said, reminding myself aloud of the steps as I clenched the handle of the small knife.

"Utah," April said aloud, then reminded us of where our focus should be.

With a confident nod, I took a deep inhale, picture what life could be if we worked hard enough before I pressed the razor-sharp blade of the knife against my palm. It sliced through my skin effortlessly. The pain was excruciating, but I remained stoic. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, clouding my mind and escalating my senses. I handed the knife over, but I wasn't sure who took it from me before I turned and began to walk towards Klaus by the fire. As our eyes connected, we held each other's gaze, the flickering flames of the fire casting a gentle glow on his face in the darkness.

Klaus reached out his hand towards me, his palm covered in his blood, with a slice straight down the centre of his palm. As I approached him, I could see the focus in his eyes. I extended my hand, which was bleeding profusely, towards him. Our hands connected when I reached my spot by the cast iron pot. Klaus’s jaw dropped slightly as our hands connected as well as our blood. I intertwined my fingers with his catching him off guard as our blood dripped to the dark and cold ground of the forest. We didn’t break away from each other, we remained perfectly still gazing into each others through the glow of the fire below which radiated very welcomed heat.

The spell stated that the moment the blood was shared, the bond of marriage was formed. And be joining hands I had just become and would forever be the first wife of Klaus Mikaelson. Nothing else mattered in that moment, who we were before or would be in the future. I’d never felt so close to another human being in my entire life. I would forever be with him, linked for all of eternity no matter what hardships came in the future. I was his first but not his only.

Klaus remained silent, I imagined lost in his own thoughts as the moment unfolded before him. He knew now that he and I would always be together, that from this exact moment Tyler would never come between us again. I think I saw Klaus Mikaelson relax for the first time in over a thousand years and I marveled in the moment with him although neither of us said a word. I felt I should say something to mark the moment but we weren’t alone; this wasn’t just my marriage. I quickly composed myself not wishing to share my initial reaction of being married with anyone but Klaus in that moment. My hand remained in his, his grip strong as his eyes burned into mine and his mouthed my name, his lips tantalizingly sweet and full looking, and I couldn’t help but feel a need for him that threatened to take over me.

To my surprise Elena was the next to arrive at the fire, I only noticed this when Klaus’s gaze shifted from me to her. As I turned my head over to look over my shoulder towards her, I smiled and she attempted to muster up a smile in return. She didn’t seem angry or sad; she just appeared unsure of what to do and where to be. Elena came around to the other side of the pot and took her place by Klaus’s side. His eyes were fixed just as intently on her as they had been on mine. For a moment she didn’t look at him, just down at the fire, but I watched her closely, including her bleeding hand. After a moment Klaus cast out his hand for hers just as he had done with mine. For a moment they two look toward the other, neither of them saying a word before Elena looked back down to the fire again. I was actually glad she gave herself one last moment before ultimately taking his hand. Their fingers didn’t intertwined as ours did, but the moment their hands touched their eyes met again.

In that moment Elena and Klaus were married and the flames continued to burn just as bright as ever. It didn’t bother me not that it should anyway that his gaze remained fixed upon her the glow of the flames. She had never looked more beautiful, natural, raw even. It was as if Klaus were seeing the girl we had knew all along. Elena Gilbert was now his second wife. It didn’t matter how it appeared this was our wedding day. We were putting the past behind us and accepting we were mature enough to handle the hardships that lay ahead from this night forward. She didn’t look at him after the moment passed and she didn’t have too it seemed for he took looked away in equal measure. There was no love between them, not even a hint of lust, there was however mutual respect for the future and that was what we needed now.

Elena just married Klaus. Okay, this is real. This is freaking real. I just couldn’t believe it was all actually happening. The adrenaline was pumping through my veins as I tried to keep a grip on my senses. My heart felt like it was about to explode, but I couldn't slow down. There was still so much left to do tonight, and I couldn't afford to crash and burn just yet. We’d soon be on our way to Utah.

The forest was quiet, with only the sound of crickets chirping in the distance. We were alone, surrounded by trees and darkness. None of us appeared concerned about anyone finding us, there were no eyes darting around or gasps at every sound sounded. Klaus stood strong, observing as April made her way towards us. She was the only one who greeted him with a smile, reaching out her hand to ours when offered. I looked at her with a welcoming smile, admiring her pureness and vulnerability. In that moment, she was the embodiment of hope and optimism. She lived solely for the possibilities of the future. Klaus turned to her and, with a sly smile, left her completely taken aback.

Elena and I gave a nod to the other and averted our gaze for a moment to give them some small measure of privacy. This was their moment and although words were not spoken between them I could almost feel April’s happiness coming off her in waves.

I was his first wife, Elena was his second, and now April is his third.

Suddenly, the fire began to change color, turning a deep shade of blue, just as the spell had foretold. April gasped but Elena held onto her hand strong and shifted her attention to her for a moment. All eyes remained fixed on the mesmerizing sight before us then. The relief I felt in my heart that the spell was working couldn’t be put into words. The changing of the flame was a sure sign of the trust that connected us all now, which meant Elena and Klaus both trusted each other.

Klaus gave us a nod, and we began the chant. It was flawless; not a single beat was missed. Each of our faces were glistening with sweat as we chanted in unison. The flames grew higher and higher, but we refused to back down, even when the flames threatened to stand the same sizes as the tallest tree in the forest. The chanting continued until the flames disappeared from sight leaving us in almost complete darkness, only the lights from the streets were giving us enough light to see one another. It was as if the flames had never been there at all, leaving behind only a faint memory of the remaining heat left within the wind. We remained in a circle around the pot, with our hands still clasped together. With a simultaneous step forward, we raised our hands over the pot allowing our blood to pour into the base of it.

It was then a sudden force stuck all of us simultaneously without warning almost knocking us off our feet in the process. We were all taken aback even Klaus by the sheer strength of the barrier as it circled us, safeguarding us and ultimately saving us from the demons of our past. It took a moment for me to gather myself and I wasn’t the only one, April was human so it hit her harder than any of us.

"Did you feel that?" April gasped, her eyes wide from the shock.

It was the shield, it was up and we were officially safe from harm. We were also married and would remain so forever thanks to Edith’s spell.

Elena gasped for air as she spoke, trying to compose herself. "I did," she managed to say.

Klaus and I exchanged nods, each gasping for air. I grasped his hand still enduring some pain and he in turn held me together by keeping his grip firm. Despite my strong urge to do so, I resisted the urge to look down at our joined hands.

Thank you, Edith. Thank you so much.

Elena and April were the first to drop their hands and first to take a step back from the pot. Unnoticed by them however Klaus had held onto my hand afterwards. I was the one to finally let go and step away, feeling Klaus’s eyes upon me the whole time. Elena and I quickly sprang into action, rushing over to help April with the bandages we had brought along from my house for this particular moment. We huddled around her, carefully wrapping the bandage around her injured hand. With gentle wrapping, we secured it in place, making sure it would stay put for the rest of the night without it becoming too tight.

Why do I feel like he's watching me?

April wrapped her arms around Elena and me, thanking us for being part of this with her. As we turned around to face him again, Klaus retrieved the binder.

"I assume that this is now mine."

“Yes” I answered.

“I’ll have everything in place by the morning.”

He'd need the binder with him for all the details on the properties.

Are we really not going to talk about the fact that we all just got married to the same guy?

"How long do you think it will take to secure the deeds?" Elena asked

"I'll leave town within the next hour. I should have them in my possession no later than noon tomorrow."

“But they’ll be no way of letting us know.” April said.

“No he’ll have to stay off the grid completely” I reminded her.

“You all will too. No devices on the road. Don’t even bring your identifications with you.”

“But we’ll need them.” I told him.

“No you will not. I’ll secure you with new ID’s in Utah.”

“You can arrange stuff like that?”Elena asked.

“Of course I can. Your only job is to follow my instructions and be gone by morning. I’ll be arranging the same for your brother and Caroline’s mother.”

Klaus was agreeing to spend over a million dollars to start our new lives in Utah. I could barely look him in the eye. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath, trying to keep it together. But I couldn't. I looked around, wondering how they were all managing to stay so composed while I was falling apart. I’d just gotten married and became a polygamist and we were talking about time frames right now. I shamefully had to tell myself to snap out of it and focus on the reality. This was the most serious situation of my entire life, tonight I had to get my mom out of town where she had lived all her life and I had to fake our deaths in order to escape my friends.

"So you'll probably get to Utah a couple hours before us?" April asked Klaus

"We're likely to arrive around the same time. I'll be stopping along the way to retrieve our IDs." He replied, grasping the binder.

“So you can get everything?”

“I’ll have my contact pull your photographs from your driver’s licenses. He’ll create it all, IDs, birth certificates, passports, old medical records.”

“Uhm, do you think he could get us something else?”


“Uh high school diplomas?”

Klaus began to smirk, he looked down at the binder for a moment before looking back at me “Are you finally done with that love? Took you long enough.”

“I’d like one too.” April said beside me.

“And so would I. We’re starting fresh.” Elena added.

Finally we were done, no one officially said it but Elena was the first to make it official. She turned in the direction of our parked cars and headed in that direction with a steady pace. April surprised both Klaus and I when she turned to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, standing on her tie toes to do so. He was stunned as he should be, she knew his character and this just wasn’t the type of thing to do with him. I don’t think it was done out of anything beyond gratitude which I could respect. She didn’t seem to mind that he didn’t return it, she merely turned and followed Elena. But when I turned to do the same Klaus reached for my hand and pulled me right back to him until my hands were suddenly against his firm chest. His quick breath matched mine as his forehead slowly came down and touched mine for a moment before he pulled away.

What just happened?

We all headed in the direction of the cars, and as Klaus unlocked his Bentley, April took my hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze as I stopped beside her. I then turned my head to look at her and immediately had to contain myself over seeing her stunned expression, her wide eyes and dropped jaw over the magnitude of Klaus’s wealth. It was clear that she hadn’t given much thought over how great a fortune an a thousand year old vampire could obtain with clear determination. The car seemed to grasp her attention more than the fact that she had just married into this wealth. I believed in that moment that April Young couldn’t care less about money, I believed she was the rare person who could find happiness in all the little things in life.

"So it's goodbye for now?" April asked, prompting us all to freeze.

Klaus's eyes flickered between our faces, igniting a fiery tension. He glanced down for a moment before locking eyes with us once more.

"You'll follow my instructions?"

“We will,” I told him, and meant it.

We were now his wives, and I was certain he was already eager to explore every inch of our bodies. It was an unsettling arrangement, but we were all willing to go forward together. He’d argued the reasons for doing this, performed the spell and agreed to spend over a million dollars to secure our new lives together, he had to believe that we were worth the risk.

"Darlings," Klaus said goodbye with a nod and climbed into his sleek car before speeding off into the distance.

He disappeared out of sight, and the sound of sniffling filled the air even over the sound of his distancing engine.

I turned around quickly to discover Elena and April tearing up. Seeing them like this made me realize just how much I was holding back and I finally let myself succumb to all the uncertainty and grief I was afraid to touch. I wrapped my arms around both of them tightly, their arms wrapping around my back as we clung to one another as tightly as we could muster. The reality of what we had done and were doing tonight hit us hard and we wept. Nothing could sooth us, we bailed our eyes out, we used our sleeves to dry our tears and noses but it wasn’t enough because by the end we were all a mess. Running noses, red skin, sweaty foreheads and there was mascara everywhere. We had to let it out, we had to let it go to truly embrace what came next. There was no coming back after tonight. We’d never see our friends ever again.

"All right, all right, we need to stop." I sobbed in a desperate plea, my voice trembling with emotion. Tears streamed down my face as I struggled to compose myself, determined to be a pillar of strength for them.

"Okay,” Elena consented, wiping her eyes with the tissue I had previously given her.

I gently wipe away April's tears with both of my hands, offering comfort when needed most. I don't hesitate for a moment before using my own sleeve to dry under her nose. I found myself feeling an unexpected sense of protectiveness towards both of them, as if they were the only two people left in the world whom I could truly rely on. Which was true, because as of tonight we were family.

"So everyone remembers what they need to do?" I asked

They nodded in response. As I attempt to stop my knees and hands from trembling in that moment.

"Are you sure that you can get us a car?" April inquired, wiping her cheeks with her sleeve.

"Yeah, it shouldn't be a problem," I said, with a slight sniffle.

We had to be cautious about any potential surveillance, whether it be from neighbors' doorbell cameras or street surveillance. The stakes were too high, so we had to stick to our plan. There was a convenient shortcut behind the church that led to a nearby neighborhood, only a short distance away from Elena's house. From there, it was just a quick five-minute walk to April's. We couldn't even risk sending a message to one another to confirm we got home—a reminder that we were now solely responsible for shaping our own future. April had experienced a challenging day, making it a relief for her to return home without any obligations. She only needed to tidy up, pack her things and follow the instructions Klaus had given her about the train tracks. For Elena and me, it was going to be a challenging night. We knew we had to say our goodbyes before tackling the cleaning and packing.

Once Elena and April left my side, I headed back to my car. I couldn't get Klaus out of my mind. He was on his way home right now, fully aware that we were his wives and that we might have children together in the future. I couldn’t stop wandering if he was thinking of us. And if we were all thinking of him too and not just me.

The night had only just begun.

When I got back, I noticed my mom’s patrol car parked outside our house. The sight of it cut me deeply, and a gentle cry slipped out as I switched off my car's engine. I no longer needed to come up with an excuse to get her back to the house. It was time for us to say goodbye. I carefully composed myself, ensuring my tears were dried and my hair was neatly arranged, before heading inside. I wished to shield her from my pain, as it would only complicate matters further for the both of us. I couldn't afford to break down; every minute was precious. We crossed paths in the hallway, just as she was preparing to leave and finish her shift. I immediately removed the vervain bracelet I had given her, barely registering the discomfort as it seared and caused my skin to bleed. I couldn't hold back the tears as I made eye contact with her, knowing what was about to unfold. I compelled her to believe the story I had prepared for her. I observed her becoming enthralled by my compulsion and gradually embracing every word I uttered. I made her believe we had just sat down to a heart-wrenching movie to justify my tears and that we should switch to a comedy movie while we ate dinner together. I told her that her shift was over and that she should turn off her radio. While she headed into the kitchen I disconnected the house phone and turned off her mobile. No one was going to get in the way of our time together, this was our last night together in our home and the last time I’d see her for probably a few years. It was going to be a special night, one I could hold in my heart until I saw her again.

Together we cooked our favorite dinner from scratch. We watched a comedy movie we hadn’t seen in years, talked about my dad and even took a half hour to look over some photo albums. It was everything I needed it to be and it gave me strength for what came afterwards.

While we’d cooked and watched the movie I’d been running the washing machine and dryer the whole time to ensure her clothes were free of her scent. We packed her luggage cases together, one after the other. I took great care to ensure the photographs and artifacts she packed weren’t known by any of my friends. I lovingly packed every one of them in bubble wrap and tape to keep them perfectly intact throughout her journey. She understood come morning she was to clear out her accounts and use the money to get herself started in Maine. I already planned to ask Klaus to provide her with the money she would need out there for the first few days at least. I trusted Klaus would keep her finically supported throughout her life.

After she was packed I headed outside and thoroughly cleaned her patrol car inside and out, before carefully arranging all her luggage into the trunk. I typed up and sent all the necessary emails to her superiors and co-workers with regards to her retirement. She wouldn’t ever see them again after tonight. It was late now the sheriff’s station was already closed for the night, so I knew she would have to let herself into the building to leave her service pistol and badge on her desk which worked out for the best.

We said our goodbyes in the house, as I preferred to avoid any prying eyes from my neighbors catching sight of us near her car. I stood by the sitting room window, watching her leave. My mom, now content and retired, waved to me as if she were simply heading to work instead of bidding farewell to my life indefinitely. I somehow maintained composure as she drove away, sporting a wide grin on my face until the very end. I couldn't bear the thought of crumbling in her presence. Once she left, I found myself crashing to the ground, overwhelmed by what I’d done. I sought solace by burying my sobs into the softness of the couch, hoping to muffle the sound from prying ears next door.

I could have stayed there all night, allowing my heart to shatter repeatedly until it was completely depleted. I wouldn't have been able to gather the strength to get back on my feet if I had been leaving town all by myself, with no one relying on me. But the thought of Elena and April kept me going; knowing that they, too, were experiencing pain and that I wasn't alone in my suffering helped me find the strength to rise from the floor. I lifted myself off the floor and took a moment to wipe away my tears before finally managing to stand up again. I studied the sitting room, absorbing the memories captured in our photographs, the carefully selected curtains that adorned the walls after our recent makeover, the designated area where our cherished Christmas tree stood each year, and the very spot where my mom proudly declared I had taken my first steps. Everywhere I turned, the past engulfed me, reminding me of what I was leaving behind. The hope of reuniting with my mom someday provided solace, but for now, I couldn't help but feel exposed and defenseless.

I entered the bathroom and faced the mirror, taking in my tired and puffy eyes from all the tears. My forehead was dry and flaky, so I grabbed my hairbrush from the sink counter and gently untangled my hair, pulling it up into a neat bun.

There's so much to do, so much, that I won't get it done by the time they arrive.

The doubt set in hard as I was confronted with the tasks still in front of me. Klaus had been very clear about the extent it would take on each of us physically to clean our houses to the level required. It was easy for him; he had an entire household staff to scrub down his mansion for him as he merely packed a bag and skipped town.

Seriously, I'm pissed off and blaming the guy who just changed my life?

In the kitchen, I grabbed a carton of orange juice from the fridge, a bag of chips from the cabinet, and a bar of fruit and nuts from the snack drawer. I then returned to the sitting room and settled down on the couch. I needed some time to indulge in some unhealthy snacks and rest, as without these small moments, I would surely become overwhelmed in a matter of hours. So I turned on the TV to distract myself while I snacked, made myself comfortable on the couch, and dug into both the chocolate and chips, gulping the orange juice straight from the carton.

Sometimes a girl just needs five minutes, or in my case, ten.

When I was done, the bag of chips had been devoured, the chocolate bar reduced to a mere wrapper, and the carton left with just a few drops. However, I felt a sense of accomplishment as I completed the task. It wasn't just the physical exhaustion but also the mental strain that took a toll on me. There had been a whirlwind of events that left me feeling overwhelmed and struggling to comprehend everything. I had decided to take a ten-minute break, not only to relax but also because I was aware that it would take my mom five minutes to get from our house to the station and another five minutes for her to start her journey out of town.

It’s just me now. It’s going to be me for a little while, but it’s going to be alright.

I couldn't stand the idea of cleaning the house in complete silence, so I decided to browse through my Netflix library and put together a playlist of movies to listen to back-to-back. The movies I chose were quite juvenile, as they were all films I loved as a child. However, I intentionally made this selection to transport myself back to a time of innocence and surround myself with nostalgia while I worked. To be completely honest, I couldn't have cared less about its appearance. If I wanted some distraction, that's exactly what I was going to indulge in.

I began my playlist with Edward Scissorhands, then moved on to Snow White, The Princess Diaries, and Uncle Buck.

As my mind became more innocent, I found it less likely to dwell on my sorrow.

I switched on the movie and felt a sense of joy as the snowflakes gracefully descended over the Twentieth Century Fox logo, accompanied by the enchanting soundtrack of the film. I cranked up the volume of the movie so that its sound filled every room of the house. I returned to the kitchen and headed towards the cabinets under the sink, where we kept all the cleaning products. I retrieved the plastic bucket we typically use for mopping the kitchen floor and filled it with all the items I intended to use tonight. In the same cabinet, my mom kept a big box of latex gloves. I swiftly put on a pair and discovered that they fit comfortably around my wrists and fingers. I gathered an arsenal of cleaning supplies, including cloths, sponges, bleach, antibacterial spray, window cleaner, mildew spray, drain-o, drain foam, oven cleaner, stain remover, carpet shampoo, baking soda, and stainless steel foam cleanser and polish. I would require all of them in order to ensure that the house is impeccably clean.

“You’re okay; everything is going to be alright. You’ve got this, and you’re going to finish on time.” I quietly reassured myself, contemplating the potential outcomes of my diligent efforts and steadfast optimism.

The first task was, of course, taking care of everything that had to be laundered. Every single item was meticulously cleaned with a thorough boil wash, ensuring that even the strongest scents were eradicated. To add an extra touch of freshness, a generous amount of fabric softener was added to the rinse cycle, leaving the clothes feeling luxuriously soft.

As all of this was happening in the utility room, I stayed occupied in the kitchen. I diligently gathered every dish, cup, pot, pan, and glass from the cabinets and carefully washed each one by hand in a basin filled with hot water and bleach. One by one, I delicately cleaned each cabinet, making sure to scrub every surface inside and out. I even added fresh liners to ensure there were no traces of oil or stains left behind. Our kitchen had never been this clean before, and by the time I was done, you could literally eat off the floor. I had even moved the fridge away from the wall to clean the area behind it and beneath it, revealing a layer of crumbs and dust on the tiles below. I had carefully arranged our cans, sorted through all the dry goods, lovingly polished my grandmother's silver, and diligently scrubbed the ceiling with the mop. Continuously tending to the washer and dryer, always stocking and emptying them.

Once I finished tidying up my bedroom, I gathered my suitcases and carefully arranged them on my freshly cleaned mattress. I made sure to give the mattress a thorough treatment with baking soda, flipping it over, and vacuuming it to ensure it was spotless on either side. Everything needed to be perfectly organized before I began packing, which I wanted to do efficiently and without delay. This would be one of the many challenging tasks I had to tackle tonight. Deciding what I should and shouldn't take with me would break my heart, so I hoped to allow myself no more than ten minutes total to get everything folded, stored, and ready by the front door.

After I finished packing up my clothes and what other personal items I was taking with me to Utah, I made my way to the dresser to retrieve my purse and savings. My driver's license and other forms of identification will become obsolete after tonight. The name Caroline Forbes will no longer be mine. I emptied my purse, even though I knew I wouldn't have any use for the money. I was now married to Klaus, and I was well aware of his immense wealth. I would never have to worry about money again now that I was married to him. But still I wanted what cash I had to remain with me on the road there. The bathroom I planned to leave until the end, as I hoped to have a bath before leaving tonight. I was already feeling quite gross and sweaty and didn't like the idea traveling nearly two thousand miles in these clothes. If I kept up my current speed, I'd likely be done by two o'clock, giving me a whole two hours to relax in a bath and finish all last minute things.

It wasn’t so hard to clean the hallway and sitting room as it was the kitchen, with the melodic tunes of Snow White playing softly in the background as I went about my tasks. I didn't whistle happily while I worked like she did, but at least I had calmed down and regained control. I wasn't obsessively tidying up and constantly glancing at the clock; I was simply completing the necessary tasks. However, the discomfort in my knees, elbows, and wrists was a small price to pay, as it signified the dedication I was putting into reaching our objective. I rushed to tidy up my mom's room as soon as I entered it, overwhelmed by the strong scent of her perfume that I found unbearable. I attended to every detail of her bedroom, ensuring that every surface was spotless and every item was in its proper place. I left no corner untouched, from the mattress to the dresser. Finally, I tidied up her closet, making sure that everything was neatly arranged. Her room couldn't appear as if she had never intended to return.

By the time I left her room, all that remained was the scent of disinfectant and bleach. Her perfume had long faded away.

I unfolded the ironing board in the sitting room and meticulously pressed all of my clothes and the freshly washed linens as I indulged in the delightful film, The Princess Diaries. I carefully selected the essential items to accompany me on my journey to Utah and the initial days following my arrival, leaving behind any unnecessary clothing without hesitation. I had already made up my mind to revamp my wardrobe, intending to prioritize self-care and dress more modestly. Dare I even say more like a Mikaelson? He would have left town by now. Somewhere out there, possibly on a long, wide highway, he'd be in his car, possibly with the windows down, and thinking about how he was possibly going to be our husband, my husband. The truth was, no matter what anyone else thought, I was now a married woman, and I was a Mikaelson.

After completing the ironing, I restored everything to its proper place throughout the house. I took the time to hang the curtains back up and replenish the linen cupboard. However, I couldn't help but notice that our belongings no longer carried their familiar scent. Instead, the overpowering odor of bleach permeated the air, which was too much to tolerate. Which meant I’d done it right.

I hummed along to a song playing in the movie as I packed up my suitcases, making sure not to take anything that my friends would notice was missing. Just like my mom's bedroom, I had to leave everything intact to give the impression that I fully intended to come back to town after helping Elena adjust to her new life as a vampire. I carefully selected my clothes, especially what I’d wear on the road. I made sure to bring along my trusty toiletry bag and my most cherished pair of pajamas. Of course, I couldn't forget my boots and sneakers. In addition, I packed a handful of old photos capturing special moments with my mom and dad. And, of course, I made sure to include my all-time favorite book and a selection of CDs. But again – these were all things I knew Bonnie wouldn’t note were missing. She didn’t know me as well as she thought she did.

I rolled my suitcases out into the hallway, carefully placing them by the front door in anticipation of my departure. Pausing to observe them collectively brought a sense of undeniable reality. I couldn't help but wonder if Elena and April were managing their own homes, just like me, as we approached the final stages of our cleaning and preparation for faking our deaths.

As I was tidying up, a delightful chicken had been roasting in the oven. Once it was perfectly cooked, I carefully divided it into delectable bite-sized portions. I gathered a selection of crisp lettuce, a vibrant red onion, and a mix of red and yellow peppers from the refrigerator. Finally, I decided to take a moment and fully immerse myself in the task at hand: preparing for the road. I hadn't informed Elena or April about my plans. A small smile formed as I started to thoroughly and affectionately prepare food for the two women who wanted to be a part of my life forever. We were going to spend a considerable amount of time in the car, so I wanted to ensure maximum comfort for both of us. I began by preparing some delicious chicken sandwiches, generously seasoning the chicken with a blend of spices and spreading a layer of creamy mayonnaise. I carefully sliced the fresh vegetables to perfection and skillfully assembled everything together. Afterwards, I prepared a variety of sandwiches, including classic ham and tuna. I utilized the last of the vegetables in the refrigerator and prepared a delectable pot of vegetable soup, which I transferred into a sizable flask to maintain its warmth. I carefully wrapped each sandwich in tin foil, ensuring that the edges were neat and crisp. Then, I stacked them one by one into the tupperware that I had prepared. I made sure to carefully secure everything together, ensuring that nothing would be crushed. We had a lot of eggs left over in the fridge and so I used half of them to make deviled eggs and the others I boiled and kept in their shells for us to eat come breakfast on the road tomorrow. There was even enough time for me to boil some pasta and make up tuna pasta.

I gathered them all and carefully packed them into a spacious black luggage holdall.

Next, I included a selection of refreshing drinks, including chilled bottles of orange juice, water, and a variety of canned sodas like cola, Red Bull, and Sprite. Then I packed chocolate bars, crackers, peanuts, large bags of chips, babybels, boxes of raisins, and a whole tub of fresh fruit. It may appear overwhelming, but the food would have been wasted if it remained here. In addition, this allowed us to avoid making any stops for food along the way, resulting in a faster arrival in Utah. I gathered a variety of other items, including plastic utensils, paper plates, plastic bowls, and napkins. Once everything was packed, I gathered three smaller individual flasks and prepared hot chocolate for each of us.

While the hot chocolate was warming up, I made sure to grab four packets of painkillers for the journey ahead. None of us would have bothered to take care of ourselves tonight; we were all frantically scrambling to leave. Eventually, our bodies were bound to catch up with us, and we were destined to experience a harsh crash. Once the hot chocolates were prepared, I added a touch of sweetness with mini marshmallows and a dollop of rich double cream. I made sure to place the bag with my luggage on top, so I wouldn't forget to bring it along in the car.

I took a quick detour to the bathroom and grabbed a bin liner from beneath the bathroom sink. Inside, I packed four rolls of toilet paper, a box of tampons, feminine wipes, Dove hand cream, and a small tub of Vaseline. Along with a few romance books and plenty of magazines for us to read on the road. All the necessary products we would need while on the road. Later with a screwdriver in hand, I made my way back to the laptop in the sitting room. Carefully, I began unscrewing the case, eager to retrieve my hard drive. With all my might, I forcefully snapped the drive in half, determined to obliterate the valuable information I had painstakingly collected about the spell and the properties in Utah. I carefully placed the sturdy laptop back in its protective casing and brought it back to my bedroom.

I quickly surveyed my surroundings before venturing outside just after one o clock. I had my trusty cleaning supplies in hand as I set out to tackle the task of cleaning my car. With all three of us having been in it tonight, it was clear that a thorough cleaning would be necessary, and I was prepared to put in the effort. Once the car was spotless, I took it for a spin through town and discreetly parked it behind the abandoned library, where there were no surveillance cameras in sight. I cleaned the steering wheel and door handles with my fingertips, ensuring that I framed the hunter flawlessly. And if he had abandoned my car, he would make sure to cover all his bases. I raced back to my street at vampire speed, making sure I was nothing more than a blur.

I walked down the street with my damaged hard drive in hand. I disposed of one half in a storm drain and the other half a few streets away before retrieving my phone from my back pocket. With a few taps, I erased all my contacts, settings, and files. After that, I removed the SIM card, breaking it into two pieces. I discreetly placed one half in a neighbor's hedge and the other under a parked car. As I continued walking, I spotted a house constructing a new garage. Swiftly, I cut through their driveway, dropping one half of the phone into their cement mixer. Finally, as I passed the small park near my house, I carefully opened the lid of the dog waste bin and dropped the other half inside.

I made my way to the Bakers' driveway; in their garage, a vintage maroon Ford station wagon sat, tempting me with the possibility of using it to flee from Mystic Falls. We needed a car that would seamlessly fit in—something with a vintage charm that would catch you off guard. With a single swift motion, I broke the massive garage padlock in my grasp. Fortunately, there were a few gasoline canisters inside the garage. Surprisingly, they were relatively clean, with only a faint damp odor, suggesting they had been used frequently. They left the keys inside the car, probably believing the garage padlock was enough to stop theft, they were deeply mistaken.

We were going to be stuck in this car for a while, so I wanted to ensure that everything was in order. I brought down some cleaning supplies from the house after parking their car just out front and used them to wipe down the leather seats, as well as every nook and cranny of the dashboard and windows. I'm not sure how long it had been since anyone had cleaned it, but I had to use four cloths just to get rid of all the dust. I refined every detail, ensuring it was flawless and met my exacting standards. Next on the agenda was to inspect and adjust the tire pressure of each tire, followed by a thorough examination of the spare tire's levels. I made sure to thoroughly inspect the car's condition by checking the oil levels and adding water as needed. I also made sure to include some screen wash to guarantee that the solution we used to clean our windows while driving was of the highest quality. I swapped out the old, stale air freshener they had with a fresh new car smell one, placing one in the front and one in the back. I arranged the recently cleaned pillows, placing two on each chair and across the backseat. I also made sure to include a cozy wool blanket for each of us, along with a pair of soft socks. Every blanket I carefully placed in the car was electric, guaranteeing optimal warmth and comfort for the three of us during our journey. The blankets were powered by a cigarette lighter and had a heat-length time of eight hours. I had kept all of them charging in the house as I had cleaned, and so they were toasty warm now. The blankets were heavy in weight, ensuring they would do the job all the way to Utah. Once more, I had a nagging feeling that I was going too far, but then I considered the predicament they would find themselves in upon their return. And if I could enhance their experience by offering small comforts to alleviate their suffering, then that's precisely what I intended to do. I stashed a notebook, a pen, and an assortment of colorful post-it notes in the glove compartment of the car. We agreed to address the schedule once we were en route and only when we were collectively ready to tackle it.

After returning inside, I made sure to secure the front door and swiftly gathered all the cleaning supplies, tossing them into the trash bag alongside the other items I was eager to discard that evening. I used the backdoor and hopped the fence into my neighbor's yard, mixing my trash with theirs, which blended easily enough. After returning through the kitchen, I made sure to secure the backdoor just like the front before I proceeded to carefully close and lock all the windows, my hands still protected by gloves.

It was time to handle the crime scene. I slipped on a fresh pair of gloves and made my way into my bedroom to collect the blood bags. I had concealed them, all for the sake of my mom. I diligently followed Klaus's instructions and thoroughly set up two separate pools of blood in different rooms of the house. One pool contained my blood type, while the other was designated for my mom's. I carefully used my gloved hands to spread the blood across the floor, creating the illusion that the person who was injured might not have been able to get up again, considering the significant amount of blood present. Once the blood ampoule had seeped into the floorboard grooves, I quickly cleaned it up using kitchen roll paper. As I moved from one crime scene to another, I disposed of all the dirty and marked paper in the kitchen sink. I took out a lighter and carefully burned all the stained paper sheets in the sink until they turned into ashes, which I quickly washed away. Afterwards, a generous amount of drain cleaner was used to thoroughly remove any residue. Once more, I obediently followed Klaus's instructions and carefully dipped a brush into the small amount of blood that was left in the bags. Afterward, I carefully scattered minuscule droplets of blood throughout the house using the brush. These droplets were imperceptible to the naked eye, but I knew that a supernatural entity would eventually detect their distinct scent. I found my blood type on one of the chair legs, another one on a wire behind the television, and my mom's blood type on the edge of the floor lamp in the sitting room. I carefully sliced the bags containing the substance into smaller fragments using a pair of scissors. Afterwards, I proceeded to pour the contents into the blender, ensuring that everything was properly disposed of down the drain. I allowed the faucet to flow for a few minutes before carefully adding the necessary amount of bleach.

I can't believe I got it all done. I mean, seriously, I got it all done with time to spare, like I hoped for. That does not happen!

Before I could finally relax in my bath, I headed to the kitchen and gathered six hot water bottles. One by one, I filled them with steaming hot water. We each had two hot water bottles, which were absolutely essential given the current situation and the sudden decrease in temperature over the past few hours. Eventually, the consequences of our actions caught up with us unexpectedly, and we sought solace in the preparations we had made. That's why I made sure to bring blankets and painkillers, as I needed to look after everyone. I brought them outside and carefully positioned one at each of our feet, with another one placed on top of our blankets, ready to be placed wherever we pleased. I sensed that my lower back pain would welcome the warmth on the road.

At last, the moment had come for me to indulge in a soothing bath, relieving my tired muscles. I made my way to the bathroom, my footsteps growing increasingly burdened. This was going to be my final bubble bath in my house, so I was determined to make it a memorable one, despite my overwhelming fatigue. I began my bath ritual by delicately pouring a few drops of lavender-scented bubble bath into the steaming water. Next, I added a touch of Johnson's bedtime bubble bath, followed by a generous amount of Epsom salts to provide relief to my tired muscles. To complete the sensory experience, I sprinkled in a dash of coconut-scented bath salts. I carefully lit the tea light candles I had used before for Elena and placed them along the sink counter and bath tub edge, filling the room with a gentle, warm glow. I undressed and put my clothes in the washing machine, covering them in bleach, destroying them and my scent with them.

It wasn't just the sweat from all the housework that I wanted to wash off my skin; as strange as it sounded, I wanted to leave my house tonight not only clean but also cleansed. I felt no shame about my love life or the number of partners I had been intimate with. I saw nothing wrong with my choices. I desired them, and they desired me, and for a fleeting moment, everything felt acceptable. However, things have changed since then. However, there was something I needed to rid myself of, and that was my connection with Tyler. I hadn't yet fully processed everything that had happened tonight, so I wasn't in the right mindset to entertain such thoughts. I felt composed, and as I gazed at the misty water, I couldn't help but yearn to purify myself from my interactions with him. It wasn't because our connection wasn't genuine back then, but rather because I didn't appreciate the person I became when I was with him. That girl had quite the ego and occasionally displayed immaturity. I was eager to dive into that challenging situation and cleanse myself of her presence, as the person I had become was far more resilient than the girl I used to be. I had every intention of doing this, not just for myself but also for Klaus. He ended up marrying the girl who made a solemn vow and promised to reunite with him in Utah. I had to remove the oil from her hair and eliminate the scent from her skin beforehand.

I stopped when I caught my reflection in the mirror. Taking a deep breath, I watched my face, holding my breath briefly before exhaling. It was as if a sudden burden had been lifted from my shoulders. I gazed at my reflection, a small smile forming on my lips as I whispered, "It's going to be alright. You are now Mrs. Mickaelson, and you're going to figure everything else out with time. Just get through tonight."

I started by putting on whitening strips for my teeth and then applied a nose strip to get rid of blackheads and clogged pores on my nose. As they went about their day, I decided to treat myself to a refreshing facial scrub. I couldn't help but appreciate the satisfying texture as it gently exfoliated my skin, removing all the impurities and leaving it feeling clean and rejuvenated. I filled the sink with hot water and gathered my razor and shaving gel formulated for sensitive skin. I shaved my lower body, starting with my feet and gradually moving upward. I found myself contorting into some rather unconventional positions in order to achieve a completely hairless pubic area. Although it took me a bit longer than anticipated, I managed to successfully complete the task. There was even a moment when I ingeniously used the toilet roll holder as a makeshift support to ensure thorough cleanliness and tidiness. Later, I took care of my underarms by shaving them and used a waxing strip on my upper lip to get rid of any peach fuzz. I plucked my eyebrows and then proceeded to remove all the strips. Afterwards, I diligently brushed my teeth, using up the last of my toothpaste, which I will now have to dispose of. Later, I applied a gel-backed facial mask that covered my entire face, leaving only my eyes exposed. I gathered my hair and secured it with a hairclip, then finally sank into my bath. I knew I couldn't fully unwind until I freshened up, so I reached for my luxurious Nivea body wash made with cashmere. After that, I gathered my Aussie Mega shampoo and conditioner. My arms were sore as I vigorously massaged the shampoo into my hair, determined to eliminate any traces of dirt and grease. Later on, I managed to gather the strength to give my hair a double conditioning treatment.

We’d need a shower after days on the road. Perhaps we could locate a public pool or hotel when we got to Utah. It seemed impossible for Klaus to see me after enduring a two-thousand-mile car ride without me having the chance to freshen up. Put it this way I wasn’t going to enter my new clean house smelling like the road.

Once I was fully refreshed, I settled deeper into the bathtub, relishing the sensation of the bubbles caressing my skin as I savored a moment of bliss with my eyes shut tight. I left the bathroom door ajar so I could keep an eye on the clock on the wall. It was only ten minutes past three, so I decided to indulge myself and soak for another ten minutes. I had completed nearly all of the tasks on my list, and now was the perfect moment to relax and take some me time. There was always something inexplicably profound about taking a bath. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but every time I emerged from the water, rejuvenated and purified, I felt an invincible sense of empowerment. Maybe it was foolish, but that's just how I felt. I couldn't help but wonder about April and Elena and what they could be up to right now. If they were smart, they would have already gotten rid of their phones and faked their deaths. We had arranged to meet at this location at four in the morning, taking advantage of the night. Any police officers patrolling the streets would have likely found a secluded spot to park and rest before their shift change at six.

Klaus would have long departed from Mystic Falls; his compelled staff would have vacated the premises and erased all memory of their employment or the exhaustion they experienced. There would be no trace of him in that house anymore, not even fingerprints. It would be as if he never even existed, just like our own houses. Even if our friends thought we were still alive, they wouldn't be able to locate us. Even as I sank in the bathtub, I could sense the protective shield enveloping me. However, the barrier wasn't our sole source of protection in that place. A strong intuition assured me that, while I may be uncertain of Klaus' stance on these marriages, I was certain that he would defend us. He would not only fulfill his duties as a husband but also as a man. He would never allow anyone to find us.

I chose to air dry to avoid leaving my scent on any towels. After finishing my bath, my clothes from today were ready to be put into the dryer. We had all made a collective decision to wear black clothes tonight, at least until we had crossed a few state lines. I chose a pair of black leggings and a loose black turtleneck jumper. I made the choice to prioritize comfort over style. I grinned as I picked up my black briefs, the ones I reserved for that time of the month. They were a size larger than my usual dress size, which added an extra level of comfort. Next, I selected a black bra without wires and thick straps. It may not be the most aesthetically pleasing, but it provides excellent support. I then opted for my most comfortable and unattractive pair of socks, which I concealed beneath my black Uggs. I picked up a pair of sunglasses and a black hat. By the time I finished getting dressed, my hair was nearly dry. I gazed at my reflection, a genuine smile gracing my face. There is no need for cosmetics or pretenses; I am just embracing my true self.

I went through every bin in the house, carefully extracting the trash bags from each one. I then proceeded to dispose of them all by depositing them into the sizable trash bag hanging from my kitchen door. I ventured into my backyard and swiftly leaped over the fences of five neighboring houses. Among these houses, there was one particular family with four children. Every other week, each household would place a single bin outside their home. However, this particular family stood out by placing four bins outside their residence. They had newborn triplets, and the odor emanating from their trash cans was indescribable. Fortunately, this provided me with the perfect opportunity to discreetly dispose of my bag alongside theirs. Upon my return, I glanced at the clock in the kitchen and noticed that it was now ten minutes to four. I only had ten minutes left, and that was it. The mere thought of it sent my heart racing in my chest. I felt a sense of unease about attending, and the thought of our friends discovering our absence made me anxious. It seemed as though my bladder was constantly full.

I made sure to thoroughly clean every nook and cranny of the house, diligently wiping down the door handles, light switches, and window locks with the sleeve of my jumper. I gathered the letter Klaus had given us, which detailed mine and Elena's choice to leave town for a few months. I positioned this on the side table in the hallway, making it the prominent focal point upon entering through the front door. It served as a designated spot for storing the mail.

I turned off the water to the house and was just about to do the same with the power when I hesitated. Instead, I headed over to the air conditioner monitor, conveniently located behind the kitchen door, and turned up the dial. If the hunter had taken our lives, he would have ensured that the dwelling remained cool, eliminating any lingering tracings of blood that may have escaped his notice. What you need to understand about our fear is that we were also running from the hunter tonight. I carefully moved through the rooms, my hands concealed by my sleeves, ensuring that all the lights were turned off. I made sure to leave the curtains open, though, so that the house would maintain its usual appearance by morning. I lacked the courage to venture on a final stroll around the house, even under the cover of darkness. The emotional toll was simply too overwhelming for me. As time passed, my mind became blank, my heart pounded in my chest, fearing that the girls may have reconsidered their decision.

I waited in the hallway next to my luggage, confident that I had completed everything on my checklist. There was no more tasks, no need for double-checking, and everything was in perfect order. I had managed to arrive on time with two minutes to spare. I stood there, completely still, gazing out of the glass panel of my front door, eagerly anticipating any signs of activity on the street. I held the keys to the station wagon firmly in my hand, prepared for what lay ahead. The only thing I could hear was the sound of my own heavy breathing as the gravity of what lay ahead sank in. A figured appeared in the distance down the street from my house then. Tears filled my eyes instantly discovering it was indeed April. She walked with unwavering resolve, tightly gripping two hefty black suitcases in each hand, with two fully packed holdalls slung across her chest. Regardless of the burden, she maintained a swift tempo, ensuring to lower her gaze as we had previously agreed.

She was wearing a black oversized jumper that draped effortlessly over her black skinny jeans. Her face slightly concealed by the hood, with a black beanie hat peeking out from underneath. She had on a pair of wide-frame sunglasses that looked just like mine. She had on a pair of cute black boots. She adhered to each instruction and carefully planned out every detail, even going so far as to avoid making any noise with her luggage wheels as she made her way down the street. I couldn't help but be in awe of her organisation, and I found myself giving her a great deal of admiration.

I cautiously concealed my hand within my sleeve, ensuring it was hidden, before boldly swinging the front door open to its maximum extent. I carefully carried my suitcases out onto the front porch, one by one. Holding the bag filled with our snacks and drinks, I made sure to keep it separate from the others. I turned towards the door, my trembling gloved hands closing and securing it behind me. I inhaled deeply, attempting to regain my composure, and resisted the temptation to glance back indoors. I was aware that doing so would break my heart. I couldn't afford to crumble at this moment. In a rush of adrenaline, I snatched my hefty suitcases and hurriedly made my way off the porch deck. Surrounded by silence, I could only hear the steady rhythm of my own heartbeat as I walked towards the station wagon. April glanced up and noticed me strolling down the walkway, carrying my cases. She hastened her steps, grappling with the weight of her luggage.

She moved forward with fixed determination, her usual cheerful demeanor absent from sight. She was completely absorbed in our objective, and no distractions could sway her. She was desperate to leave Mystic Falls for good. We were bound together as a family, determined to leave town, and nothing could stand in our way. I was confident that we would resolve all other matters. As I approached the trunk of the car, April quickened her pace, eager to load up our luggage. I silently hoped that Elena wasn't too far behind. April remained silent as she approached me, immediately taking charge of loading her belongings into the trunk while I discreetly attended to my own. I was taken aback by her unexpected strength as we struggled with both our increasing fear and the plummeting temperature. The temperature had dropped below freezing, and we could see our breath in front of us as we battled against the harsh cold.

I left her behind and hurried up the walkway towards the porch. I quickly gathered the remaining luggage and made my way back to the car, eager to get on the road before the sun began to rise. I stood still next to the front door, shutting my eyes and softly murmuring, "Goodbye."

As I looked back from the porch, my heart filled with joy to see that Elena had finally arrived. She was not only here, but she had already started assisting April with all the luggage behind the trunk. I cannot begin to express the immense relief that engulfed me in that moment. Elena and April stood side by side, both dressed in black; everything was going according to plan. Elena had her hood pulled up over her head, complete with a black cap. She wore a stylish pair of black jeans and paired them with black converses. As they packed the last of the suitcases into the trunk, I effortlessly placed the bag with all the food and drinks in the backseat, along with a bag of other essentials for the road. I quickly made my way to the driver's seat and swiftly grabbed my heated blanket, draping it over my waist and legs. I settled into the seat, placing my socks beside me on the side of the chair. I shifted the hot water bottle to my lower back, where it promptly began to alleviate the discomfort in my muscles as I ignited the car engine. I could already sense the comforting warmth of the heated blanket and the soothing embrace of the hot water bottle on the floor.

The trunk door was closed in a matter of seconds. Elena and April simultaneously opened their doors, their eyes fixed on the blankets and other road comforts in their seats. Without wasting a moment, they climbed inside to make use of them. Elena settled into the front seat with me, while April sat in the seat directly behind her. I quickly reached up and adjusted the rear-view mirror to see April as she buckled her seatbelt. April and Elena watched me closely as I locked my car door, unsure of why I was being so careful. Quietly, they each followed suit and locked their own doors. In that moment, it felt as if we were all humans together. We were about to embark on a cross-country journey, and the feeling of vulnerability was unmistakable. The car engine came alive with a soft purr and I slowly pulled out onto the street without looking back at my house even once. We sat in silence, our gaze sweeping the surroundings, searching for any hint of other cars on the road. I didn't expect to encounter anyone at this early hour, but it was wise to take precautions.

A haunting stillness surrounded us as we made our final journey through our once beloved town. My pulse quickened with each fleeting second, uncertain of the potential threats concealed in the darkness. There was complete silence, except for the gentle hum of the engine as we navigated the empty streets. I appreciated the tranquility, as it kept me vigilant and attuned to our environment. We were well aware of the repercussions that awaited those who dared to defy the town curfew—being apprehended by the authorities. The very idea filled us with dread, as every police officer in town was under the influence of vervain. As we inched closer to our dreams, a feeling of unease washed over me. Our friends were peacefully asleep, oblivious to the impending doom that loomed. We were fully aware that our actions would carry significant repercussions, affecting the lives of our loved ones.

I was eager to inquire about Elena's evening, but I understood that prying too much might cause her to reconsider sharing. I could feel my heart pounding and my mind racing to stay on track. Failure was simply not an option, especially after coming this far. As we drove down the desolate back road, silence filled the air. The towering pine trees stood above us, their long shadows stretching across the road ahead. I hesitated to switch on the lights, fully aware of the need for caution and patience.

Almost there, almost there, I reassured myself, feeling confident that I was getting closer.

The silence enveloped the car, broken only by the sound of our labored breaths, as we cautiously approached the foreboding outskirts of the town. We were completely absorbed by the path that lay before us. But April couldn't sit still, always glancing over her shoulder. I couldn't help but feel relieved that she was on high alert. Out of nowhere, a glimmer of light captured my attention on the far-off horizon. As we approached, it became clear that it was the sign bidding farewell to Mystic Falls. I noticed April unbuckle her seatbelt and slip between us. I felt a surge of excitement as she maneuvered her way between Elena and me, her gaze locked onto the tiny LED light.

My eyes welled up with tears. We were on our way to Utah, and it was official. I couldn’t tolerate the cold any longer, so I promptly switch on the heater. I wasn't aware of the others, but I suddenly felt an intense chill and an urgent need for warmth. I pressed my lips together, as I finally glanced their way and saw the pair, both valiantly holding back their tears. I lifted my knees to balance out the steering wheel. After securing a firm hold, I reached behind me to make some adjustments to the pillows. I wanted to ensure that I would be at ease for the extensive journey that lay ahead.

Beside me, Elena and April followed suit. Despite their tears, they both sent me a smile when they came to see for themselves the efforts I had made to ensure their comfort.

"It'll heat up soon," I promised, finally breaking the silence.

"Do you think he's already left town?" Elena asked as she proceeded to wrap her blanket over her body and up around her shoulders.

"He's gone; he’ll be hundreds of miles ahead of us by now." I replied

"So now the journey begins," April said.

This is the exact spot where our journey began. The three of us are on the open road, embarking on a journey towards our new life with Klaus. The anticipation of what was to come was almost too much to bear. Were Elena, April, and I already competing for his affection? Would we succumb to jealousy, or would we find a way to navigate our shared marriage with a newfound maturity?

So much remained uncertain.

And we had only just begun.

Darkest Temptations - KatrinaHCreates - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.