ARK: Survival Evolved offers a variety of customizable settings to tailor the player's experience. Common ARK settings include breeding, difficulty level, taming speed, and gathering rate settings. These settings allow players to adjust the game and create a unique experience. The guide below will walk players through a list of common Ark settings, what they do, and how players can customize it to their liking.
Note | Learn how to edit Ark server settings here. |
Ark Server Settings Guide
Breeding and Mating
Setting: BabyCuddleGracePeriodMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value higher increases the time before a baby dino loses imprinting quality after a care session.
Setting: Example: BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value lower decreases the time baby dinos want to cuddle. The default 1.0
value gives an 8-hour interval between cuddles. If BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=
is at a higher value, BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier=
should have a much lower value to achieve 100% imprinting quality on all dinos, provided every cuddle is applied. BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=5
and BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier=0.25
allow 100% imprinting quality on all dinos with 2-hour interval cuddles.
Setting: BabyCuddleLoseImprintQualitySpeedMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value lower decreases the speed for a baby dino to lose imprinting quality after the grace period of not cuddling.
Setting: BabyFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value lower makes babies eat slower.
Setting: Example: If BabyImprintAmountMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value higher increases the imprinting quality percentage generated per cuddle. 1.0
gives 10% imprinting quality, setting this to 2.0
gives 20% imprinting quality.
Setting: BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value higher makes babies mature faster. Mature time varies depending on the dino.
Setting: EggHatchSpeedMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value higher makes eggs hatch faster.
Setting: LayEggIntervalMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value lower makes dinos lay eggs faster.
Setting: MatingIntervalMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value lower allows dinos to start mating sooner.
Setting: MatingSpeedMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value higher makes dinos finish mating faster.
Building and Structures
Setting: AllowCaveBuildingPvE=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
allows building in caves on a PvE server.Setting: AllowCaveBuildingPvP=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
allows building in caves on a PvP server.Setting: bAllowPlatformSaddleMultiFloors=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
allows multiple floors on platform saddles.Setting: bDisableStructurePlacementCollision=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
allows structures to collide and clip into the terrain, allowing for more flexible building.Setting: OverrideStructurePlatformPrevention=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
allows the building of functional spike and turret structures on platform saddles.Setting: StructureResistanceMultiplier=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value lower decreases the damage a structure takes.Setting: StructureDamageRepairCooldown=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value lower reduces the cooldown period on structure repair from the last time it was damaged. The value is in seconds. When set to 0
, the cooldown is removed.Setting: AlwaysAllowStructurePickup=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
makes the quick pickup system available immediately after placing down a structure.Setting: StructurePickupTimeAfterPlacement=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value lower decreases the time for quick pickup to be available after placing down a structure. The value is in seconds.Setting: AllowIntegratedSPlusStructures=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to False
removes the S+ Structures added in the Homestead update. Setting: StructurePickupHoldDuration=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value lower increases the quick-pickup hold duration. When set to 0
, it is disabled, making quick-pickup instant.
Crop and Poop Rates
Setting: CropGrowthSpeedMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value higher increases the speed of crop growth.Setting: CropDecaySpeedMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value lower increases the time before crop decay.Setting: PoopIntervalMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value higher decreases the frequency of player and dino pooping. Setting this too low may cause dinos to get stuck in pooping animation, which can interfere in battles.
Day and Night Cycle
Setting: DayCycleSpeedScale=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value lower slows down the full-day cycle. When set to 0.035
, it matches a real-time 24-hour cycle.
Setting: DayTimeSpeedScale=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value higher increases daytime duration.
Setting: NightTimeSpeedScale=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value lower decreases nighttime duration.
Decay Rates
Setting: DisableDinoDecayPvE=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
disables the gradual decay of tamed dino ownership in PvE. Leaving this on False
allows any player to claim dinos.
Setting: DisableStructureDecayPvE=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
disables the gradual decay of player-made structures in PvE.
Setting: DifficultyOffset=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value higher raises the max level of dinos, makes bosses tougher, and increases loot quality. See here for a more in-depth guide on calculating the Ark difficulty setting.
Example: At 1.0
with OverrideOfficialDifficulty=5.0
, the max wild dino level goes up to 150.
Setting: Example: At OverrideOfficialDifficulty=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value higher raises the max level of dinos, makes bosses tougher, and increases loot quality. See here for a more in-depth guide on calculating the Ark difficulty setting. 5.0
with DifficultyOffset=1.0
, the max wild dino level goes up to 150.
Dino and Player Stats
Setting: Setting: Setting: Setting: Setting: DinoCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value higher makes dinos heal faster. While useful for tamed dinos, wild dinos are affected as well.DinoCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier=1.0
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value lower makes dinos tire slower.PlayerBaseStatMultipliers[7]=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value higher increases the player's weight base stat.
Example: When set to 2.0
, players gain 20 weight instead of 10 when leveling up the stat.
Setting: PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=1.0
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value lower makes players hungry slower.PlayerCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value higher makes players heal faster.PlayerCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier=1.0
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value lower makes players tire slower.PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier=1.0
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value lower makes players thirsty slower.Setting: PlayerDamageMultiplier=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value higher increases player attack damage.
Setting: PlayerResistanceMultiplier=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value lower increases player resistance.
Setting: Setting: AllowFlyerCarryPvE=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
allows player-mounted flying dinos to pick up other dinos and players in PVE.Setting: bAllowFlyerSpeedLeveling=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
brings back the Movement Speed stat to flyers and can be leveled up.-ForceAllowCaveFlyers
Location: Command Line - Custom End
Description: Adding the setting enables flying in caves and on the Genesis map. Note that setting the value to false
will disable flying on all maps.
Game Mode
Setting: bDisableFriendlyFire=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
disables friendly fire in PvP.
Setting: bPvEDisableFriendlyFire=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
disables friendly fire in PvE.
Setting: bShowCreativeMode=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
enables creative mode, accessed through the ESC menu. The option will only show for players with admin access.
Setting: serverForceNoHud=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
disables the HUD.
Setting: serverHardcore=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
spawns players back to level 1 after death.
Setting: serverPVE=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
disables PvP.
Setting: DisablePvEGamma=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
restricts players from editing gamma in PvE.Setting: EnablePvPGamma=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
allows players to edit gamma in PvP.
Harvest Rates
Setting: HarvestAmountMultiplier=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value higher increases the number of materials received from harvesting trees, rocks, corpses, etc.
Setting: Example: The more strikes a tree takes before being chopped down increases the overall harvest yield.HarvestHealthMultiplier=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value higher increases the health of resources that can be harvested.
Loot Quality
Setting: FishingLootQualityMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value higher increases the quality of loot when fishing.
Setting: SupplyCrateLootQualityMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value higher increases the quality of loot found in supply crates.
Resource Spawn
Setting: ResourceNoReplenishRadiusPlayers=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value higher spawns resources further from players.
Setting: Setting: ResourceNoReplenishRadiusStructures=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value higher spawns resources further from structures.ResourcesRespawnPeriodMultiplier=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value lower causes resource nodes such as trees, rocks, and bushes to respawn more quickly.
Quality of Life
Setting: AllowHitMarkers=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
enables hit markers for ranged attacks.
Setting: bAllowCustomRecipes=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
allows players to create custom food recipes.
Setting: allowThirdPersonPlayer=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
allows Third Person mode.
Setting: bAllowUnlimitedRespecs=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
removes the 24-hour cooldown when using Mindwipe Tonic.
Setting: bUseCorpseLocator=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
enables a green beam of light on the player's location of death.
Setting: bUseSingleplayerSettings=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
applies multipliers on several settings, such as difficulty and taming. It is balanced around solo and small group play.
Setting: CraftingSkillBonusMultiplier=1.0
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value higher increases the bonus received when leveling up the Crafting skill, improving the quality of custom food recipes and blueprints when crafting.
Setting: EnableCryoSicknessPVE=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to False
disables cryo sickness in PvE.
Setting: FuelConsumptionIntervalMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value higher causes fuel sources such as wood and gas to burn longer. Note that turning wood into charcoal will take longer as well.
Setting: HairGrowthSpeedMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value higher increases the speed of hair growth.
Setting: ItemStackSizeMultiplier=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value higher increases the global maximum item stack size.
Setting: NonPermanentDiseases=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
removes diseases when respawning.
Setting: PreventDiseases=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
disables diseases completely.
Setting: PreventSpawnAnimations=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
removes the wake-up animation when players spawn.
Setting: ServerCrosshair=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
enables the crosshair. Leaving this on False enables attachments in-game such as iron sights for immersion.
Setting: ShowFloatingDamageText=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
enables showing damage numbers.
Setting: ShowMapPlayerLocation=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
enables an icon to show the player's location when viewing the map.
Server Notifications
Setting: alwaysNotifyPlayerJoined=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
notifies players when someone joins the server.
Setting: alwaysNotifyPlayerLeft=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
notifies players when someone leaves the server.
Spoil Time
Setting: Setting: Setting:GlobalCorpseDecompositionTimeMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value higher extends the time for corpses to spoil globally.GlobalItemDecompositionTimeMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value higher extends the time it takes for dropped items and loot bags to spoil globally.GlobalSpoilingTimeMultiplier=
Location: Game.ini
Description: Setting the value higher extends the time for perishable items to spoil globally.
Setting: TamingSpeedMultiplier=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value higher makes taming dinos faster.
Tribute Downloads
Setting: noTributeDownloads=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
disables downloading characters from other servers.
Setting: PreventDownloadSurvivors=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
disables downloading characters from other servers.
Setting: PreventDownloadItems=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
disables downloading items from other servers.
Setting: PreventDownloadDinos=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
disables downloading dinos from other servers.
Setting: PreventUploadSurvivors=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
disables uploading characters to other servers.
Setting: PreventUploadItems=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
disables uploading items to other servers.
Setting: PreventUploadDinos=
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value to True
disables uploading dinos to other servers.
Setting: XPMultiplier=1.0
Location: GameUserSettings.ini
Description: Setting the value higher increases the overall experience gain of players, tribes, and dinosaurs when doing various actions.
ARK: Survival Evolved provides players with an incredibly customizable experience, with a vast array of settings to adjust and tailor the game to their liking. It's important to note that this guide does not cover every setting in Ark but instead focuses on the most commonly asked-for options. Whether players are interested in breeding, building, taming, or more, settings are available to modify each game aspect. The flexibility of ARK's settings adds depth to an already immersive and exciting game, making it one of the most popular survival games available today.
Helpful Links
Ark Server Settings Wiki
Edit Ark Server Settings
Enable Ark Events
Install Mods on an Ark Server